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Answer > reports : Which of the following are included in the aerodrome operating minima for a non ?

Question 193-1 : 1 3 1 4 1 1 2 4

.part cat amc3 cat op mpa 110 aerodrome operating minima.a concerns non precision approach with vertical guidance or cat i operation. b the minimum descent height mdh for a non precision approach operation flown without the continuous descent final approach cdfa technique should not be lower than the highest of. 1 the och for the category of aircraft. 2 the system minimum specified in table 3 mdh for npa without cdfa technique or.. 3 the minimum mdh specified in the aircraft flight manual afm if stated.the question refers only to aerodrome operating minima not to the planning minima for ifr flights cat op mpa 185.table 3 . 2629 exemple 293 1, 3.1, 3.

When the flight data recorder is required it must stop automatically to record ?

Question 193-2 : After the aircraft is unable to move by its own power when the main gear shock strut compresses when touching the runway when the landing gear is extended and locked when the aircraft clears the runway

.the fdr shall start to record the data prior to the aeroplane being capable of moving under its own power and shall stop after the aeroplane is incapable of moving under its own power in addition in the case of aeroplanes issued with an individual cofa on or after 1 april 1998 the fdr shall start automatically to record the data prior to the aeroplane being capable of moving under its own power and shall stop automatically after the aeroplane is incapable of moving under its own power exemple 297 after the aircraft is unable to move by its own power.after the aircraft is unable to move by its own power.

Who must finally determine that the load and its distribution is such that the ?

Question 193-3 : The commander the operator the flight engineer the airline's dispatcher

exemple 301 the commander.the commander.

When requested by an authority to produce the aircraft documentation required ?

Question 193-4 : Shall comply within a reasonable period of time can request a delay of 48 hours can refuse to present them shall only comply if authorised by the operator

.cat gen mpa 190 provision of documentation and records.a ramp control can be refused for operational reasons if the control delays the flight for example exemple 305 shall comply within a reasonable period of time.shall comply within a reasonable period of time.

The aerodrome operating minima for a vor/dme approach are.mdh = 360 ft.required ?

Question 193-5 : Regardless of the ceiling reported if the ceiling reported is higher than 360 ft if the ceiling reported is higher than 240 ft if the ceiling reported is higher than 240 ft during the day and 360 ft at night

Fgabrys .don't get why the answer is regardless of the ceiling reported if there is an operating minima the answer should be higher than 360. eu ops 1 405 commencement and continuation of approach . a the commander or the pilot to whom.conduct of the flight has been delegated may commence an instrument approach regardless of the.reported rvr/visibility but the approach shall not be continued beyond the outer marker or equivalent position if the reported rvr/visibility is less than the applicable minima.you can start the approach regardless of the ceiling reported cloud ceiling is not a part of the decision .at mdh minimum descent height 360 ft if you see the runway the approach may be continued and the landing may be completed provided that the required visual reference is established at the dh or mdh and is maintained .if no visual at 360 ft you must flown in such a way that you do not descend below the mdh you will continue on level flight until a pre calculated missed approach point is reached .if the required visual reference is not established by the missed approach point a missed approach will be flown exemple 309 regardless of the ceiling reported.regardless of the ceiling reported.

Air ops regulation..who is responsible for providing an operation manual in ?

Question 193-6 : The aircraft operator the aircraft producer the owner of the aircraft the national authority

exemple 313 the aircraft operator.the aircraft operator.

An aeroplane whose maximum take off mass exceeds 5 700 kg or whose maximum ?

Question 193-7 : Crash axe or a crow bar in the flight crew compartment crash axe and a crow bar in the passenger compartment crash axe on the flight deck and a crow bar in the passenger compartment crow bar on the flight deck and a crash axe in the passenger compartment

.cat ide a 255 crash axe and crowbar. a aeroplanes with a maximum certificated take off mass mctom exceeding 5 700 kg or having a maximum approved passenger seating configuration mopsc of more than 9 seats shall be equipped with at least one crash axe or crowbar located in the flight crew compartment. b if the maximum approved passenger seating configuration mopsc is more than 200 an additional crash axe or crowbar shall be installed in or near the most rearmost galley area. c crash axes and crowbars located in the passenger compartment shall not be visible to passengers exemple 317 crash axe or a crow-bar in the flight crew compartment.crash axe or a crow-bar in the flight crew compartment.

Ops regulation..an aeroplane whose maximum approved passenger seating ?

Question 193-8 : 1 hand fire extinguisher conveniently located in the passenger compartment 2 hand fire extinguishers conveniently located in the passenger compartment 3 hand fire extinguishers conveniently located in the passenger compartment 4 hand fire extinguishers conveniently located in the passenger compartment

.at least the following number of hand fire extinguishers must be conveniently located in the passenger compartment s . 2628 exemple 321 1 hand fire-extinguisher conveniently located in the passenger compartment.1 hand fire-extinguisher conveniently located in the passenger compartment.

The operator shall ensure that ?

Question 193-9 : Special vfr flights are not commenced when visibility is less than 1 5 km for vfr flights conducted in class b airspace horizontal distance from clouds is at least 1000m for vfr flights conducted in class f airspace vertical distance from clouds is at least 250m for vfr flights conducted in class e airspace flight visibility at and above 3050m 10000ft is at least 5 km clear of cloud

.regulation eu 923/2012.sera 5010 special vfr in control zones.article 2 definitions 'special vfr flight' means a vfr flight cleared by air traffic control to operate within a control zone in meteorological conditions below vmc.special vfr flights may be authorised to operate within a control zone subject to an atc clearance except when permitted by the competent authority for helicopters in special cases such as medical flights search and rescue operations and fire fighting the following additional conditions shall be applied . a by the pilot . 1 clear of cloud and with the surface in sight . 2 the flight visibility is not less than 1500 m or for helicopters not less than 800 m . 3 at speed of 140 kt ias or less to give adequate opportunity to observe other traffic and any obstacles in time to avoid a collision and.. b by atc . 1 during day only unless otherwise permitted by the competent authority . 2 the ground visibility is not less than 1500 m or for helicopters not less than 800 m . 3 the ceiling is not less than 180 m 600 ft exemple 325 special vfr flights are not commenced when visibility is less than 1.5 km.special vfr flights are not commenced when visibility is less than 1.5 km.

If no meteorological information is available for the destination the operator ?

Question 193-10 : Select two destination alternates take extra fuel to fly two hours at holding speed take extra fuel to fly one hour at holding speed 1500 ft above the alternate aerodrome not take off until obtaining destination meteorological forecast

.icao annex 6 and cat op mpa 182 fuel/energy scheme aerodrome selection policy aeroplanes.cat op mpa 192 selection of aerodromes and operating sites helicopters exemple 329 select two destination alternates.select two destination alternates.

For two engined aeroplanes not approved for etops the take off alternate if ?

Question 193-11 : One hour flight time at one engine inoperative cruising speed two hours flight time at one engine inoperative cruising speed one hour flight time at cruising speed with all engines operating two hours flight time at cruising speed with all engines operating

exemple 333 one hour flight time at one engine inoperative cruising speed.one hour flight time at one engine inoperative cruising speed.

Icao annex 6..for three and four engined aeroplanes the take off alternate if ?

Question 193-12 : 2 hours flight time at one engine inoperative cruising speed 2 hours flight time at cruising speed with all engines operating 1 hour flight time at one engine inoperative cruising speed 1 hour flight time at cruising speed with all engines operating

Icao annex 6 and easa air ops cat op mpa 180 selection of aerodromes aeroplanes exemple 337 2 hours flight time at one-engine-inoperative cruising speed.2 hours flight time at one-engine-inoperative cruising speed.

An operator must ensure that the mdh for a vor/dme approach is not lower than ?

Question 193-13 : 250 ft 200 ft 300 ft 350 ft

.at landing two types of procedures exist . non precision approach rnav/lnav ndb ndb/dme vor vor/dme llz llz/dme vdf sra .and. precision approach ils gls mls par. .for a non precision approach we use the word mdh a minimum descent height altitude.for a precision approach we use the word dh a decision height altitude.at mdh a you are able to level your aircraft at the minimum descent height until reaching a specific point wich can be based on time or distance from a facility offering you opportunity to established visual contact with the runway to perform a landing.at dh a you must initiate a go around procedure. .minimum descent height mdh .for an ils approach without the glidepath localizer only 250 ft.for a for a vor/dme approach 250 ft.for a vor approach 300 ft.for a ndb approach 350 ft.for a rnav/lnav approach 300 ft.decision height dh .for ils cat ii 100 ft.for ils cat i 200 ft.for a gls gnss landing system similar to traditional category i approaches exemple 341 250 ft.250 ft.

Ops regulation..in accordance with easa air ops a commander shall ensure that ?

Question 193-14 : Final reserve fuel remaining 15 minutes of remaining fuel fuel to hold 30 minutes at 1500 ft above the aedrodrome fuel to fly 20 minutes at best range speed

Ecqb03 september 2016..easa air ops.regulation eu no 965/2012.cat op mpa 230 ln flight fuel management aeroplanes.the operator shall establish a procedure to ensure that in flight fuel checks and fuel management are carried out according to the following criteria. a in flight fuel checks . 1 the commander shall ensure that fuel checks are carried out in flight at regular intervals the usable remaining fuel shall be recorded and evaluated to . i compare actual consumption with planned consumption . ii check that the usable remaining fuel is sufficient to complete the flight in accordance with b and. iii determine the expected usable fuel remaining on arrival at the destination aerodrome . 2 the relevant fuel data shall be recorded. b in flight fuel management . 1 the flight shall be conducted so that the expected usable fuel remaining on arrival at the destination aerodrome is not less than . i the required alternate fuel plus final reserve fuel or. ii the final reserve fuel if no alternate aerodrome is required. 2 if an in flight fuel check shows that the expected usable fuel remaining on arrival at the destination aerodrome is less than . i the required alternate fuel plus final reserve fuel the commander shall take into account the traffic and the operational conditions prevailing at the destination aerodrome at the destination alternate aerodrome and at any other adequate aerodrome in deciding whether to proceed to the destination aerodrome or to divert so as to perform a safe landing with not less than final reserve fuel or. ii the final reserve fuel if no alternate aerodrome is required the commander shall take appropriate action and proceed to an adequate aerodrome so as to perform a safe landing with not less than final reserve fuel. 3 the commander shall declare an emergency when the calculated usable fuel on landing at the nearest adequate aerodrome where a safe landing can be performed is less than final reserve fuel. 4 additional conditions for specific procedures. i on a flight using the rcf procedure to proceed to the destination 1 aerodrome the commander shall ensure that the usable fuel remaining at the decision point is at least the total of . a trip fuel from the decision point to the destination 1 aerodrome . b contingency fuel equal to 5% of trip fuel from the decision point to the destination 1 aerodrome . c destination 1 aerodrome alternate fuel if a destination 1 alternate aerodrome is required and. d final reserve fuel exemple 345 final reserve fuel remaining.final reserve fuel remaining.

An operator must ensure that the lowest mdh for a ndb approach is ?

Question 193-15 : 350 ft 200 ft 250 ft 400 ft

At landing two types of procedures exist. 'non precision approach procedures' rnav/lnav ndb ndb/dme vor vor/dme llz llz/dme vdf sra.and.. 'precision approach procedures' ils gls mls par...for a 'non precision approach procedures' we use the word mdh a minimum descent height altitude.for a 'precision approach procedures' we use the word dh a decision height altitude...at mdh a you are able to level your aircraft at the minimum descent height until reaching a specific point wich can be based on time or distance from a facility offering you opportunity to established visual contact with the runway to perform a landing.at dh a you must initiate a go around procedure...mdh are.for an ils approach without the glidepath localizer only 250 ft.for a for a vor/dme approach 250 ft.for a vor approach 300 ft.for a ndb approach 350 ft 300 ft before 16 july 2011.for a rnav/lnav approach 300 ft...dh are.for ils cat ii 100 ft.for ils cat i 200 ft.for a gls gnss landing system similar to traditional category i approaches exemple 349 350 ft.350 ft.

For a pressurised aircraft the definition of supplemental oxygen is ?

Question 193-16 : Oxygen supplied to the aeroplane occupants in the case of cabin pressurisation failure oxygen supplied to a passenger who needs oxygen for physiological reasons oxygen used for protection against smoke and carbon dioxide oxygen specifically carried for therapeutic purposes

exemple 353 oxygen supplied to the aeroplane occupants in the case of cabin pressurisation failure.oxygen supplied to the aeroplane occupants in the case of cabin pressurisation failure.

The commander of a turbojet engine aeroplane should have a final reserve fuel ?

Question 193-17 : 30 minutes of flight at holding speed at 1500 ft above aerodrome elevation in standard conditions 45 minutes of flight at holding speed at 1500 ft above aerodrome elevation in standard conditions 30 minutes of flight at cruising speed at fl140 45 minutes of flight at cruising speed at fl140

Part cat cat op mpa 150 fuel policy exemple 357 30 minutes of flight at holding speed at 1500 ft above aerodrome elevation in standard conditions.30 minutes of flight at holding speed at 1500 ft above aerodrome elevation in standard conditions.

Due to a cabin pressurisation defect the maximum differential pressure is ?

Question 193-18 : 24500 ft 22500 ft 27000 ft 29000 ft

. 2632 exemple 361 24500 ft.24500 ft.

Due to a cabin pressurisation defect the maximum differential pressure is ?

Question 193-19 : 15100 ft 14000 ft 12000 ft 5000 ft

. 1638 exemple 365 15100 ft.15100 ft.

Long range flights and etops..on the diagram where .tn = true north.mn = ?

Question 193-20 : 3 4 1 2

.if magnetic north is on the right of the grid north grivation >0 or east.if magnetic north is on the left of the grid north grivation exemple 369 33

Long range flights and etops..at reference the inertial navigation system ins ?

Question 193-21 : 2 3 4 1

.distance between the two points .74º 43 6' 71º 55 1' = 168 5 nm..the top of the display shows the grid heading true heading is 000° we are following the meridian + west longitude = 095 + 6° drift left = 101°.true track 000° to reach the vor since the vor is lined up on the local meridian exemple 373 22

Long range flights and etops..a pilot is using a polar stereographic chart ?

Question 193-22 : 5° +5° 15° +15°

Aircraft position 76°n 180°w grid heading 045° .grid is parallel to the zero meridian with grid north in the direction of the north geographic pole the true heading is equal to the grid heading +180° aircraft's longitude then true heading is 225°.with a true heading of 225° 10°e magnetic variation our magnetic heading is 215°.when the pilot will shift the compass to 'magnetic mode' compass heading is 220° magnetic heading is 215° compass shift is 5° exemple 377 -5°.-5°.

Long range flights and etops..an aircraft flying at flight level 370 fl 370 in ?

Question 193-23 : Climb or descend 500 ft climb or descent 1000 ft climb or descent 1000 ft or descend 500 ft climb 500 ft or descend 1000 ft

Please download the guidance concerning air navigation in and above the north atlantic mnps airspace edition 2010 .pdf675.. 12 3 special procedures..12 3 1 the general concept of these oceanic in flight contingency procedures is whenever .operationally feasible to offset from the assigned route by 15 nm and climb or descend to a level which differs from those normally used by 500 ft if below fl410 or by 1000 ft if above fl410.. initial action..12 3 2 the aircraft should leave its assigned route or track by initially turning at least 45° to the right or left whenever this is feasible the direction of the turn should where appropriate be determined by the position of the aircraft relative to any organised route or track system e g whether the aircraft is outside at the edge of or within the system other factors which may affect the direction of turn are direction to an alternate airport terrain clearance levels allocated on adjacent routes or tracks and any known slop off sets adopted by other nearby traffic. subsequent action.12 3 3 an aircraft that is able to maintain its assigned flight level after deviating 10 nm from its original cleared track centerline and therefore clear of any potentially conflicting traffic above or below following the same track should.a climb or descend 1000 ft if above fl410..b climb or descend 500 ft when below fl410.c climb 1000 ft or descend 500 ft if at fl410. thus you turn 45° to the right or left to acquire and maintain in either direction a track laterally separated by 15 nm from your assigned route after deviating 10 nm from your original route you can start to climb or descend exemple 381 climb or descend 500 ft.climb or descend 500 ft.

With the exception of amphibians and seaplanes the carriage of a life jacket ?

Question 193-24 : 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Ops 1 825 life jackets . a land aeroplanes an operator shall not operate a land aeroplane. 1 when flying over water and at a distance of more than 50 nautical miles from the shore or.. 2 when taking off or landing at an aerodrome where the take off or approach path is so disposed over water that in the event of a mishap there would be a likelihood of a ditching unless it is equipped with life jackets equipped with a survivor locator light for each person on board.each life jacket must be stowed in a position easily accessible from the seat or berth of the person for whose use it is provided life jackets for infants may be substituted by other approved flotation devices equipped with a survivor locator light.notice .statement n°1 cruising at such a distance from the shore that it would not be able to return in the case of an engine failure is not allowed in public transportation exemple 385 2, 3.2, 3.

In the event of a contingency which required an en route diversion to an ?

Question 193-25 : Minimise its rate of descent while acquiring a 15 nm offset track minimise its rate of descent while acquiring a 60 nm offset track immediatelly descend below fl280 and then acquire a 15 nm offset track immediatelly descend below fl280 and then acquire a 60 nm offset track

Jomargra .before commencing any diversion across the flow of adjacent traffic aircraft should whilst maintaining the 30 nm offset track expedite climb above or descent below the vast majority of nat traffic i e to a level above fl410 or below fl285 and then maintain a flight level which differs from those normally used by 1000 ft if above fl410 or by 500 ft if below fl410 however if the pilot is unable or unwilling to carry out a major climb or descent then any diversion should be carried out at a level 500 ft different from those in use within mnps airspace until a new atc clearance is obtained..no you have an older version of the mnps guidance the value has changed in 2007 .please download the guidance concerning air navigation in and above the north atlantic mnps airspace edition 2010 .pdf675..12 3 special procedures .12 3 4 an aircraft that is unable to maintain its assigned flight level should whenever possible initially minimise its rate of descent when leaving its original track centreline and then when expected to be clear of any possible traffic following the same track at lower levels expedite descent to an operationally feasible flight level which differs from those normally used by 500 ft if below fl410 or by 1000 ft if above fl410.12 3 5 before commencing any diversion across the flow of adjacent traffic aircraft should whilst maintaining the 15 nm offset track expedite climb above or descent below the vast majority of nat traffic i e to a level above fl410 or below fl280 and then maintain a flight level which differs from those normally used by 1000 ft if above fl410 or by 500 ft if below fl410 however if the pilot is unable or unwilling to carry out a major climb or descent then any diversion should be carried out at a level 500 ft different from those in use within mnps airspace until a new atc clearance is obtained exemple 389 minimise its rate of descent while acquiring a 15 nm offset track.minimise its rate of descent while acquiring a 15 nm offset track.

The minimum requirements for supplemental oxygen to be supplied in pressurised ?

Question 193-26 : 13000 ft 14000 ft 15000 ft 25000 ft

. oxygen minimum requirements for supplemental oxygen for pressurised aeroplanes . 2625 exemple 393 13000 ft.13000 ft.

When establishing an instrument approach procedure five aeroplane categories ?

Question 193-27 : 1 3 1 45 1 5 1 15

.classification of aeroplanes .the criteria taken into consideration for the classification of aeroplanes by categories is the indicated airspeed at threshold vat which is equal to the stalling speed vso multiplied by 1 3 or vs1g multiplied by 1 23 in the landing configuration at the maximum certificated landing mass if both vso and vs1g are available the higher resulting vat shall be used the aeroplane categories corresponding to vat values are in the table below . 2627 exemple 397 1.31.3

At least one of the following hand fire extinguishers must be conveniently ?

Question 193-28 : A hafex fire extinguisher or equivalent a powder fire extinguisher a water fire extinguisher a foam fire extinguisher

. hafex 'halon alternative fire extinguisher' exemple 401 a hafex fire-extinguisher or equivalent.a hafex fire-extinguisher or equivalent.

A crew member is allowed to carry safety matches.1 on himself.2 in his hand ?

Question 193-29 : 1 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 4 2 3

The crew or the passengers may only carry on their person one box of safety matches or one refillable cigarette lighter for personal use these must be carried on the person and are not permitted in hand baggage disposable lighters and 'strike anywhere' matches are not permitted to be carried either in the aircraft cabin on your person or in hand baggage under any circumstances exemple 405 1, 4.1, 4.

According to air ops and assuming the following circumstances for a category a ?

Question 193-30 : 150 m 200 m 300 m 250 m

Eu ops 1 455 low visibility operations operating procedures . a an operator must establish procedures and instructions to be used for low visibility take off and category ii and iii operations these procedures must be included in the operations manual and contain the duties of flight crew members during taxying take off approach flare landing roll out and missed approach as appropriate. b the commander shall satisfy himself that. 1 the status of the visual and nonvisual facilities is sufficient prior to commencing a low visibility take off or a category ii or iii approach. 2 appropriate lvps are in force according to information received from air traffic services before commencing a low visibility take off or a category ii or iii approach and.. 3 the flight crew members are properly qualified prior to commencing a low visibility take off in an rvr of less than 150 m category a b and c aeroplanes or 200 m cat d aeroplanes or a category ii or iii approach exemple 409 150 m.150 m.

The number of spare fuses available for use in flight must be ?

Question 193-31 : 10% of the number of fuses of each rating or at least 3 for each rating 5% of the number of fuses of each rating or at least 3 for each rating 20% of the number of fuses of each rating or at least 2 for each rating at least 2 for each rating

.cat ide a 110 spare electrical fuses..a aeroplanes shall be equipped with spare electrical fuses of the ratings required for complete circuit protection for replacement of those fuses that are allowed to be replaced in flight.b the number of spare fuses that are required to be carried shall be the higher of .1 10 % of the number of fuses of each rating or .2 three fuses for each rating exemple 413 10% of the number of fuses of each rating or at least 3 for each rating.10% of the number of fuses of each rating or at least 3 for each rating.

During an ils procedure if the information transmitted by the appropriate ?

Question 193-32 : The outer marker om the faf the middle marker the start final descent point glide slope intersection

exemple 417 the outer marker (om).the outer marker (om).

The number of crash axes or crowbars on board an aeroplane whose maximum ?

Question 193-33 : 2 1 3 4

.cat ide a 255 crash axe and crowbar . a aeroplanes with a maximum certificated take off mass mctom exceeding 5 700 kg or having a maximum approved passenger seating configuration mopsc of more than 9 seats shall be equipped with at least one crash axe or crowbar located in the flight crew compartment. b if the maximum approved passenger seating configuration mopsc is more than 200 an additional crash axe or crowbar shall be installed in or near the most rearmost galley area. c crash axes and crowbars located in the passenger compartment shall not be visible to passengers exemple 421 2.2.

Ops regulation..an operator shall not operate an aeroplane unless it is ?

Question 193-34 : Prior to the aeroplane moving under its own power until the termination of the flight when the aeroplane is no longer capable of moving under its own power when the parking brake is released until the termination of flight when the parking brake is set when full thrust is applied until the termination of the flight when the aeroplane is no longer capable of moving under its own power prior to the aeroplane moving under its own power until the termination of flight when the parking brake is set

. eu ops 1 700/05/10 cockpit voice recorders . . c the cockpit voice recorder must start to record prior to the aeroplane moving under its own power and continue to record until the termination of the flight when the aeroplane is no longer capable of moving under its own power in addition depending on the availability of electrical power the cockpit voice recorder must start to record as early as possible during the cockpit checks prior to the flight until the cockpit checks immediately following engine shutdown at the end of the flight exemple 425 prior to the aeroplane moving under its own power until the termination of the flight when the aeroplane is no longer capable of moving under its own power.prior to the aeroplane moving under its own power until the termination of the flight when the aeroplane is no longer capable of moving under its own power.

Long range flights and etops..if a pilot has connected the automatic pilot to ?

Question 193-35 : Great circle rhumb line curve of some type or other spherical flight segment

If the gyro compass is corrected for astronomical precession in still air conditions = without wind the course is an orthodromic track a great circle track .at constant heading this is a rhumb line

An aeroplane with 8 passengers on board is operated at fl 270 the supply of ?

Question 193-36 : 1 passenger for the remainder of the flight after cabin depressurisation when the cabin altitude exceeds 8000 ft no first aid required 1 passenger for the remainder of the flight after cabin depressurisation when the cabin altitude exceeds 14000 ft 2 passengers for the remainder of the flight after cabin depressurisation when the cabin altitude exceeds 10000 ft

Eu ops 1 760 first aid oxygen . a an operator shall not operate a pressurised aeroplane above 25 000 ft when a cabin crew member is required to be carried unless it is equipped with a supply of undiluted oxygen for passengers who for physiological reasons might require oxygen following a cabin depressurisation . the amount of oxygen shall be calculated using an average flow rate of at least 3 litres standard temperature pressure dry stpd /minute/person and shall be sufficient for the remainder of the flight after cabin depressurisation when the cabin altitude exceeds 8 000 ft but does not exceed 15 000 ft for at.least 2% of the passengers carried but in no case for less than one person there shall be a sufficient number of dispensing units but in no case less than two with a means for cabin crew to use the supply .the dispensing units may be of a portable type.2% of 8 passengers is 0 16 passenger ==> 1 passenger exemple 433 1 passenger for the remainder of the flight after cabin depressurisation when the cabin altitude exceeds 8000 ft.1 passenger for the remainder of the flight after cabin depressurisation when the cabin altitude exceeds 8000 ft.

The route of a twin engine aircraft non etops with a maximum certificated take ?

Question 193-37 : 60 minutes at the cruise speed one engine inoperative 30 minutes at the cruise speed one engine inoperative 90 minutes at the cruise speed one engine inoperative 120 minutes at the cruise speed one engine inoperative

.cat op mpa 140 maximum distance from an adequate aerodrome for two engined aeroplanes without an etops approval. a unless approved by the competent authority in accordance with annex v part spa subpart f the operator shall not operate a two engined aeroplane over a route that contains a point further from an adequate aerodrome under standard conditions in still air than. 1 for performance class a aeroplanes with either . i a maximum operational passenger seating configuration mopsc of 20 or more or. ii a maximum take off mass of 45360 kg or more .the distance flown in 60 minutes at the one engine inoperative oei cruising speed determined in accordance with b. 2 for performance class a aeroplanes with. i an mopsc of 19 or less and. ii a maximum take off mass less than 45360 kg .the distance flown in 120 minutes or subject to approval by the competent authority up to 180 minutes for turbo jet aeroplanes at the oei cruise speed determined in accordance with b. 3 for performance class b or c aeroplanes. i the distance flown in 120 minutes at the oei cruise speed determined in accordance with b or. ii 300 nm whichever is less. b the operator shall determine a speed for the calculation of the maximum distance to an adequate aerodrome for each two engined aeroplane .type or variant operated not exceeding vmo maximum operating speed based upon the true airspeed that the aeroplane can maintain with one engine inoperative. c the operator shall include the following data specific to each type or variant in the operations manual . 1 the determined oei cruising speed and. 2 the determined maximum distance from an adequate aerodrome. d to obtain the approval referred to in a 2 the operator shall provide evidence that . 1 the aeroplane/engine combination holds an extended range operations with two engined aeroplanes etops type design and reliability approval for the intended operation. 2 a set of conditions has been implemented to ensure that the aeroplane and its engines are maintained to meet the necessary reliability criteria and. 3 the flight crew and all other operations personnel involved are trained and suitably qualified to conduct the intended operation exemple 437 60 minutes at the cruise speed, one engine inoperative.60 minutes at the cruise speed, one engine inoperative.

An ifr flight with no alternate aerodrome can be undertaken only if the minimum ?

Question 193-38 : 1 hour before to at least 1 hour after the expected time of arrival 2 hours before to at least 2 hours after the expected time of arrival 3 hours before to at least 1 hour after the expected time of arrival 3 hours before to at least 3 hours after the expected time of arrival

You intend to operate a public transport aeroplane land aeroplane with 60 ?

Question 193-39 : 60 66 0 none if equipped with life rafts

Ops 1 825 life jackets . a land aeroplanes .an operator shall not operate a land aeroplane. 1 when flying over water and at a distance of more than 50 nautical miles from the shore or.. 2 when taking off or landing at an aerodrome where the take off or approach path is so disposed over water that in the event of a mishap there would be a likelihood of a ditching.unless it is equipped with life jackets equipped with a survivor locator light for each person on board .each life jacket must be stowed in a position easily accessible from the seat or berth of the person for whose use it is provided life jackets for infants may be substituted by other approved flotation devices equipped with a survivor locator light

An operator shall ensure that each cabin crew member is at least ?

Question 193-40 : 18 years of age 21 years of age 17 years of age 20 years of age

exemple 449 18 years of age.18 years of age.


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