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Question > security : A primary radar operates on the principle of ?

Question 184-1 : Pulse technique transponder interrogation phase comparison continuous wave transmission

exemple 284 pulse technique.pulse technique.

The main factor that limits the range of an ndb is the ?

Question 184-2 : Transmitted power height of the transmitter direction of the plane of polarisation identification modulation signal

exemple 288 transmitted power.transmitted power.

The two main design functions of secondary surveillance radar ssr mode s are ?

Question 184-3 : Air to ground and ground to air data link communications and improved atc aircraft surveillance capability collision avoidance using tcas ii and improved long range hf communication capability continuous automatic position reporting using global positioning system gps satellites and collision avoidance using tcas ii the elimination of ground to air communications and the introduction of automatic separation between aircraft using tcas ii

exemple 292 air to ground and ground to air data link communications and improved atc aircraft surveillance capability.air to ground and ground to air data link communications and improved atc aircraft surveillance capability.

A frequency of 10 ghz is considered to be the optimum for use in an airborne ?

Question 184-4 : The larger water droplets will give good echoes greater detail can be obtained at the more distant ranges of the smaller water droplets static interference is minimised enables the aircraft to detect clear air turbulence

.a high frequency is used since it gives strong return of echoes from big water droplets and clouds of high water contents usually thunderstorm movements but do not reflect the clouds with lower contents of water or fog exemple 296 the larger water droplets will give good echoes.the larger water droplets will give good echoes.

Which of the following is a complete list of airborne weather radar antenna ?

Question 184-5 : Roll and pitch roll pitch and yaw pitch and yaw roll and yaw

.weather radar antenna in the nose radome of a boeing 757 . 2547.you can clearly see the stabilisation system . 2548 exemple 300 roll and pitch.roll and pitch.

In an airborne weather radar that has a colour cathode ray tube crt increasing ?

Question 184-6 : Green to yellow to red yellow to amber to blue green to red to black yellow to orange to red

. 2614 exemple 304 green to yellow to red.green to yellow to red.

When an aircraft is operating its secondary surveillance radar in mode c an air ?

Question 184-7 : 100 ft 200 ft 250 ft 150 ft

.air traffic controller's presentation gives information regarding the aircraft's indicated flight level mode c in increments of 100 ft . 2615.afr1670 air france 1670 .038 3800 ft climbing m15 control sector m15 exemple 308 100 ft.100 ft.

A radar facility transmitting at a pulse recurrence frequency prf of 1200 ?

Question 184-8 : 69 nm 135 nm 270 nm 27 nm

.maximum range = pulse repetition time/ 2 x 0 162 nm/microsecond.pulse repetition time = 1 x 106 / recurrence frequency..pulse repetition time = 833 33..maximum range = 833 33/2 x 0 162 = 67 5nm.also .velocity of light = 300000km/s.range = 300000/prf x 2.range = 300000/1200 x 2.range = 125km ==> 67 5nm exemple 312 69 nm.69 nm.

The frequency of an ssr ground transmission is ?

Question 184-9 : 1030 +/ 0 2 mhz 1050 +/ 0 5 mhz 1090 +/ 0 3 mhz 1120 +/ 0 6 mhz

exemple 316 1030 +/- 0.2 mhz.1030 +/- 0.2 mhz.

The doppler navigation system is based on ?

Question 184-10 : Radar principles using frequency shift phase comparison from ground station transmissions doppler vor dvor navigation system radio waves refraction in the ionosphere

.doppler principle .the relative motion between transmitter and receiver causes a proportional frequency shift fd which is known as doppler shift doppler effect or doppler frequency.transmitter and receiver are screened from each other but use the same aerial beams are transmitted with a depression angle of 60 and 70 degrees and the receiver measures the reflected frequency shift caused by aircraft's speed along track ground speed speed across track and drift.as the transmitter and receiver get closer a positive shift occurs in fd and as they move far apart a negative shift occurs in fd exemple 320 radar principles using frequency shift.radar principles using frequency shift.

In which mode of operation does the aircraft weather radar use a cosecant ?

Question 184-11 : Mapping contour weather manual

. boeing 737ng navigation displays in map mode . 2613 exemple 324 mapping.mapping.

The main factor which determines the minimum range that can be measured by a ?

Question 184-12 : Length amplitude repetition rate frequency

.pulse length defines the minimum theoretical range of a radar exemple 328 length.length.

Complete the following statement .aircraft surface movement radar operates on ?

Question 184-13 : I shf ii 60 iii sometimes i ehf ii 30 iii never i shf ii 10 iii always i ehf ii 100 iii never

exemple 332 (i) shf  (ii) 60  (iii) sometimes.(i) shf (ii) 60 (iii) sometimes.

The maximum pulse repetition frequency prf that can be used by a primary radar ?

Question 184-14 : 1620 pps 3240 pps 610 pps 713 pps

.range = c / 2f..f pps = c velocity of light / 2 x range..range= 50 nm..f = 162000 nm/s / 2 x 50..f = 1620 pulses per second exemple 336 1620 pps.1620 pps.

Ignoring pulse length and fly back a radar facility designed to have a maximum ?

Question 184-15 : 3000 6000 167 330

.maximum range = velocity of light x 1/ prf..50 km = 300000 x 1/prf..prf = 300000 / 50 = 6000..but we have to ignore pulse length and fly back so 6000/2 exemple 340 3000.3000.

Which combination of characteristics gives best screen picture in a primary ?

Question 184-16 : Short pulse length and narrow beam long pulse length and wide beam long pulse length and narrow beam short pulse length and wide beam

exemple 344 short pulse length and narrow beam.short pulse length and narrow beam.

The minimum range of a primary radar using the pulse technique is determined by ?

Question 184-17 : I pulse length ii pulse recurrence frequency i transmission frequency ii transmitter power output i pulse length ii length of the timebase i transmission frequency ii pulse recurrence frequency

exemple 348 (i) pulse length (ii) pulse recurrence frequency.(i) pulse length (ii) pulse recurrence frequency.

The maximum range of primary radar depends on ?

Question 184-18 : Pulse recurrence frequency wave length frequency pulse length

.primary radar provides bearing and distance of targets.primary ground radar is used to detect aircraft that are not equipped with a secondary radar transponder.the maximum theoretical unambiguous range if the prf is given using the formula .range in km = 300000/ prf x 2. prf pulse repetition frequency.take care pulse length defines the minimum theoretical range of a radar exemple 352 pulse recurrence frequency.pulse recurrence frequency.

A frequency of airborne weather radar is ?

Question 184-19 : 9375 mhz 9375 ghz 9375 khz 93 75 mhz

.the wavelength is approximately 3 cm and frequency of most airborne weather radar awr is approximately 9 ghz exemple 356 9375 mhz.9375 mhz.

Under easa cs 25 colour code rules for electronic flight instrument systems ?

Question 184-20 : Green amber/yellow red magenta green red magenta black black amber/yellow magenta red amber/yellow magenta black

. 2616 exemple 360 green, amber/yellow, red, magenta.green, amber/yellow, red, magenta.

For any given circumstances in order to double the effective range of a primary ?

Question 184-21 : 16 2 4 8

.to increase the range of a radio transmission the power is increased by a square factor to double its range the power is increased by a 4 factor x2².but for a primary radar signal must return to the ground station in order for the radar to work.power output must be increased by a factor of 2²x 2² = 16 exemple 364 16.16.

A weather radar set to the 100 nm scale shows a squall at 50 nm by changing the ?

Question 184-22 : Increase in area and move to the top of the screen increase in area and appear nearer to the bottom of the screen decrease in area but not change in position on the screen decrease in area and move to the top of the screen

. 2617.by changing the scale to 50 nm the squall line increases in area and moves to the top of the screen exemple 368 increase in area and move to the top of the screen.increase in area and move to the top of the screen.

The code transmitted by a ssr transponder consists of ?

Question 184-23 : Pulses phase differences frequency differences amplitude differences

exemple 372 pulses.pulses.

In which frequency band do most airborne weather radars operate ?

Question 184-24 : Shf uhf ehf vhf

.vor operating frequencies vhf.localiser vhf.marker beacon vhf..dme operating frequencies uhf.glide slope uhf.gnss/gps uhf.l1 and l2 frequencies used by navstar/gps uhf..ils localiser and glide slope vhf and uhf bands.microwave landing system mls shf.airborne weather radars shf.locator lf/mf exemple 376 shf.shf.

The maximum range of an en route radar is approximately ?

Question 184-25 : 200 300 nm 100 200 nm 50 100 nm 300 400 nm

.an aircraft at flight level 410 41000 ft can be seen by a long range radar located at mean sea level at.1 23*sqrt41000 = 250 nm.. sqrt square root exemple 380 200-300 nm.200-300 nm.

In airborne weather radar awr the main factors which determine whether a cloud ?

Question 184-26 : Size of the water drops wavelength/frequency used range from cloud wavelength/frequency used size of the water drops diameter of radar scanner rotational speed of radar scanner range from cloud

. 2618 exemple 384 size of the water drops; wavelength/frequency used.size of the water drops; wavelength/frequency used.

In order to ascertain whether a cloud return on an aircraft weather radar awr ?

Question 184-27 : 2 5° up 5° up 0° 2 5° down

.an aircraft weather radar awr is typically located in the nosecone of the aircraft behind a radome that is composed of non reflective material .incorporated in the cockpit equipment is a tilt feature either automatic or manual which enables the crew to raise or lower the sweep above and below the longitudinal axis of the aircraft .when assessing the intensity of a thunderstorm the tilt should be adjusted to the middle and lower portions of the system where the density of precipitation provides the most accurate indications of size and intensity . 2619 exemple 388 2.5° up.2.5° up.

In relation to radar systems that use pulse technology the term 'pulse ?

Question 184-28 : Number of pulses per second delay after which the process re starts the number of cycles per second ratio of pulse period to pulse width

exemple 392 number of pulses per second.number of pulses per second.

What is the maximum number of usable secondary surveillance radar ssr ?

Question 184-29 : 4096 3600 1000 760

.squawk codes are four digit octal numbers the dials on a transponder read from 0 to 7 inclusive .thus the lowest possible squawk is 0000 and the highest is 7777 four octal digits can represent up to 4096 different codes exemple 396 4096.4096.

Which of the following lists the phenomena unlikely to be detected by radar ?

Question 184-30 : Snow and clear air turbulence precipitation turbulence in cloud that has precipitation wet snow and turbulence in cloud that has precipitation

The weather radar only detects precipitation droplets .how much it detects depends upon the size composition and number of droplets water particles are five times more reflective than ice particles of the same size.the radar does detect . rainfall. wet hail and wet turbulence. ice crystals dry hail and dry snow however these three elements give small reflections.the radar does not detect . clouds fog or wind droplets are too small or no precipitation at all . clear air turbulence no precipitation exemple 400 snow and clear air turbulence.snow and clear air turbulence.

Which of the following equipments uses primary radar principles ?

Question 184-31 : Airborne weather radar awr secondary surveillance radar ssr distance measuring equipment dme global positioning system gps

.radar is a distance measuring system using the principle of radio echoing the term radar is an acronym for radio detecting and ranging it is a method for locating targets by using radio waves the transmitter generates microwave energy in the form of pulses these pulses are then transferred to the antenna where they are focused into a beam by the antenna the radar beam is much like the beam of a flashlight the energy is focused and radiated by the antenna in such a way that it is most intense in the center of the beam with decreasing intensity near the edge the same antenna is used for both transmitting and receiving when a pulse intercepts a target the energy is reflected as an echo or return signal back to the antenna from the antenna the returned signal is transferred to the receiver and processing circuits located in the receiver transmitter unit the echoes or returned signals are displayed on an indicator .this is the same principle uses for an airborne weather radar exemple 404 airborne weather radar (awr).airborne weather radar (awr).

Which of the following equipments works on the interrogator/transponder ?

Question 184-32 : Secondary surveillance radar ssr global positioning system gps airborne weather radar awr aerodrome surface movement radar

exemple 408 secondary surveillance radar (ssr).secondary surveillance radar (ssr).

In order to indicate an emergency situation the aircraft secondary surveillance ?

Question 184-33 : 7700 7600 7500 7000

.7600 radio communication failure.7500 unlawful interference with the planned operation of the flight.7700 emergency situation exemple 412 7700.7700.

The theoretical maximum range for an airborne weather radar is determined by the ?

Question 184-34 : Pulse recurrence frequency beamwidth pulse length carrier wave frequency

exemple 416 pulse recurrence frequency.pulse recurrence frequency.

The selection of code 7500 on an aircraft ssr transponder indicates ?

Question 184-35 : Unlawful interference with the planned operation of the flight an emergency transponder malfunction radio communication failure

.7500 unlawful interference with the planned operation of the flight.7600 radio communication failure.7700 emergency situation exemple 420 unlawful interference with the planned operation of the flight.unlawful interference with the planned operation of the flight.

The selection of code 7700 on an aircraft ssr transponder indicates ?

Question 184-36 : An emergency radio communication failure transponder malfunction unlawful interference with the planned operation of the flight

.7700 emergency situation.7600 radio communication failure.7500 unlawful interference with the planned operation of the flight exemple 424 an emergency.an emergency.

In a primary radar using pulse technique pulse length determines ?

Question 184-37 : Minimum measurable range target discrimination maximum measurable range beam width

.pulse length defines the minimum theoretical range of a radar .pulse repetition frequency prf gives the maximum theoretical unambiguous range of the radar.range in km = 300000/ prf x2.if you search for the prf .prf = 300000 / range in km x 2 exemple 428 minimum measurable range.minimum measurable range.

In a primary radar using pulse technique pulse recurrence frequency determines ?

Question 184-38 : Maximum theoretical range target discrimination minimum range beam width

.pulse length defines the minimum theoretical range of a radar.pulse repetition frequency prf gives the maximum theoretical unambiguous range of the radar. maximum theoretical range = velocity of light / 2 x pulse repetition frequency exemple 432 maximum theoretical range.maximum theoretical range.

Which of the following radar equipments operate by means of the pulse technique ?

Question 184-39 : 1 2 3 and 4 1 2 and 4 2 3 and 4 2 and 4

.pulse technique .radar involves the transmission of pulses of electromagnetic waves by means of a directional antenna some of the pulses are reflected by objects that intercept them the reflections are picked up by a receiver processed electronically and converted into visible form by means of a cathode ray tube the range of the object is determined by measuring the time it takes for the radar signal to reach the object and return the object's location with respect to the radar unit is determined from the direction in which the pulse was received in most radar units the beam of pulses is continuously rotated at a constant speed or it is scanned swung back and forth over a sector also at a constant rate the velocity of the object is measured by applying the doppler principle if the object is approaching the radar unit the frequency of the returned signal is greater than the frequency of the transmitted signal if the object is receding from the radar unit the returned frequency is less and if the object is not moving relative to the radar unit the return signal will have the same frequency as the transmitted signal.aerodrome surface movement radar airborne weather radar secondary surveillance radar ssr and aerodrome surveillance approach radar operate by means of the pulse technique exemple 436 1, 2, 3 and 4.1, 2, 3 and 4.

On which of the following radar displays is it possible to get an indication of ?

Question 184-40 : Aerodrome surface movement radar asmr secondary surveillance radar ssr aerodrome surveillance approach radar airborne weather radar awr

.surface movement radar smr systems are used by air traffic controllers to detect and guide aircraft and vehicles i e baggage carriers buses supply trucks staff cars etc on the ground surface of the airport and thus secure safety it is the most widely used surveillance system for airport surveillance at present .it is sometimes possible to identify aircraft types from the return exemple 440 aerodrome surface movement radar (asmr).aerodrome surface movement radar (asmr).


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