Answer > reports : Each flight is subject to a preliminary file collecting a certain amount of ?
Question 191-1 : 2 3 4 5 2 4 1 3 5 1 2 3 4 5 6

The lowest minima to be used by an operator in a category b aeroplane for ?
Question 191-2 : Mdh=500 ft and visibility=1600 m mdh=400 ft and visibility=1500 m mdh=600 ft and visibility=2400 m mdh=700 ft and visibility=2600 m

For a category iii a approach the rvr shall not be less than ?
Question 191-3 : 200 m 250 m 230 m 300 m

An operator must ensure that system minima for 'non precision approach ?
Question 191-4 : Ndb facility lowest mdh=350 ft ils facility without glidepath localizer lowest mdh=200 ft vor facility lowest mdh=250 ft vor/dme facility lowest mdh=300 ft

An operator shall ensure that a copy of the operational flight plan is stored ?
Question 191-5 : 3 months 12 months 15 months 3 years

An operator shall ensure that a pilot does not operate an aeroplane as ?
Question 191-6 : He has carried out at least 3 take offs and 3 landings as pilot flying in an aeroplane of the same type/class or in a flight simulator of the aeroplane type to be used in the preceding 90 days he has carried out at least 3 flights as commander in an aeroplane or an approved flight simulator of the type to be used in the preceding 90 days he has carried out at least 3 take offs and 3 landings as pilot flying in any type of aeroplane or an approved simulator under the supervision of an examiner in the preceding 60 days he has carried out at least 3 take offs and 3 landings as pilot flying in an aeroplane or an approved flight simulator of the type to be used in the preceding 30 days

The minimum required recent experience for a pilot engaged in a single pilot ?
Question 191-7 : 5 ifr flights including 3 instrument approaches carried out during the preceding 90 days on the type class of aeroplane in the single pilot role 5 ifr flights including 3 take off and 3 landings carried out during the preceding 30 days on the type or class of aeroplane in the single pilot role 5 ifr flights including 3 take off and 3 landings carried out during the preceding 90 days on the type or class of aeroplane in the single pilot role 3 ifr flights including 3 instrument approaches carried out during the preceding 90 days on the type class of aeroplane in the single pilot role

For a category iii b approach the rvr shall not be less than ?
Question 191-8 : 75 m 150 m 100 m 50 m

A passenger is allowed to carry match boxes.1 on himself/herself.2 in his/her ?
Question 191-9 : 1 4 1 2 3 1 2 2 3

An aircraft airworthiness certificate states a maximum of eight occupants ?
Question 191-10 : Forbidden authorized providing both children are of a similar stature sitting on the same seat and using the same seat belt with an adult sitting on the seat next to them in order to release their seat belt authorized providing both children are sitting on the same seat and using the same seat belt no other particular precautions are necessary authorized providing both children are sitting on the same seat using the same seat belt with an adult sitting on the seat next to them in order to release their seat belt if necessary

.in vfr public transport on an aircraft for which the flight manual indicates a ?
Question 191-11 : Never if the flight lasts more than 3 hours if the aircraft is a twin engine if part or all the flight is done at night

The file kept by an employer on its flight crews records.1 the training.2 the ?
Question 191-12 : 1 2 3 and 4 3 and 4 1 2 and 3 2 and 3

The information to consider for a standard straight in approach is.1 ?
Question 191-13 : 1 and 3 1 and 4 1 2 and 3 1 2 and 4

When a commercial transport passenger aircraft is equipped with a door in the ?
Question 191-14 : A locking system to prevent any unauthorized access a device preventing the flight crew from being locked in the cockpit distinctive red or yellow coloured markings indicating the access area in case of a blocked door a sealing system which in case of depressurisation in the compartment area allows the maintenance of the pressure in the cockpit for as long as possible

Corresponding aeroplane category when vat is from 141 kt to 165 kt is ?
Question 191-15 : D e b c

Long range flights and airspace where mnps is applicable the minimum ?
Question 191-16 : 1 000 ft 500 ft 2000ft 1 500 ft

Long range flights and case of total loss of communications if an ?
Question 191-17 : At fl410 below fl 410 at fl 430 above fl 410

A public transport aircraft is intended to be operated at fl 390 the total ?
Question 191-18 : Seats exceeded by 10% seats passengers passengers exceeded by 10%

For a pressurised aeroplane the minimum requirement for supplemental oxygen ?
Question 191-19 : The entire flight time where the cabin pressure altitude exceeds 15000 ft but in no case less than 10 minutes 30 minutes the entire flight time when the cabin pressure altitude exceeds 13000 ft the entire flight time after 30 minutes at pressure altitude greater than 10000 ft but not exceeding 13000ft

A commander shall not take off for an ifr flight unless information is ?
Question 191-20 : During a period from 1 hour before to 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival at the aerodrome at or above the planning minima at the estimated time of arrival at or above the planning minima at the estimated time of arrival and for a reasonable period before and after such a predicted time equal to or better than the minimum conditions required for aerodrome use at the estimated time of arrival better than the minimum conditions required for aerodrome use

A public address system is required to operate an aeroplane whose maximum ?
Question 191-21 : 19 61 30 9

A public transport aeroplane is intended to be operated at fl 370 the cabin is ?
Question 191-22 : 198 110% of the seating capacity 270 150% of the seating capacity 240 one additional mask per seat block 210 one additional mask per seat row

Ops regulation..according to air ops a windshield wiper or equivalent means to ?
Question 191-23 : Maximum certificated take off mass is greater than 5700 kg maximum certificated take off mass is greater than 15000 kg maximum approved passenger seating configuration is greater than 9 maximum approved passenger seating configuration is greater than 30 after january 1st 2000

Long range flights and etops..air traffic services may require an aircraft to ?
Question 191-24 : 20° of longitude 10° of longitude 15° of longitude 5° of longitude

Long range flights and etops..air traffic services may require an aircraft to ?
Question 191-25 : 10° of longitude 5° of longitude 20° of longitude 15° of longitude

An aeroplane is operated over water at a distance of 340 nm away from an ?
Question 191-26 : Life jackets must be available for all occupants the regulation does not require life jackets or rafts to be taken on board in this particular case life jackets and rafts must be available for all occupants life rafts must be available for all occupants

An aeroplane whose maximum approved passenger seating configuration is 200 must ?
Question 191-27 : 3 hand fire extinguishers in the passenger compartment 5 hand fire extinguishers in the passenger compartment 7 hand fire extinguishers in the passenger compartment 4 hand fire extinguishers in the passenger compartment

An aeroplane whose maximum approved passenger seating configuration is 301 to ?
Question 191-28 : 5 hand fire extinguishers conveniently located in the passenger compartment 4 hand fire extinguishers conveniently located in the passenger compartment 6 hand fire extinguishers conveniently located in the passenger compartment 3 hand fire extinguishers conveniently located in the passenger compartment

An aeroplane whose maximum approved passenger seating configuration is 401 to ?
Question 191-29 : 6 hand fire extinguishers conveniently located in the passenger compartment 5 hand fire extinguishers conveniently located in the passenger compartment 7 hand fire extinguishers conveniently located in the passenger compartment 8 hand fire extinguishers conveniently located in the passenger compartment

An aeroplane whose maximum approved passenger seating configuration is 501 to ?
Question 191-30 : 7 hand fire extinguishers conveniently located in the passenger compartment 8 hand fire extinguishers conveniently located in the passenger compartment 6 hand fire extinguishers conveniently located in the passenger compartment 5 hand fire extinguishers conveniently located in the passenger compartment

An aeroplane whose maximum approved passenger seating configuration is greater ?
Question 191-31 : 3 hafex fire extinguishers or equivalent 2 hafex fire extinguishers or equivalent 4 hafex fire extinguishers or equivalent 1 hafex fire extinguisher or equivalent

An aeroplane whose maximum approved passenger seating configuration is greater ?
Question 191-32 : 8 hand fire extinguishers conveniently located in the passenger compartment 9 hand fire extinguishers conveniently located in the passenger compartment 7 hand fire extinguishers conveniently located in the passenger compartment 6 hand fire extinguishers conveniently located in the passenger compartment

An aircraft whose maximum approved seating configuration is 10 seats must be ?
Question 191-33 : One hand fire extinguisher in the cockpit and one in the passengers compartment one hand fire extinguisher in the cockpit and two in the passengers compartment three hand fire extinguishers in the passengers compartment two hand fire extinguishers in the cockpit and two in the passengers compartment

An operator can operate an aeroplane certificated to cs25 across an area in ?
Question 191-34 : 90 minutes at cruising speed 60 minutes at cruising speed 30 minutes at cruising speed 120 minutes at cruising speed

An operator shall not operate an aeroplane first issued with an individual ?
Question 191-35 : 1 2 4 5 6 1 2 3 5 6 2 3 4 6 2 4 5 6

Ops operator shall not operate an aeroplane first issued with an ?
Question 191-36 : 2 hours of its operation 30 minutes of its operation 20 hours of its operation 25 hours of its operation

Long range flights and etops..during a flight from europe scheduled in mnps ?
Question 191-37 : In a day time organised track system in a polar track system in a night time organised track system outside the validity period of the organised track system

During a special vfr flight the minimum visibility required is ?
Question 191-38 : 1500 meters or more 5000 meters 3000 meters 1500 meters or 30 secondes of flight

For a non pressurised aircraft 100% of passengers shall be supplied with ?
Question 191-39 : At pressure altitudes above 13 000 ft at pressure altitudes above 10 000 ft after 30 minutes at pressure altitudes greater than 10 000 ft but not exceeding 13 000 ft at pressure altitudes above 13 000 ft and for any period exceeding 30 minutes at pressure altitudes above 10 000 ft but not exceeding 13 000 ft

For a non pressurised aircraft the supplemental oxygen is ?
Question 191-40 : Required to operate at pressure altitudes above 10 000 ft available for supply to passengers for physiological reasons used for protection against smoke and carbon dioxide therapeutical oxygen specially carried for certain passengers

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