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Answer > reports : You will use a water fire extinguisher straight jet on a fire of. 1 solids ?

Question 199-1 : 1 3 3 and 4 2

.class a fire flammable solids any object that might catch ignition and be set on fire requiring the cooling effect of water e g material wood paper cushions etc it is safe to use any type of extinguishers against such fire whenever water is not available . class a extinguishers = water.class b fire liquid fire liquid fire involves flammable substances that are usually lighter than water e g oil fuel paint kerosene water and water glycol fire extinguishers should not be used to fight such fire as water will only help it spread and expand concentration should be on the exclusion of oxygen . class b extinguishers = foam.class c fire electrical fire fire involving electrical equipment is usually the result of a short circuit it is essential to cut the electrical source of ignition and exclude the oxygen .beware of using water against such fire to prevent electric shocks if there is no other alternative water glycol extinguishers could be used in short shots . class c extinguishers = dry chemicals hafex gas.class d fire metal fire metal fire involves certain combustible metals e g magnesium titanium potassium sodium these metals burn at high temperatures and give off sufficient oxygen to support combustion they may react violently with water or other chemicals and must be handled with care . class d extinguishers = sand dry chemical powder.a water h2o fire extinguisher can be used for a class a fire exemple 299 1.1.

Fire and smoke..you will use a halon extinguisher for a fire of .1 solids ?

Question 199-2 : 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 1 2 4

.class a fire flammable solids any object that might catch ignition and be set on fire requiring the cooling effect of water e g material wood paper cushions etc it is safe to use any type of extinguishers against such fire whenever water is not available . class a extinguishers = water..class b fire liquid fire liquid fire involves flammable substances that are usually lighter than water e g oil fuel paint kerosene water and water glycol fire extinguishers should not be used to fight such fire as water will only help it spread and expand concentration should be on the exclusion of oxygen . class b extinguishers = foam..class c fire electrical fire fire involving electrical equipment is usually the result of a short circuit it is essential to cut the electrical source of ignition and exclude the oxygen .beware of using water against such fire to prevent electric shocks if there is no other alternative water glycol extinguishers could be used in short shots . class c extinguishers = dry chemicals halon gas..class d fire metal fire metal fire involves certain combustible metals e g magnesium titanium potassium sodium these metals burn at high temperatures and give off sufficient oxygen to support combustion they may react violently with water or other chemicals and must be handled with care . class d extinguishers = sand dry chemical powder.a halon fire extinguisher can be used for paper fabric plastic fire electric fire wood fire flammable liquids flammable gases hydrocarbon fire class a b and c fires exemple 303 1, 2, 3.1, 2, 3.

A runway covered with 4 mm thick water is said to be ?

Question 199-3 : Contaminated wet flooded damp

.contaminated runway a runway is considered to be contaminated when more than 25% of the runway surface area whether in isolated areas or not within the required length and width being used is covered by the following. i surface water more than 3 mm 0 125 in deep or by slush or loose snow equivalent to more than 3 mm 0 125 in of water. ii snow which has been compressed into a solid mass which resists further compression and will hold together or break into lumps if picked up compacted snow or.. iii ice including wet ice exemple 307 contaminated.contaminated.

Icing conditions..an aircraft having undergone an anti icing procedure must be ?

Question 199-4 : It is rotating before taking off releasing the brakes in order to take off it is implementing its own anti icing devices leaving the icing zone

.the faa jaa/easa and oaci has received several reports of flightcrews that have conducted rejected takeoffs after their airplanes were treated with thickened anti icing fluids the flightcrews have reported that the aircraft did not respond to normal or even slightly above normal control column back pressure inputs for rotation to the takeoff attitude the flightcrews assessed the need for unusually high back pressure forces to be a flight control failure.and elected to reject the takeoff at speeds in excess of vr or v1 as applicable fortunately these rejected takeoffs did not occur on runways of limited length.a common factor in these incidents is that the rotation speeds were below at or only slightly above the 100 kt minimum rotation speed recommended for application of type ii or iv anti icing fluids in addition the transport category aircraft involved all had unpowered elevator flight controls in all of the reported cases the use of thickened antiicing fluids was approved for the airplane and the flightcrews reported following the airplane manufacturer's procedures for takeoff after the aircraft was treated with thickened anti icing fluids in many of these reported cases the rejected takeoffs occurred during the flightcrew's first takeoff or their first takeoff for that winter season when the airplane had been treated with thickened anti icing fluids exemple 311 it is rotating (before taking-off).it is rotating (before taking-off).

An aircraft having undergone an anti icing procedure and having exceeded the ?

Question 199-5 : Must undergo a de icing procedure before a new application of anti icing fluid for take off must only undergo a new anti icing procedure for take off need not undergo a new anti icing procedure for take off must only undergo a de icing procedure for take off

.pdf676 exemple 315 must undergo a de-icing procedure before a new application of anti-icing fluid for take-off.must undergo a de-icing procedure before a new application of anti-icing fluid for take-off.

The time of useful consciousness in case of an explosive decompression at an ?

Question 199-6 : 12 seconds 30 seconds 1 minute 5 minutes

. 2640 exemple 319 12 seconds.12 seconds.

In case of landing on a flooded runway and in heavy rain.1 you increase your ?

Question 199-7 : 2 4 3 5 2 3 4 1 4 5 6

.by landing with a firm contact you will be able to quickly brake and deploy spoilers lift dumper devices with heavy rain you will not decrease your approach speed exemple 323 2, 4.2, 4.

In case of a serious threat based on the presence of a bomb on board a ?

Question 199-8 : You descend to the flight level corresponding to the indicated cabin altitude or the safety altitude if higher and take preventive steps by putting yourself in a landing approach configuration you carry out an emergency descent to reach the safety altitude you climb to the maximum flight level which does not need the use of pressurization you go down to the level corresponding to the indicated cabin altitude and keep the aircraft in a clean configuration until the final approach

.it clearly depends on operator's procedures but the impact of the explosion of a bomb on board a pressurized aircraft will be reduced if the cabin altitude equals the aircraft pressure altitude .if the bomb explodes and if you lose hydraulic systems you will not be able to deploy flaps by preparing your aircraft for landing you give yourself the best opportunity to carry a landing on an airport or not with the greatest chance of success exemple 327 you descend to the flight level corresponding to the indicated cabin altitude or the safety altitude if higher and take preventive steps by putting yourself in a landing approach configuration.you descend to the flight level corresponding to the indicated cabin altitude or the safety altitude if higher and take preventive steps by putting yourself in a landing approach configuration.

Mist in the cabin pressure and temperature drop characterise ?

Question 199-9 : A rapid depressurization a slow depressurization an electrical fire a plastic fire

exemple 331 a rapid depressurization.a rapid depressurization.

In case of a ditching the cabin attendants will.1 evacuate women and children ?

Question 199-10 : 2 3 4 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 4

exemple 335 2, 3, 4.2, 3, 4.

During a de icing / anti icing procedure carried out in two stages the holdover ?

Question 199-11 : At the beginning of the second stage anti icing stage at the beginning of the first stage de icing stage at the end of the second stage anti icing stage a the end of the first stage de icing stage

.the holdover time starts at the beginning of the second stage anti icing stage .first you have to de ice the aircraft and when the plane is clean you can apply the anti icing fluid .pdf676 exemple 339 at the beginning of the second stage (anti-icing stage).at the beginning of the second stage (anti-icing stage).

Hafex type fire extinguisher can be used for .1 a paper fire.2 a fabric ?

Question 199-12 : 1 2 3 4 5 1 3 5 2 3 4 2 4 5

.class a fire flammable solids any object that might catch ignition and be set on fire requiring the cooling effect of water e g material wood paper cushions etc it is safe to use any type of extinguishers against such fire whenever water is not available . class a extinguishers = water.class b fire liquid fire liquid fire involves flammable substances that are usually lighter than water e g oil fuel paint kerosene water and water glycol fire extinguishers should not be used to fight such fire as water will only help it spread and expand concentration should be on the exclusion of oxygen . class b extinguishers = foam.class c fire electrical fire fire involving electrical equipment is usually the result of a short circuit it is essential to cut the electrical source of ignition and exclude the oxygen .beware of using water against such fire to prevent electric shocks if there is no other alternative water glycol extinguishers could be used in short shots . class c extinguishers = dry chemicals halon gas.class d fire metal fire metal fire involves certain combustible metals e g magnesium titanium potassium sodium these metals burn at high temperatures and give off sufficient oxygen to support combustion they may react violently with water or other chemicals and must be handled with care . class d extinguishers = sand dry chemical powder.hafex fire extinguisher can be used for paper fabric plastic fire electric fire wood fire flammable liquids flammable gases hydrocarbon fire class a b and c fires exemple 343 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Fire and smoke..in case of a fire due to the heating of the brakes you fight ?

Question 199-13 : 1 2 2 3 4 3 4 1 4

.the overheating of brake and wheel assemblies usually follows excessive braking this can happen on landing when a hydraulic failure reduces the ability of the pilot to utilise control surfaces flaps and he feels the aircraft may over run the runway or more often on an aborted take off quite often tyres will burst or as the aircraft comes to a standstill ignite by transference of heat from the brakes to avoid metal failure firefighters attending overheated brake and wheel assemblies should usually refrain from applying water and allow natural cooling if there is fire however a fine water fog water spray atomizer applied from fore and aft of the undercarriage assembly is generally used .nota rapid cooling may cause an explosive failure of a wheel assembly .information .when water fog is used on a wheel assembly fire an intermittent application of short bursts 5 to 10 seconds every 30 seconds should be used exemple 347 1, 2.1, 2.

In case of an engine tail pipe fire during start while on the ground you should ?

Question 199-14 : Carry out a dry motoring cycle carry out a damp cranking pull the fire shut off handle and trigger the engines fire extinguishers fight the fire with a water fire extinguisher

.it can occur on helicopter or airplane it occurs during ground engine start or shutdown and is the result of an excess of fuel in the combustion chamber or in the turbine area the excess of fuel ignites in the combustion chamber with the engine not rotating or under rotating incapable of utilizing the energy released.during start while on the ground you should abort the starting procedure and continue to motor the engine until the tailpipe fire is extinguished . 2642.this boeing procedure also applies for airbus embraer etc .pull the fire shut off handle and trigger the engines fire extinguishers will have no effect on the tailpipe fire exemple 351 carry out a dry motoring cycle.carry out a dry motoring cycle.

The time needed for the dissipation of a turbulent wake created by a wide body ?

Question 199-15 : 3 minutes 30 seconds 1 minute 10 minutes

. arrival .distance separation .3 nm l following l m following m .4 nm h following h .5 nm l following m m following h.6 nm l following h.time separation are 2 minutes and 3 minutes .3 minutes for a l following a m or h .2 minutes in all other cases.light aeroplane 7000 kg or less.medium aeroplane less than 136000 kg but more than 7000 kg.heavy aeroplane 136000 kg or greater exemple 355 3 minutes.3 minutes.

To extinguish a fire in the cockpit you use .1 a water fire extinguisher.2 a ?

Question 199-16 : 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 2 3 4

.cockpit fires are fought with hafex type extinguishers which leave no residue .on the ground co2 extinguishers may also be used exemple 359 3, 4.3, 4.

The wake turbulence ?

Question 199-17 : Starts during rotation and stops as soon as the aeroplane's wheels touch the ground starts as soon as the aeroplane is running for take off and stops as soon as it has come to a stop at landing starts when the aeroplane reaches a height of 300 ft above the ground and stops when it crosses this height before landing starts when pulling out the drag devices and stops when retracting the drag devices

exemple 363 starts during rotation and stops as soon as the aeroplane's wheels touch the ground.starts during rotation and stops as soon as the aeroplane's wheels touch the ground.

Wind shear and microburst..in a microburst combined with a violent storm the ?

Question 199-18 : Low altitude diverge from the center of the phenomenon and the atmospheric pressure increases by a few hectopascals low altitude converge on the center of the phenomenon and the atmospheric pressure decreases by a few hectopascals high altitude converge on the center of the phenomenon and the atmospheric pressure increases by a few hectopascals low altitude diverge from the center of the phenomenon and the atmospheric pressure decreases by a few hectopascals

. 2637.microbursts are small intense downdraughts that spread out in all directions when they reach the surface commonly associated with thunderstorms in the mature stage .you are most likely to encounter them within 1000 ft of the ground due to the important downward flow the pressure increases by a few hectopascals exemple 367 low altitude diverge from the center of the phenomenon and the atmospheric pressure increases by a few hectopascals.low altitude diverge from the center of the phenomenon and the atmospheric pressure increases by a few hectopascals.

You will use a powder fire extinguisher for.1 a paper fire.2 a plastic fire.3 a ?

Question 199-19 : 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 2 3 1 4

.class a fire flammable solids any object that might catch ignition and be set on fire requiring the cooling effect of water e g material wood paper cushions etc it is safe to use any type of extinguishers against such fire whenever water is not available . class a extinguishers = water.class b fire liquid fire liquid fire involves flammable substances that are usually lighter than water e g oil fuel paint kerosene water and water glycol fire extinguishers should not be used to fight such fire as water will only help it spread and expand concentration should be on the exclusion of oxygen . class b extinguishers = foam.class c fire electrical fire fire involving electrical equipment is usually the result of a short circuit it is essential to cut the electrical source of ignition and exclude the oxygen .beware of using water against such fire to prevent electric shocks if there is no other alternative water glycol extinguishers could be used in short shots . class c extinguishers = dry chemicals hafex gas.class d fire metal fire metal fire involves certain combustible metals e g magnesium titanium potassium sodium these metals burn at high temperatures and give off sufficient oxygen to support combustion they may react violently with water or other chemicals and must be handled with care . class d extinguishers = sand dry chemical powder.a powder fire extinguisher can be used for class a b and c fires exemple 371 1, 2, 3, 4.1, 2, 3, 4.

Wind shear and microburst..in case of an unexpected encounter with windshear ?

Question 199-20 : 1 2 4 3 5 1 3 5 2 3

The idea is to keep flying as long as possible in the hopes of getting out of it you have to get max efficiency out of your wing which occurs at l/d max ratio if gear is down keep it down in case of impact with the ground or the runway it may help. /com en/com070 193 jpg..notice statement 5 is right but as statement 3 is wrong best answer is '1 2 4' exemple 375 1, 2, 4.1, 2, 4.

Decompression of pressurised cabin..a fast decompression is recognizable by the ?

Question 199-21 : 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 1 4 2 3 4

.rapid/explosive decompression results in a sudden loss in cabin pressure and can be recognized by the following signs . a loud bang thump or clap that is the result of the sudden contact between the internal and external masses of air . cloud of fog or mist in the cabin that is due to the drop in temperature and the change of humidity . rush of air as the air exits the cabin. a decrease in temperature as the cabin temperature equalizes with the outside air temperature..if a breach in the aircraft structure is the cause of the decompression . unsecured items in the immediate area are ejected from the aircraft . debris may fly around the cabin . loose items may become projectiles . dust particles may limit visibility.air is released violently from the lungs expansion of body gases induce joint pain and stomach pain.in the case of rapid/explosive decompression there may be a lot of confusion due to the high noise level and fog that makes it difficult to communicate in the cabin exemple 379 1, 2, 3, 4.1, 2, 3, 4.

A slow decompression may be caused by.1 a leak in a doorseal during normal ?

Question 199-22 : 1 3 1 2 3 4 2 4 1 2 3

exemple 383 1, 31, 3

For an aeroplane with a tyre pressure of 14 bars there is a risk of dynamic ?

Question 199-23 : Speed is greater than 129 kt tail wind is greater than 10 kt water depth is equal to the half of the depth of the tyre grooves speed is greater than 95 kt

.you need first to convert bars to psi.bars x 14 5 = psi.14 x 14 5 = psi.psi = 203..for a rotating tyre dynamic hydroplaning 9 x sqrt p..for a non rotating tyre dynamic hydroplaning 7 7 x sqrt p..p is the tyre pressure in psi.unless states in the question we assume a rotating tyre so.9 x sqrt 203 = 128 kt.. sqrt = square root exemple 387 speed is greater than 129 kt.speed is greater than 129 kt.

For an aeroplane with a tyre pressure of 12 bars there is a risk of dynamic ?

Question 199-24 : Speed is greater than 119 kt water depth is equal to the half of the depth of the tyre grooves speed is greater than 83 kt cross wind is greater than 10 kt

.you need first to convert bars to psi.bars x 14 5 = psi.12 x 14 5 = psi.psi = 174..for a rotating tyre dynamic hydroplaning 9 x sqrt p..for a non rotating tyre dynamic hydroplaning 7 7 x sqrt p..p is the tyre pressure in psi.unless states in the question we assume a rotating tyre so.9 x sqrt 174 = 118 7 kt.. sqrt = square root exemple 391 speed is greater than 119 kt.speed is greater than 119 kt.

Contaminated runways..for an aeroplane with a tyre pressure of 10 bars there is ?

Question 199-25 : Speed is greater than 108 kt water depth is equal to the half of the depth of the tyre grooves speed is greater than 96 kt runway temperature is greater than 40°c

.you need first to convert bars to psi.bars x 14 5 = psi..10 x 14 5 = psi..psi = 145....for a rotating tyre dynamic hydroplaning = 9 sqrt p..for a non rotating tyre dynamic hydroplaning = 7 7 sqrt p..p is the tyre pressure in psi.unless states in the question we assume a rotating tyre so..9 sqrt 145 = 108 4 kt... sqrt = square root exemple 395 speed is greater than 108 kt.speed is greater than 108 kt.

Contaminated runways..for an aeroplane with a tyre pressure of 8 bars there is ?

Question 199-26 : Speed is greater than 98 kt speed is greater than 127 kt water depth is equal to the half of the depth of tyregrooves cross wind is greater than 20 kt

.you first need to convert bars to psi.bars x 14 5 = psi..8 x 14 5 = psi..psi = 116....for a rotating tyre dynamic hydroplaning = 9 sqrt p..for a non rotating tyre dynamic hydroplaning = 7 7 sqrt p..p is the tyre pressure in psi.unless states in the question we assume a rotating tyre so..9 sqrt 116 = 97 kt... sqrt = square root exemple 399 speed is greater than 98 kt.speed is greater than 98 kt.

Contaminated runways..for an aeroplane with a tyre pressure of 16 bars ?

Question 199-27 : 1 and 2 3 and 4 2 and 3 1 and 4

.you first need to convert bars to psi.bars x 14 5 = psi..16 x 14 5 = psi..psi = 232....for a rotating tyre dynamic hydroplaning = 9 sqrt p..for a non rotating tyre dynamic hydroplaning = 7 7 sqrt p..p is the tyre pressure in psi.unless states in the question we assume a rotating tyre so..9 sqrt 232 = 137 1 kt.. sqrt = square root exemple 403 1 and 2.1 and 2.

The tip vortices circulate about each wing tip ?

Question 199-28 : From the underwing toward the upper side of the wing clockwise counter clockwise from the upper side of the wing toward the underwing

. 1640..this question is present at atplh and cplh exams too tip vortices are created on the same way for a rotor blade exemple 407 from the underwing toward the upper side of the wing.from the underwing toward the upper side of the wing.

Which one of the following sets of conditions is the least likely to attract ?

Question 199-29 : Long grass edible rubbish short gang mown grass an area liable to flooding

.pdf921. .7 16 ground cover some form of grass is commonly used as ground cover at most airports and there has been discussion regarding the height at which the grass should be cut the height will vary depending upon which type of bird is a problem most birds dangerous to aircraft prefer short grass there is only a small percentage of bird species which prefer long grass e g partridges pheasants and some small birds with low weights.7 17 it is recommended that grass be maintained at a height of 20 cm or more gull type birds often rest on short grass where they can see danger approaching they also forage for food in short grass by allowing grass to grow to a height of 20 cm or more birds do not have good visibility and feeding is hindered the only difference between the long and short grass technique is the way it is cut exemple 411 long grass.long grass.

Who has the responsibility for establishing operating procedures for noise ?

Question 199-30 : Operator state of the operator state in which the aeroplane is operating commander

.icao doc8168 .3 3 development of procedures.a noise abatement procedure shall be developed by the operator for each aeroplane type with advice from the aeroplane manufacturer as needed and agreed to by the state of the operator the departure procedure to be used on a specific departure should satisfy the noise objectives of the state of the aerodrome exemple 415 operator.operator.

A fire occurs in a wheel and immediate action is required to extinguish it the ?

Question 199-31 : Dry powder water co2 carbon dioxide foam

exemple 419 dry powder.dry powder.

When flying in straight and level flight at fl 290 for some considerable time a ?

Question 199-32 : A rate of climb a rate of descent of approximately 300 fpm zero a rate of descent dependent upon the cabin differential pressure

Typically there will be two gauges in the cockpit one to show the cabin's rate of climb the small one looks like a vsi vertical speed indicator and the other with two needles . one for the inner scale indicates cabin altitude in feet . one for the outer scale indicates differential pressure between cabin and ambient in psi . 855.if cabin pressure decreases the cabin rate of climb indicator should indicate a rate of climb exemple 423 a rate of climb.a rate of climb.

Decompression of pressurised cabin..if cabin altitude increases during level ?

Question 199-33 : Decreases increases remains constant attains its maximum permitted operating limit

.cabin differential pressure means the pressure difference between cabin pressure and ambient air pressure .when cabin altitude increases cabin pressure decreases .difference between cabin pressure and ambient air pressure will reduce the differential pressure decreases exemple 427 decreases.decreases.

In accordance with icao and pans rac procedures which letter should be entered ?

Question 199-34 : M h l s

exemple 431 m.m.

For the purpose of wake turbulence separation what is the minimum separation ?

Question 199-35 : 3 minutes 5 minutes 2 minutes 4 minutes

. arrival .distance separation .3 nm l following l m following m .4 nm h following h .5 nm l following m m following h.6 nm l following h.time separation are 2 minutes and 3 minutes .3 minutes for a l following a m or h .2 minutes in all other cases.light aeroplane 7000 kg or less.medium aeroplane less than 136000 kg but more than 7000 kg.heavy aeroplane 136000 kg or greater exemple 435 3 minutes.3 minutes.

Following an act of unlawful interference on board an aircraft the commander ?

Question 199-36 : Both the local authority and the authority in the state of the operator the local authority only the authority of the state of the operator only the authority of the state within which the aircraft is operating at the time of the unlawful interference

exemple 439 both the local authority and the authority in the state of the operator.both the local authority and the authority in the state of the operator.

In what period of time must a fuel jettisoning system be capable of jettisoning ?

Question 199-37 : 15 minutes 30 minutes 60 minutes 90 minutes

.certification specifications and acceptable means of compliance for.large aeroplanes cs 25 cs 25 1001 fuel jettisoning system. a a fuel jettisoning system must be installed on each aeroplane unless it is shown that the aeroplane meets the climb requirements of cs 25 119 and 25 121 d at maximum takeoff weight less the actual or computed weight of fuel necessary for a 15 minute flight comprised of a take off go around and landing at the airport of departure with the aeroplane configuration speed power and thrust the same as that used in meeting the applicable take off approach and landing climb performance requirements of this cs 25. b if a fuel jettisoning system is required it must be capable of jettisoning enough fuel within 15 minutes starting with the weight given in subparagraph a of this paragraph to enable the aeroplane to meet the climb requirements of cs 25 119 and 25 121 d assuming that the fuel is jettisoned under the conditions except weight found least favourable during the flight tests exemple 443 15 minutes.15 minutes.

From the following list which items classified as dangerous goods are required ?

Question 199-38 : 1 2 and 3 2 3 and 4 3 4 and 5 1 2 and 5

exemple 447 1, 2 and 3.1, 2 and 3.

The maximum validity of a snowtam is ?

Question 199-39 : 24 hours 12 hours 6 hours 3 hours

Icao annex 15 exemple 451 24 hours.24 hours.

Assuming contaminated runway conditions if an aeroplane's main wheel tyre ?

Question 199-40 : 129 kt 114 kt 100 kt 80 kt

.for a rotating tyre dynamic hydroplaning 9 x sqrt p..for a non rotating tyre dynamic hydroplaning 7 7 x sqrt p..p is the tyre pressure in psi.unless states in the question we assume a rotating tyre so.9 x sqrt 206 = 129 kt.. sqrt = square root exemple 455 129 kt.129 kt.


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