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Answer > reports : For a pressurised aircraft the supplemental oxygen is ?

Question 192-1 : The oxygen supplied to the aeroplane occupants in case of cabin pressurisation failure the oxygen supplied to a passenger who needs oxygen for physiological reasons the oxygen used for protection against smoke and carbon dioxide a therapeutic oxygen specifically carried for certain passengers

exemple 292 the oxygen supplied to the aeroplane occupants in case of cabin pressurisation failure.the oxygen supplied to the aeroplane occupants in case of cabin pressurisation failure.

If all long range navigation systems of an aircraft become unserviceable during ?

Question 192-2 : Climbing or descending 500 feet descend below the mnps space return to departure airport land at the nearest airport

Please download the guidance concerning air navigation in and above the north atlantic mnps airspace edition 2010 .pdf675..chapter 11 .the remaining system fails after entering mnps airspace..11 2 8 the pilot should.a immediately notify atc..b make best use of procedures specified above relating to attempting visual sightings and establishing contact on vhf with adjacent aircraft for useful information..c keep a special look out for possible conflicting aircraft and make maximum use of exterior lights..d if no instructions are received from atc within a reasonable period consider climbing or descending 500 feet broadcasting action on 121 5 mhz and advising atc as soon as possible. note this procedure also applies when a single remaining system gives an indication of degradation of performance or neither system fails completely but the system indications diverge widely and the defective system cannot be determined exemple 296 climbing or descending 500 feet.climbing or descending 500 feet.

If installed the flight crew compartment door of all aeroplanes operated for ?

Question 192-3 : Locked from within the compartment directly locked from outside the compartment remotely locked by cabin crew operation from outside the compartment remotely locked from either inside or outside the compartment

exemple 300 locked from within the compartment.locked from within the compartment.

During the passenger briefing for a flight requiring life jackets the ?

Question 192-4 : When outside the aircraft immediately on the opening of the exits immediately on ditching as soon as ditching is prepared

exemple 304 when outside the aircraft.when outside the aircraft.

When required the number of life rafts to be carried on board an aeroplane must ?

Question 192-5 : In the case of a loss of one raft of the largest rated capacity plus 10% plus 20% plus 30%

.cat ide a 285.aeroplanes shall carry life rafts in sufficient numbers to carry all persons on board stowed so as to facilitate their ready use in an emergency and being of sufficient size to accommodate all the survivors in the event of a loss of one raft of the largest rated capacity exemple 308 in the case of a loss of one raft of the largest rated capacity.in the case of a loss of one raft of the largest rated capacity.

100% of the passengers in a non pressurised aircraft shall be supplied with ?

Question 192-6 : 13000 ft 11000 ft 14000 ft 15000 ft

. supplemental oxygen for non pressurised aeroplanes . 2624 exemple 312 13000 ft.13000 ft.

All occupants of flight deck seats on flight deck duty in a non pressurised ?

Question 192-7 : 10000 ft 13000 ft 14000 ft 15000 ft

. supplemental oxygen for non pressurised aircrafts . 2624 exemple 316 10000 ft.10000 ft.

For a pressurised aeroplane during and following an emergency descent all ?

Question 192-8 : 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 3 4 1 4

. oxygen minimum requirements for supplemental oxygen for pressurised aeroplanes . 2625 exemple 320 1, 2, 3, 4.1, 2, 3, 4.

Ops regulation..in accordance with air ops a single deck aeroplane equipped ?

Question 192-9 : 1 megaphone 2 megaphones 2 megaphones if there are more than 31 passengers on board 3 megaphones

Eu ops 1 810 megaphones . a an operator shall not operate an aeroplane with a maximum approved passenger seating configuration of more than 60 and carrying one or more passengers unless it is equipped with portable battery powered megaphones readily accessible for use by crew members during an emergency evacuation to the following scales. 1 for each passenger deck. /com en/com070 309 jpg... 2 for aeroplanes with more than one passenger deck in all cases when the total passenger seating configuration is more than 60 at least 1 megaphone is required exemple 324 1 megaphone.1 megaphone.

In nat region a revised estimate should be transmitted to the ats when the ?

Question 192-10 : 3 minutes or more 5 minutes or more 10 minutes or more 2 minutes or more

exemple 328 3 minutes or more.3 minutes or more.

To operate an airplane at night the airplane must be equipped with an airborne ?

Question 192-11 : 1 2 3 1 4 1 2 4

.cat ide a 160.airborne weather detecting equipment.the following shall be equipped with airborne weather detecting equipment when operated at night or in imc in areas where thunderstorms or other potentially hazardous weather conditions regarded as detectable with airborne weather detecting equipment may be expected to exist along the route.a pressurised aeroplanes . .b non pressurised aeroplanes with an mctom of more than 5 700 kg and..c non pressurised aeroplanes with an mopsc of more than nine exemple 332 1, 2, 3.1, 2, 3.

If a flight is to be carried out at fl 290 demonstration about oxygen equipment ?

Question 192-12 : Take off the aircraft reaches fl 100 the aircraft reaches fl 250 the aircraft reaches fl 140

exemple 336 take-off.take-off.

The european regulation n° 965/2012 known as air ops applies to ?

Question 192-13 : The operation by a easa state member of any civil commercial transport aircraft aircraft proceeding from european states or flying over them aircraft used by police customs and defence departments the operation by a easa state member of any civil aircraft

exemple 340 the operation by a easa state member of any civil commercial transport aircraft.the operation by a easa state member of any civil commercial transport aircraft.

Minimum time route is a route calculated for ?

Question 192-14 : A given flight from departure to destination a period of 12 hours a period of 24 hours aircraft flying in mnps airspace

exemple 344 a given flight from departure to destinationa given flight from departure to destination

Ops regulation..on arriving overhead an isolated aerodrome the commander of a ?

Question 192-15 : 2 hours with normal cruise consumption 2 hours at holding flight speed and 1500 ft 30 minutes at holding flight speed and 1500 ft 30 minutes with normal cruising consumption

. eu ops 1 192 terminology . . 5 isolated aerodrome if acceptable to the authority the destination aerodrome can be considered as an isolated aerodrome if the fuel required diversion plus final to the nearest adequate destination alternate aerodrome is more than. i for aeroplanes with reciprocating engines fuel to fly for 45 minutes plus 15% of the flight time planned to be spent at cruising level or two hours whichever is less or.. ii for aeroplanes with turbine engines fuel to fly for two hours at normal cruise consumption above the destination aerodrome including final reserve fuel exemple 348 2 hours with normal cruise consumption.2 hours with normal cruise consumption.

The climb or descent through mnps minimum navigation performance specification ?

Question 192-16 : Can be authorised under radar control if the pilot is in vhf contact with the controller is forbidden in all circumstances can be authorised when the aircraft has two long range navigation systems can be authorised only if the pilot is in communication with the conflicting aircraft pilot

Storch .i found this in your 070 nat mnps pdf page 16 chapter 1 1 3 'all aircraft intending to operate within nat mnps airspace have had to be equipped with altimetry and height keeping systems which meet rvsm minimum aircraft system performance specifications masps ' .this sentence implied that a non certified aircraft can't penetrate in mnps airspace no thank you again for your feedback..see chapter 12 if a non mnps certified aircraft is flying at fl430 outisde mnps airspace and due to aircraft performance problems pressurisation failure etc it needs to descend the controler has to deal with it exemple 352 can be authorised under radar control if the pilot is in vhf contact with the controller.can be authorised under radar control if the pilot is in vhf contact with the controller.

The cockpit voice recorder must start automatically to record the data ?

Question 192-17 : Prior to the aircraft being capable of moving under its own power when taking off when the landing gear is retracted when lining up

.cat ide a 185 cockpit voice recorder.the cvr shall start to record prior to the aeroplane moving under its own power and shall continue to record until the termination of the flight when the aeroplane is no longer capable of moving under its own power in addition in the case of aeroplanes issued with an individual cofa on or after 1 april 1998 the cvr shall start automatically to record prior to the aeroplane moving under its own power and continue to record until the termination of the flight when the aeroplane is no longer capable of moving under its own power exemple 356 prior to the aircraft being capable of moving under its own power.prior to the aircraft being capable of moving under its own power.

The minimum visibility required to commence or to conduct a special vfr flight ?

Question 192-18 : 1 5 km 5 km 6 km 2 5 km

.regulation eu 923/2012 air ops .sera 5010 special vfr in control zones.definitions 'special vfr flight' means a vfr flight cleared by air traffic control to operate within a control zone in meteorological conditions below vmc.special vfr flights may be authorised to operate within a control zone subject to an atc clearance except when permitted by the competent authority for helicopters in special cases such as medical flights search and rescue operations and fire fighting the following additional conditions shall be applied . a by the pilot . 1 clear of cloud and with the surface in sight . 2 the flight visibility is not less than 1500 m or for helicopters not less than 800 m . 3 at speed of 140 kt ias or less to give adequate opportunity to observe other traffic and any obstacles in time to avoid a collision and.. b by atc . 1 during day only unless otherwise permitted by the competent authority . 2 the ground visibility is not less than 1500 m or for helicopters not less than 800 m . 3 the ceiling is not less than 180 m 600 ft exemple 360 1.5 km.1.5 km.

The operator must ensure that the information contained in the aircraft ?

Question 192-19 : 36 months 3 months 15 months 12 months

.the operator must ensure that the information contained in the aircraft technical log is stored for a minimum period of 36 months after the date of the last entry exemple 364 36 months.36 months.

The operator must ensure that the mass and balance documentation of a flight is ?

Question 192-20 : 3 months 1 month 6 months 1 year

.oro mlr 115 record keeping . . b the following information used for the preparation and execution of a flight and associated reports shall be stored for 3 months . 1 the operational flight plan if applicable . 2 route specific notice s to airmen notam and aeronautical information services ais briefing documentation if edited by the operator . 3 mass and balance documentation . 4 notification of special loads including written information to the commander/pilot in command about dangerous goods . 5 the journey log or equivalent and. 6 flight report s for recording details of any occurrence or any event that the commander/pilot in command deems necessary to report or record exemple 368 3 months3 months

The purpose of the first aid oxygen for pressurized aeroplane is to ?

Question 192-21 : Provide undiluted oxygen to passengers for physiological reasons following a cabin depressurisation provide the cabin attendants with respiratory protection supply all the passengers in case of depressurisation provide the flight crew with respiratory assistance after depressurisation

.when operating a pressurized aeroplane above 25000 ft a supply of first aid oxygen is required for passengers who for physiological reasons might require oxygen following depressurisation the amount carried shall be sufficient for at least 2% of passengers carried in no case less than one for the remainder of the flight after depressurisation when cabin altitude exceeds 8000 ft but does not exceed 15000 ft at least 2 dispensing units are required exemple 372 provide undiluted oxygen to passengers for physiological reasons following a cabin depressurisation.provide undiluted oxygen to passengers for physiological reasons following a cabin depressurisation.

To establish the aerodrome operating minima an operator must take full account ?

Question 192-22 : 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 4 5 2 4 5 2 3 5

.part cat cat op mpa 110 aerodrome operating minima exemple 376 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Where dangerous goods are carried on a flight which takes place wholly or ?

Question 192-23 : English french spanish english french and spanish

.icao annex 18 chapter 7 and easa air ops cat gen mpa 200 transport of dangerous goods exemple 380 english.english.

Ops regulation..a jet aircraft is certified for the carriage of 120 passengers ?

Question 192-24 : 1 passenger for the entire flight after cabin depressurization at cabin altitude of more than 8000 ft no first aid required 1 passenger for the entire flight after cabin depressurization at cabin altitude between 10000 and 14000 ft 3 passengers for the entire flight after cabin depressurization at cabin altitude between 10000 and 14000 ft

Eu ops 1 760 first aid oxygen. a an operator shall not operate a pressurised aeroplane above 25 000 ft when a cabin crew member is required to be carried unless it is equipped with a supply of undiluted oxygen for passengers who for physiological reasons might require oxygen following a cabin depressurisation .the amount of oxygen shall be calculated using an average flow rate of at least 3 litres standard temperature pressure dry stpd /minute/person and shall be sufficient for the remainder of the flight after cabin depressurisation when the cabin altitude exceeds 8 000 ft but does not exceed 15 000 ft for at least 2% of the passengers carried but in no case for less than one person there shall be a sufficient number of dispensing units but in no case less than two with a means for cabin crew to use the supply . the dispensing units may be of a portable type. b the amount of first aid oxygen required for a particular operation shall be determined on the basis of cabin pressure altitudes and flight duration consistent with the operating procedures established for each operation and route. c the oxygen equipment provided shall be capable of generating a mass flow to each user of at least four litres per minute stpd means may be provided to decrease the flow to not less than two litres per minute stpd at any altitude.2% of 42 passengers is 0 84 passenger ==> 1 passenger exemple 384 1 passenger for the entire flight after cabin depressurization at cabin altitude of more than 8000 ft.1 passenger for the entire flight after cabin depressurization at cabin altitude of more than 8000 ft.

The public address system must be audible and intelligible at.1 all passenger ?

Question 192-25 : 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 1 2 3

.amc1 cat ide a 180 public address system.the public address system should .a operate independently of the interphone systems except for handsets headsets microphones selector switches and signalling devices .b be readily accessible for immediate use from each required flight crew station .c have for each floor level passenger emergency exit that has an adjacent cabin crew seat a microphone operable by the seated cabin crew member except that one microphone may serve more than one exit provided the proximity of exits allows unassisted verbal communication between seated cabin crew members .d be operable within 10 seconds by a cabin crew member at each of those stations and .e be audible at all passenger seats lavatories galleys cabin crew seats and work stations and other crew remote areas.amc1 cat ide h 180 public address system.the public address system should .a operate independently of the interphone systems except for handsets headsets microphones selector switches and signalling devices .b be readily accessible for immediate use from each required flight crew station .c have for each floor level passenger emergency exit that has an adjacent cabin crew seat a microphone operable by the seated cabin crew member except that one microphone may serve more than one exit provided the proximity of exits allows unassisted verbal communication between seated cabin crew members .d be operable within 10 seconds by a cabin crew member at each of those stations .e be audible at all passenger seats lavatories cabin crew seats and work stations and any other location or compartment that may be occupied by persons and .f following a total failure of the normal electrical generating system provide reliable operation for a minimum of ten minutes exemple 388 1, 2, 3, 4.1, 2, 3, 4.

In an aeroplane with a maximum configuration of more than 19 passengers the ?

Question 192-26 : To prevent passengers from opening it without permission of a member of the flight crew capable of being locked only from outside the flight deck compartment capable of being remotely locked by cabin crew from outside the flight deck compartment capable of being remotely locked from either inside or outside the flight deck compartment

.cat ide a 215 internal doors and curtains.in the case of aeroplanes with an mopsc of more than 19 a door between the passenger compartment and the flight crew compartment with a placard indicating crew only' and a locking means to prevent passengers from opening it without the permission of a member of the flight crew exemple 392 to prevent passengers from opening it without permission of a member of the flight crew.to prevent passengers from opening it without permission of a member of the flight crew.

Ops regulation..according to air ops for a non pressurised aircraft all ?

Question 192-27 : The entire flight time at pressure altitudes above 13000 ft and for any period exceeding 30 minutes at pressure altitudes above 10000 ft but not exceeding 13000 ft the entire flight time at pressure altitudes above 10000 ft the entire flight time at pressure altitudes above 13000 ft the entire flight time after 30 minutes at pressure altitudes greater than 10000 ft but not exceeding 13000 ft

.supplemental oxygen for non pressurised aeroplanes. /com en/com070 502 png. exemple 396 the entire flight time at pressure altitudes above 13000 ft and for any period exceeding 30 minutes at pressure altitudes above 10000 ft but not exceeding 13000 ft.the entire flight time at pressure altitudes above 13000 ft and for any period exceeding 30 minutes at pressure altitudes above 10000 ft but not exceeding 13000 ft.

Astronomic precession ?

Question 192-28 : Causes an apparent wander on the axis of the directional gyro to the left in the southern hemisphere causes an apparent wander on the axis of the directional gyro to the right in the southern hemisphere is zero at the north pole is zero at the south pole

.astronomic precession earth rate from the earth's rotation .although there is a vertical component the horizontal component is meant when talking about this assuming you are stationary so at the pole the gyro will appear to move at 15° par hour in the horizontal plane because that is the rate at which the earth is spinning and orbiting round the sun .the only time this won't happen is at the equator if the gyro's axis is aligned with a meridiant and is parallel to the earth's axis .thus it varies with the sine of the latitude for the heading indicator to the right in the northern hemisphere and the left in the southern hemisphere.the earth rate is . 15° x sine latitude/hr exemple 400 causes an apparent wander on the axis of the directional gyro to the left in the southern hemispherecauses an apparent wander on the axis of the directional gyro to the left in the southern hemisphere

Long range flights and etops..flights within nat region shall be conducted in ?

Question 192-29 : Operating at or above fl 60 or 2000 ft above ground whichever is the higher flying above 3000 ft above ground operating more than 100 nm seaward from the shoreline within controlled airspace operating more than 100 nm seaward from the shoreline within uncontrolled airspace

Doc 7030 nat regional supplementary procedures chapter 1 flight rules .1 2 instrument flight rules ifr .1 2 1 special application.1 2 1 1 flights shall be conducted in accordance with the instrument flight rules when operated at or above flight level fl 60 or 600 m 2 000 ft above ground whichever is the higher within.a the new york oceanic gander oceanic shanwick oceanic santa maria oceanic søndrestrøm and reykjavik flight information regions firs and..b the bodø oceanic fir when operated more than 185 km 100 nm seaward from the shoreline exemple 404 operating at or above fl 60 or 2000 ft above ground whichever is the higher.operating at or above fl 60 or 2000 ft above ground whichever is the higher.

During an ils procedure if the reported rvr/visibility is less than the ?

Question 192-30 : The outer marker or equivalent or 1000 ft above the aerodrome / heliport if there is no outer marker or equivalent the faf or 1500 ft above the aerodrome / heliport if there is no faf the middle marker or 500 ft above the aerodrome / heliport if there is no middle marker the glide slope intersection

exemple 408 the outer marker or equivalent, or 1000 ft above the aerodrome / heliport if there is no outer marker or equivalent.the outer marker or equivalent, or 1000 ft above the aerodrome / heliport if there is no outer marker or equivalent.

Long range flights and etops..during a flight to europe scheduled in mnps ?

Question 192-31 : In a night time organised track system outside the validity period of the organised track system in a day time organised track system within the polar track system

Please download the guidance concerning air navigation in and above the north atlantic mnps airspace edition 2010 .pdf675..chapter 2 .2 1 1 as a result of passenger demand time zone differences and airport noise restrictions much of the north atlantic nat air traffic contributes to two major alternating flows a westbound flow departing europe in the morning and an eastbound flow departing north america in the evening the effect of these flows is to concentrate most of the traffic unidirectionally with peak westbound traffic crossing the 30w longitude between 1130 utc and 1900 utc and peak eastbound traffic crossing the 30w longitude between 0100 utc and 0800 utc . . page 11 .the hours of validity of the two organised track systems ots are normally as follows .day time ots 1130 utc to 1900 utc at 30°w .night time ots 0100 utc to 0800 utc at 30°w exemple 412 in a night-time organised track system.in a night-time organised track system.

Long range flights and etops..during a flight to europe planned in mnps minimum ?

Question 192-32 : Outside of the validity period of the organised track system within the organised daytime flight track system within the organised night time flight track system within the polar track system

As a result of passenger demand time zone differences and airport noise restrictions much of the north atlantic nat air traffic contributes to two major alternating flows a westbound flow departing europe in the morning and an eastbound flow departing north america in the evening the effect of these flows is to concentrate most of the traffic unidirectionally with peak westbound traffic crossing the 30w longitude between 1130 utc and 1900 utc and peak eastbound traffic crossing the 30w longitude between 0100 utc and 0800 utc.the hours of validity of the two organised track systems ots are normally as follows .day time ots 1130 utc to 1900 utc at 30°w .night time ots 0100 utc to 0800 utc at 30°w exemple 416 outside of the validity period of the organised track system.outside of the validity period of the organised track system.

Long range flights and etops..at which levels may reduced vertical separation ?

Question 192-33 : Between fl290 and fl410 inclusive between fl275 and fl400 inclusive between fl245 and fl410 inclusive below fl290

The minimum aircraft systems performance specifications for rvsm operations are common world wide standards and are contained in icao doc 9574 manual on implementation of a 300m 1000ft vertical separation minimum between fl290 and fl410 inclusive exemple 420 between fl290 and fl410 inclusive.between fl290 and fl410 inclusive.

Easa ops regulation..an operator shall ensure that for the duration of each ?

Question 192-34 : Mass and balance documentation if required a copy of the calculated take off performance the calculation of the airborne fuel quantity meteorological information

.cat gen mpa 185 information to be retained on the ground. a the operator shall ensure that at least for the duration of each flight or series of flights . 1 information relevant to the flight and appropriate for the type of operation is preserved on the ground . 2 the information is retained until it has been duplicated at the place at which it will be stored or if this is impracticable . 3 the same information is carried in a fireproof container in the aircraft. b the information referred to in a includes . 1 a copy of the operational flight plan where appropriate . 2 copies of the relevant part s of the aircraft technical log . 3 route specific notam documentation if specifically edited by the operator . 4 mass and balance documentation if required and . 5 special loads notification exemple 424 mass and balance documentation, if required.mass and balance documentation, if required.

An aeroplane which has a maximum certificated take off mass over 27000 kg shall ?

Question 192-35 : 2 hours or 25 hours of its operation depending upon the date of the first issue of its certificate of airworthiness 30 minutes or 1 hour of its operation depending upon the date of the first issue of its certificate of airworthiness 20 hours of its operation 25 hours of its operation

.cat ide a 185 cockpit voice recorder.a the following aeroplanes shall be equipped with a cockpit voice recorder .1 aeroplanes with an mctom of more than 5 700 kg and .2 multi engined turbine powered aeroplanes with an mctom of 5 700 kg or less with an mopsc of more than nine and first issued with an individual cofa on or after 1 january 1990. .c by 1 january 2019 at the latest the cvr shall be capable of retaining the data recorded during at least .1 the preceding 25 hours for aeroplanes with an mctom of more than 27 000 kg and first issued with an individual cofa on or after 1 january 2022 or.2 the preceding 2 hours in all other cases exemple 428 2 hours or 25 hours of its operation, depending upon the date of the first issue of its certificate of airworthiness.2 hours or 25 hours of its operation, depending upon the date of the first issue of its certificate of airworthiness.

Oxygen masks for use by flight crew members shall be a quick donning type of ?

Question 192-36 : 25000 ft 10000 ft 39000 ft 41000 ft

.cat ide a 235 supplemental oxygen pressurised aeroplanes.. . b oxygen equipment and supply requirements. . iv oxygen masks for use by flight crew members in pressurised aeroplanes operating above 25000 ft shall be a quick donning type of mask exemple 432 25000 ft.25000 ft.

For operations under ifr or at night the minimum flight crew is 2 pilots for ?

Question 192-37 : All turbo propeller aeroplanes with a maximum approved passenger seating configuration of more than 9 and for all turbo jet aeroplanes all turbo propeller aeroplanes and for all turbo jet aeroplanes all turbo propeller aeroplanes with a maximum approved passenger seating configuration of more than 19 and for all turbo jet aeroplanes all turbo propeller aeroplanes and for all turbo jet aeroplanes with a maximum approved passenger seating configuration of more than 9

.oro fc 200 composition of flight crew. .specific requirements for aeroplane operations under instrument flight rules ifr or at night.1 the minimum flight crew shall be two pilots for all turbo propeller aeroplanes with a maximum operational passenger seating configuration mopsc of more than nine and all turbojet aeroplanes exemple 436 all turbo-propeller aeroplanes with a maximum approved passenger seating configuration of more than 9 and for all turbo-jet aeroplanesall turbo-propeller aeroplanes with a maximum approved passenger seating configuration of more than 9 and for all turbo-jet aeroplanes

In the event of communication failure in an mnps minimum navigation performance ?

Question 192-38 : Continue the flight in compliance with the last oceanic clearance received and acknowledged return to the flight plan route if it is different from the last oceanic clearance received and acknowledged join one of the so called 'special' routes change the flight level in accordance with predetermined instructions

exemple 440 continue the flight in compliance with the last oceanic clearance received and acknowledged.continue the flight in compliance with the last oceanic clearance received and acknowledged.

Regarding all weather operations if vat is from 141 kt to 165 kt the aeroplane ?

Question 192-39 : Category d category b category c category e

.classification of aeroplanes .the criteria taken into consideration for the classification of aeroplanes by categories is the indicated airspeed at threshold vat which is equal to the stalling speed vso multiplied by 1 3 or vs1g multiplied by 1 23 in the landing configuration at the maximum certificated landing mass if both vso and vs1g are available the higher resulting vat shall be used the aeroplane categories corresponding to vat values are in the table below . 2627 exemple 444 category d.category d.

In accordance with the fuel policy for isolated aerodromes air ops for ?

Question 192-40 : 2 hours at normal cruise consumption including final reserve fuel 30 minutes at normal cruise consumption including final reserve fuel 2 hours at holding consumption at 1 500 ft 450 m above aerodrome elevation in standard conditions 30 minutes at holding consumption at 1 500 ft 450 m above aerodrome elevation in standard conditions

Additional fuel if required but not less than .a for aeroplanes with reciprocating engines fuel to fly for 45 minutes plus 15% of the flight time planned to be spent at cruising level or two hours whichever is less or..b for aeroplanes with turbine engines fuel to fly for two hours at normal cruise consumption after arriving overhead destination aerodrome including final reserve fuel exemple 448 2 hours at normal cruise consumption, including final reserve fuel.2 hours at normal cruise consumption, including final reserve fuel.


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