Question > security : Which one of the following is an advantages of a multi sensor system using ?
Question 188-1 : The gnss can be used to update the fms position from a drifting irs the activation of 'selective availability' can be recognised by the ins the fms always uses average position calculated from the gnss and the irs the gnns is never used as an input in a multi sensor system

What type of clock is used in navstar gps satellites ?
Question 188-2 : Atomic quartz mechanical laser

How many clocks are installed in each navstar gps satellite ?
Question 188-3 : 4 3 2 1

What is egnos european global navigation overlay system ?
Question 188-4 : Wide area differential gps wadgps local area differential gps ladgps glonass local area augmentation system laas

In accordance with icao annex 10 the navstar/gps global average 95% position ?
Question 188-5 : 13 m horizontally 30 m horizontally 22 m in 3d 5 m vertically

In relation to the satellite navigation system navstar/gps 'all in view' is a ?
Question 188-6 : Is tracking more than the required 4 satellites and can instantly replace any lost signal with another already being monitored requires the signals of all visible satellites for navigation purposes is receiving and tracking the signals of all 24 operational satellites simultaneously is receiving the signals of all visible satellites but tracking only those of the 4 with the best geometric coverage

The gps control segment consists of ?
Question 188-7 : A master control station monitor stations and ground antennas a master control stations and monitor stations a master control station monitor stations and geostationary satellites a master control station monitor stations ground antennas and geostationary satellites

One of the tasks of the gps control segment is ?
Question 188-8 : To detect the malfunctioning of satellites to control continuously the motion of gps satellites to calculate and transmit differential corrections to users to calculate the accuracy of gps

One of the tasks of the gps control segment is ?
Question 188-9 : To determine and send new ephemeris and new satellite clock error data to the gps satellites to control continuously the position and the motion of gps satellites to calculate and transmit differential corrections to users which are able to receive wide area differential gps systems to regulate the transmitted power by the satellites

For what reason is a mask angle set up in a gps receiver ?
Question 188-10 : To deny the receiver the use of gps satellites with an elevation less than the mask angle to make the receiver select gps satellites with a certain optimum elevation which is about equal to the mask angle to eliminate the reception of the signal from gps satellites with an elevation of about 90° to select from all visible gps satellites the satellite configuration which results in the smallest gdop

What is the function of the control segment in gps navstar ?
Question 188-11 : To ensure the transmitted data of the satellites is controlled and updated from time to time by ground stations it calculates the aircraft position to monitor and ensure that the transmitted signals are saved and processed to utilise waas to transmit a signal used by a suitable receiver to calculate position

The term 'sbas' signifies ?
Question 188-12 : Satellite based augmentation systems supplemental based augmentation systems service broadcast application systems satellite based area systems

The term 'gbas' signifies ?
Question 188-13 : Ground based augmentation systems general broadcast application systems ground based augmentation software gps based augmentation standard

The term 'abas' signifies ?
Question 188-14 : Airborne based augmentation systems aerial broadcast application systems airborne based augmentation safety airborne based application standards

The system capable to measure on ground the signal errors transmitted by gnss ?
Question 188-15 : Gbas sbas abas tbas

A sbas satellite based augmentation systems consists of ?
Question 188-16 : 3 elements 2 elements 1 element 4 elements

Frequency band of the sbas data link is ?
Question 188-17 : A signal with the same frequency as gps vhf band of ils and vor systems 962 to 1213 mhz vhf band 108 0 to 111 975 mhz

Sbas systems improve the performance position accuracy of gnss/gps receivers by ?
Question 188-18 : Providing an additional signals coming from the geostationary satellites providing an additional signals coming from the navigation satellites providing an additional signals to gps receivers reducing the clock errors

Egnos european geostationary navigation overlay service is a ?
Question 188-19 : Satellite based augmentation systems sbas airborne based augmentation systems abas ground based augmentation systems local area augmentation system laas

Sbas messages are broadcast via ?
Question 188-20 : Geostationary satellites low earth orbit satellites polar orbit satellites medium earth orbit satellites

The system capable to measure on the ground the signal errors transmitted by ?
Question 188-21 : Sbas gbas abas rbas

A ground based augmentation system gbas supports all phases of approach landing ?
Question 188-22 : 30 km 100 km 10 km 60 km

Frequency band of the gbas data link is ?
Question 188-23 : Vhf band of ils and vor systems a signal with the same frequency as gps vhf band 108 0 111 975 mhz uhf band between 960 1215 mhz

Gbas ground subsystems provide two services the precision approach service and ?
Question 188-24 : Deviation guidance for final approach segments horizontal position information to support rnav operations deviation guidance for going around segment horizontal position information on ground

Gbas ground subsystems provide two services the precision approach service and ?
Question 188-25 : Horizontal position information to support rnav operations in terminal areas deviation guidance for final approach segments horizontal position information for initial segment deviation guidance for en route segment

Minimum ground based augmentation system gbas plan coverage is ?
Question 188-26 : 15 nm from the landing threshold point within 35° apart the final approach path and 10° apart between 15 and 20 nm 25 nm from the landing threshold point within 35° apart the final approach path and 10° apart between 25 and 30 nm 15 nm from the landing threshold point within 45° apart the final approach path and 20° apart between 15 and 20 nm 25 nm from the landing threshold point within 45° apart the final approach path and 20° apart between 25 and 30 nm

The vdb vhf data broadcast broadcasts the gbas signal within its coverage area ?
Question 188-27 : Error correction data integrity data and approach data for one or more runways integrity data and approach data for one runway error correction data integrity data and approach data for one runway error correction data and integrity data

Which statement is correct about the sbas satellite based augmentation systems ?
Question 188-28 : In an sbas the pseudo range corrections are sent to the users by geostationary satellites in an sbas the pseudo range correction are sent to the users by the satellite of the satellite systems e g by gps satellites for gps in an sbas the pseudo range correction are determined by geostationary satellites and sent to the users by the satellites of the satellite system e g by gps satellites for gps in an sbas the pseudo range correction are determined by geostationary satellites and sent to the users by a network of ground station

Which statement is correct about glonass/navstar gps/galileo ?
Question 188-29 : All three systems use time measurement to determine a position they are all using the same frequencies to permit a single receiver to work all three systems for position fixing they are all based on the wgs84 ellipsoid they are all reach their degree of accuracy in polar areas

Gps time can be converted to utc by application of the ?
Question 188-30 : Utc parameters sent in the navigation message fixed rule correction given by atomic clocks time correction filtering formula

Utc parameters is the difference between ?
Question 188-31 : Gps time and utc gmt and utc satellite time and utc receiver time and utc

Errors in gps satellites orbits are due to ?
Question 188-32 : The solar wind and gravitation of sun moon and planets earth and lunar precession the lunar wind and gravitation of earth moon and stars solar and lunar precession

When a gps receiver is using barometric altitude as an augmentation to raim ?
Question 188-33 : The number of satellites to perform raim function may be reduced by one failure reporting time will be reduced the accuracy of displaced position will be greatly enhanced better correction for ionospheric delay will be available

Assume that one of the gps/navstar satellites used by the receiver is faulty ?
Question 188-34 : Able to detect that one satellite that is faulty and identify which one not active software needs 8 satellites to function correctly unable to identify the faulty satellite able to detect that one satellite that is faulty but is unable to identify it

How long does it take a glonass satellite to orbit the earth ?
Question 188-35 : 11 hours 15 minutes 12 hours 24 hours 1 hour 10 minutes

Using gps the primary position information is in the form of ?
Question 188-36 : Spheres with the satellites in the centre of the spheres spheres with the airplane in the centre of the spheres bearing and distance from the satellites three dimensional position with earth's centre as reference

Which statement about satellite based augmentation system sbas is correct ?
Question 188-37 : The use of sbas improves both the accuracy and the integrity of the position of the user the use of sbas improves the accuracy of the position of the user but not improves the integrity the use of sbas improves neither the integrity nor the position of the user but augments both the number satellite available the use of sbas improves the integrity of the position of the user but not improves the accuracy

Which of the following is not improved by the application of differential gps ?
Question 188-38 : Multi path effects selective availability tropospheric delays satellite clock error

In egnos and waas systems the correction for an aeroplane's gnss receiver are ?
Question 188-39 : Via geostationary satellite from the monitor stations via the gnss constellation by the wide area master station

Which of the following statements about the accuracy that can be obtained with ?
Question 188-40 : The closer the receiver is to a laas ground reference station the more accurate is the aircraft position fix a laas corrects the position of the aircraft by relaying the information via geostationary satellite the increase in accuracy of position fixes is independent of the aircraft position in relation to the laas ground reference station a laas cannot correct for satellite timing and orbital position error

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