Answer > reports : Which of the following is the correct definition of 'wet lease' ?
Question 194-1 : The aircraft is operated under the aoc of the lessor the aircraft is operated under the aoc of the lessee the aircraft is operated overseas the aircraft is leased from a non easa operator

For a flight from paris to washington with.etops authorisation 105 minutes at ?
Question 194-2 : Track c track a track d track b

An operator must select a take off alternate ?
Question 194-3 : If it would not be possible to return to the aerodrome of departure for meteorological or performance reasons when conducting a flight over water of more than 2 hours or 400 nm whichever is the lesser when the flight duration exceeds 6 hours for an ifr flight with a single engine aeroplane

Ops regulation..under what circumstances may an operator introduce alternative ?
Question 194-4 : When needed and when an equivalent safety case has first been approved by the authority and supported by easa member authorities when needed and when an equivalent safety case has been established no prior approval is needed from the authority when needed to expedite maintenance procedures never

The minimum number of hand fire extinguishers to be located in the passenger ?
Question 194-5 : 2 1 3 0

According to annex 6 'rnp type' is defined as a containment value expressed as ?
Question 194-6 : I nautical miles ii 95% i nautical miles ii 90% i kilometers ii 95% i kilometers ii 90%

Unless sufficient life rafts to carry all persons on board are carried on ?
Question 194-7 : I 120 minutes ii 400 nautical miles i 90 minutes ii 300 nautical miles i 45 minutes ii 200 nautical miles i 30 minutes ii 100 nautical miles

Ops regulation..according to air ops the minimum number of crash axes or ?
Question 194-8 : 2 1 3 4

For two engined aeroplanes in performance class b or c without an etops ?
Question 194-9 : I 120 ii 300 i 60 ii 300 i 60 ii 200 i 120 ii 200

An operator must select two destination alternates when the appropriate weather ?
Question 194-10 : I one ii one iii time of arrival i two ii two iii time of arrival i one ii one iii time of departure i two ii two iii time of departure

A category i operation is a precision instrument approach and landing with a ?
Question 194-11 : I 200 ft ii 550 m i 100 ft ii 350 m i 200 ft ii 350 m i 100 ft ii 550 m

An operator shall not operate an aeroplane with a maximum approved passenger ?
Question 194-12 : I 19 ii one i 9 ii one i 15 ii five i 9 ii five

An operator shall not operate across areas in which search and rescue would be ?
Question 194-13 : 1 2 4 1 3 4 1 4 2 4

Without an etops approval the maximum distance from an adequate aerodrome for ?
Question 194-14 : 60 30 90 120

Following a decompression the maximum pressure altitude at which each member of ?
Question 194-15 : 10000 ft 13000 ft 15000 ft 8000 ft

Assuming a multi engine land aeroplane with 60 persons on board .the cruising ?
Question 194-16 : 3 life rafts of 30 seat capacity 2 life rafts of 30 seat capacity 1 life raft of 30 seat capacity and 2 life rafts of 20 seat capacity none distance being less than 400 nm

An operator must ensure that the mdh for an ils approach without the glidepath ?
Question 194-17 : 250 ft 200 ft 300 ft 350 ft

An operator must ensure that the mdh for a vor approach is not lower than ?
Question 194-18 : 300 ft 200 ft 250 ft 350 ft

For aeroplanes with a maximum certificated take off mass over 5700 kg flight ?
Question 194-19 : 25 hours of operation 30 hours of operation 10 flights 25 flights

Easa air ops accordance with ops for a pressurised aeroplane ?
Question 194-20 : 2 hours 30 minutes 1 hour 10 minutes

According to annex 6 what is the definition of an air operator certificate ?
Question 194-21 : A certificate authorising an operator to carry out specified commercial air transport operations a certificate needed to carry out specified commercial international air transport operations but not for domestic commercial flights a certificate the crew will present to immigration officers stating that all passengers on board fulfil the visa requirements needed a certificate automatically authorising an operator to carry out domestic air services in any icao contracting state

According to annex 6 what is the definition of required navigation performance ?
Question 194-22 : A statement of the navigation performance necessary for operation within a defined airspace a statement of the navigation performance required during a pilot skill test a statement of the navigation performance necessary during flight tests for a new aircraft type a statement of the navigation performance required when installing a new navigation aid on the ground

An aircraft must be equipped with an audio selector panel accessible to each ?
Question 194-23 : When operating under ifr at all times when carrying passengers when operating under ifr or under vfr over routes not navigated by reference to visual landmarks when operating in controlled airspace

Ops regulation..according to air ops 'pre flight inspection' is the inspection ?
Question 194-24 : Before flight to ensure that the aircraft is fit for the intended flight it does not include defect rectification before flight to ensure that the aircraft is fit for the intended flight including defect rectification by the caterer to ensure that the aircraft is prepared with meals and beverages necessary for the flight by the fuel company to ensure that the aircraft is prepared for refuelling

Regarding all weather operations if vat is from 91 kt to 120 kt the aeroplane ?
Question 194-25 : Category b category c category d category e

Regarding all weather operations if vat is from 121 kt to 140 kt the aeroplane ?
Question 194-26 : Category c category d category e category b

According to north atlantic mnpsa operations manual what is the transponder ?
Question 194-27 : Code 2000 code 7000 code 7500 the last assigned code prior to entry into nat airspace

A minimum time track is a ?
Question 194-28 : Track determined according to wind conditions great circle track rhumb line spherical capable flight segment

Without etops approval an operator shall not operate a two engined class a ?
Question 194-29 : In 60 minutes at the one engine inoperative cruise speed in 30 minutes at the one engine inoperative cruise speed in 90 minutes at the one engine inoperative cruise speed in 120 minutes at the one engine inoperative cruise speed

In the case of overheating of the brakes following the landing the appropriate ?
Question 194-30 : 2 4 1 3 1 4 2 3

The minimum equipment list of an aircraft is found in the ?
Question 194-31 : Operations manual air ops flight manual flight record

Which part prescribes requirements for approved maintenance organisations ?
Question 194-32 : Part 145 part 66 part amo part 25

What is the planning minima for a destination alternate with a non precision ?
Question 194-33 : Non precision minima rvr and the ceiling at or above mdh plus 200 ft/1000 m non precision minima rvr and the ceiling at or above mdh rvr according to cat i circling minima

Ops regulation..according to easa air ops what is the planning minima for a ?
Question 194-34 : Rvr according to cat i non precision minima non precision minima plus 200 ft/1000 m circling minima

What minimum navigation equipment is required for operations under ifr or under ?
Question 194-35 : One vor receiving system one adf system one dme one vor receiving system one adf system one vor receiving system one dme one vor receiving system one adf system two dmes

A flight via the shannon gander great circle with no mnps certification can be ?
Question 194-36 : At fl 280 or less outside ots validity hours at a mach number of 0 70 or less at fl 290

In the mnps airspace a pilot should first of all take the following action in ?
Question 194-37 : Notify air traffic control and wait for instructions within a reasonable period request authorisation from control to track another aircraft set a different heading approximately 45° from the previous one immediately climb or descend 1 000 ft

Easa air ops regulation..according to ops planning minima for a destination ?
Question 194-38 : Rvr / visibility specified in accordance with air ops part cat rvr / visibility and ceiling at or above dh specified in accordance with air ops part cat non precision minima non precision minima plus 200 ft / 1000 m

Ops regulation..according to air ops what is the planning minima for a ?
Question 194-39 : Rvr / visibility specified in accordance with air ops and the ceiling at or above mdh rvr / visibility specified in accordance with air ops non precision minima rvr and the ceiling at or above mdh plus 200 ft/1000 m circling minima

What is the planning minima for a destination alternate with a cat i approach ?
Question 194-40 : Non precision minima rvr and the ceiling at or above mdh rvr according to cat i non precision minima plus 200 ft/1000 m circling minima

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