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Question > security : Which of the following lists the phenomena least likely to be detected by radar ?

Question 185-1 : Clear air turbulence precipitation turbulence in cloud that has precipitation wet snow and turbulence in cloud that has precipitation

.the weather radar only detects precipitation droplets .how much it detects depends upon the size composition and number of droplets water particles are five times more reflective than ice particles of the same size.the radar does detect . rainfall. wet hail and wet turbulence. ice crystals dry hail and dry snow however these three elements give small reflections.the radar does not detect . clouds fog or wind droplets are too small or no precipitation at all . clear air turbulence no precipitation exemple 285 clear air turbulence.clear air turbulence.

Which one of the following is an advantage of a secondary radar system when ?

Question 185-2 : The required power of transmission from the ground equipment is reduced the relatively small ground antenna transmits no side lobes thus eliminating the danger of false replies from the airborne transponder possibility of obtaining speed information for aircraft within range is not limited to line of sight

.secondary surveillance radar emits an interrogation pulse rather than a beam of energy you get back a response from the transponder rather than reflected energy .calculating the time to response and return plus where the aerial was pointing during the process gives you the return on the display.thus the required power of transmission from the ground equipment is reduced exemple 289 the required power of transmission from the ground equipment is reduced.the required power of transmission from the ground equipment is reduced.

What information may be displayed on an atc radar screen connected only to a ?

Question 185-3 : Aircraft position only aircraft position and ssr code aircraft position ssr code and altitude aircraft altitude

exemple 293 aircraft position only.aircraft position only.

In an airborne weather radar the areas of greatest turbulence are usually ?

Question 185-4 : Colour zones of red and magenta blank areas where there is no colour colour zones of green and yellow areas which are coloured black

2616 exemple 297 colour zones of red and magenta.colour zones of red and magenta.

Airborne weather radars are generally based on the use of ?

Question 185-5 : Primary radar in the shf band primary radar in the uhf band secondary radar in the shf band secondary radar in the vhf band

exemple 301 primary radar in the shf band.primary radar in the shf band.

Mode a or c garbling may occur to ?

Question 185-6 : Two or more aircraft in the same direction from the interrogator with a difference in slant range of less than 1 7 nm two or more aircraft in the same direction from the ground station at the same altitude with a difference in slant range of more than 1 7 nm two or more aircraft different directions from the ground station at the same altitude with a difference in slant range of more than 1 7 nm two or more aircraft different directions from the interrogator at the same altitude with a difference in slant range of less than 1 7 nm

.disadvantages of ssr mode a/c . code garbling of aircraft less than 1 7 nm apart measured in the vertical plane perpendicular to and from the antenna. 'fruiting' which results from reception of replies caused by interrogations from other radar stations exemple 305 two or more aircraft in the same direction from the interrogator with a difference in slant range of less than 1.7 nm.two or more aircraft in the same direction from the interrogator with a difference in slant range of less than 1.7 nm.

In a primary pulse radar you have ?

Question 185-7 : A directional aerial for both transmission and reception a directional aerial for transmission and an omni directional aerial for reception a directional aerial for transmission and another one for reception an omni directional aerial for transmission and directional aerial for reception

exemple 309 a directional aerial for both transmission and reception.a directional aerial for both transmission and reception.

A tcas ii equipped a/c will have mode s because ?

Question 185-8 : The datalink is required to co ordinate evasive manoeuvres the data link is required to transmit relative position mode s transmits a 3d position true altitude is obtained from mode s

Mode s selective is designed to allow automatic collision avoidance.sense of ras coordinated between tcas equipped aircraft resolution advisories so tcas ii traffic alert and collision avoidance system automatically implies mode s transponder.the ra intensity is checked and revised if necessary every second..more information can be found by using the link below exemple 313 the datalink is required to co-ordinate evasive manoeuvres.the datalink is required to co-ordinate evasive manoeuvres.

How does a mode s interrogator identify aircraft ?

Question 185-9 : A 24 bit identifier giving over 16 million combinations the p3 pulse an eight bit identifier which gives 212 unique combinations the four letter selcal code

.the provision of air traffic services ats using ssr mode s initially in a central area of european airspace will rely on a unique icao 24 bit aircraft address for selective interrogation of individual aircraft the 24 bit aircraft address is also an essential element of the airborne collision avoidance system acas ii in addition mode s surveillance requires the reporting of aircraft identification as stated in circular aic a 01/04 concerning mode s airborne equipment requirements..the aircraft address shall be one of 16 777 214 twenty four bit aircraft addresses allocated by icao to the state of registry or common mark registering authority and assigned as prescribed in the appendix to chapter 9 part i volume iii icao annex 10.all mode s equipped aircraft engaged in international civil aviation are required to have an aircraft identification feature as prescribed in icao annex 10 volume iv chapter 2 2 1 5 2 exemple 317 a 24 bit identifier, giving over 16 million combinations.a 24 bit identifier, giving over 16 million combinations.

Which statement with respect to interrogation modes is correct ?

Question 185-10 : Mode s broadcast will transmit information to all mode s transponders mode s only all call will trigger transponder replies of all mode a/c/s transponders mode s selective will trigger replies of all mode s transponders mode a/c transponders are suppressed intermode a/c/s all call and intermode a/c only all call differ in the pulse spacing used between the p1 and p3 pulse

.mode s is a secondary surveillance radar technique that permits selective interrogation of aircraft by means of a unique 24 bit aircraft address thus avoiding the risk of confusion or mis identification due to overlapping signals mode s has been standardised by icao for many years it employs ground based interrogators and airborne transponders and operates in the same radio frequencies 1030/1090 mhz as conventional ssr systems with which it is backwards compatible.mode s ground interrogators transmit a mode s all call at a steady rate similar to a conventional ssr . any mode s transponder that is not 'locked out' will reply to the interrogation transmitting its 24 bit aircraft address registration and its aircraft identification call sign exemple 321 mode s broadcast will transmit information to all mode s transponders.mode s broadcast will transmit information to all mode s transponders.

To improve the detection of precipitation area s in e g thunderstorms in which ?

Question 185-11 : The tilt setting should be lower when the aircraft climbs to a higher altitude the tilt setting should be higher when the aircraft climbs to a higher altitude the tilt setting should be higher when the selected range decreases the tilt setting should be lower when the selected range increases

. 2620.if the top of the cloud lies at or slightly above the level of flight and you decide to climb it will be better to tilt down your weather radar to maintain a good awareness of the situation .if not you will not be able to see precipitations the risk is to see clear sky above the clouds and thus you will not be able to avoid large area of turbulences exemple 325 the tilt setting should be lower when the aircraft climbs to a higher altitude.the tilt setting should be lower when the aircraft climbs to a higher altitude.

Garbling is caused by ?

Question 185-12 : Aeroplanes in close proximity responding to the same interrogation aeroplanes at range responding to interrogations from another atc ssr doppler effect on targets moving radially towards or away from the ssr an aeroplanes transponder responding to side lobes or reflections of the interrogation signal

exemple 329 aeroplanes in close proximity responding to the same interrogation.aeroplanes in close proximity responding to the same interrogation.

Airborne weather radar has been primarily developed to detect ?

Question 185-13 : The kinds of precipitation which are usually accompanied by turbulence areas of severe clear air turbulence all kinds of frozen precipitation such as hail snow and graupel areas of wind sheer and severe aircraft icing

exemple 333 the kinds of precipitation which are usually accompanied by turbulence.the kinds of precipitation which are usually accompanied by turbulence.

When an operator increases the range on a radar display in general ?

Question 185-14 : The prf becomes lower and the pulse length larger both the prf and the pulse length increase the prf becomes higher and the pulse length smaller both the prf and the pulse length decrease

When an operator increases the range on a radar display larger pulses have smaller resolution and the prf pulse repetition frequency therefore needs to be slower to detect more distant pulses. onofrio .think about formulas .max unambigious range c/2xprf so prf has to decrease to increase the range .and.minimum range pl/2 so pl has to increase to increase the range exemple 337 the prf becomes lower and the pulse length larger.the prf becomes lower and the pulse length larger.

The heaviest turbulence is likely to be encountered ?

Question 185-15 : Where the area of heaviest precipitation is closest to the edge of the thunderstorm cell in the area of heaviest precipitation about halfway between two thunderstorm cells in the very core of a thunderstorm cell

exemple 341 where the area of heaviest precipitation is closest to the edge of the thunderstorm cell.where the area of heaviest precipitation is closest to the edge of the thunderstorm cell.

When using airborne weather radar in the mapping mode in polar areas one runs ?

Question 185-16 : Of mistaking the edge of coastal ice off shore for the real coastline of getting a distorted picture because of ice reflection of aurora borealis polar light causing false returns of underestimating distances because the cold seawater is causing super refraction

exemple 345 of mistaking the edge of coastal ice off shore for the real coastline.of mistaking the edge of coastal ice off shore for the real coastline.

The three main components of vor airborne equipment are ?

Question 185-17 : Receiver antenna display receiver phase comparator range gate demodulator antenna cdu display pulse generator phase comparator

exemple 349 receiver, antenna, display.receiver, antenna, display.

The pictures at reference are showing an aircraft's position with respect to ?

Question 185-18 : Increase the range setting of his radar switch over from normal to wx mode initiate a steep climb select the cosecant square beam for better alley detection

Increase the range setting of his radar will permit to the pilot to see whether there is continued clear weather further exemple 353 increase the range setting of his radar.increase the range setting of his radar.

The 'gain' control knob of an awr airborne weather radar adjusts ?

Question 185-19 : The receiver sensitivity in order to achieve optimum target acquisition the brightness of the display the automatic gain control of the awr is activated the power level of the transmitted energy is made dependent on the selected range

exemple 357 the receiver sensitivity in order to achieve optimum target acquisition.the receiver sensitivity in order to achieve optimum target acquisition.

Which statement is correct with respect to selections on the transponder ?

Question 185-20 : With alt selected a reply in the modes a c and s can be transmitted the correct icao 24 bits aircraft address code must be inserted on the control panel with on selected a reply in the modes a c and s can be transmitted with the selector knobs the four digits of the squawk can be selected using the decimal symbols 0 through 9

.turn your transponder to the alt position it enables it to respond to mode a mode c and mode s interrogations even if you don't have an altitude encoder installed you should operate your transponder in the alt mode the reason for this is that the ground station is still looking for 'framing pulses' from your transponder even if there's no altitude information accompanying them exemple 361 with alt selected a reply in the modes a, c and s can be transmitted.with alt selected a reply in the modes a, c and s can be transmitted.

Echoes that do not change in distance from the antenna relative speed zero of a ?

Question 185-21 : The moving target indicator mti eliminates such echoes the radar is not able to display two echoes moving in the same direction the mti does not recognise this as a moving object due to the blind speed the frequency of the transmitted radar signals changes too much by the doppler effect

Moving target indicator .mti makes use of doppler to eliminate returns from fixed objects such as hills or buildings the radar will only display returns that show a doppler shift i e moving targets but a target maintaining a constant range would not show up exemple 365 the moving target indicator (mti) eliminates such echoes.the moving target indicator (mti) eliminates such echoes.

Mode s..the allocation of 24 bit aircraft addresses is described in the icao ?

Question 185-22 : Every aircraft will have been allocated with an icao aircraft address which is hard coded into the airframe military aircraft will have been allocated with an icao aircraft address which is hard coded into the transponder civil aircraft will have been allocated with an icao aircraft address which is hard coded into the airframe every aircraft will have been allocated with a nato aircraft address which is hard coded into the airframe

.icao annex 10 volume 3 communications systems .chapter 5 ssr mode s air ground data link.aircraft address a unique combination of 24 bits available for assignment to an aircraft for the purpose of air ground communications navigation and surveillance.chapter 9 aircraft addressing system.9 1 the aircraft address shall be one of 16 777 214 twenty four bit aircraft addresses allocated by icao to the state of registry or common mark registering authority and assigned as prescribed in the appendix to this chapter.appendix to chapter 9 a worldwide scheme for the allocation assignment and application of aircraft addresses.1 general.1 1 global communications navigation and surveillance systems shall use an individual aircraft address composed of 24 bits at any one time no address shall be assigned to more than one aircraft the assignment of aircraft addresses requires a comprehensive scheme providing for a balanced and expandable distribution of aircraft addresses applicable worldwide exemple 369 every aircraft will have been allocated with an icao aircraft address which is hard coded into the airframe.every aircraft will have been allocated with an icao aircraft address which is hard coded into the airframe.

Mode s..how does a ground interrogation signal mode a and c is transmitted to a ?

Question 185-23 : In the form of pairs of interrogative pulses with an additional control pulse in the form of pairs of pulses by using the long p4 pulse in the form of a series of pulses and a special position identification spi pulse

exemple 373 in the form of pairs of interrogative pulses with an additional control pulse.in the form of pairs of interrogative pulses with an additional control pulse.

The magnetic heading of an aircraft is 040° on the airborne weather radar ?

Question 185-24 : 49°25'n 007°30'w 48°50'n 006°22'w 49°35'n 007°36'w 49°45'n 007°42'w

Relative bearing = 040° + 030° = 070°..applied the variation 6°west on the chart so 070° 6° = 064°..064° + 180 ° = aircraft is on a bearing of 244° true from the station.now plot a position line 80 nm from the position 50°03'n 005°40'w.you are at position 49°25'n 007°30'w . 1695 exemple 377 (49°25'n , 007°30'w)(49°25'n , 007°30'w)

Moving target indicator mti in ground radar is used to ?

Question 185-25 : Suppress all stationary echoes assess the travelling speed of moving echoes emphasise all echoes travelling faster than a certain speed selected by the operator emphasise the difference between slow and fast moving echoes

Moving target indicator .mti makes use of doppler to eliminate returns from fixed objects such as hills or buildings the radar will only display returns that show a doppler shift i e moving targets but a target maintaining a constant range would not show up exemple 381 suppress all stationary echoes.suppress all stationary echoes.

The airborne weather radar ?

Question 185-26 : May receive no reflections from a thunderstorm in an area behind a heavy rain shower has a second transmitter working on a lower frequency in order to penetrate rain shower has the possibility to detect clear air turbulence deviates downward whatever the attitude of the aircraft is

.the danger of the area behind heavy rain shadow area exists because no radar waves can penetrate deeply enough inside exemple 385 may receive no reflections from a thunderstorm in an area behind a heavy rain shower.may receive no reflections from a thunderstorm in an area behind a heavy rain shower.

The spacing between the two pulses transmitted by an ssr interrogator determines ?

Question 185-27 : What mode is used the identification of the ssr what service may be provided by the ssr the atc code to be set in the aircraft

exemple 389 what mode is used.what mode is used.

When the atc transponder 'ident' button is pressed by the pilot ?

Question 185-28 : The airplane's symbol on the controller's display will flash or 'fill in' the airplane's identification will be sent to all ssrs within range mode a will automatically be selected the controller will be urged to identify the airplane

exemple 393 the airplane's symbol on the controller's display will flash or 'fill in'.the airplane's symbol on the controller's display will flash or 'fill in'.

On a typical computer generated ssr display the following data on a particular ?

Question 185-29 : Squawk code flight level ground speed airplane callsign squawk code flight level true heading airplane callsign squawk code magnetic heading ground speed airplane callsign destination flight level ground speed airplane callsign

exemple 397 squawk code, flight level, ground speed, airplane callsign.squawk code, flight level, ground speed, airplane callsign.

In the ssr response the operation of the transponder 'ident' button ?

Question 185-30 : Sends a special pulse after the normal response pulse train transmits the aeroplanes registration or flight number as a data coded sequence sends a special pulse in the x position on the pulse train sends a special pulse before the normal response pulse train

exemple 401 sends a special pulse after the normal response pulse train.sends a special pulse after the normal response pulse train.

Which one of the following switch positions should be used when selecting a ?

Question 185-31 : Stby standby off normal ident identification

exemple 405 stby (standby).stby (standby).

In the ssr terminology 'de fruiting' means ?

Question 185-32 : The removal from the display of random responses removing all different colors from the display making it a mono color display displaying only airplanes with a selected destination displaying only airplanes changing their altitude

exemple 409 the removal from the display of random responses.the removal from the display of random responses.

The selection of code 2000 on an aircraft ssr transponder indicates ?

Question 185-33 : Entry into airspace from an area where ssr operation has not been required an emergency unlawful interference with the planned operation of the flight transponder malfunction

exemple 413 entry into airspace from an area where ssr operation has not been required.entry into airspace from an area where ssr operation has not been required.

With ssr interrogation and response signals ?

Question 185-34 : Are standard frequencies separated by 60 mhz are separated by 63 mhz must be set by the pilot but are always 60 mhz apart are at variable frequencies set by the controller but are always 63 mhz apart

.ssr is fixed on 1030 mhz and 1090 mhz exemple 417 are standard frequencies separated by 60 mhz.are standard frequencies separated by 60 mhz.

Using ssr the normal transmission from the atc transponder in the aircraft ?

Question 185-35 : The two pulses received plus an additional number of pulses between them the two pulses received plus the aircraft identification the aircraft identification plus pulses giving the altitude pulses giving the altitude plus any ident pulse

exemple 421 the two pulses received plus an additional number of pulses between them.the two pulses received plus an additional number of pulses between them.

With regard to ssr ?

Question 185-36 : The interrogator is on the ground and transponder is in the aircraft the interrogator is on the ground and transponder is on the ground the interrogator is on the aircraft and transponder is in the aircraft the interrogator is on the aircraft and transponder is on the ground

exemple 425 the interrogator is on the ground and transponder is in the aircraft.the interrogator is on the ground and transponder is in the aircraft.

When a mode c check is carried out and assuming the equipment is working ?

Question 185-37 : Fl351 fl350 3506 35064

.the altitude information sent with a transponder mode c is in hundreds of feet with an accuracy to + or 50 ft .35064 ft will be encoded as 351 35100 ft 35064 ft is round to the nearest hundred

In ssr the interrogations use different modes if altitude reporting is required ?

Question 185-38 : Mode c and a interrogations mode a interrogations only mode c interrogations only mode c and ident interrogations

exemple 433 mode c and a interrogations.mode c and a interrogations.

The atc transponder system excluding mode s contains ?

Question 185-39 : Two modes each 4096 of codes four modes each of 1024 codes four modes each of 4096 codes two modes each of 1024 codes

exemple 437 two modes, each 4096 of codes.two modes, each 4096 of codes.

A mode s transponder ?

Question 185-40 : Responds normally to mode a or c interrogations will not respond to mode a interrogations responds to mode a interrogations but not to mode c interrogations will not respond to mode a or c interrogations as it operates on a different frequency


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