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Preparation > civilian : What is the obligation of a state in the event of non compliance with an ?

Question 2-1 : The state has to notify the council of icao and publish such differences in the national aip modifications to international standards shall be published in the national aip only differences to recommended practices have to be notified to icao the state has to notify the assembly of icao only the state has to publish such differences in the national aip only

Concerning the chicago convention of 1944 ?

Question 2-2 : Each state has total sovereignty over the airspace above its territory each state was required to recognise the other states attending only 52 nations were permitted to attend all states in the world attended

The air navigation commission consists of ?

Question 2-3 : 19 members appointed by the icao council 10 members appointed by the icao assembly 33 members appointed by the icao assembly 24 members appointed by the icao council

exemple 110 19 members appointed by the icao council.19 members appointed by the icao council.

Where is the headquarters of icao ?

Question 2-4 : Montreal paris new york london

International civil aviation organization icao .999 robert bourassa boulevard montréal quebec h3c 5h7 canada exemple 114 montreal.montreal.

What is the status of iata ?

Question 2-5 : It is a trade association of aviation operators and others involved with international aviation it is an associate body icao it is the international legislative arm of icao it represents the air transport operators at icao

Ecqb04 october 2017...iata's mission is to represent lead and serve the airline industry for over 70 years iata has developed global commercial standards upon which the air transport industry is built it's aim is to assist airlines by simplifying processes and increasing passenger convenience while reducing costs and improving efficiency exemple 118 it is a trade association of aviation operators and others involved with international aviation.it is a trade association of aviation operators and others involved with international aviation.

What does the acronym iata stand for ?

Question 2-6 : International air transport association international air trade association international airline trade agreement international airline training association

Iata it is an international organisation its mission is to represent lead and serve the airline industry .it's aim is to assist airlines by simplifying processes and increasing passenger convenience while reducing costs and improving efficiency exemple 122 international air transport association.international air transport association.

The objectves of iata are ?

Question 2-7 : To represent lead and serve the airline industry to finance research and development of aeronautical infrastructures to ensure air traffic management worldwide to control and manage dangerous goods transportation

.iata's mission is to represent lead and serve the airline industry.representing the airline industry .we improve understanding of the air transport industry among decision makers and increase awareness of the benefits that aviation brings to national and global economies advocating for the interests of airlines across the globe we challenge unreasonable rules and charges hold regulators and governments to account and strive for sensible regulation.leading the airline industry .for over 70 years we have developed global commercial standards upon which the air transport industry is built our aim is to assist airlines by simplifying processes and increasing passenger convenience while reducing costs and improving efficiency.serving the airline industry .we help airlines to operate safely securely efficiently and economically under clearly defined rules professional support is provided to all industry stakeholders with a wide range of products and expert services

In which area of air traffic control in europe does eurocontrol have a logical ?

Question 2-8 : Air traffic flow management regional air navigation planning regulation of civil aviation national airspace management

.the european organisation for the safety of air navigation commonly known as eurocontrol is an international organisation working to achieve safe and seamless air traffic management across europe exemple 130 air traffic flow management.air traffic flow management.

What does the international air transport agreement provide for ?

Question 2-9 : The carriage of traffic between the state of registration of the aircraft and any other participating state the freedom for aircraft to fly over the territory of any other state without landing the freedom for aircraft of one state to land in the territory of another state for the purpose of refuelling free and unhindered transit of aircraft over the high seas

Ecqb04 october 2017...international air transport agreement refers to an international agreement on the liberalisation of the international air transportation it is also known as the five freedoms agreement it affirms in addition to the two freedoms covered by the international air services transit agreement three other freedoms of the air three freedoms provided by the international air transport agreement are. 1 freedom to transport passengers and cargo from an aircraft's homeland to other countries. 2 freedom to transport passengers and cargo from other countries to an aircraft's homeland. 3 freedom to carry air traffic between countries other than the aircraft's homeland exemple 134 the carriage of traffic between the state of registration of the aircraft and any other participating state.the carriage of traffic between the state of registration of the aircraft and any other participating state.

According to icao annex 8 a certificate of airworthiness shall be renewed or ?

Question 2-10 : Laws of the state of registry laws of the state of registry and operation requirements laid down by icao laws of the state in which is operated

Icao annex 8 chapter 3 certificate of airworthiness.3 2 issuance and continued validity of a certificate of airworthiness..3 2 3 a certificate of airworthiness shall be renewed or shall remain valid subject to the laws of the state of registry provided that the state of registry shall require that the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft shall be determined by a periodical inspection at appropriate intervals having regard to lapse of time and type of service or alternatively by means of a system of inspection approved by the state that will produce at least an equivalent result exemple 138 laws of the state of registry.laws of the state of registry.

The loading limitations shall include ?

Question 2-11 : All limiting mass centres of gravity position mass distributions and floor loading all limiting mass and centres of gravity all limiting mass mass distributions and centres of gravity all limiting mass centres of gravity position and floor loading

Icao annex 8 airworthiness of aircraft .chapter 9 operating limitations and information.9 1 general the operating limitations within which compliance with the standards of this annex is determined together with any other information necessary to the safe operation of the aeroplane shall be made available by means of an aeroplane flight manual markings and placards and such other means as may effectively accomplish the purpose the limitations and information shall include at least those prescribed in 9 2 9 3 and 9 4.9 2 operating limitations limitations which there is a risk of exceeding in flight and which are defined quantitatively shall be expressed in suitable units and corrected if necessary for errors in measurements so that the flight crew can by reference to the instruments available to them readily determine when the limitations are reached.9 2 1 loading limitations the loading limitations shall include all limiting masses centres of gravity positions mass distributions and floor loadings exemple 142 all limiting mass, centres of gravity position, mass distributions and floor loading.all limiting mass, centres of gravity position, mass distributions and floor loading.

The state of design shall ensure that there exists a continuing structural ?

Question 2-12 : Over 5700 kg maximum certificate take off mass over 5700 kg maximum certificate take off and landing mass up to 5700 kg maximum certificate take off and landing mass up to 5700 kg maximum certificate take off mass

Annex 8 airworthiness of aircraft.4 2 responsibilities of contracting states in respect of continuing airworthiness.4 2 1 state of design.4 2 1 1 the state of design of an aircraft shall . .c ensure that in respect of aeroplanes over 5700 kg maximum certificated take off mass there exists a continuing structural integrity programme to ensure the airworthiness of the aeroplane the programme shall include specific information concerning corrosion prevention and control exemple 146 over 5700 kg maximum certificate take-off mass.over 5700 kg maximum certificate take-off mass.

The set processes by which an aircraft with the applicable airworthiness ?

Question 2-13 : Continuing airworthiness appropriate airworthiness requirements maintenance satisfactory evidence

Continuing airworthiness is the process by which a newly built aircraft is thereafter kept in a condition where it remains airworthy or in other words technically fit for flight in the words of icao 'all of the processes ensuring that at any time in its life an aeroplane complies with the technical conditions fixed to the issue of the certificate of airworthiness and is in a condition for safe operation' exemple 150 continuing airworthiness.continuing airworthiness.

An aircraft having sustained damage while on the territory of a contracting ?

Question 2-14 : It receives permission of the state of registry the repair works may be done at an airport that is not more than 250 nm away it receives permission from the manufacturer of the aircraft it receives permission from the contracting state where the damage occurred

Ecqb04 october 2017...annex 8.3 6 damage to aircraft..3 6 1 when an aircraft has sustained damage the state of registry shall judge whether the damage is of a nature such that the aircraft is no longer airworthy as defined by the appropriate.airworthiness requirements.3 6 2 if the damage is sustained or ascertained when the aircraft is in the territory of another contracting state the authorities of the other contracting state shall be entitled to prevent the aircraft from resuming its flight on the condition that they shall advise the state of registry immediately communicating to it all details necessary to formulate the judgement referred to in 3 6 1.3 6 3 when the state of registry considers that the damage sustained is of a nature such that the aircraft is no longer airworthy it shall prohibit the aircraft from resuming flight until it is restored to an airworthy condition the state of registry may however in exceptional circumstances prescribe particular limiting conditions to permit the aircraft to fly a non commercial air transport operation to an aerodrome at which it will be restored to an airworthy condition in prescribing particular limiting conditions the state of registry shall consider all limitations proposed by the contracting state that had originally in accordance with 3 6 2 prevented the aircraft from resuming its flight that contracting state shall permit such flight or flights within the prescribed limitations.3 6 4 when the state of registry considers that the damage sustained is of a nature such that the aircraft is still airworthy the aircraft shall be allowed to resume its flight exemple 154 it receives permission of the state of registry.it receives permission of the state of registry.

Icao annex 7 nationality and registration.the registration mark are assigned by ?

Question 2-15 : The state of registry or common mark registering authority the international civil aviation organisation le ministère des transports ou le ministère de la défense de l'etat d'immatriculation the international telecommunication union

Icao annex 7 nationality and registration.3 nationality common and registration marks to be used.. .3 5 the registration mark shall be letters numbers or a combination of letters and numbers and shall be that assigned by the state of registry or common mark registering authority exemple 158 the state of registry or common mark registering authority.the state of registry or common mark registering authority.

Icao annex 7 nationality and registration.when letters are used for the ?

Question 2-16 : Five letter combinations used in the international code of signals four letter combinations beginning with q three letters combinations used in the international code of signals letters used for icao identification documents

Annex 7.3 nationality common and registration marks to be used.. .3 6 when letters are used for the registration mark combinations shall not be used which might be confused with the five letter combinations used in the international code of signals part ii the three letter combinations beginning with q used in the q code and with the distress signal sos or other similar urgent signals for example xxx pan and ttt exemple 162 five letter combinations used in the international code of signals.five letter combinations used in the international code of signals.

Icao annex 7 nationality and registration.the registration mark shall be ?

Question 2-17 : The state of registry or common mark registering authority the international telecommunication union the state of registry only the international civil aviation organisation

Icao annex 7 nationality and registration.3 nationality common and registration marks to be used.. .3 5 the registration mark shall be letters numbers or a combination of letters and numbers and shall be that assigned by the state of registry or common mark registering authority exemple 166 the state of registry or common mark registering authority.the state of registry or common mark registering authority.

The height of the marks on the fuselage or equivalent structure and on the ?

Question 2-18 : At least 30 centimetres at least 40 centimetres at least 20 centimetres at least 50 centimetres

Icao annex 7 nationality and registration.5 2 heavier than air aircraft..5 2 1 wings the height of the marks on the wings of heavier than air aircraft shall be at least 50 centimetres.5 2 2 fuselage or equivalent structure and vertical tail surfaces the height of the marks on the fuselage or equivalent structure and on the vertical tail surfaces of heavier than air aircraft shall be at least 30 centimetres exemple 170 at least 30 centimetres.at least 30 centimetres.

The height of the marks under the wings of heavier than air aircraft shall be ?

Question 2-19 : At least 50 centimetres at least 100 centimetres at least 60 centimetres at least 75 centimetres

Icao annex 7 nationality and registration.5 2 heavier than air aircraft..5 2 1 wings the height of the marks on the wings of heavier than air aircraft shall be at least 50 centimetres.5 2 2 fuselage or equivalent structure and vertical tail surfaces the height of the marks on the fuselage or equivalent structure and on the vertical tail surfaces of heavier than air aircraft shall be at least 30 centimetres exemple 174 at least 50 centimetres.at least 50 centimetres.

When letters are used for registration mark combinations shall not be used ?

Question 2-20 : Ttt fff rcc lll

Annex 7.3 nationality common and registration marks to be used.. .3 6 when letters are used for the registration mark combinations shall not be used which might be confused with the five letter combinations used in the international code of signals part ii the three letter combinations beginning with q used in the q code and with the distress signal sos or other similar urgent signals for example xxx pan and ttt..ttt on january 20 1914 the london international convention on safety of life at sea adopted the morse code signal ttt as the 'safety signal ' used for messages to ships 'involving safety of navigation and being of an urgent character' exemple 178 tttttt

When letters are used for registration mark combinations shall not be used ?

Question 2-21 : Pan lll rcc ddd

Annex 7.3 nationality common and registration marks to be used.. .3 6 when letters are used for the registration mark combinations shall not be used which might be confused with the five letter combinations used in the international code of signals part ii the three letter combinations beginning with q used in the q code and with the distress signal sos or other similar urgent signals for example xxx pan and ttt..ttt on january 20 1914 the london international convention on safety of life at sea adopted the morse code signal ttt as the 'safety signal ' used for messages to ships 'involving safety of navigation and being of an urgent character'

When letters are used for the registration mark combinations shall not be used ?

Question 2-22 : Xxx rcc lll ddd

Annex 7.3 nationality common and registration marks to be used.. .3 6 when letters are used for the registration mark combinations shall not be used which might be confused with the five letter combinations used in the international code of signals part ii the three letter combinations beginning with q used in the q code and with the distress signal sos or other similar urgent signals for example xxx pan and ttt..ttt on january 20 1914 the london international convention on safety of life at sea adopted the morse code signal ttt as the 'safety signal ' used for messages to ships 'involving safety of navigation and being of an urgent character' exemple 186 xxxxxx

Any aircraft deriving its lift in flight chiefly from aerodynamic force is ?

Question 2-23 : A heavier than air aircraft a lighter than air aircraft a rotorcraft an aeroplane

Icao annex 7 definitions. 703

Any machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the ?

Question 2-24 : An aircraft a rotorcraft a lighter than air aircraft a balloon

Icao annex 7 definitions. 703 exemple 194 an aircraft.an aircraft.

The state on whose register the aircraft is entered is ?

Question 2-25 : The state of registry the state of the carrier the state of design the state of manufacture

exemple 198 the state of registry.the state of registry.

The icao annex dealing with the registration and marking of aircraft is ?

Question 2-26 : Annex 7 annex 9 annex 14 annex 2

Annex 1 personnel licensing.annex 2 rules of the air.annex 3 meteorological services.annex 4 aeronautical charts.annex 5 units of measurement.annex 6 operation of aircraft. annex 7 aircraft nationality and registration marks .annex 8 airworthiness of aircraft.annex 9 facilitation.annex 10 aeronautical telecommunications.annex 11 air traffic services.annex 12 search and rescue.annex 13 aircraft accident and incident investigation.annex 14 aerodromes.annex 15 aeronautical information services.annex 16 environmental protection.annex 17 security.annex 18 the safe transportation of dangerous goods by air.annex 19 safety management exemple 202 annex 7.annex 7.

Which of the following could be used as a common mark ?

Question 2-27 : Vor ttt sos qnh

Annex 7 aircraft nationality and registration marks.3 nationality common and registration marks to be used.. .3 6 when letters are used for the registration mark combinations shall not be used which might be confused with the five letter combinations used in the international code of signals part ii the three letter combinations beginning with q used in the q code and with the distress signal sos or other similar urgent signals for example xxx pan and ttt..ttt on january 20 1914 the london international convention on safety of life at sea adopted the morse code signal ttt as the 'safety signal ' used for messages to ships 'involving safety of navigation and being of an urgent character' exemple 206 vor.vor.

Icao annex 7 nationality and registration.on a heavier than air aircraft where ?

Question 2-28 : On the left half of the lower surface of the wing on the right half of the upper surface of the wing on the right half of the lower surface of the wing on the left half of the upper surface of the wing

Annex 7 aircraft nationality and registration marks.4 3 heavier than air aircraft..4 3 1 wings on heavier than air aircraft the marks shall appear once on the lower surface of the wing structure they shall be located on the left half of the lower surface of the wing structure unless they extend across the whole of the lower surface of the wing structure so far as is possible the marks shall be located equidistant from the leading and trailing edges of the wings the tops of the letters and numbers shall be toward the leading edge of the wing.4 3 2 fuselage or equivalent structure and vertical tail surfaces on heavier than air aircraft the marks shall appear either on each side of the fuselage or equivalent structure between the wings and the tail surface or on the upper halves of the vertical tail surfaces when located on a single vertical tail surface they shall appear on both sides when located on multivertical tail surfaces they shall appear on the outboard sides of the outer surfaces exemple 210 on the left half of the lower surface of the wing.on the left half of the lower surface of the wing.

According to part fcl the minimum age for obtaining an atpl is ?

Question 2-29 : 21 years 20 years 20 years it the applicant has at least 1500 flight hours 22 years

Easa part fcl . fcl 300 cpl minimum age .an applicant for a cpl shall be at least 18 years of age. fcl 500 atpl minimum age .applicants for an atpl shall be at least 21 years of age exemple 214 21 years.21 years.

The applicant for a cpl a shall have completed at least ?

Question 2-30 : 150 hours of flight time if she/he followed an integrated flying training course 150 hours of flight time if she/he followed a modular flying training course 200 hours of flight time if she/he followed an integrated flying training course 50 hours of cross country flight as pic

Regulation eu no 1178/2011.aircrew regulation..cpl integrated course aeroplanes.flying training.8 the flying training not including type rating training shall comprise a total of at least 150 hours to include all progress tests of which up to 5 hours for the entire course may be instrument ground time..cpl modulare course aeroplanes.experience.12 the applicant for a cpl a shall have completed at least 200 hours flight time exemple 218 150 hours of flight time if she/he followed an integrated flying training course.150 hours of flight time if she/he followed an integrated flying training course.

Successful completion of multi crew co operation mcc training shall be required ?

Question 2-31 : For multi crew aircraft for all aircraft engaged in commercial operations for all turboprop aircraft for all jet aircraft

Fcl 010 definitions.. multi pilot operation . for aeroplanes it means an operation requiring at least 2 pilots using multi crew cooperation in either multi pilot or single pilot aeroplanes . for helicopters it means an operation requiring at least 2 pilots using multi crew cooperation on multi pilot helicopters. multi crew cooperation mcc means the functioning of the flight crew as a team of cooperating members led by the pilot in command. multi pilot aircraft . for aeroplanes it means aeroplanes certificated for operation with a minimum crew of at least two pilots . for helicopters airships and powered lift aircraft it means the type of aircraft which is required to be operated with a co pilot as specified in the flight manual or by the air operator certificate or equivalent document exemple 222 for multi-crew aircraft.for multi-crew aircraft.

The period of validity of type ratings shall be ?

Question 2-32 : 1 year 6 months 5 years 2 years

Easa part fcl . fcl 740 validity and renewal of class and type ratings . a the period of validity of class and type ratings shall be 1 year except for single pilot single engine class ratings for which the period of validity shall be 2 years unless otherwise determined by the operational suitability data established in accordance with part 21 exemple 226 1 year.1 year.

Icao annex1..the applicant to exercise the functions of an instrumental flight ?

Question 2-33 : Multi engine / inoperative or simulated inoperative land / inactive amphibious / inactive or simulated inactive single engine / inactive

Icao annex1 .2 7 1 2 1 1 an applicant shall have demonstrated the ability to operate a multi engine aeroplane solely by reference to instruments with one engine inoperative or simulated inoperative if the privileges of the instrument rating are to be exercised on such aeroplane exemple 230 multi-engine / inoperative or simulated inoperative.multi-engine / inoperative or simulated inoperative.

Icao annex 1..the prescribed re examination of a licence holder operating in an ?

Question 2-34 : A single period of six month in the case of a flight crew member of an aircraft engaged in non commercial operations two consecutive periods each of three month in the case a flight crew member of an aircraft engaged in non commercial operations a single period of three month in the case of a flight crew member of an aircraft engaged in commercial operations two consecutive periods each of six month in the case of a flight crew member of an aircraft engaged in non commercial operations

Exceptionnally a medical can be deferred for one period of up to 6 months.icao annex 1 . 1 2 5 2 6 circumstances in which a medical examination may be deferred the prescribed re examination of a licence holder operating in an area distant from designated medical examination facilities may be deferred at the discretion of the licensing authority provided that such deferment shall only be made as an exception and shall not exceed.a a single period of six months in the case of a flight crew member of an aircraft engaged in non commercial operations . exemple 234 a single period of six month in the case of a flight crew member of an aircraft engaged in non-commercial operations.a single period of six month in the case of a flight crew member of an aircraft engaged in non-commercial operations.

The proficiency check of a pilot took place the 15th of april the validity of ?

Question 2-35 : 31th of december the same year 15th of october the same year 30th of october the same year 30th of april the following year

.they are not talking about revalidation and renewal for ir qualification sep mep classes or a type rating .they are talking about the regular proficiency checks every 6 months to ensure that pilots are operating competently and complying with standard operating procedures in their companies .the initial proficiency check is valid for six months from the end of the month in which it is issued this means that if the initial proficiency check is completed on 15th january it will be valid until the end of july if the subsequent re check is taken within the last three months of validity of the current proficiency check may june or july it will be valid from the date of re check until the end of january exemple 238 31th of december the same year.31th of december the same year.

Type ratings shall be established ?

Question 2-36 : For any type of aircraft whenever considered necessary by the authority only aircraft certificated for operation with a minimum crew of at least two pilots only for aircraft certificated for operation with a minimum crew of at least two pilots and each type of helicopter all the answers are correct

.icao annex 1 personnel licensing .2 1 3 2 type ratings shall be established for.a aircraft certificated for operation with a minimum crew of at least two pilots.b helicopters and powered lifts certificated for single pilot operation except where a class rating has been issued under 2 1 3 1 1 and..c any aircraft whenever considered necessary by the licensing authority

Icao annex 1..when a contracting state renders valid a licence issued by ?

Question 2-37 : Shall not extend beyond the period of validity of the licence shall not extend more than 15 days from the date of the licence the contracting state rendering a licence valid may extend the date of the validity at its own discretion shall not extend beyond the period of validity of the licence other than for use in private flights

Annex 1 personnel licensing. .1 2 2 method of rendering a licence valid . .1 2 2 1 when a contracting state renders valid a licence issued by another contracting state as an alternative to the issuance of its own licence it shall establish validity by suitable authorization to be carried with the former licence accepting it as the equivalent of the latter when a state limits the authorization to specific privileges the authorization shall specify the privileges of the licence which are to be accepted as its equivalent the validity of the authorization shall not extend beyond the period of validity of the licence the authorization ceases to be valid if the licence upon which it was issued is revoked or suspended exemple 246 shall not extend beyond the period of validity of the licence.shall not extend beyond the period of validity of the licence.

According to part fcl a professional flight crew licence license issued by a ?

Question 2-38 : Shall not exceed 1 year provided that the basic licence remains valid may not exceed the period validity of basic licence must not exceed one year may not exceed the period agreed with the third country

Ecqb01 april 2013..easa part fcl annex iii.conditions for the acceptance of licences issued by or on behalf of third countries..a validation of licences.. general.1 a pilot licence issued in compliance with the requirements of annex 1 to the chicago convention by a third country may be validated by the competent authority of a member state..pilots shall apply to the competent authority of the member state where they reside or are established or if they are not residing in the territory of the member states where the operator for which they are flying or intend to fly has its principal place of business..2 the period of validation of a licence shall not exceed 1 year provided that the basic licence remains valid..this period may only be extended once by the competent authority that issued the validation when during the validation period the pilot has applied or is undergoing training for the issuance of a licence in accordance with part fcl this extension shall cover the period of time necessary for the licence to be issued in accordance with part fcl.the holders of a licence accepted by a member state shall exercise their privileges in accordance with the requirements stated in part fcl exemple 250 shall not exceed 1 year, provided that the basic licence remains valid.shall not exceed 1 year, provided that the basic licence remains valid.

According to part fcl an applicant for a cpl a who has satisfactorily followed ?

Question 2-39 : 150 hours of flight time 200 hours of flight time 150 hours of flight time plus 10 hours of instrument ground time 200 hours of flight time plus 10 hours of instrument ground time

Regulation eu no 1178/2011.aircrew regulation..cpl integrated course aeroplanes.flying training.8 the flying training not including type rating training shall comprise a total of at least 150 hours to include all progress tests of which up to 5 hours for the entire course may be instrument ground time exemple 254 150 hours of flight time.150 hours of flight time.

According to part fcl an applicant for a multi engine ir a shall have completed ?

Question 2-40 : 55 hours instrument time under instruction the holder of a cpl a may have the total amount of training required reduced by 10 hours 45 hours instrument time under instruction the holder of a cpl a may have the total amount of training required reduced by 10 hours 55 hours instrument time under instruction 45 hours instrument time under instruction

Regulation eu no 1178/2011.aircrew regulation.. modular training courses for the ir.flying training.7 a single engine ir a course shall comprise at least 50 hours instrument time under instruction of which up to 20 hours may be instrument ground time in an fnpt i or up to 35 hours in an ffs or fnpt ii a maximum of 10 hours of fnpt ii or an ffs instrument ground time may be conducted in an fnpt i..8 a multi engine ir a course shall comprise at least 55 hours instrument time under instruction of which up to 25 hours may be instrument ground time in an fnpt i or up to 40 hours in an ffs or fnpt ii a maximum of 10 hours of fnpt ii or an ffs instrument ground time may be conducted in an fnpt i the remaining instrument flight instruction shall include at least 15 hours in multi engine aeroplanes. .10 1 the holder of a cpl a may have the total amount of training required in paragraphs 7 or 8 above reduced by 10 hours exemple 258 55 hours instrument time under instruction, the holder of a cpl(a) may have the total amount of training required reduced by 10 hours.55 hours instrument time under instruction, the holder of a cpl(a) may have the total amount of training required reduced by 10 hours.

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