Answer > reports : Extended range operations with two engined aeroplanes etops.the mnps airspace ?
Question 190-1 : 27° north to 90° north 30° north to 90° north 27° north to 70° north 30° north to 70° north

Extended range operations with two engined aeroplanes etops.the mnps airspace ?
Question 190-2 : 285 and 420 280 and 400 280 and 390 275 and 400

When refuelling is being performed while passengers are boarding or ?
Question 190-3 : The ground area beneath the exits intended for emergency evacuation and slide deployment areas must be kept clear the aircraft's stairs be completely extended refuelling is prohibited while passengers are boarding and/or disembarking all flight crew shall remain at their station

The regulatory green navigation light is located on the starboard side with a ?
Question 190-4 : 110° 70° 140° 220°

North atlantic high level airspace nat hla.the validity period of a night time ?
Question 190-5 : 01h00 utc to 08h00 utc 10h30 utc to 19h00 utc 11h30 utc to 18h00 utc 00h00 utc to 08h00 utc

North atlantic high level airspace nat hla.the validity period of a day time ?
Question 190-6 : 11h30 utc to 19h00 utc 10h30 utc to 19h00 utc 01h00 utc to 08h00 utc 00h00 utc to 08h00 utc

North atlantic high level airspace nat hla.during a flight to europe planned in ?
Question 190-7 : Out of the validity period of organised flight track system within the organised daytime track system within the organised night time track system within the polar track system

North atlantic high level airspace nat hla.the minimum navigation equipment ?
Question 190-8 : Two inertial navigation systems one global navigation satellite system three inertial navigation systems one inertial navigation system

North atlantic high level airspace nat hla.the minimum longitudinal separation ?
Question 190-9 : 10 minutes 5 minutes 15 minutes 20 minutes

North atlantic high level airspace nat hla.during the flight of two aircraft in ?
Question 190-10 : 5 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes 20 minutes

The term decision height dh is used for ?
Question 190-11 : A precision approach a non precision approach an indirect approach a circling approach only

Ops regulation..according to air ops a life jacket is mandatory for each person ?
Question 190-12 : 50 nm 100 nm 200 nm 400 nm

Ops regulation..on overwater flights an operator shall not operate an aeroplane ?
Question 190-13 : 400 nm or 120 minutes at cruising speed 200 nm or 45 minutes at cruising speed 100 nm or 30 minutes at cruising speed 300 nm or 90 minutes at cruising speed

Amc4 spa lvo 100 ecqb2022 v4.a category ii precision approach cat ii is an ?
Question 190-14 : A decision height of at least 100 ft a decision height of at least 200 ft a decision height of at least 50 ft no decision height

A category i precision approach cat i is an approach which may be carried out ?
Question 190-15 : 550 m 350 m 800 m 500 m

With the control display unit cdu of an inertial navigation system ins you can ?
Question 190-16 : Track error angle tke is right r track error angle tke is left l aircraft is converging towards its ideal course aircraft is diverging from its ideal course

The abbreviation mnps means ?
Question 190-17 : Minimum navigation performance specification main navigation performance specification maximum navigation performance specification magnetic navigation performance specification

For aeroplanes certified before the 1 april 1998 cockpit voice recorder cvr ?
Question 190-18 : 30 minutes of operation 25 hours of operation flight 48 hours of operation

On board a non pressurised aircraft 10% of the passengers shall be supplied ?
Question 190-19 : 10 000 ft and 13 000 ft 11 000 ft and 13 000 ft 11 000 ft and 12 000 ft 10 000 ft and 12 000 ft

On board a pressurized aircraft a flight shall be undertaken only if the ?
Question 190-20 : 13 000 ft 11 000 ft 12 000 ft 10 000 ft

For the flight crew members quick donning type of oxygen masks are compulsory ?
Question 190-21 : 25 000 ft 13 000 ft 29 000 ft 10 000 ft

All aeroplanes must be fitted with a flight data recorder fdr when their ?
Question 190-22 : 5700 kg 14000 kg 27000 kg 20000 kg

The minimum lateral separation in the nat region is ?
Question 190-23 : 60 nm between aircraft meeting minimum navigation performance specifications 60 nm between all aircraft operating below mnps airspace 90 nm between aircraft flying above fl285 90 nm between all aircraft flying in the nat region

Which separation will be provided if reduced vertical separation minimum rvsm ?
Question 190-24 : 60 nm lateral and 1000 ft vertical 90 nm lateral and 1000 ft vertical 60 nm lateral and 500 ft vertical 90 nm lateral and 500 ft vertical

Following an explosive decompression the maximum altitude without oxygen supply ?
Question 190-25 : 8000 ft 2500 ft 14000 ft 25000 ft

The coverage angle of the regulatory white navigation / position lights located ?
Question 190-26 : 140° 110° 220° 70°

During a night flight an observer located in the cockpit seeing an aircraft ?
Question 190-27 : Green light white light red light red and white flashing light

During a night flight an observer located in the cockpit seeing an aircraft ?
Question 190-28 : Red steady light green steady light white steady light green and white flashing light

The coverage angle of the red navigation/position light is ?
Question 190-29 : 110° 140° 70° 220°

Astronomic precession ?
Question 190-30 : Causes the gyro axis to spin to the right in the northern hemisphere causes the gyro axis to spin to the left in the northern hemisphere is zero at the north pole is zero at the south pole

The lowest minima to be used by an operator for circling with a category d ?
Question 190-31 : 3600 m 1500 m 2400 m 1600 m

The lowest minima to be used by an operator for circling with a category c ?
Question 190-32 : 2400 m 3600 m 1600 m 1500 m

The lowest minima to be used by an operator for circling with a category b ?
Question 190-33 : 1600 m 1500 m 3600 m 2600 m

The lowest minima to be used by an operator for circling with a category a ?
Question 190-34 : 1500 m 2400 m 3600 m 1600 m

Ops regulation..during a conventional approach the minimum descent height mdh ?
Question 190-35 : 2 m 7 ft below the aerodrome altitude 4 m 14 ft above the aerodrome altitude 2 m 7 ft above the aerodrome altitude 4 m 14 ft below the aerodrome altitude

Long range flights and etops..a polar track is a part of a track which is ?
Question 190-36 : 6 micro tesla 38 micro tesla 10 micro tesla 17 micro tesla

Long range flights and etops..arriving at the point of entry into mnps minimum ?
Question 190-37 : Keeps flying in accordance with the current flight plan returns to base immediately carries out a holding pattern keeps flying deviating its course by 30 nautical miles from that of the current flight plan

Penetration into the nat mnps airspace is ?
Question 190-38 : Subject to an oceanic clearance subject to an optional clearance depending on the type of flight scheduled or not not subject to a clearance since the flight is already controlled subject to a clearance only if the flight route is changed

The north atlantic airspace is regulated among other according to ?
Question 190-39 : The icao document 7030 additional regional procedures rules issued by the bordering states document 6530 rules common to the bordering states grouped in document 7050 north atlantic ocean airspace canadian rules because this country has the greatest surface area of territorial waters in this airspace

After an accident the operator of an aircraft equipped with a flight recorder ?
Question 190-40 : 60 days 30 days 90 days 45 days

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