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Answer > reports : Noise attenuation shall not be the determining factor in the designation of a ?

Question 198-1 : 1 2 3 1 2 1 3 2 3

.doc 8168 . 2 1 noise preferential runways .2 1 1 preferred runway directions for take off and landing appropriate to the operation are nominated for noise abatement purposes the objective being to utilize whenever possible those runways that permit aeroplanes to avoid noise sensitive areas during the initial departure and final approach phases of flight.2 1 2 runways should not normally be selected for preferential use for landing unless they are equipped with suitable glide path guidance e g ils or a visual approach slope indicator system for operations in visual meteorological conditions.2 1 3 noise abatement should not be the determining factor in runway nomination under the following circumstances.a if the runway surface conditions are adversely affected e g by snow slush ice or water mud rubber oil or other substances.b for landing in conditions when the ceiling is lower than 150 m 500 ft above aerodrome elevation or for takeoff and landing when the horizontal visibility is less than 1 9 km 1 nm.c when the crosswind component including gusts exceeds 28 km/h 15 kt.d when the tailwind component including gusts exceeds 9 km/h 5 kt and..e when wind shear has been reported or forecast or when adverse weather conditions e g thunderstorms are expected to affect the approach or departure exemple 298 1, 2, 3.1, 2, 3.

If smoke appears in the air conditioning the first action to take is to ?

Question 198-2 : Put on the mask and goggles begin an emergency descent determine which system is causing the smoke cut off all air conditioning units

. 2626 exemple 302 put on the mask and goggles.put on the mask and goggles.

Malfunctioning of the automatic pressurization system is indicated by .1 a ?

Question 198-3 : 1 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 2

exemple 306 1, 2, 3.1, 2, 3.

The m e l minimum equipment list is produced by ?

Question 198-4 : The operator the manufacturer the state of the operator the aircraft state of registry

.the master minimum equipment list mmel is established by the manufacturer exemple 310 the operator.the operator.

Wind shear and microburst..during a manual approach the aeroplane is subjected ?

Question 198-5 : 1 3 2 4 2 3 1 4

/com en/com070h 9 jpg. exemple 314 1, 3.1, 3.

Wind shear and microburst..during a manual approach the aeroplane is subjected ?

Question 198-6 : 1 3 1 4 2 3 2 4

/com en/com070h 9 jpg. exemple 318 1, 3.1, 3.

A water fire extinguisher can be used without restriction for .1 a paper fire.2 ?

Question 198-7 : 1 3 5 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 2 4 5

.class a fire flammable solids any object that might catch ignition and be set on fire requiring the cooling effect of water e g material wood paper cushions etc it is safe to use any type of extinguishers against such fire whenever water is not available . class a extinguishers = water.class b fire liquid fire liquid fire involves flammable substances that are usually lighter than water e g oil fuel paint kerosene water and water glycol fire extinguishers should not be used to fight such fire as water will only help it spread and expand concentration should be on the exclusion of oxygen . class b extinguishers = foam.class c fire electrical fire fire involving electrical equipment is usually the result of a short circuit it is essential to cut the electrical source of ignition and exclude the oxygen .beware of using water against such fire to prevent electric shocks if there is no other alternative water glycol extinguishers could be used in short shots . class c extinguishers = dry chemicals hafex gas.class d fire metal fire metal fire involves certain combustible metals e g magnesium titanium potassium sodium these metals burn at high temperatures and give off sufficient oxygen to support combustion they may react violently with water or other chemicals and must be handled with care . class d extinguishers = sand dry chemical powder.a water h4o fire extinguisher can be used for a class a fire exemple 322 1, 3, 5.1, 3, 5.

The protection time of an anti icing fluid depends on .1 the type and intensity ?

Question 198-8 : 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 4 6 2 3 4 5 1 3 5 6

Pdf676 exemple 326 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

The anti icing fluid protecting film can wear off and reduce the holdover time ?

Question 198-9 : During strong winds or as a result of other aircraft engines jet blast when the outside temperature is close to 0°c when the temperature of the aircraft skin is close to 0°c when the aircraft is parked facing into wind

.pdf676 exemple 330 during strong winds or as a result of other aircraft engines jet blast.during strong winds or as a result of other aircraft engines jet blast.

Windshear may be described as a change in wind direction and/or speed in space ?

Question 198-10 : Substantial small medium null

exemple 334 substantial.substantial.

Wind shear and microburst..in the 'worst case' scenario of recovery from the ?

Question 198-11 : Increase the pitch angle until the stick shaker is felt and hold at slightly below this angle climb away at vat + 20 kt reduce speed to v2 and hold slowly increase speed whilst maintaining a positive rate of climb

exemple 338 increase the pitch angle until the stick shaker is felt and hold at slightly below this angleincrease the pitch angle until the stick shaker is felt and hold at slightly below this angle

For the purpose of wake turbulence separation what is the icao minimum radar ?

Question 198-12 : 7 4 km 4 nm 9 3 km 5 nm 11 1 km 6 nm 3 7 km 2 nm

. 755.icao minimum radar separation distance exemple 342 7.4 km (4 nm).7.4 km (4 nm).

For purpose of wake turbulence separation what is the icao minimum separation ?

Question 198-13 : 3 minutes 5 minutes 2 minutes 4 minutes

. arrival .distance separation .3 nm l following l m following m .4 nm h following h .5 nm l following m m following h.6 nm l following h.time separation are 2 minutes and 3 minutes .3 minutes for a l following a m or h .2 minutes in all other cases.light aeroplane 7000 kg or less.medium aeroplane less than 136000 kg but more than 7000 kg.heavy aeroplane 136000 kg or greater exemple 346 3 minutes.3 minutes.

What is the transponder code to be used by the commander of an aircraft that is ?

Question 198-14 : 7500 7600 7700 7800

exemple 350 75007500

Information concerning emergency evacuation procedures shall be found in the ?

Question 198-15 : Operations manual flight manual journey logbook operational flight plan

Easa air ops.part oro amc3 oro mlr 100 operations manual exemple 354 operations manual.operations manual.

A list of dangerous goods which may not be transported by air can be found in ?

Question 198-16 : The technical instructions for the safe transport of dangerous goods by air annex 18 to the chicago convention annex 6 to the chicago convention the shipper's declaration for dangerous goods

.dangerous goods can be carried safely by air transport providing certain principles are adopted these principles have been used in developing the technical instructions they are intended to facilitate transport while providing a level of safety such that dangerous goods can be carried without placing an aircraft or its occupants at risk providing all the requirements are fulfilled they try to ensure that should an incident occur it cannot lead to an accident.the technical instructions doc 9284 amplify the basic provisions of annex 18 and contain all the detailed instructions necessary for the safe international transport of dangerous goods by air exemple 358 the technical instructions for the safe transport of dangerous goods by air.the technical instructions for the safe transport of dangerous goods by air.

The minimum equipment list mel defines the equipment which can be inoperative ?

Question 198-17 : The operator and may be more restrictive than the master minimum equipment list mmel the manufacturer and may be less restrictive than the master minimum equipment list mmel the operator and may be less restrictive than the master minimum equipment list mmel the manufacturer and may be more restrictive than the master minimum equipment list mmel

exemple 362 the operator and may be more restrictive than the master minimum equipment list (mmel)the operator and may be more restrictive than the master minimum equipment list (mmel)

The correct statement about extinguishing agents on board aeroplanes is ?

Question 198-18 : Halotron is an effective extinguishing agent for use in aeroplanes water may only be used for minor fires a powder extinguisher is suitable for extinguishing a cockpit fire burning cargo in a cargo aeroplane is usually extinguished by using carbon dioxide

.this question also appeared at the exam with the following forms . which statement is most correct with regard to the use of fire extinguishers .a halotron is best used on fires within the passenger compartment.halon gaz has been replaced by halotron brx 2btp gaz in aircraft since 2020 exemple 366 halotron is an effective extinguishing agent for use in aeroplanes.halotron is an effective extinguishing agent for use in aeroplanes.

When an aircraft flies into a horizontal tail wind gust the aircraft tends ?

Question 198-19 : To descend to climb not to change its trajectory to climb or descend depending on the gust strength

exemple 370 to descend.to descend.

Tip vortices which are responsible for wake turbulence appear as soon as the ?

Question 198-20 : Lift drag full flaps extension lift destruction

This question also appeared at the exam june 2016 under the following form .'an airplane creates a wake turbulence when .generating lift' exemple 374 lift.lift.

One of the main characteristics of windshear is that it ?

Question 198-21 : Can occur at any altitude in both the vertical and horizontal planes occurs only at a low altitude 2000 ft and never in the vertical plane occurs only at a low altitude 2000 ft and never in the horizontal plane can occur at any altitude and only in the horizontal plane

exemple 378 can occur at any altitude in both the vertical and horizontal planes.can occur at any altitude in both the vertical and horizontal planes.

Wake turbulence risk is highest ?

Question 198-22 : When a heavy aircraft has just performed a take off at a closely situated parallel runway with a light crosswind if just before landing a much lighter aircraft has landed at the same runway with heavy crosswind following a preceding aircraft at high speed when a preceding aircraft has briefly applied take off thrust just prior to take off

This question also appeared at the exam under the following simplified form . when landing behind a large aircraft the effect of wake turbulence are likely to be worst in conditions of .light crosswind exemple 382 when a heavy aircraft has just performed a take-off at a closely situated parallel runway with a light crosswind.when a heavy aircraft has just performed a take-off at a closely situated parallel runway with a light crosswind.

The accumulation of frost snow or ice on an aeroplane in flight induces amongst ?

Question 198-23 : Stalling speed value of the stall angle of attack tuck under roll rate

.pdf676 exemple 386 stalling speed.stalling speed.

Icao annex 18 is a document dealing with ?

Question 198-24 : The safety of the air transport of dangerous goods the air transport of live animals the noise pollution of aircraft the technical operational use of aircraft

exemple 390 the safety of the air transport of dangerous goodsthe safety of the air transport of dangerous goods

In final approach you encounter a strong rear wind gust or strong down wind ?

Question 198-25 : 1 3 2 4 1 4 2 3

exemple 394 1, 3.1, 3.

Which of the following requirements should be met when planning a flight with ?

Question 198-26 : The aircraft shall be equipped with approved ice protection systems the flight should be planned so that a change of cruising level can be initiated rapidly the aircraft shall before flight be sprayed with anti icing fluid a meteorologist shall decide whether the flight may be performed without ice protection systems

.pdf676 exemple 398 the aircraft shall be equipped with approved ice-protection systems.the aircraft shall be equipped with approved ice-protection systems.

During an explosive decompression at flight level 370 fl 370 your first action ?

Question 198-27 : To put on the oxygen mask to set the transponder to 7700 to warn the atc to inform cabin crew

. 2626.you put on the quick donning oxygen mask exemple 402 to put on the oxygen mask.to put on the oxygen mask.

When taking off after a widebody aircraft which has just landed you should take ?

Question 198-28 : Beyond the point where the aircraft's wheels have touched down in front of the point where the aircraft's wheels have touched down at the point where the aircraft's wheels have touched down and on the wind side of the runway at the point where the aircraft's wheels have touched the ground and on the underwind side of the runway

. 2636.wake turbulence generation begins at rotation and ends at touch down exemple 406 beyond the point where the aircraft's wheels have touched down.beyond the point where the aircraft's wheels have touched down.

An aircraft which experiences a headwind of 40 kt while making its way towards ?

Question 198-29 : 80 kt 40 kt 60 kt 20 kt

exemple 410 80 kt.80 kt.

In addition to informing each state whose citizens are known to be on board an ?

Question 198-30 : State of registry of the aircraft the state of the operator and icao state of the operator the easa and icao state of registry of the aircraft and the easa state of registry of the aircraft and the state of the operator only

exemple 414 state of registry of the aircraft, the state of the operator and icao.state of registry of the aircraft, the state of the operator and icao.

The holdover time of an anti icing procedure for a given ambient temperature ?

Question 198-31 : Frost freezing fog rain on a cold soaked wing steady snow

.a generic holdover timetable . 2638.this table is intended for training only and shall not be used for actual operations.the table is read by first verifying the outside air temperature then the form of precipitation the time cell to use is where these two parameters cross the example shows a temperature between 3°c and 6°c a snowfall precipitation is chosen and the times to use are between 5 minutes and 8 minutes exemple 418 frost.frost.

At any ambient temperature up to +30° c and with a relative humidity as low as ?

Question 198-32 : Can occur but only at a low power setting cannot occur can occur but only at full power or cruise settings can occur at any setting

. 2639 exemple 422 can occur, but only at a low power setting.can occur, but only at a low power setting.

As regards the detection of bird strike hazard the pilot's means of information ?

Question 198-33 : 1 2 3 5 2 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 3 4

.pdf921 exemple 426 1, 2, 3, 5.1, 2, 3, 5.

Emergency and precautionary landings..following an emergency landing which will ?

Question 198-34 : 1 4 2 4 2 3 1 3

.following an emergency landing you have to evacuate but read the evacuation check list first . /com fr/com070 232 jpg.boeing 737 evacuation check list.notice you must set the flap to 40° to allow the passengers evacuating via the overwing exits to slide down the trailing edge of the wing exemple 430 1, 4.1, 4.

While approaching a mountainous airfield the captain of a transport aircraft ?

Question 198-35 : Maintain the aircraft on the glide path accept a positive speed deviation monitor the speed evolution reduce rapidly the selected thrust in order to reach 1 2 vs and try a precision landing take a level flight attitude to reduce speed then come back to glide path from above reduce rapidly the selected thrust maintain on the glide path

exemple 434 maintain the aircraft on the glide path, accept a positive speed deviation, monitor the speed evolution.maintain the aircraft on the glide path, accept a positive speed deviation, monitor the speed evolution.

Wind shear and microburst..while approaching the outer marker the tower informs ?

Question 198-36 : Windshears vertical and horizontal wake turbulence supercooled water convection motion of air mass

exemple 438 windshears (vertical and horizontal).windshears (vertical and horizontal).

Fuel jettisoning..if obliged to jettison part of the fuel in flight it would be ?

Question 198-37 : In a straight line and at a relatively high flight level in a holding stack after control clearance under flight level 50 fl50 during final phase of approach

Sudaviation03 .what are the cons with jettisoning in a holding stack i understand why we should jettison at a high flight level but we usually see aircrafts jettisoning in a stack instead of in a straight line i guess to remain close to the alternate airport where they plan to land is it just a matter of ground environment .thanks for your answer..the icao establishes standards and recommended international practices for contracting member states you are right by stating that it is better to remain close to the airport.air traffic management pans atm doc 4444 .when an aircraft operating within controlled airspace needs to dump fuel the flight crew shall coordinate with atc the following route to be flown which if possible should be clear of cities and towns preferably over water and away from areas where thunderstorms have been reported or are expected the level to be used which should be not less than 1800 m 6000 ft and the duration of the fuel dumping if obliged to jettison part of the fuel in flight it would be better to do so in a straight line and at a relatively high flight level but if unavoidable fuel may be jettisoned anywhere exemple 442 in a straight line and at a relatively high flight level.in a straight line and at a relatively high flight level.

Wind shear and microburst..just after take off an aircraft encounters a ?

Question 198-38 : 1 3 1 4 4 5 2 4

.the initial indications will be .an increase in head wind and better climb performance .as you fly into a 'microburst' you are likely to encounter an increasing headwind it is similar to an increase in airspeed your climb performance are improved .after passing through the 'microburst' headwind turns into a tailwind you will experiment a decrease in climb performance even a loss of altitude sometimes exemple 446 1, 3.1, 3.

When taking off in winter conditions the wing contamination by ice or frost ?

Question 198-39 : 1 3 5 2 4 5 1 2 3 2 3 5

.example .without wing contamination your aircraft stalls at 100 kt .at what speed it will stall with contamination 90 kt or 110 kt.it will stall at 110 kt it means that you have to take care when flying in winter conditions due to ice or snow accretion on the wing stall speed is increased .pdf676 exemple 450 1, 3, 5.1, 3, 5.

The application of a type ii anti icing fluid on an aircraft on the ground will ?

Question 198-40 : Limited holdover time protection time up to 24 hours limited time of protection independent of the outside temperature protection against icing for the duration of the flight

.pdf676 exemple 454 limited holdover time.limited holdover time.


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