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Answer > reports : The number of hand fire extinguishers which have to be installed in the ?

Question 195-1 : Seats in the cabin seat rows in the cabin passengers in the cabin emergency exits in the cabin

exemple 295 seats in the cabin.seats in the cabin.

In a aeroplane each crew member shall be properly secured by all safety belts ?

Question 195-2 : 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 5

Eu ops 1 320 seats safety belts and harnesses . a crew members. 1 during take off and landing and whenever deemed necessary by the commander in the interest of safety each crew member shall be properly secured by all safety belts and harnesses provided. 2 during other phases of the flight each flight crew member in the cockpit shall keep his safety belt * fastened while at his station. *safety belts only not harnesses exemple 299 2, 3, 4.2, 3, 4.

Who is responsible for establishing aerodrome operating minima for each ?

Question 195-3 : The operator the commander the state authority the designated local aerodrome authority

Easa air ops.part cat cat op mpa 110 aerodrome operating minima.eu ops 1 225 aerodrome operating minima. a an operator shall specify aerodrome operating minima established in accordance with eu ops 1 430 for each departure destination or alternate aerodrome authorised to be used in accordance with eu ops 1 220 exemple 303 the operator.the operator.

Ops regulation..according to air ops the selection of a destination alternate ?

Question 195-4 : The destination is isolated and no adequate destination alternate exists the destination aerodrome has an ils approach for each runway the duration of the planned flight does not exceed 8 hours and the weather forecast calls for vmc conditions at the destination aerodrome you have an adequate take off alternate

exemple 307 the destination is isolated and no adequate destination alternate exists.the destination is isolated and no adequate destination alternate exists.

Ops regulation..in accordance with air ops during a vor procedure if the ?

Question 195-5 : 1000 ft above the aerodrome / heliport on the final approach segment the faf or 1500 ft above the aerodrome / heliport if there is no faf the middle marker or 500 ft above the aerodrome / heliport if there is no middle marker the final path intersection

Easa air ops.cat op mpa 305 exemple 311 1000 ft above the aerodrome / heliport on the final approach segment.1000 ft above the aerodrome / heliport on the final approach segment.

Ops regulation..in accordance with air ops where no outer marker or equivalent ?

Question 195-6 : 1000 ft above the aerodrome / heliport the faf the middle marker the glide slope intersection

.easa air ops.cat op mpa 305 exemple 315 1000 ft above the aerodrome / heliport.1000 ft above the aerodrome / heliport.

Which is the correct statement for pre flight inspections ?

Question 195-7 : It can be carried out by someone not affiliated with a part 145 organisation it is valid for 24 hours it includes defect rectifications it can be carried out by part 66 personnel only

.the preflight inspection can be done by pilots before every flight exemple 319 it can be carried out by someone not affiliated with a part-145 organisation.it can be carried out by someone not affiliated with a part-145 organisation.

Icao annex 6.. in accordance with icao annex 6 part i the flight data recorder ?

Question 195-8 : As far to the rear as practicable as near to the landing gear as practicable at the right or left wing tip as far to the front as practicable

Ecqb03 july 2016 exemple 323 as far to the rear as practicable.as far to the rear as practicable.

An aerodrome with weather reports indicating that the weather conditions are at ?

Question 195-9 : Suitable adequate available alternate

Ecqb03 september 2016 exemple 327 suitable.suitable.

Who is to ensure safe handling of flights ?

Question 195-10 : The operator the authority the state of registration the operations officer

exemple 331 the operator.the operator.

The set processes by which an aircraft with the applicable airworthiness ?

Question 195-11 : Continuing airworthiness appropriate airworthiness requirements maintenance satisfactory evidence

Ecqb03 september 2016..continuing airworthiness is the process by which a newly built aircraft is thereafter kept in a condition where it remains airworthy or in other words technically fit for flight in the words of icao 'all of the processes ensuring that at any time in its life an aeroplane complies with the technical conditions fixed to the issue of the certificate of airworthiness and is in a condition for safe operation' exemple 335 continuing airworthiness.continuing airworthiness.

An operator shall ensure that employees when abroad know that they must comply ?

Question 195-12 : The states in which operation are conducted the states from which the aircraft are intended to depart the states to which the aircraft are proceed the states in which the aircraft are registered

Ecqb03 september 2016 exemple 339 the states in which operation are conducted.the states in which operation are conducted.

An authorized operator to conduct international commercial air transport ?

Question 195-13 : Annex 6 annex 8 annex 2 annex 4

Ecqb03 september 2016..annex 6 operation of aircraft.part i international commercial air transport aeroplanes.part ii international general aviation aeroplanes.part iii international operations helicopters exemple 343 annex 6.annex 6.

Flight and duty time limitations and rest requirements..the maximum daily ?

Question 195-14 : 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours

.oro ftl 205 flight duty period fdp. . d maximum daily fdp for acclimatised crew members with the use of extensions without in flight rest . 1 the maximum daily fdp may be extended by up to 1 hour not more than twice in any 7 consecutive days.please download easa oro ftl generic interpretation document .pdf2634 exemple 347 1 hour.1 hour.

Flight and duty time limitations and rest requirements..window of circadian low ?

Question 195-15 : 02 00 and 05 59 hours 04 00 and 06 59 hours 02 00 and 06 59 hours 03 00 and 04 59 hours

.oro ftl 105 definitions .'window of circadian low wocl ' means the period between 02 00 and 05 59 hours in the time zone to which a crew member is acclimatised.please download easa oro ftl generic interpretation document .pdf2634 exemple 351 02:00 and 05:59 hours.02:00 and 05:59 hours.

Flight and duty time limitations and rest requirements..the 'local night' means ?

Question 195-16 : 22 00 and 08 00 21 00 and 05 59 00 00 and 10 00 20 00 and 08 00

.oro ftl 105 definitions .'local night' means a period of 8 hours falling between 22 00 and 08 00 local time..please download easa oro ftl generic interpretation document .pdf2634 exemple 355 22:00 and 08:00.22:00 and 08:00.

Flight and duty time limitations and rest requirements..'standby' is a period ?

Question 195-17 : Duty period rest period holidays flight duty period

.oro ftl 105 definitions .'duty' means any task that a crew member performs for the operator including flight duty istrative work giving or receiving training and checking positioning and some elements of standby.'duty period' means a period which starts when a crew member is required by an operator to report for or to commence a duty and ends when that person is free of all duties including post flight duty.'standby' means a pre notified and defined period of time during which a crew member is required by the operator to be available to receive an assignment for a flight positioning or other duty without an intervening rest period..please download easa oro ftl generic interpretation document .pdf2634 exemple 359 duty period.duty period.

Flight and duty time limitations and rest requirements..the time spent at the ?

Question 195-18 : Duty period rest period recovery period flight time

.oro ftl 105 definitions .'duty' means any task that a crew member performs for the operator including flight duty istrative work giving or receiving training and checking positioning and some elements of standby.'duty period' means a period which starts when a crew member is required by an operator to report for or to commence a duty and ends when that person is free of all duties including post flight duty..please download easa oro ftl generic interpretation document .pdf2634 exemple 363 duty period.duty period.

Flight and duty time limitations and rest requirements..according to easa oro ?

Question 195-19 : A duty period encroaching any portion of the period between 02 00 and 04 59 in the time zone to which the crew is acclimatised a duty period encroaching any portion of the period between 02 00 and 04 59 in the time zone to which the crew has just arrived a duty period encroaching any portion of the period between 23 59 and 05 59 in the time zone to which the crew is acclimatised a duty period encroaching any portion of the period between 23 59 and 05 59 in the time zone to which the crew has just arrived

.oro ftl 105 definitions .'night duty' means a duty period encroaching any portion of the period between 02 00 and 04 59 in the time zone to which the crew is acclimatised..please download easa oro ftl generic interpretation document .pdf2634 exemple 367 a duty period encroaching any portion of the period between 02:00 and 04:59 in the time zone to which the crew is acclimatised.a duty period encroaching any portion of the period between 02:00 and 04:59 in the time zone to which the crew is acclimatised.

Flight and duty time limitations and rest requirements..the total duty periods ?

Question 195-20 : 60 duty hours in any 7 consecutive days 110 duty hours in any 28 consecutive days 100 duty hours in any 14 consecutive days 100 duty hours in any 28 consecutive days

.oro ftl 210 flight times and duty periods . a the total duty periods to which a crew member may be assigned shall not exceed . 1 60 duty hours in any 7 consecutive days . 2 110 duty hours in any 14 consecutive days and. 3 190 duty hours in any 28 consecutive days spread as evenly as practicable throughout that .period. b the total flight time of the sectors on which an individual crew member is assigned as an operating crew member shall not exceed . 1 100 hours of flight time in any 28 consecutive days . 2 900 hours of flight time in any calendar year and. 3 1000 hours of flight time in any 12 consecutive calendar months. c post flight duty shall count as duty period the operator shall specify in its operations manual the minimum time period for post flight duties..please download easa oro ftl generic interpretation document pdf2634 exemple 371 60 duty hours in any 7 consecutive days.60 duty hours in any 7 consecutive days.

Instruments and equipment..it is recommended that first aid kits should be ?

Question 195-21 : Near exits in the galley area accessible to cabin staff only out of sight to prevent panic under passenger seats

exemple 375 near exits.near exits.

A flight may be conducted under vfr only if ?

Question 195-22 : Vmc exists along the route to be flown under vfr a vfr flight plan has been filed and a vfr clearance was received an ifr flight plan has previously been filed and the flight conditions are vmc the maximum take off mass does not exceed 5700 kg

exemple 379 vmc exists along the route to be flown under vfr.vmc exists along the route to be flown under vfr.

According to regulation a quality system ?

Question 195-23 : Shall be established by all operators is not required for operations with aircraft below 5 7 tons is not mandatory for small operators less than 50 persons is not required for business jet operator

exemple 383 shall be established by all operators.shall be established by all operators.

Annex 6..'flight time' definition ?

Question 195-24 : The total time from the moment an aeroplane first moves for the purpose of taking off until the moment it finally comes to rest at the end of the flight the total time from the moment an aeroplane takes off until the moment it finally comes to rest at the end of the flight the total airborne time is synonymous to 'crew duty time'

Ecqb03 september 2016.. flight time as here defined is synonymous with the term block to block time or chock to chock time in general usage which is measured from the time an aeroplane first moves for the purpose of taking off until it finally stops at the end of the flight exemple 387 the total time from the moment an aeroplane first moves for the purpose of taking off until the moment it finally comes to rest at the end of the flight.the total time from the moment an aeroplane first moves for the purpose of taking off until the moment it finally comes to rest at the end of the flight.

With regard to the management system an operator is required to establish ?

Question 195-25 : 1 4 1 2 4 1 2 1 3

Easa air ops.oro gen 200 management system. a the operator shall establish implement and maintain a management system that includes . 1 clearly defined lines of responsibility and accountability throughout the operator including a direct safety accountability of the accountable manager . 2 a description of the overall philosophies and principles of the operator with regard to safety referred to as the safety policy . 3 the identification of aviation safety hazards entailed by the activities of the operator their evaluation and the management of associated risks including taking actions to mitigate the risk and verify their effectiveness . 4 maintaining personnel trained and competent to perform their tasks . 5 documentation of all management system key processes including a process for making personnel aware of their responsibilities and the procedure for amending this documentation . 6 a function to monitor compliance of the operator with the relevant requirements compliance monitoring shall include a feedback system of findings to the accountable manager to ensure effective implementation of corrective actions as necessary and. 7 any additional requirements that are prescribed in the relevant subparts of this annex or other applicable annexes. b the management system shall correspond to the size of the operator and the nature and complexity of its activities taking into account the hazards and associated risks inherent in these activities exemple 391 1, 4.1, 4.

Which of the following is the correct definition of 'dry lease' ?

Question 195-26 : The aircraft is operated under the aoc of the person to whom it is leased the aircraft is operated under the aoc of the person from whom it is leased the leased aircraft comes complete with flight crew the person leasing the aircraft is responsible for fuel etc

The aircraft is operated under the aoc of the person to whom it is leased.easa air ops regulation eu no 379/2014 amending regulation eu no 965/2012 .annex i / definitions for terms used in annexes ii vii..dry lease agreement without crew means an agreement between undertakings pursuant to which the aircraft is operated under the air operator certificate aoc of the lessee or in the case of commercial operations other than cat under the responsibility of the lessee.wet lease agreement crew included means an agreement . in the case of cat operations between air carriers pursuant to which the aircraft is operated under the aoc of the lessor or. in the case of commercial operations other than cat between operators pursuant to which the aircraft is operated under the responsibility of the lessor exemple 395 the aircraft is operated under the aoc of the person to whom it is leased.the aircraft is operated under the aoc of the person to whom it is leased.

Seats should be allocated for ?

Question 195-27 : Each person on board who is aged 24 months or more each person on board who is aged 12 months or more all persons on board each person on board who is aged 6 months or more

exemple 399 each person on board who is aged 24 months or more.each person on board who is aged 24 months or more.

Who is responsible for ensuring cabin crew members are qualified in their duties ?

Question 195-28 : The operator the senior cabin crew member the commander easa

exemple 403 the operator.the operator.

In accordance with easa air ops the operator must ensure that the dangerous ?

Question 195-29 : 3 months 6 months 12 months 36 months

.easa air ops regulation 965/2012 .oro mlr 115 record keeping . . b the following information used for the preparation and execution of a flight and associated reports shall be stored for 3 months . 1 the operational flight plan if applicable . 2 route specific notice s to airmen notam and aeronautical information services ais briefing documentation if edited by the operator . 3 mass and balance documentation . 4 notification of special loads including written information to the commander/pilot in command about dangerous goods . 5 the journey log or equivalent and. 6 flight report s for recording details of any occurrence or any event that the commander/pilot in command deems necessary to report or record exemple 407 3 months.3 months.

Ops regulation..in accordance with air ops the commander of an aeroplane with ?

Question 195-30 : 45 minutes of flight 30 minutes of flight at holding speed at 1500 ft above aerodrome elevation 20 minutes of flight 45 minutes of flight at holding speed at 1500 ft above aerodrome elevation

exemple 411 45 minutes of flight.45 minutes of flight.

In accordance with the easa air ops an airplane with one passenger deck ?

Question 195-31 : 1 emergency medical kits 3 emergency medical kits 2 emergency medical kits 4 emergency medical kits

.'emergency medical kit' is different from 'first aid kit'.easa air ops cat ide a 220 and 225.aeroplanes with an mopsc maximum operational passenger seating configuration of more than 30 needs 1 emk when any point of the route is at more than 60 minutes flying time from an aerodrome at which qualified medical assistance could be expected to ba available exemple 415 1 emergency medical kits.1 emergency medical kits.

The commander shall declare an emergency when the ?

Question 195-32 : Calculated usable fuel on landing at the nearest adequate aerodrome where a safe landing can be performed is less than final reserve fuel calculated landing fuel at destination airport is lower than the alternate plus final reserve calculated usable fuel on landing at the nearest adequate aerodrome where a safe landing can be performed is less than for 30 minutes flight time calculated landing fuel will be lower than the specified minimum within the ops manual

Ecqb04 december 2018..easa air ops.regulation eu no 965/2012.cat op mpa 230 ln flight fuel management aeroplanes.the operator shall establish a procedure to ensure that in flight fuel checks and fuel management are carried out according to the following criteria. a in flight fuel checks . 1 the commander shall ensure that fuel checks are carried out in flight at regular intervals the usable remaining fuel shall be recorded and evaluated to . i compare actual consumption with planned consumption . ii check that the usable remaining fuel is sufficient to complete the flight in accordance with b and. iii determine the expected usable fuel remaining on arrival at the destination aerodrome . 2 the relevant fuel data shall be recorded. b in flight fuel management . 1 the flight shall be conducted so that the expected usable fuel remaining on arrival at the destination aerodrome is not less than . i the required alternate fuel plus final reserve fuel or. ii the final reserve fuel if no alternate aerodrome is required. 2 if an in flight fuel check shows that the expected usable fuel remaining on arrival at the destination aerodrome is less than . i the required alternate fuel plus final reserve fuel the commander shall take into account the traffic and the operational conditions prevailing at the destination aerodrome at the destination alternate aerodrome and at any other adequate aerodrome in deciding whether to proceed to the destination aerodrome or to divert so as to perform a safe landing with not less than final reserve fuel or. ii the final reserve fuel if no alternate aerodrome is required the commander shall take appropriate action and proceed to an adequate aerodrome so as to perform a safe landing with not less than final reserve fuel. 3 the commander shall declare an emergency when the calculated usable fuel on landing at the nearest adequate aerodrome where a safe landing can be performed is less than final reserve fuel. 4 additional conditions for specific procedures. i on a flight using the rcf procedure to proceed to the destination 1 aerodrome the commander shall ensure that the usable fuel remaining at the decision point is at least the total of . a trip fuel from the decision point to the destination 1 aerodrome . b contingency fuel equal to 5% of trip fuel from the decision point to the destination 1 aerodrome . c destination 1 aerodrome alternate fuel if a destination 1 alternate aerodrome is required and. d final reserve fuel exemple 419 calculated usable fuel on landing, at the nearest adequate aerodrome where a safe landing can be performed, is less than final reserve fuel.calculated usable fuel on landing, at the nearest adequate aerodrome where a safe landing can be performed, is less than final reserve fuel.

What is the reason for selecting a suitable take off alternate aerodrome ?

Question 195-33 : To ensure a safe landing can be made in case of emergency after take off when departure aerodrome can not be used due to meteorological or performance reasons a suitable take off alternate aerodrome serves as a stopover for refuelling purposes on long distance flights to ensure a safe landing can be made in case of emergency after take off when destination aerodrome can not be used due to performance or meteorological reasons selection of a suitable take off alternate aerodrome is always required if the planned flight time to destination is greater than 8 hours

exemple 423 to ensure a safe landing can be made in case of emergency after take-off when departure aerodrome can not be used due to meteorological or performance reasons.to ensure a safe landing can be made in case of emergency after take-off when departure aerodrome can not be used due to meteorological or performance reasons.

What minimum rest period shall be provided before a flight duty which starts ?

Question 195-34 : 10 hours 8 hours 12 hours 6 hours

Please download easa oro ftl generic interpretation document..see page 21 oro ftl 235 rest periods b minimum rest period away from home base exemple 427 10 hours.10 hours.

When must the pilot turn on the navigation lights ?

Question 195-35 : At night at night when aircraft is being towed when flying imc day and night

exemple 431 at night.at night.

Which radio frequency can be used while flying in mnps airspace during air ?

Question 195-36 : 123 45 mhz 118 5 mhz 123 5 mhz 243 mhz

exemple 435 123.45 mhz.123.45 mhz.

An operator must establish procedures and instructions to be used for low ?

Question 195-37 : Taxiing take off approach flare landing roll out and missed approach take off landing roll out taxiing take off landing roll out and missed approach take off and landing

exemple 439 taxiing, take-off, approach, flare, landing, roll-out and missed approach.taxiing, take-off, approach, flare, landing, roll-out and missed approach.

Under easa eu regulation 965/2012 the management system of an operator shall ?

Question 195-38 : Size of the operator and the nature and complexity of its activities taking into account the hazards and associated risks inherent in these activities number of aircraft registered by the aoc holder size of the operator the route structure and specific approval operations specific approval operations

.easa air ops.regulation eu no 965/2012.oro gen 200 management system exemple 443 size of the operator and the nature and complexity of its activities, taking into account the hazards and associated risks inherent in these activities.size of the operator and the nature and complexity of its activities, taking into account the hazards and associated risks inherent in these activities.

Who shall establish minimum flight altitudes for all route segments to be flown ?

Question 195-39 : The operator the flight crew members the commander the dispatcher

.easa air ops.regulation eu no 965/2012.cat op mpa 145 establishment of minimum flight altitudes.note a similar question appeared in italy in 2018 but it asks for who is approving the method for establishing minimum flight altitudes .in this case the answer is the competent authority' exemple 447 the operator.the operator.

To conduct a visual approach the operator should not use an rvr of less than ?

Question 195-40 : 800 m 550 m 1600 m 2400 m

exemple 451 800 m.800 m.


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