Answer > reports : According to easa air ops the mdh for a category a aircraft circling is ?
Question 196-1 : 400 ft 500 ft 600 ft 700 ft

Ops regulation..according to easa air ops the minimum radio communication and ?
Question 196-2 : One radio and one transponder two radios and one transponder two radios and one navigation equipment one radio one transponder and one navigation equipment

Icao annex 6..according to annex 6 a departure aerodrome can also be used as a ?
Question 196-3 : En route and destination diversion backup diversion take off diversion only take off and en route diversion

Crew protective breathing equipment shall provide protection for the e nose ?
Question 196-4 : 15 minutes 10 minutes 30 minutes 5 minutes

According to easa regulations for commercial aircraft an operator shall not ?
Question 196-5 : One automatic elt or two elt of any type one elt of any type transmitting on 406 mhz one automatic elt and one elt of any type one survival elt and life saving equipment

What do the initials oro stand for ?
Question 196-6 : Organisation requirements of air operations operational route organisation organisation of route operations operational requirements for commercial air operations

In vmc conditions a gpws warning occurs the action to be taken are ?
Question 196-7 : Take immediate corrective action maintain height and deviate 15° look outside and avoid terrain visually maintain heading and climb 1500 ft

In rvsm airspace altitude alerting deviation system threshold is ?
Question 196-8 : + 300 ft + 1000 ft + 100 ft + 3000 ft

Icao annex 6 part i is applicable to ?
Question 196-9 : International commercial air transport aeroplanes international commercial air transport helicopters international general aviation aeroplanes international operations aeroplanes and helicopters

What does the definition of a hostile environment refer to ?
Question 196-10 : A safe forced landing cannot be accomplished because the surface is inadequate overwater operations overhead the open sea areas north of 45°s and south of 45°n a built environment any operations overhead the open sea

An operator with a workforce of 25 full time equivalents ftes should be ?
Question 196-11 : Complex basic medium small

Special categories of passengers scps or persons with reduced mobility prms ?
Question 196-12 : Prms should not be placed in a seat which would restrict any exit path in the case of an emergency prms should not be placed in a seat which would restrict any exit path in the case of an emergency unless accompanied by an able bodied adult prms should be placed in a seat which would be most comfortable for themselves because they have specific requirements prms should always be placed in the middle of the aircraft

Etops en route alternate aerodrome planning operator shall only ?
Question 196-13 : The planning minima the airport operational minima the operational minima increased by 25% the operational minima increased by 50%

According to easa air ops the mdh for a category b aircraft circling is ?
Question 196-14 : 500 ft 600 ft 700 ft 800 ft

Specific requirements relating to the transport of dangerous goods by ?
Question 196-15 : Part spa subpart g part oro subpart d part fcl subpart a part fcl subpart h

A visual approach is ?
Question 196-16 : An instrument approach where the pilot has the option to continue the approach visually providing that he has the necessary visual criteria any part of an instrument approach that is carried out in vmc an approach made under vfr using height and track guidance the circling part of a precision approach

An operator shall manage a flight data monitoring programme for aeroplanes with ?
Question 196-17 : 27000 kg 5700 kg 16000 kg 2000 kg

An operator shall not operate an aeroplane unless it is equipped with an elt ?
Question 196-18 : Transmitting simultaneously on 121 5 mhz and 406 mhz transmitting on 406 mhz transmitting on 121 5 mhz transmitting simultaneously on 121 5 mhz and 208 mhz

An operator must ensure that cabin crew can communicate in ?
Question 196-19 : A common language english a common language and in english a certified icao language

An operator shall establish implement and maintain a management system that ?
Question 196-20 : Clearly defined lines of responsibility and accountability throughout the operator including a direct safety accountability of the accountable manager a report system for the referent authority a description of the system for the referent authority

Who has the final authority to carry out decisions concerning the specific ?
Question 196-21 : The commander the senior cabin crew member the operator the dispatcher

Flight and duty time limitations and rest requirements..according to easa oro ?
Question 196-22 : 3 hours 2 hours 4 hours 6 hours

During a flight a commander may delegate the conduct of the flight to ?
Question 196-23 : Another qualified commander a pilot licence holder nobody a senior cabin crew member

Long range flights and etops..masps means ?
Question 196-24 : Minimum aircraft system performance specifications minimum airport surety performance system maximum airport surety performance system maximum aircraft system performance specifications

Emergency medical kits must be ?
Question 196-25 : Located on the flight deck accessible to the cabin crew readily accessible for use available in the rear galley away from the passengers

A pilot who has completed a zftt zero flight time training course shall ?
Question 196-26 : 21 days 30 days 60 days 90 days

An aeroplane command course requires a commander to carry out under supervision ?
Question 196-27 : At least 10 sectors 10 hours and at least 5 sectors 10 hours and at least 10 sectors 20 hours and at least 10 sectors

The reported rvr for the initial part of the take off run is below the limit of ?
Question 196-28 : Under no circumstance it is possible to take off it is only possible to take off if the aircraft is equipped with an approved lateral guidance system it is only possible to take off if the aircraft is equipped with two approved lateral guidance systems it is possible to take off only if the commander can visually assess that the actual rvr is at or above the limit

A line check is valid for a period of ?
Question 196-29 : 12 months 6 months 18 months 2 years

A child restraint device crd must be provided for each child on board younger ?
Question 196-30 : 24 months 6 years 36 months 12 months

A pilot may continue a category i approach below dh only if at least one of the ?
Question 196-31 : 1 2 4 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 3 4

Documents relating to a pilot such as his flight time periods or rest time ?
Question 196-32 : 15 months 18 months 36 months 3 months

A differences training is used to extend the privileges of a pilots licence ?
Question 196-33 : To another variant of aircraft within one class or type rating to another variant of aircraft within one type rating only from vfr to ifr to another variant of aircraft within one class rating only

A flight crew interphone system is mandatory for aeroplane of more than ?
Question 196-34 : One crew member a maximum certificated take off mass exceeding 15000 kg or having a maximum approved passenger seating configuration of more than 19 seats two crew members a maximum certificated take off mass exceeding 5700 kg or having a maximum approved passenger seating configuration of more than 9 seats five crew members three crew members a maximum certificated take off mass exceeding 5700 kg

Where would you record information about aircraft operation crew names and duty ?
Question 196-35 : Journey log pilot log flight management system mission log

Following an accident involved with dangerous goods how much time does an ?
Question 196-36 : 72 hours 12 hours 24 hours 48 hours

Cat commercial air transport means an aircraft operation to transport ?
Question 196-37 : Passengers cargo or mail for remuneration or other valuable consideration passengers cargo or mail with or without remuneration cargo or mail for remuneration or other valuable consideration passengers cargo or mail for remuneration

1 the operator shall establish procedures to ensure that before taxiing take ?
Question 196-38 : 1 is correct 2 is correct 1 is incorrect 2 is correct 1 is correct 2 is incorrect 1 is incorrect 2 is incorrect

A turbine powered aeroplane must be equipped with an acas for a ?
Question 196-39 : Mctom of more than 5700 kg or an mopsc of more than 19 mctom of more than 5700 kg or an mopsc of more than 9 mctom of more than 27000 kg or an mopsc of more than 19 mctom of more than 27000 kg or an mopsc of more than 9

Easa air ops selection of aerodromes if the afm does not contain an oei one ?
Question 196-40 : Maximum continuous power maximum route speed for engine efficiency maximum power minimum power

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