Question > security : 'fruiting' is caused by ?
Question 186-1 : Aeroplane at range responding to interrogations from another atc radar station aeroplane in close proximity responding to the same interrogation an aeroplane's transponder responding to side lobes or reflections of the interrogation signal doppler effect on targets moving radially towards or away from the atc radar station

The carrier frequency of the ssr atc reply transmission air to ground is ?
Question 186-2 : 1090 mhz + or 3 mhz 1030 mhz + or 2 mhz 1020 mhz + or 4 mhz 1050 mhz + ou 2 mhz

A mode s transponder receives among other pulses a long p4 pulse from an ?
Question 186-3 : The interrogator transmits a mode a/c/s all call the interrogator transmits a mode a/c only all call the interrogator transmits a mode s only all call the interrogator transmits a mode a only all call

A mode a/c transponder receives a p2 pulse from which the amplitude is smaller ?
Question 186-4 : The transponder is located in the direction of the main lobe of the interrogator antenna the transponder is beyond the usable range of the ssr ground station the interrogation is only meant for mode s transponders the transponder is located in the direction of one of the side lobes of the interrogator antenna

A mode a/c transponder receives a p2 pulse from which the amplitude is larger ?
Question 186-5 : The transponder is located in the direction of one of the side lobes of the interrogator antenna the transponder is located in the direction of the main lobe of the interrogator antenna the transponder is beyond the usable range of the ssr ground station the interrogation is only meant for mode s transponders

What determines the operating mode a or c of the ssr transponder ?
Question 186-6 : The time interval between the pulses p1 and p3 the travel time of the pulses transmitted by the interrogator the position of the spi pulse the difference in amplitude of the pulses p1/p3 and p2

What is one of the differences between a mode a/c/s all call and a mode a/c ?
Question 186-7 : The length of the pulse p4 the presence of mode a/c addresses the time interval between the pulses p1 and p3 the presence of mode s addresses

The time interval between the interrogating pulses p1 and p3 in mode c is ?
Question 186-8 : 21 us 8 us 1 6 us 0 8 us

The time interval between the interrogating pulses p1 and p3 in mode a is ?
Question 186-9 : 8 us 21 us 1 6 us 0 8 us

Ssr transponder.mode s provides ?
Question 186-10 : 25 possible reply forms 50 possible reply forms 100 possible reply forms 3 possible reply forms

The equipment that uses the pulse modulation technique is the ?
Question 186-11 : Radar vor localizer vhf radio

Ssr intermode a 'short' p4 pulse makes it possible to perform a ?
Question 186-12 : A/c a/c/s mode s only c

Ssr transponder.a mode a/c transponder ?
Question 186-13 : Responds to mode s interrogations but can not send data responds to mode s interrogations with limited data does not respond to mode s because frequency is different does not respond to mode s interrogations

The main advantage of ssr over a primary radar is ?
Question 186-14 : Air traffic control ssr systems can interrogate the transponder of an aircraft and obtain answers air traffic control ssr systems continually interrogating the aircraft in range the follow up is uninterrupted air traffic control ssr systems can respond to an aircraft interrogation and provide the required information ssr has the ability to discriminate mobile targets moving target indicators mti which eliminates returns and permits to track more aircraft

What is the accuracy of mode s altitude reporting ?
Question 186-15 : 25 feet 200 feet 100 feet 50 feet

To increase the maximum range of a radar it is necessary to ?
Question 186-16 : Decrease the recurrence frequency and to increase the wavelength decreases the recurrence frequency and the wavelength increase the recurrence frequency and the wavelength increase the recurrence frequency and to decrease the wavelength

Ssr transponder.with the 'enhanced' mode s additional aircraft parameters can ?
Question 186-17 : Ias vertical rate roll angle angle of attack pitch angle ground speed fuel remaining oat cross track error usable fuel pitch angle

An antenna is defined as a ?
Question 186-18 : Wave type transducer for the process of converting a line ac into a free electromagnetic wave transformer for the process of converting ac into a radio wave device used for the purpose of receiving a free electromagnetic radio wave and converting it into an audible frequency wave type transducer for the process of converting a dc into a free electromagnetic wave

Ssr transponder.what is involved in enhanced downlink . tas. ground speed. ?
Question 186-19 : Tas ground speed magnetic heading tas eas flight level ground speed magnetic heading course eas course flight level

Ssr transponder.a mode s surveillance protocols implicitly use the principle ?
Question 186-20 : It permits unambiguous aircraft identification the range does not depend on transmitter power there is no interaction with the air or space segment in the event of an ssr failure it can act as a primary radar

A vertical aerial antenna needs the receiver to be oriented in the plane to ?
Question 186-21 : Vertical vertical horizontal vertical horizontal horizontal vertical horizontal

Which of the following statements about a primary radar are correct .1 target ?
Question 186-22 : 1 2 3 1 3 2 3 1 2

Ssr transponder mode s enhanced surveillance.the controller's information is ?
Question 186-23 : Magnetic heading indicated airspeed vertical rate and selected altitude landing mass aircraft turbulence category computed approach speed magnetic heading altitude and identification pressure altitude flight level flight number or aircraft registration ground speed

Ssr transponder mode s enhanced surveillance.automatic extraction of an ?
Question 186-24 : Radio telephony workload and will free them to concentrate on ensuring the safe and efficient passage of air traffic attention and may lead to routine errors awareness of the situation and may lead to interpretation errors workload but will increase radio telephony exchanges

Ssr transponder mode s enhanced surveillance.the reduction in radio ?
Question 186-25 : Reduce pilot workload and remove a potential source of error reduce pilot awareness of the situation and may lead to interpretation errors increase attention but may lead to routine errors reduce the static interferences experienced by gps receivers

Airborne weather radar awr should be used with extreme caution when on the ?
Question 186-26 : It can hurt the ground staff it may interfere with the alignment of the inertial reference system it can disrupt communication with the tower it can disrupt the airport's radio navigation systems

The main disadvantage of using an airborne weather radar awr on the ground is ?
Question 186-27 : Shf waves it emits can damage tissues of the people on whom it radiates reflections on ground and buildings can overheat the radar and switch it off momentarily reflections on ground and buildings are very strong and prevent to see potentially dangerous phenomena when align for take off its antenna can be damaged while taxiing especially on rough runway and taxiway

In a satellite assisted navigation system gnss/gps a fix is obtained by ?
Question 186-28 : Measuring the time taken for a minimum number of satellites' transmissions in known positions to reach the aircraft's receiver the aircraft's receiver measuring the phase angle of signals received from a number of satellites in known positions measuring the time taken for an aircraft's transmissions to travel to a number of satellites in known positions and return to the aircraft's receiver measuring the pulse lengths of signals received from a minimum number of satellites received in a specific sequential order

What is the minimum number of satellites required by a gps in order to obtain a ?
Question 186-29 : 4 24 3 5

Gps satellites transmit on two l band frequencies with different types of ?
Question 186-30 : L1 coarse acquisition c/a with selected availability s/a l2 coarse acquisition c/a l1 precise p l2 for communications purpose

Which of the following coordinate systems is used by the navstar/gps receiver ?
Question 186-31 : Wgs 84 ed 87 ed 50 pz 90

Which of the following lists all the parameters that can be determined by a gps ?
Question 186-32 : Latitude longitude altitude and time latitude and longitude latitude longitude and time latitude longitude and altitude

In a satellite assisted navigation system gnss/gps a position line is obtained ?
Question 186-33 : Timing the period that is taken for a satellite's transmission to reach the aircraft's receiver the aircraft's receiver measuring the phase angle of the signal received from a satellite in a known position timing the period that is taken for a transmission from the aircraft's transmitter/receiver to reach and return from a satellite in a known position the aircraft's receiver measuring the time difference between signals received from a minimum number of satellites

In which frequency band do satellite assisted navigation systems gnss/gps ?
Question 186-34 : Uhf shf ehf vhf

What is the minimum number of satellites required for the navstar/gps to carry ?
Question 186-35 : 3 24 5 2

Ignoring pulse length the maximum pulse repetition frequency prf that can be ?
Question 186-36 : 405 pps 782 pps 308 pps 810 pps

Which of the following lists are all errors that affect the accuracy and ?
Question 186-37 : Satellite clock satellite ephemeris atmospheric propagation satellite mutual interference satellite ephemeris atmospheric propagation satellite to ground time lag atmospheric propagation satellite clock satellite mutual interference frequency drift satellite to ground time lag

In order to carry out an independent three dimensional fix receiver autonomous ?
Question 186-38 : 6 7 5 4

Signal reception is required from a minimum number of satellites that have ?
Question 186-39 : 4 6 5 3

The distance between a navstar/gps satellite and receiver is ?
Question 186-40 : Determined by the time taken for the signal to arrive from the satellite multiplied by the speed of light calculated from the doppler shift of the known frequencies calculated using the wgs 84 reference system from the known positions of the satellite and the receiver determined by the phase shift of the pseudo random noise code multiplied by the speed of light

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