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Question > security : The process by which em energy is taken up by the atmosphere is called ?

Question 183-1 : Absorption diffraction refraction reflection

Ecqb03 august 2016..absorption of radio wave energy is the way in which the energy is taken up by the ground or atmosphere rain hail ionosphere etc the electromagnetic energy em wave is then transformed to other forms of energy for example into heat exemple 283 absorption.absorption.

The range of a locator beacon is much shorter than that of an ndb because ?

Question 183-2 : Locator beacons have a lower power output ndb beacons have a lower power output it is used for en route and airways navigation it uses pulse technique to determine the radial

Ecqb03 august 2016 exemple 287 locator beacons have a lower power output.locator beacons have a lower power output.

If you are on an ils approach and in case your glide slope indicator shows a ?

Question 183-3 : You may keep on flying the approach if the glide is less than half scale deflection you should commence a go around you may keep on flying the approach if the locator confirms the correct alignment you may keep on flying the approach if the glide is less than full scale deflection

Ecqb04 november 2017..icao doc 8168 .3 3 flight procedures for racetrack and reversal procedures. 3 3 4 descent .the aircraft shall cross the fix or facility and fly outbound on the specified track descending as necessary to the procedure altitude/height but no lower than the minimum crossing altitude/height associated with that segment if a further descent is specified after the inbound turn this descent shall not be started until the aircraft is established on the inbound track an aircraft is considered established when it is. a within half full scale deflection for the ils and vor or..b within ±5° of the required bearing for the ndb exemple 291 you may keep on flying the approach if the glide is less than half scale deflection.you may keep on flying the approach if the glide is less than half scale deflection.

During an ils approach the maximum safe deviation below the glide path ?

Question 183-4 : 2 5 dots 1 dot 1 5 dot 2 dots

exemple 295 2.5 dots.2.5 dots.

Full scale deflection of the localiser needle indicates that the aircraft is at ?

Question 183-5 : 2 5° from the runway centreline 10° from the runway centreline 1 25° from the localiser centreline 5° from the localiser centreline

. 2603.the indication on the cockpit instrument is the same as that of a vor a right left or centered needle the procedure for getting on course is also the same fly toward the needle .full scale deflection of the cdi course deviation indicator needle is approximately 2 5° movement of the cdi is therefore four times more sensitive exemple 299 2.5° from the runway centreline.2.5° from the runway centreline.

A dme that has difficulty obtaining a 'lock on' . prf = pulse recurrence ?

Question 183-6 : Stays in search mode but reduces prf to 60 pps after 15000 pulse pairs have been transmitted stays in search mode but reduces prf to 60 pps after 100 seconds alternates search mode with periods of memory mode lasting 10 seconds stays in search mode with an interrogation rate of 150 pps

exemple 303 stays in search mode but reduces prf to 60 pps after 15000 pulse pairs have been transmitted.stays in search mode but reduces prf to 60 pps after 15000 pulse pairs have been transmitted.

Each dme has its own three letter code it is issued in morse on the frequency ?

Question 183-7 : 1350 hz 1020 hz 1350 mhz 1020 mhz

.when identifying a dme station co located with a vor station the identification signal with the higher tone frequency is the dme which idents approximately every 40 seconds 4 times in 30 seconds 10 seconds broadcast off .in a period of 40 seconds the dme ident will be heard once on an audio frequency of 1350 hz exemple 307 1350 hz.1350 hz.

The maximum numbers of pulse pairs transmitted by a dme ground station is ?

Question 183-8 : 2700 pps 5000 pps 500 pps 15000 pps

exemple 311 2700 pps.2700 pps.

A dme ground station must be able to process up to 100 aircraft at the same ?

Question 183-9 : 95% in tracking mode and 5% in search mode 100% in search mode 100% in tracking mode 95% in search mode and 5% in tracking mode

exemple 315 95% in tracking mode and 5% in search mode.95% in tracking mode and 5% in search mode.

The outer marker is located at a distance from the runway threshold of ?

Question 183-10 : 6 11 km 6 11 nm 15 20 km 15 20 nm

. 2602 exemple 319 6-11 km.6-11 km.

The information read on an adf is unreliable ?

Question 183-11 : At night because of the weakening of the d layer of the ionosphere at night because of the weakening of the e layer of the ionosphere at night because of the weakening of the f layer of the ionosphere during daytime because of the weakening of the d layer of the ionosphere

exemple 323 at night, because of the weakening of the d-layer of the ionosphere.at night, because of the weakening of the d-layer of the ionosphere.

When a dme is associated with an mls the delay is .1 50 microseconds for mode ?

Question 183-12 : 1 and 3 1 and 4 2 and 3 3 and 4

Ecqb04 november 2017 exemple 327 1 and 3.1 and 3.

In tracking mode the airborne dme interrogates with a recurrence frequency ?

Question 183-13 : Variable from 5 to 25 times per second fixed according to the distance between 5 and 25 times per second of 2700 times per second of 150 times per second

exemple 331 variable from 5 to 25 times per second.variable from 5 to 25 times per second.

A vor station automatically stops transmitting if a variation in the ?

Question 183-14 : 1° 2° 1 5° 0 5°

Ecqb04 november 2017 exemple 335 1°.1°.

Dvor is less sensitive to site errors than cvor because of the ?

Question 183-15 : Relatively large antenna of dvor compared to cvor relatively small antenna of dvor compared to cvor

Ecqb04 november 2017..sorry unable to write down all the answers from the paper exam exemple 339 relatively large antenna of dvor (compared to cvor).relatively large antenna of dvor (compared to cvor).

The difference between a cvor and a dvor indicates that dvor is more accurate ?

Question 183-16 : It is less sensitive to errors generated by the environment buildings hills the reference signal is 50 hz instead of 30 hz one is modulated in frequency the other in phase it has a monitoring system

exemple 343 it is less sensitive to errors generated by the environment (buildings, hills).it is less sensitive to errors generated by the environment (buildings, hills).

The pulse p2 of an interrogation in a/c mode has the function ?

Question 183-17 : Of avoiding responses of aircraft located in the direction of the side lobes of the antenna of the interrogator of avoiding garbling if two aircraft in the same direction from the interrogator and at a distance of less than 1 7 nm of determining the interrogation mode of avoiding 'fruiting' is an aircraft is interrogated by more than one secondary radar

exemple 347 of avoiding responses of aircraft located in the direction of the side lobes of the antenna of the interrogator.of avoiding responses of aircraft located in the direction of the side lobes of the antenna of the interrogator.

A transponder receives a p2 pulse which is larger than that of the p1 and p3 ?

Question 183-18 : Transponder transmissions will be suppressed for a short time the transmitting station is out of order transponder transmission will be increased the pulses p1 and p3 will be strengthened to reach the same level

exemple 351 transponder transmissions will be suppressed for a short time.transponder transmissions will be suppressed for a short time.

The integrity of a vor system is improved by ?

Question 183-19 : An automatic ground monitoring system test vor vot beacons on airports areas at least two independent airborne vor receivers one autonomous airborne monitoring receiver

exemple 355 an automatic ground monitoring system.an automatic ground monitoring system.

The controller of a vdf ground station pass you the following message .'your ?

Question 183-20 : Qte accurate to a range within ± 2° qdr accurate to a range within ± 2° quj accurate to a range within ± 3° qte accurate to a range within ± 5°

.bravo nice and very interesting question from the easa there's nothing more to say than that . 2559 .qte the true bearing from the station .quj the true bearing to the station .qdr the magnetic bearing from the station .qdm the magnetic bearing to the station.vdf information is divided into the following classes according to icao annex 10 . class a accurate to a range within ± 2° . class b accurate to a range within ± 5° . class c accurate to a range within ± 10° . class d accurate to less than class c exemple 359 qte accurate to a range within ± 2°.qte accurate to a range within ± 2°.

Which of the following is the correct class and accuracy for a vdf direction ?

Question 183-21 : Class a ± 2° class a ± 10° class c ± 2° class d ± 5°

. 2604.they should take a break at the easa offices .vdf information is divided into the following classes according to icao annex 10 . class a accurate to a range within ± 2° . class b accurate to a range within ± 5° . class c accurate to a range within ± 10° . class d accurate to less than class c exemple 363 class a ± 2°.class a ± 2°.

An aircraft is inbound to vor x on the 073° radial and experiences a drift of ?

Question 183-22 : Heading 265° x pointer 253° y pointer 313° heading 085° x pointer 073° y pointer 133° heading 265° x pointer 073° y pointer 313° heading 085° x pointer 253° y pointer 133°

exemple 367 heading 265°, x pointer 253°, y pointer 313°.heading 265°, x pointer 253°, y pointer 313°.

In the case where a dme station is subjected to more than 100 interrogations ?

Question 183-23 : Those who have the lowest transmission the closest the most distant those over 200 nm

.a typical dme transponder can provide distance information to 100 aircraft at a time above this limit the transponder avoids overload by limiting the gain of the receiver replies to weaker more distant interrogations are ignored to lower the transponder load .dme can be used by 300 users at one time the technical term of the dme station when its overloaded and cannot accept more than 100 aircraft is called 'station or beacon saturation' exemple 371 those who have the lowest transmission.those who have the lowest transmission.

In the case where a dme station is subjected to more than 100 interrogations ?

Question 183-24 : Those who have the most powerful transmission the closest the most distant those over 200 nm

.a typical dme transponder can provide distance information to 100 aircraft at a time above this limit the transponder avoids overload by limiting the gain of the receiver replies to weaker more distant interrogations are ignored to lower the transponder load .dme can be used by 300 users at one time the technical term of the dme station when its overloaded and cannot accept more than 100 aircraft is called 'station or beacon saturation' exemple 375 those who have the most powerful transmission.those who have the most powerful transmission.

What is the reason that a dme station can generally respond to a maximum of 100 ?

Question 183-25 : The number of reply pulse pairs per second that a dme transponder can transmit is limited to a certain maximum value the minimum allowable accuracy of the range measurement can not be guaranteed when more than 100 aircraft use the same dme station the memory of the dme transponder which is limited in size the automatic tracking ground station of each dme station that has limited capacity

exemple 379 the number of reply pulse pairs per second that a dme transponder can transmit is limited to a certain maximum value.the number of reply pulse pairs per second that a dme transponder can transmit is limited to a certain maximum value.

Which entrance sectors should you use to enter a dme arc holding pattern ?

Question 183-26 : Sector 1 or 3 sector 1 or 2 sector 1 2 or 3 sector 2 or 3

.icao doc816 dme arc entry at the fix the aircraft shall enter the holding pattern in accordance with either the sector 1 or sector 3 entry procedure.sector 2 is on the dme arc which is why it is not in the allowed sectors to enter the holding pattern at the beginning of the dme arc.sector 1 procedure parallel entry.sector 2 procedure offset entry.sector 3 procedure direct entry exemple 383 sector 1 or 3.sector 1 or 3.

A direction finding station working alone should give the following as requested ?

Question 183-27 : Magnetic and true bearing to the station magnetic and true heading for the station true bearing to the station magnetic and true heading for the station true bearing to the station true heading for the station true bearing to the station

Ecqb04 november 2017...a direction finding station working alone should give the following as requested.1 true bearing of the aircraft.2 true heading to be steered by the aircraft with no wind to head for the station.3 magnetic bearing of the aircraft.4 magnetic heading to be steered by the aircraft with no wind to make for the station exemple 387 magnetic and true bearing to the station, magnetic and true heading for the station.magnetic and true bearing to the station, magnetic and true heading for the station.

In vdf service the report 'qdr 235° class c' means ?

Question 183-28 : The magnetic bearing from the station to the aircraft is 235° ± 10° the magnetic bearing from the aircraft to the station is 235° ± 10° the true bearing from the aircraft to the station is 235 ± 10° the magnetic bearing from the station to the aircraft is 235 ± 15°

Ecqb04 november 2017.. /com en/head explode gif.they should take a break at the easa offices .qte the true bearing from the station .quj the true bearing to the station .qdr the magnetic bearing from the station .qdm the magnetic bearing to the station.vdf information is divided into the following classes according to icao annex 10 . class a accurate to a range within ± 2° . class b accurate to a range within ± 5° . class c accurate to a range within ± 10° . class d accurate to less than class c exemple 391 the magnetic bearing from the station to the aircraft is 235° ± 10°.the magnetic bearing from the station to the aircraft is 235° ± 10°.

When mode c is selected on the aircraft ssr transponder the additional ?

Question 183-29 : Pressure altitude based on 1013 25 hpa altitude based on regional qnh aircraft height based on sub scale setting height based on qfe

.mode c sends the aircraft's pressure altitude provided by the altitude encoder exemple 395 pressure-altitude based on 1013.25 hpa.pressure-altitude based on 1013.25 hpa.

The ground secondary surveillance radar ssr equipment incorporates a ?

Question 183-30 : Transmitter 1030 mhz .receiver 1090 mhz transmitter 1090 mhz .receiver 1030 mhz transmitter 1090 mhz .receiver 1090 mhz transmitter 1030 mhz .receiver 1030 mhz

.secondary surveillance radar ssr is a radar system used in air traffic control atc which not only detects and measures the position of aircraft but also requests additional information from the aircraft itself such as its identity and altitude.the interrogation pulses are at one frequency 1030 mhz and the reply pulses are at a different frequency 1090 mhz.the target aircraft's transponder replies to signals from an interrogator by transmitting a coded reply signal containing the requested information exemple 399 transmitter: 1030 mhz xsxreceiver: 1090 mhztransmitter: 1030 mhz xsxreceiver: 1090 mhz

Assuming sufficient transmission power the maximum range of a ground radar with ?

Question 183-31 : 333 km 666 km 1333 km 150 km

.maximum theoretical range = velocity of light / 2 x pulse repetition frequency .maximum range = 300000 / 2 x 450..maximum theoretical range = 300000 / 900..maximum theoretical range = 333 km exemple 403 333 km.333 km.

A radio beacon has an operational range of 10 nm .by what factor should the ?

Question 183-32 : Four six two eight

.if you double transmitter power you will increase your range by the square root of 2 1 414 time the range.if you divide 20 nm by square root of 2 = 14 14 nm..and 14 14 by square root of 2 = 10 nm..so you have to increase by a factor of four exemple 407 four.four.

Airborne weather radar systems use a wavelength of approximately 3 cm in order ?

Question 183-33 : Detect the larger water droplets transmit at a higher pulse repetition frequency for extended range obtain optimum use of the cosecant squared beam detect the smaller cloud formations as well as large

exemple 411 detect the larger water droplets.detect the larger water droplets.

The iso echo facility of an airborne weather radar is provided in order to ?

Question 183-34 : Detect areas of possible severe turbulence in cloud give an indication of cloud tops inhibit unwanted ground returns extend the mapping range

.with a monochrome screen it is difficult to distinguish between the severities of turbulent clouds when iso echo is activated a level supplements the automatic gain visual threshold set un weather mode the shap of return on the radar depends upon the gain level of the cloud.the effect is to create a black hole in the cloud by reversing and ampliflying the signal this reversal brings the signal below the automatic gain visual threshold and so no return appears in the middle of the cloud . 2612.turbulence severity is assessable using the above picture. > the hole shows an area of high turbulence. > the outer ring shows the severity of the turbulence gradient within the cloud. the narrower the retaining ring the steeper the gradient. the wider the outer ring the more slack the gradient exemple 415 detect areas of possible severe turbulence in cloud.detect areas of possible severe turbulence in cloud.

In the mapping mode the airborne weather radar utilises a ?

Question 183-35 : Fan shaped beam effective up to a maximum of 50 nm to 60 nm range fan shaped beam effective up to a range of 150 nm pencil beam to a maximum range of 60 nm pencil beam effective from zero to 150 nm

.this answer is not accurate today most radars can have a much longer range than that in the mapping mode up to 120 nm. boeing 737ng navigation displays map mode . 2613 exemple 419 fan shaped beam effective up to a maximum of 50 nm to 60 nm range.fan shaped beam effective up to a maximum of 50 nm to 60 nm range.

Which of the following cloud types is most readily detected by airborne weather ?

Question 183-36 : Cumulus cirrocumulus stratus altostratus

exemple 423 cumulus.cumulus.

Why is a secondary radar display screen free of storm clutter ?

Question 183-37 : The principle of 'echo' return is not used in secondary radar the frequencies employed are too high to give returns from moisture sources a moving target indicator facility suppresses the display of static or near static returns the frequencies employed are too low to give returns from moisture sources

exemple 427 the principle of 'echo' return is not used in secondary radar.the principle of 'echo' return is not used in secondary radar.

In order to indicate radio failure the aircraft ssr transponder should be ?

Question 183-38 : 7600 7700 7000 7500

.7600 radio communication failure.7500 unlawful interference with the planned operation of the flight.7700 emergency situation exemple 431 7600.7600.

In order to indicate unlawful interference with the planned operation of the ?

Question 183-39 : 7500 7600 7700 7000

.7600 radio communication failure.7500 unlawful interference with the planned operation of the flight.7700 emergency situation exemple 435 7500.7500.

An apparent increase in the transmitted frequency which is proportional to the ?

Question 183-40 : The transmitter moves towards the receiver the transmitter moves away from the receiver the receiver moves towards the transmitter both transmitter and receiver move towards each other

.because the radio signals travel at a constant speed assuming they are not refracted by the atmosphere the receiver can calculate exactly how far away it is from the transmitter .speed is most often calculated by the receiver using the doppler effect which is the process by which the frequency of a signal changes due to the relative motion of the transmitter frequency is raised when the transmitter moves towards the receiver exemple 439 the transmitter moves towards the receiver.the transmitter moves towards the receiver.


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