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Question > security : Which of the following is the geodesic model used by the glonass system ?

Question 189-1 : Pz 90 wgs84 ed60 ed90

.glonass constellation . 24 satellites in three orbital planes with 8 equally displaced by 45° of latitude. a near circular orbit at 19 100 km at an inclination of 64 8° to the equator 20200 km and 55° for gps/navstar satellites . each orbit is completed in 11 hours 15 minutes approximately 12 hours for navstar/gps . the datum used is pz 90 earth centred earth fixed exemple 289 pz-90.pz-90.

At what approximate height above the wgs 84 ellipsoid are glonass satellites ?

Question 189-2 : 19100 km 10900 km 36000 km 19500 km

.glonass constellation . 24 satellites in three orbital planes with 8 equally displaced by 45° of latitude. a near circular orbit at 19 100 km at an inclination of 64 8° to the equator 20200 km and 55° for gps/navstar satellites . each orbit is completed in 11 hours 15 minutes approximately 12 hours for navstar/gps . the datum used is pz 90 earth centred earth fixed exemple 293 19100 km.19100 km.

What is the difference between satellites used by egnos and those used by gps ?

Question 189-3 : Egnos satellites are geostationary and gps satellites are not gps satellites are geostationary and egnos satellites are not egnos satellites orbit at lower height than gps satellites gps satellites orbit circling the earth at 19100 km

Ecqb03 august 2016..egnos consists of 3 geostationary inmarsat satellites which broadcast gps look alike signals uhf.egnos is designed to improve accuracy to 1 2m horizontally and 3 5 m vertically..integrity and safety are improved by alerting users within 6 seconds if a gps malfunction occurs up to 3 hrs gps alone exemple 297 egnos satellites are geostationary and gps satellites are not.egnos satellites are geostationary and gps satellites are not.

What are the data elements transmitted by navstar gps satellites .1 offset of ?

Question 189-4 : 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 2 3 4

.the navigation message contains . almanac data. ephemeris. satellite clock correction parameters. utc parameters. ionospheric model. satellite health data exemple 301 1, 2, 3, 4.1, 2, 3, 4.

One of the advantages of a satellite based augmentation system sbas over a ?

Question 189-5 : The coverage area of an sbas is much larger than that of a gbas a gbas does not need satellite signals an sbas does an sbas does not need ground stations a gbas does the coverage area of a gbas is much larger than that of an sbas

. the principle of a sbas to measure on the ground the signal errors transmitted by gnss satellites and transmit differential corrections and integrity messages for navigation satellites. the principle of a gbas to mesure on ground the signal errors transmitted by gnss satellites and relay the mesured errors to the user for correction.the gbas ground segment consists of three or four gbas reference receivers that are sited typically on or near an airport property these reference receivers track the signals from navigation satellites and pass pseudorange measurements and other information relevant to signal health and system performance monitoring to a central processing facility .the central processing facility uses the multiple redundant observations of the pseudoranges to compute estimates of the pseudorange corrections for each satellite signal observed by the reference receivers .the central processing facility also monitors the signal integrity and computes parameters for each satellite that the user may use to determine the availability of the signal in space for a desired level of service and a given satellite geometry . 2609.the differential corrections and integrity information are broadcast to the user.sbas systems improve the performance position accuracy of gps receivers by providing an additional signals coming from the geostationary satellites the coverage area of an sbas is much larger than that of a gbas exemple 305 the coverage area of an sbas is much larger than that of a gbas.the coverage area of an sbas is much larger than that of a gbas.

Raim is achieved ?

Question 189-6 : Within the receiver by ground monitoring stations determining the satellite range errors which are relayed to receivers via geo stationary satellites by ground stations determining the x y and z errors and passing the corrections to receivers using pseudolites within the satellite clock

.raim receiver autonomous integrity monitoring is technique whereby a receiver processor determines the integrity of the navigation signals raim is achieved by consistency check among pseudo range measurements it requires 5 satellites and a 6th is for isolating a faulty satellite from the navigation solution .if gps receiver uses barometric altitude as an augmentation to raim the number of satellites needed for the receiver to perform the raim function may be reduced by one exemple 309 within the receiver.within the receiver.

Aaim aircraft autonomous integrity monitoring function is achieved with ?

Question 189-7 : A gps receiver and on board sensors on board sensors only a ground station and a gps receiver a gps receiver only

.aaim uses the redundancy of position estimates from multiple sensors including gnss to provide integrity performance that is at least equivalent to raim .an example is the use of an inertial navigation system or other navigation sensors as an integrity check on gps data when raim is unavailable but gps positioning information continues to be valid exemple 313 a gps receiver and on-board sensors.a gps receiver and on-board sensors.

The purpose of the aaim aircraft autonomous integrity monitoring function is to ?

Question 189-8 : Monitor satellite signals only track visible satellites monitor airborne navigation equipments only monitor satellite signals and airborne navigation equipments

.aaim uses the redundancy of position estimates from multiple sensors including gnss to provide integrity performance that is at least equivalent to raim .an example is the use of an inertial navigation system or other navigation sensors as an integrity check on gps data when raim is unavailable but gps positioning information continues to be valid exemple 317 monitor satellite signals only.monitor satellite signals only.

By using egnos in combination with gps ?

Question 189-9 : The integrity is improved by reducing the mean failure reporting time from up to 3 hours to 6 seconds the integrity is reduced by increasing the mean failure reporting time it reduce the time it takes to get an initial fix by 10% the accuracy of the satellites position is improved

exemple 321 the integrity is improved by reducing the mean failure reporting time from up to 3 hours to 6 seconds.the integrity is improved by reducing the mean failure reporting time from up to 3 hours to 6 seconds.

Which of the following statements concerning differential gps is true ?

Question 189-10 : Dgps can improve the accuracy of position information local area dgps gives the same improvement in accuracy regardless of distance from the station dgps removes sv ephemeris and clock errors and propagation errors wide area dgps accuracy improves the closer the aircraft is to the ground station

Ecqb03 august 2016 exemple 325 dgps can improve the accuracy of position information.dgps can improve the accuracy of position information.

The transmission band used by inmarsat is ?

Question 189-11 : Uhf shf hf vhf

.egnos consists of 3 geostationary inmarsat satellites which broadcast gps look alike signals uhf.egnos is designed to improve accuracy to 1 2m horizontally and 3 5 m vertically..integrity and safety are improved by alerting users within 6 seconds if a gps malfunction occurs up to 3 hrs gps alone exemple 329 uhf.uhf.

How long does it take a galileo satellite to orbit the earth ?

Question 189-12 : 14 hours 12 hours 24 hours 11 hours

.the core of the galileo constellation will consist of 30 satellites with 9 plus a spare replacement in each of the 3 planes in near circular orbit at an altitude of 23 222 km inclined at 56° to the plane of the equator .each orbit will take 14 hours .the signals will be transmitted in 3 frequency bands 1164 1215 mhz 1260 1300 mhz and 1559 1591 mhz 1559 1591 mhz will be shared with navstar/gps l1 1575 42 mhz on a non interference basis exemple 333 14 hours.14 hours.

The nominal galileo constellation consists of ?

Question 189-13 : 30 satellites 3 planes at an altitude of 23200 km 24 satellites 6 planes at an altitude of 19100 km 30 satellites 3 planes at an altitude of 20200 km 24 satellites 3 planes at an altitude of 20200 km

.the core of the galileo constellation will consist of 30 satellites with 9 plus a spare replacement in each of the 3 planes in near circular orbit at an altitude of 23 222 km inclined at 56° to the plane of the equator .each orbit will take 14 hours .the signals will be transmitted in 3 frequency bands 1164 1215 mhz 1260 1300 mhz and 1559 1591 mhz 1559 1591 mhz will be shared with navstar/gps l1 1575 42 mhz on a non interference basis exemple 337 30 satellites, 3 planes at an altitude of 23200 km.30 satellites, 3 planes at an altitude of 23200 km.

In the nav message the 'ephemeris' refers to the exact ?

Question 189-14 : Position and orbit of the observed satellite the observed satellite clock corrections position and orbit of all the satellites in the same orbit position and orbit of all the satellites in the constellation

exemple 341 position and orbit of the observed satellite.position and orbit of the observed satellite.

If a gps malfunction occurs integrity and safety are improved with egnos by ?

Question 189-15 : 6 seconds 10 seconds 15 seconds 0 3 seconds

. egnos european geostationary navigation overlay service consists of 3 geostationary inmarsat satellites which broadcast gps look alike signals.egnos is designed to improve accuracy to 1 2m horizontally and 3 5 m vertically..integrity and safety are improved by alerting users within 6 seconds if a gps malfunction occurs up to 3 hrs gps alone exemple 345 6 seconds.6 seconds.

Usually a gps provides the following informations ?

Question 189-16 : X y z + ground speed + precise time reference x y z + ground speed x y z + precise time reference x y z

.the gps supplies three dimensional position fixes and speed data plus a precise time reference exemple 349 x, y, z + ground speed + precise time reference.x, y, z + ground speed + precise time reference.

Sbas .how does the pseudo range correction of a gps system work ?

Question 189-17 : The pseudo range correction of a certain satellite is divided into separate correction of the ephemeris errors clock errors and ionospheric errors each user receives only the pseudo range corrections of the satellites of which he is visible in order to guarantee the navigation message for an sbas pseudo range corrections are determined by the geostationary satellites and synchronized to the users by the ground stations pseudo range corrections are determined by a ground station network and for all satellites the same correction is sent to all users

exemple 353 the pseudo-range correction of a certain satellite is divided into separate correction of the ephemeris errors, clock errors and ionospheric errors.the pseudo-range correction of a certain satellite is divided into separate correction of the ephemeris errors, clock errors and ionospheric errors.

The gnss constellation is composed of satellites distributed in orbits at ?

Question 189-18 : 24 6 20200 km 30 3 23200 km 30 4 20200 km 24 3 19100 km

.the satellites are in a nearly circular orbit of the earth at an altitude of 20 200 km 10 900 nm .the gps satellites are orbiting the earth in orbits inclined 55° to the plane of the equator .it consists of a notional constellation of 24 operational satellites the satellites are distributed in 6 orbital planes with at least 4 satellites in each .the orbital period is exactly one half a sidereal day 11 hours and 58 minutes so that the satellites pass over the same locations or almost the same locations every day exemple 357 24, 6, 20200 km.24, 6, 20200 km.

What are the characteristics of a satellite based augmentation system sbas ?

Question 189-19 : The system is limited to areas of a certain proximity to the equator due to the nature of the transmission of the correction signal via geostationary satellite the coverage is optimal during daytime the system is limited to areas of a certain proximity to the equator due to the nature of the transmission of the correction signal via a navigation satellite the accuracy is greatest at the poles

Ecqb04 november 2017 exemple 361 the system is limited to areas of a certain proximity to the equator due to the nature of the transmission of the correction signal via geostationary satellite.the system is limited to areas of a certain proximity to the equator due to the nature of the transmission of the correction signal via geostationary satellite.

Satellite based augmentation systems sbas certified and currently in use are ?

Question 189-20 : Egnos waas msas gagan egnos and galileo gnss waas galileo waas and glonass

Ecqb04 november 2017..current satellite based augmentation systems are . egnos in western europe and the mediterranean. waas in usa. msas in japan. gagan in india..sbas systems improve the performance position accuracy of gnss/gps receivers by providing an additional signals coming from the geostationary satellites exemple 365 egnos, waas, msas, gagan.egnos, waas, msas, gagan.

The time transmitted by a navstar gps satellite is ?

Question 189-21 : Gps utc gmt lt

Ecqb04 november 2017 exemple 369 gps.gps.

The acronym given to an aircraft based augmentation system abas whereby a ?

Question 189-22 : Raim receiver autonomous integrity monitoring aaim aircraft autonomous integrity monitoring laas local airborne augmentation system capu central air processor unit

Ecqb04 november 2017..raim receiver autonomous integrity monitoring is technique whereby a receiver processor determines the integrity of the navigation signals raim is achieved by consistency check among pseudo range measurements it requires 5 satellites and a 6th is for isolating a faulty satellite from the navigation solution .if gps receiver uses barometric altitude as an augmentation to raim the number of satellites needed for the receiver to perform the raim function may be reduced by one exemple 373 raim (receiver autonomous integrity monitoring).raim (receiver autonomous integrity monitoring).

Required navigation performance rnp is a concept that applies to navigation ?

Question 189-23 : Within an airspace within an airspace and with a specific time interval only in an airspace using satellite navigation systems within rnav tracks only

.required navigation performance rnp is a concept that applies to navigation performance within an airspace .the rnp type is based on the navigation performance accuracy to be achieved within the airspace .an aircraft equipped to operate to rnp 1 and better should be able to compute an estimate of its position error depending on the sensors being used and time elapsed exemple 377 within an airspace.within an airspace.

According to annex 6 'rnp type' is defined as a containment value expressed as ?

Question 189-24 : I nautical miles ii 95% i nautical miles ii 90% i kilometers ii 95% i kilometers ii 90%

.icao annex 6 defines two kinds of navigation specifications . rnp specification a navigation specification based on area navigation that includes the requirement for performance monitoring and alerting designated by the prefix rnp e g rnp 4 rnp apch .and. rnav specification a navigation specification based on area navigation that does not include the requirement for performance monitoring and alerting designated by the prefix rnav e g rnav 5 rnav 1.note the performance based navigation manual doc 9613 volume ii contains detailed guidance on navigation specifications.icao doc 9613 volume ii .system performance monitoring and alerting .accuracy during operations in airspace or on routes designated as basic rnp 1 the lateral total system error must be within ±1 nm for at least 95 per cent of the total flight time the along track error must also be within ±1 nm for at least 95 per cent of the total flight time exemple 381 (i) nautical miles (ii) 95%(i) nautical miles (ii) 95%

According to annex 6 what is the definition of required navigation performance ?

Question 189-25 : A statement of the navigation performance necessary for operation within a defined airspace a statement of the navigation performance required during a pilot skill test a statement of the navigation performance necessary during flight tests for a new aircraft type a statement of the navigation performance required when installing a new navigation aid on the ground

exemple 385 a statement of the navigation performance necessary for operation within a defined airspace.a statement of the navigation performance necessary for operation within a defined airspace.

When leaving the mnps oceanic control area for a domestic controlled area the ?

Question 189-26 : Maintain the mach number previously assigned up to the last position shown in the oceanic clearance take the mach number specified in this initial flight plan take any mach number take the mach number provided for this type of flight by his airline

exemple 389 maintain the mach number previously assigned up to the last position shown in the oceanic clearance.maintain the mach number previously assigned up to the last position shown in the oceanic clearance.

Long range flights and etops..a polar stereographic chart has a grid printed ?

Question 189-27 : 136° 164° 316° 276°

Draw the situation . /com en/com070 2 jpg..convergency = grid alignment to aircraft position.convergency = 180° 54° + 180° 140° = 166°.grid heading = true course +/ convergency.grid heading = 330° +/ 166° = 164° or 136°.on the drawing we can see that grid heading is 136° exemple 393 136°.136°.

Long range flights and etops..on a polar stereographic chart whose grid is ?

Question 189-28 : 295° 298° 301° 292°

/com en/com070 391 jpg..grid is parallel with the greenwich meridian thus the longitude is identical with convergency..grid = true orientation + or convergency..grid = 305° + or 10 = 295° or 315°. royalcrowner .i will be so gratefull if you can explain how do you calculate the convergency...the formula to calculate convergency between two positions relatively close to each other is .convergency = difference of longitude x sin mean latitude.here difference of longitude is too large for this formula since the grid is aligned to the greenwich meridian the convergency equals the longitude of the starting point 10°e exemple 397 295°.295°.

Long range flights and etops..the chart is a south polar stereographic ?

Question 189-29 : 360° 260° 080° 100°

/com en/com070 392 jpg..we are following a meridian the true course folllowed at this moment is 000°/360° exemple 401 360°.360°.

Long range flights and etops..in mnps airspace the speed reference for turbo ?

Question 189-30 : Mach number ground speed true airspeed indicated airspeed

exemple 405 mach number.mach number.

Ops regulation..according to ops the minimum number of crash axes or crowbars ?

Question 189-31 : 1 2 3 4

. easa air ops .cat ide a 255 crash axe and crowbar . a aeroplanes with a maximum certificated take off mass mctom exceeding 5 700 kg or having a maximum approved passenger seating configuration mopsc of more than 9 seats shall be equipped with at least one crash axe or crowbar located in the flight crew compartment. b if the maximum approved passenger seating configuration mopsc is more than 200 an additional crash axe or crowbar shall be installed in or near the most rearmost galley area. c crash axes and crowbars located in the passenger compartment shall not be visible to passengers exemple 409 1.1.

Amc3 spa lvo 100 ecqb2022 v4.a category i precision approach cat i has ?

Question 189-32 : A decision height equal to at least 200 ft a decision height equal to at least 100 ft a decision height equal to at least 50 ft no decision height

.at landing two types of procedures exist . non precision approach rnav/lnav ndb ndb/dme vor vor/dme llz llz/dme vdf sra .and. precision approach ils gls mls par. .for a non precision approach we use the word mdh a minimum descent height altitude.for a precision approach we use the word dh a decision height altitude.at mdh a you are able to level your aircraft at the minimum descent height until reaching a specific point wich can be based on time or distance from a facility offering you opportunity to established visual contact with the runway to perform a landing.at dh a you must initiate a go around procedure. .minimum descent height mdh .for an ils approach without the glidepath localizer only 250 ft.for a for a vor/dme approach 250 ft.for a vor approach 300 ft.for a ndb approach 350 ft.for a rnav/lnav approach 300 ft.decision height dh .for ils cat ii 100 ft.for ils cat i 200 ft.for a gls gnss landing system similar to traditional category i approaches.example of a cat i approach . 2623 exemple 413 a decision height equal to at least 200 ft.a decision height equal to at least 200 ft.

Long range flights and etops..aircraft may operate in mnps airspace along a ?

Question 189-33 : One long range navigation system lrns three inertial navigation system ins two inertial navigation systems ins two independent long range navigation systems lrns

Mnpsa manual chaper 1 .routes for aircraft with only one lrns..1 4 1 a number of special routes have been developed for aircraft equipped with only one lrns and carrying normal short range navigation equipment vor dme adf which require to cross the north atlantic between europe and north america or vice versa it should be recognised that these routes are within mnps airspace and that state approval must be obtained prior to flying along them these routes are also available for interim use by aircraft normally approved for unrestricted mnps operations that have suffered a partial loss of navigation capability and have only a single remaining functional lrns.please download the guidance concerning air navigation in and above the north atlantic mnps airspace edition 2010 .nat mnps. fgabrys .'to cover the case of a navigation system failure the requirement is for two long range navigation systems for flight within the mnpsa' oxford operational procedures page 110...thnak you for reading carefully the question and the explanation along a number of special routes exemple 417 one long range navigation system (lrns).one long range navigation system (lrns).

North atlantic high level airspace nat hla .a check on the operation of the ?

Question 189-34 : At or prior entering the oceanic airspace on atc request only as soon as possible after entering the nat region within 15 minutes after crossing the oceanic airspace boundary

exemple 421 at or prior entering the oceanic airspace.at or prior entering the oceanic airspace.

North atlantic high level airspace nat hla .if a flight is planned to operate ?

Question 189-35 : The abbreviation 'nat' followed by the code letter assigned to the track inserting coordinates as detailed in the nat track message using the abbreviation 'ots' followed by the code letter assigned to the track inserting coordinates defining significant points with intervals of 10° of longitude

exemple 425 the abbreviation 'nat' followed by the code letter assigned to the track.the abbreviation 'nat' followed by the code letter assigned to the track.

North atlantic high level airspace nat hla .in the event of a contingency which ?

Question 189-36 : If above fl410 climb or descend 1000 ft while turning towards the alternate aerodrome if below fl410 climb or descend 1000 ft while turning towards the alternate aerodrome if below fl410 climb 500 ft or descend 1000 ft while turning towards the alternate aerodrome if above fl410 climb 1000 ft or descend 500 ft while turning towards the alternate aerodrome

Mnpsa manual .12 3 special procedures.12 3 1 the general concept of these oceanic in flight contingency procedures is whenever operationally feasible to offset from the assigned route by 15 nm and climb or descend to a level which differs from those normally used by 500 ft if below fl410 or by 1000 ft if above fl410

Extended range operations with two engined aeroplanes etops .an aircraft leaves ?

Question 189-37 : 328° 003° 334° 345°

We need to calculate transport precession and earth rate astronomic precession...earth rate astronomic precession .15 x sin 61 x 1 5 = 20.15 sin lat x flight time = 20°....transport precession .degrees of longitude travelled x sin lat.20 x sin 61 = 17°...we start on a true heading of 090° and a gyro heading of 000° we arrives on a true heading of 095° and a gyro heading which gyro compass is assumed to be operating perfectly a gyro heading of 005°.005° 37° = 328° exemple 433 328°.328°.

Extended range operations with two engined aeroplanes etops.you plan to fly ?

Question 189-38 : 076° 066° 085° 080°

First earth rate astronomic precession .15 x sin lm x flight time lm mean latitude .15 x sin60 x 1 5 = 20°..second transport precession .g xsin lm g the longitude difference .10 x sin 60 = 8°..total error 28° minus because in northern hemisphere astronomic precession and transport precession are negative .we start with a 090° gyro heading we will arrive at b with a 062° gyro heading the constant gyro heading the average heading to be followed is equal to 090+062 /2 = 076° exemple 437 076°.076°.

Extended range operations with two engined aeroplanes etops.the chart type is ?

Question 189-39 : 32 5° +13° +73 5° +32 5°

We do not need to correct mechanical precession.we do not need to correct apparent wander we stay at the stand.the only error calculation we need is earth rate..earth rate error = 15 x sin lm x time..earth rate error = 15 x 0 87 x 2 5 = 32 5°...in northern hemisphere earth rate is 'minus' so it's 32 5°

Extended range operations with two engined aeroplanes etops.the pilot uses a ?

Question 189-40 : 240° 340° 060° 110°

/com en/com070 24 jpg..grid track = true track + convergency.grid track = 110° + 130° = 240°


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