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Question > security : The adf indication in the cockpit is a ?

Question 182-1 : Relative bearing on a fixed card indicator magnetic bearing on a fixed card indicator true bearing on an rmi relative bearing on an rmi

.the bearing indicator displays the bearing to the station relative to the nose of the aircraft if the pilot is flying directly to the station the bearing indicator points to 0° an adf with a fixed card bearing indicator always represents the nose of the aircraft as 0° and the tail as 180° . /com en/com062 16472 jpg. exemple 282 relative bearing on a fixed card indicator.relative bearing on a fixed card indicator.

Concerning adf and ndb ?

Question 182-2 : Ndb is a ground equipment and adf is an airbone equipment ndb is a locator and adf is an en route nav aid adf is a civilian equipment whereas ndb is a military equipment used by civilians too adf is an ground equipment and ndb can be a ground equipment or an airbone equipment

exemple 286 ndb is a ground equipment, and adf is an airbone equipment.ndb is a ground equipment, and adf is an airbone equipment.

The ils receiver of an aircraft flying down the exact runway centreline will ?

Question 182-3 : 90 hz and 150 hz lobes at equal depth no modulated signal because the left and the right lobes cancel each other along the centerline the maximum magnitude of the difference between the 90 hz and 150 hz amplitudes the same frequency modulated signal from both lobes with the maximum of magnitude

.'flying down' means 'flying along' the ils glide path not below the glide path exemple 290 90 hz and 150 hz lobes at equal depth.90 hz and 150 hz lobes at equal depth.

The ils receiver of an aircraft on approach and flying on the glidepath will ?

Question 182-4 : The modulation from both lobes at equal depth no modulated signal because the two lobes cancel each other along the centerline the maximum magnitude of the difference between the two amplitudes the same modulation frequency signals from both lobes with the maximum of magnitude

.radiation pattern are 90 hz and 150 hz signals.. /com en/com062 12691 jpg...distribution of the frequencies seen in the approach direction.. /com en/com062 15293 jpg...if the aircraft is exactly on the glidepath on the exact runway centreline it receives a balance between modulations exemple 294 the modulation from both lobes at equal depth.the modulation from both lobes at equal depth.

Ndb is the abbreviation for ?

Question 182-5 : Non directional beacon non directional bearing navigation director beacon night directional beacon

.one of the older types of radio navigation is the automatic direction finder adf or non directional beacon ndb .the adf receiver a 'backup' system for the vhf equipment can be used when line of sight transmission becomes unreliable or when there is no vor equipment on the ground or in the aircraft .it is used as a means of identifying positions receiving low and medium frequency voice communications homing tracking and for navigation on instrument approach procedures exemple 298 non directional beacon.non directional beacon.

The ils marker identified visually by an white light flashing is the ?

Question 182-6 : Inner marker outer marker middle marker locator

exemple 302 inner marker.inner marker.

The ils marker identified visually by an amber light flashing is the ?

Question 182-7 : Middle marker outer marker inner marker locator

exemple 306 middle marker.middle marker.

On an rmi the front end of a vor pointer indicates the ?

Question 182-8 : Radial plus 180° radial magnetic bearing to the station magnetic bearing from the station

. 2600.the front end the head or the arrow of a vor pointer indicates the vor direction the radials of a vor always point away from the station thus we are on the radial 257° .the end of the pointer shows the radial .the arrow shows the radial + or 180° exemple 310 radial plus 180°.radial plus 180°.

What is the effect of multipath signals coming from the same aircraft at the ?

Question 182-9 : They may result in bearing errors regardless the difference in distance travelled by these signals it results in their extinction of the signals at the ground vhf direction finder station it reduces the range at which the ground vhf direction finder station receives signals from the aircraft it may result in an increase of the distance at which the ground vhf direction finder station receives signals from the aircraft if the ground station is situated in the skipzone

. 2601 exemple 314 they may result in bearing errors.they may result in bearing errors.

One of the possible disturbances of the ils signal is 'scalloping' .which ?

Question 182-10 : Scalloping causes rapid indicator changes from side to side of the intended approach path which can not be followed by the aircraft scalloping are major changes or bends in the approach path which can not be followed by the aircraft scalloping are minor changes or bends which can be followed by the aircraft scalloping are rapid changes or bends which can be followed by the aircraft

.normally the ils signal gives you a 'straight line' down to the threshold you may experience some interference with this signal resulting in a 'bent' signal if you follow the localiser/glideslope indications the path follows a sine curve all the way down to the runway thus it oscillates above and below the normal slope this oscillation is irregular and can not be followed by the aircraft exemple 318 scalloping causes rapid indicator changes from side to side of the intended approach path which can not be followed by the aircraft.scalloping causes rapid indicator changes from side to side of the intended approach path which can not be followed by the aircraft.

Which of the following statements about the scalloping path deflection of vor ?

Question 182-11 : Scalloping has a negative effect on the accuracy of navigation scalloping has a positive effect on the accuracy of navigation scalloping has no effect on the accuracy of navigation because it only results in the movement of the needle of the course deviation indicator scalloping has no effect on the accuracy of navigation because this accuracy is independent of vor or dme measurements

exemple 322 scalloping has a negative effect on the accuracy of navigation.scalloping has a negative effect on the accuracy of navigation.

In flight a pilot can improve the range of his transmission with a vdf operator ?

Question 182-12 : Increasing altitude speaking louder flying out of clouds decreasing altitude

exemple 326 increasing altitude.increasing altitude.

The uhf band is assigned to the.1 locator.2 localiser.3 outer marker.4 glide ?

Question 182-13 : 4 1 and 3 3 and 4 1

.vor operating frequencies vhf.localiser vhf.marker beacon vhf..dme operating frequencies uhf.glide slope uhf.gnss/gps uhf.l1 and l2 frequencies used by navstar/gps uhf..ils localiser and glide slope vhf and uhf bands.microwave landing system mls shf.airborne weather radars shf.locator lf/mf exemple 330 4.4.

Tvor is a ?

Question 182-14 : Vor with a limited range used in the terminal area test vor transmitting such a signal that the reference signal and variable signal are always in phase high power vor in the frequency range 108 mhz 112 mhz low power dvor in the frequency range 112 mhz 118 mhz

.tvor terminal vor .the range of 108 to 112 mhz is allocated for terminal vor terminal vors are accurate to 25 nm outward up to 12000 ft.tvor is not a 'vot' which is a 'test vor' exemple 334 vor with a limited range used in the terminal area.vor with a limited range used in the terminal area.

An aircraft is flying a heading of 245° towards a vor at fl300 .the hsi ?

Question 182-15 : The vor will be approached along radial 070° the aircraft will pass south of the vor the aircraft will pass north of the vor the vor will be approached along radial 080°

.the pilot keeps the cdi on the left inner dot the displacement is 5° .the pilot is 5° right of the selected radial 255° 180° = 075° .the vor will be approached along radial 075° 5° = 070° exemple 338 the vor will be approached along radial 070°.the vor will be approached along radial 070°.

The selection of the dme frequency for a ils/dme installation is as follows ?

Question 182-16 : The dme frequency is paired with the localizer frequency so only the localiser frequency is set the dme frequency has to be selected by the pilot the pilot has to insert the channel number and also the x or y when an ils/ dme is flown then selection of the dme has always to be done manually

exemple 342 the dme frequency is paired with the localizer frequency so only the localiser frequency is set.the dme frequency is paired with the localizer frequency so only the localiser frequency is set.

Which statement is true about the use of the doppler effect in a doppler vor ?

Question 182-17 : The doppler effect is used to create a signal which is received by the aircraft's vor receiver as a frequency modulated signal the doppler effect is used to create a signal which is received by the aircraft's vor receiver as an amplitude modulated signal by using the doppler effect it is possible to determine the range of the aircraft from the vor station more accurately by using the doppler effect it is also possible to determine the aircraft's approach speed to the vor

.doppler effect is the phenomena where the frequency of an electromagnetic wave will increase or decrease if there is relative motion between the transmitter and the receiver.the frequency will increase if the transmitter and receiver are converging and will decrease if they are diverging.doppler vor dvor is a second generation vor station emitting signals by means of a combination of fixed antennas utilising the doppler principle exemple 346 the doppler effect is used to create a signal which is received by the aircraft's vor-receiver as a frequency modulated signal.the doppler effect is used to create a signal which is received by the aircraft's vor-receiver as a frequency modulated signal.

Mls can minimise multi path errors because ?

Question 182-18 : The transmission can be interrupted to avoid reflection by stationary objects the frequency of mls is much higher than the frequency of ils mls has a larger beam width than ils the transmission reverts to circular polarization when the beam is reflected by stationary objects

.mls can be installed at airports on which as a result of the effects of surrounding buildings and/or terrain ils siting is difficult in order to minimise multipath errors the transmission can be interrupted to avoid reflection by stationary objects exemple 350 the transmission can be interrupted to avoid reflection by stationary objects.the transmission can be interrupted to avoid reflection by stationary objects.

The effect of masking the dme antenna of the aircraft from the ground ?

Question 182-19 : The airborne installation switching to the memory mode for about 10 to 15 seconds the ground installation not sending any pulse pairs the airborne equipment switching directly to the search mode the signal controlled search circuit scs blanking the dme display

.memory mode .if the responding signals are interrupted whilst the system is in tracking mode a memory circuit is actived the system holds . the last measured range value and . the receiver gate at the last measured time interval..after a short period in 'memory mode' your dme interrogator will revert to search mode exemple 354 the airborne installation switching to the memory mode for about 10 to 15 seconds.the airborne installation switching to the memory mode for about 10 to 15 seconds.

On final on ils approach at 0 6 nm from the threshold which marker are you ?

Question 182-20 : The middle marker the inner marker if available no markers can be located at this distance the outer marker

. 2602 exemple 358 the middle marker.the middle marker.

Which statement about the interrogation by the dme interrogator is correct ?

Question 182-21 : The interrogation does not start before pulse pairs of the tuned dme station are received the interrogation starts when the interrogator has been warmed up sufficiently whether pulse pairs are received or not the interrogation can only take place if the echo protection circuit has been locked the interrogation starts directly after the correct dme frequency has been selected on the frequency selecting panel by the pilot

.tuning the dme interrogator in the aircraft starts the transmission of pulse pairs in search mode no information is received by the interrogator at this point .when the pulse pairs are received by the transponder at the ground station it adjusts the frequency by a pre determined not random + or 63 mhz which are transmitted back to and received by the interrogator it is only now that we have a closed loop between the interrogator and the transponder exemple 362 the interrogation does not start before pulse-pairs of the tuned dme-station are received.the interrogation does not start before pulse-pairs of the tuned dme-station are received.

Regarding ils which of the following is true ?

Question 182-22 : All markers transmit at 75 mhz the localiser part of frequency band is shared with the dme the glide path transmitter is located 300m from the departure end of the runway the dme paired with ils channels are usually zero referenced next to the departure end of the runway

.according to icao annex 10 all marker beacons operate on 75 mhz carrier frequency.modulation frequencies are .outer marker 400 hz.middle marker 1300 hz.inner marker 3000 hz exemple 366 all markers transmit at 75 mhz.all markers transmit at 75 mhz.

The three different markers can be used in the ils to determine the distance to ?

Question 182-23 : The middle marker indicates the position for the decision for a missed approach during a cat i approach due too bad visibility the outer marker indicates the position where normally the descent has to commence the inner marker warns the pilot of the last chance to commence the missed approach procedure the markers are only important in the situation when the glide path transmission has ceased

. /com en/com062 327 jpg.a category i precision approach cat i has a decision height equal to 200 ft .you can see on the picture that if you are established on the glide at 200 ft 60 m you are right above the middle marker exemple 370 the middle marker indicates the position for the decision for a missed approach during a cat i approach due too bad visibility.the middle marker indicates the position for the decision for a missed approach during a cat i approach due too bad visibility.

The frequency of an outer marker om light is 75 mhz corresponding wavelength is ?

Question 182-24 : 4 m 225 m 4000 m 2 25 m

.wavelength in m = 300 / f in mhz .wavelength in m = 300 / 75 = 4 m exemple 374 4 m.4 m.

The two signals transmitted by a conventional vor ground station are 90° out ?

Question 182-25 : East west south north

.vor signal has 2 part .reference phase signal and variable phase signal.it is transmitted in such a way that the electrical phase angle between the 2 components differs by the exact number of degrees that the receiving aircraft is away from the 360 degree radial .your vor equipment recognizes the phase difference and uses it to determine its magnetic direction or course from the vor.if you are east of the station the variable phase signal will be.received 90 degrees out of the phase with the reference phase signal south of the station it will be 180 degrees out of phase exemple 378 east.east.

The design requirements for dme p since january 2 1989 stipulate that the total ?

Question 182-26 : 0 2 nm 0 25 nm 0 02 nm 2 nm

.for installations installed after 1 jan 1989 the total system error should not exceed 0 2 nm dme 'p' precise .the error of the dme 'n' narrow according to annex 10 should not exceed + 0 25 nm + 1 25% of the distance measured exemple 382 0.2 nm.0.2 nm.

In isa conditions what flight level must be used when you are 117 nm away from ?

Question 182-27 : Fl80 fl65 fl55 fl120

.easa learning objectives specially indicates 1 23 and not 1 25 for calculation you must calculate the range using the formula. 1 23 x sqrttransmitter height in feet + 1 23 x sqrtreceiver height in feet.1 23 x sqrt169 + 1 23 sqrtaircraft height = 117 nm..aircraft height = 117 1 23 x sqrt169 /1 23 ² = 6744 ft..you must use fl80 fl65 is too low.sqrt square root exemple 386 fl80.fl80.

Regarding monitoring system of the vor which statement is correct ?

Question 182-28 : Failure of the vor station to stay within the required limits can cause the removal of identification and navigation components from the carrier or radiation to cease system monitors directly the phase of the reference signal and the phase of the variable signal the monitoring system detects a change in the measured radial and the transmission power will be reduced and consequently only aircraft in the terminal area can use the vor failure of the vor stations to stay within required limits will trigger vor caution annunciator in the cockpit

.vor performance is self monitored by the ground station transmitter's monitoring systems .the maximum permissible bearing error of the vor system is 5° of which the station tolerance is limited to only 1°.if the bearing error should exceed that tolerance the transmitter will cease to transmit the carrier wave and cease transmitting the ident.if a stand by transmitter is installed at the same location this will come on line run through a series of power on self tests and resume the operation of the system exemple 390 failure of the vor station to stay within the required limits can cause the removal of identification and navigation components from the carrier or radiation to cease.failure of the vor station to stay within the required limits can cause the removal of identification and navigation components from the carrier or radiation to cease.

The minimum airborne equipment required for operation of a vdf vhf direction ?

Question 182-29 : Vhf transmitter receiver operating in the 118 mhz to 136 mhz range cathode ray tube vhf compass operating in the 200 khz to 1750 khz range vhf receiver operating in the 118 mhz to 136 mhz range

exemple 394 vhf transmitter-receiver operating in the 118 mhz to 136 mhz range.vhf transmitter-receiver operating in the 118 mhz to 136 mhz range.

The wavelength of a non directional beacon ndb at a frequency of 300 khz is ?

Question 182-30 : 1000 metres 100 metres 10 metres 1 metre

.wavelength m = 300 / f mhz.wavelength m = 300000 / f khz.wavelength = 300000 / 300 khz = 1000 m exemple 398 1000 metres.1000 metres.

A dme in tracking mode subsequently experiences a reduction in signal strength ?

Question 182-31 : Memory mode signal controlled search search mode standby mode

.memory mode .if the responding signals are interrupted whilst the system is in tracking mode a memory circuit is actived the system holds . the last measured range value and . the receiver gate at the last measured time interval..after a short period in 'memory mode' your dme interrogator will revert to search mode exemple 402 memory mode.memory mode.

Dme utilizes pulse pairs instead of single pulses ?

Question 182-32 : To distinguish the transmissions from transmitters of other radar systems utilizing single pulses to increase accuracy and reliability of the range measurement increase the number of aircraft which can simultaneously use the dme stations to determine dme range to be able to use a separate interrogations and reply frequencies and thus increase the number of dme stations which can transmit in the same part of the dme frequency band

.paired pulses at a specific spacing are sent out from the aircraft and are received by the ground station .the ground station then transmits the paired pulses back to the aircraft at the same pulse spacing but on a different frequency .the time required for the round trip of this signal exchange is measured in the aircraft dme unit and is translated into distance nm from the aircraft to the ground station.considering that the ground station is replying interrogation from several aircraft at the same time the dme interrogator need to sort its own pulse pair out from the ground station replies to achieve that the dme airborne receiver examines the ground station replies looking for a sequence with the same randomly jittered signature when it finds that it knows they're replies to its own interrogations.jitter is the randomly varying space between the pulse pairs sent by the interrogator .jitter works as an encoding of the pulse sequence sent by the aircraft allowing the dme to recognize only the replies corresponding to its own interrogations exemple 406 to distinguish the transmissions from transmitters of other (radar) systems utilizing single pulses.to distinguish the transmissions from transmitters of other (radar) systems utilizing single pulses.

The indication of from/to indicator of a vor shift from to/from and vice versa ?

Question 182-33 : 090° 045° 180° 135°

.for training purpose .luizmonteiro learning vor exemple 410 090°.090°.

In the dme tracking mode interrogator transmits ?

Question 182-34 : A relatively low number of pulse pairs per second a high number of pulse pairs for the multipath effect a high number of pulse pairs per second to obtain accurate range measurement a low number of pulse pairs to prevent transponder overload

.in the search mode more pulse pairs per second are transmitted than in the tracking mode exemple 414 a relatively low number of pulse pairs per second.a relatively low number of pulse pairs per second.

The ils glide path is normally intercepted between from the runway threshold ?

Question 182-35 : 3 10 nm 10 15 nm 20 30 nm 2 5 nm

exemple 418 3-10 nm.3-10 nm.

What is the best position in order to minimize false indications from an adf ?

Question 182-36 : Perpendicular to the coast on a line passing by the station flying close to the surface the position does not matter with a relative bearing of 090° and 270° to the station

. 1684 exemple 422 perpendicular to the coast, on a line passing by the station.perpendicular to the coast, on a line passing by the station.

The accuracy of a dme ?

Question 182-37 : Decreases with increase of range increases with increase of altitude is approximately +/ 0 5 nm is approximately +/ 2 nm

exemple 426 decreases with increase of range.decreases with increase of range.

A vot is ?

Question 182-38 : A test vor an experimental vor a tracking vor a terminal vor

exemple 430 a test vor.a test vor.

The quoted accuracy of vor is valid ?

Question 182-39 : At all times by night only at all times except dawn and dusk by day only

exemple 434 at all times.at all times.

When an ndb fails which kind of warning is visible in the cockpit ?

Question 182-40 : There is no warning adf is centred with the 'fail' flag showing adf needle is removed with the 'fail' flag showing the system activates a warning flashing light

Ecqb03 august 2016..adf does not have a signal failure warning flag in case of ndb failure exemple 438 there is no warning.there is no warning.


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