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Question > security : One of uses of the vdf service is providing aircraft with ?

Question 181-1 : Homing altitude heading ground speed

exemple 281 homing.homing.

On an ils approach when flying overhead the outer marker the color of the ?

Question 181-2 : Blue amber green white

exemple 285 blue.blue.

A vor is situated at the far end of a runway on which an aircraft is making an ?

Question 181-3 : Approximately a quarter of the scale approximately halfway the scale approximately three quarters of the scale the outer dot

. 2595.keep in mind .each of the dots represent approximately 0 5 degrees on the ils localiser cockpit display nav1 and 2 5 degrees on the vor localiser cockpit display nav2 exemple 289 approximately a quarter of the scale.approximately a quarter of the scale.

Two aircraft are located on arbitrary different radials but at equal distances ?

Question 181-4 : At a certain moment of time the phase of the reference signals is equal and the phase of variable signals is unequal for both aircraft at a certain moment of time the phase of the reference signals is unequal and the phase of variable signals is equal for both aircraft at a certain moment of time both the phase of the reference signals and of the variable signals are equal for both aircraft at a certain moment of time both the phase of the reference signals and of the variable signals are unequal for both aircraft

.two questions in the easa database look similar this one . two aircraft are located on arbitrary different radials but at equal distances from a vor station .at a certain moment of time the phase of the reference signals is equal and the phase of variable signals is unequal for both aircraft.and this one . two aircraft are located on the same radial but at arbitrary different distances from a vor station .at a certain moment of time both the phase of the reference signals and of the variable signals are equal for both aircraft exemple 293 at a certain moment of time the phase of the reference signals is equal and the phase of variable signals is unequal for both aircraft.at a certain moment of time the phase of the reference signals is equal and the phase of variable signals is unequal for both aircraft.

Two aircraft are located on the same radial but at arbitrary different ?

Question 181-5 : At a certain moment of time both the phase of the reference signals and of the variable signals are equal for both aircraft at a certain moment of time the phase of the reference signals is unequal and the phase of variable signals is equal for both aircraft at a certain moment of time both the phase of the reference signals and of the variable signals are unequal for both aircraft at a certain moment of time the phase of the reference signals is equal and the phase of variable signals is unequal for both aircraft

.two questions in the easa database look similar this one . two aircraft are located on arbitrary different radials but at equal distances from a vor station .at a certain moment of time the phase of the reference signals is equal and the phase of variable signals is unequal for both aircraft.and this one . two aircraft are located on the same radial but at arbitrary different distances from a vor station .at a certain moment of time both the phase of the reference signals and of the variable signals are equal for both aircraft exemple 297 at a certain moment of time, both the phase of the reference signals and of the variable signals are equal for both aircraft.at a certain moment of time, both the phase of the reference signals and of the variable signals are equal for both aircraft.

Adf is the abbreviation for ?

Question 181-6 : Automatic direction finder automatic detection finding aircraft directional finder aircraft direction finding

.one of the older types of radio navigation is the automatic direction finder adf or non directional beacon ndb .the adf receiver a 'backup' system for the vhf equipment can be used when line of sight transmission becomes unreliable or when there is no vor equipment on the ground or in the aircraft .it is used as a means of identifying positions receiving low and medium frequency voice communications homing tracking and for navigation on instrument approach procedures exemple 301 automatic direction finder.automatic direction finder.

On an ils approach when flying overhead the middle marker the color of the ?

Question 181-7 : Amber blue green white

exemple 305 amber.amber.

On an ils approach when flying overhead the inner marker if available the color ?

Question 181-8 : White blue green amber

exemple 309 white.white.

The ils marker with the lower aural frequency is the ?

Question 181-9 : Outer marker centreline marker inner marker if available middle marker

exemple 313 outer marker.outer marker.

'beam bends' in the ils approach path are ?

Question 181-10 : Slight curves that can be followed by large aircraft curves in the glide path that are visible on the indicator but change too fast to be followed by large aircraft curves in the normal approach procedure because of 'noise abatement' curved approaches made with the aid of the instrument landing system

.ils beam bends may occur because of vehicle building or aircraft interference sudden and unexpected flight control movements may occur at a very low altitude or during the landing and rollout when the autopilot attempts to follow the beam bends.beam bends can be followed by large aircraft especially near the ground during cat ii and iii approaches operation exemple 317 slight curves that can be followed by large aircraft.slight curves that can be followed by large aircraft.

In an ils concerning the localiser principle of operation the difference in ?

Question 181-11 : Increase with displacement from the centerline decrease with displacement from the centerline increase with left displacement from the centerline and decrease with right displacement from the centerline increase from center position to half full scale of the needle of the indicator and decrease until full scale of the needle

exemple 321 increase with displacement from the centerline.increase with displacement from the centerline.

Concerning the glidepath principle of operation in an ils the difference in ?

Question 181-12 : Increase with displacement above or below the glidepath decrease with linear displacement above or below the glidepath increase with displacement above the glidepath and decrease with displacement below the glidepath increase from center position to half full scale of the needle of the indicator and decrease until full scale of the needle

exemple 325 increase with displacement above or below the glidepath.increase with displacement above or below the glidepath.

The identification of a dme in combination with a collocated vor is as follows ?

Question 181-13 : In a period of 40 seconds the dme ident will be heard once on an audio frequency of 1350 hz every 30 seconds the dme ident will be repeated the dme ident will repeat three times every period of 30 seconds the vor ident and dme ident are the same and no difference can be heard

.when identifying a dme station co located with a vor station the identification signal with the higher tone frequency is the dme which idents approximately every 40 seconds exemple 329 in a period of 40 seconds the dme ident will be heard once on an audio frequency of 1350 hz.in a period of 40 seconds the dme ident will be heard once on an audio frequency of 1350 hz.

An aircraft is flying on the 245 radial with a magnetic heading of 250° .on ?

Question 181-14 : Figure d figure a figure b figure c

.we are on radial 245° selected course is 060°. /com en/com062 477 jpg..the aircraft heading is irrelevant exemple 333 figure d.figure d.

An aircraft is flying on the 170 radial with a magnetic heading of 315° .on ?

Question 181-15 : Figure d figure a figure b figure c

. /com en/com062 478 jpg.the aircraft heading is irrelevant the small black triangle shows the direction of the vor exemple 337 figure d.figure d.

An aircraft is flying on a magnetic heading of 210°.the magnetic variation at ?

Question 181-16 : Figure d figure a figure b figure c

. /com en/com062 479 jpg..what is the magnetic bearing given by the cdi .we are 5° left of our intended radial which is qdm200° radial 020° we are on radial 025° .the pointer of figure d rmi shown a 205° magnetic bearing to the station radial 025° inbound exemple 341 figure d.figure d.

An aircraft is flying on a magnetic heading of 010° .the magnetic variation at ?

Question 181-17 : Figure d figure a figure b figure c

. 2596.the cdi shows a selected course crs of 060° indication is to and we need to turn right to join the selected radial we do not have yet passed the vor we are currently on radial 250° exemple 345 figure d.figure d.

An aircraft is flying on the 245° radial with a magnetic heading of 250° .on ?

Question 181-18 : Figure a figure b figure c figure d

. 2597.our aircraft is flying on the 245° radial with 'to' indication on the hsi .crs is set to 060° that means radial 240° inbound exemple 349 figure a.figure a.

An aircraft is flying on a magnetic heading of 010° .the magnetic variation at ?

Question 181-19 : Figure a figure b figure c figure d

. /com en/com062 482 jpg. exemple 353 figure a.figure a.

An aircraft is flying on the 050° radial with a mh of 250° .on the hsi the ?

Question 181-20 : Figure b figure c figure d figure a

. 2598 exemple 357 figure b.figure b.

An aircraft is flying on a magnetic heading of 210° .the magnetic variation at ?

Question 181-21 : Figure b figure c figure d figure a

. /com en/com062 484 jpg..the cdi shows a selected course crs of 200° indication is to and we need to turn right to join the selected radial needle deviation is at half of his maximum position 5° right of our selected course we do not have yet passed the vor we are currently on radial 025° inbound the vor our rmi shows the direction of the station 025° + 180° = 205° exemple 361 figure b.figure b.

An aircraft is flying on a magnetic heading of 010° .the magnetic variation at ?

Question 181-22 : Figure b figure c figure d figure a

.we have already crossed the radial 240° inbound the black arrow of the hsi shows 060° this is qdm 060 radial 240° inbound...for figure a.vor rmi needle shown the direction of the station on a magnetic heading of 050° so it can not be the correct answer...for figure b.vor rmi needle shows the direction of the station on a magnetic heading of 070° it could be a right answer because we already have crossed the radial 250° inbound qdm 070°...for figure c.vor rmi needle shows the direction of the station on a magnetic heading of 250° and on our hsi we have the 'to' indication meaning the station is in front of us so it's not possible...for figure d.same as figure c..so only one correct answer figure b..let's have a quick look on the situation. /com en/com062 485 jpg..for training purpose please use one of the following websites...navigation simulator....adf vor simulator....vor simulator....luizmonteiro learning vor exemple 365 figure b.figure b.

An aircraft is flying on the 050 radial with a magnetic heading of 250° .on ?

Question 181-23 : Figure c figure d figure a figure b

. /com en/com062 486 jpg..we are on the radial 050° it means that we are on the right of radial 060° and if the aircraft's radial is on the same side of the vor as the selected course 'from' is indicated exemple 369 figure c.figure c.

An aircraft is flying on the 170° radial with a magnetic heading of 315° .on ?

Question 181-24 : Figure c figure b figure a figure d

. 2599.we are on the radial 170° it means that we didn't yet cross the radial 180° exemple 373 figure c.figure c.

An aircraft is flying on a magnetic heading of 010° .the magnetic variation at ?

Question 181-25 : Figure c figure d figure a figure b

. /com en/com062 488 jpg..the cdi shows a selected course crs of 060° indication is 'from' we are 5° before the radial 060° half needle deviation = 5° .we are on radial 065° opposite radial is 065° + 180° = 245° .vor rmi needle from figure c shows a station direction of 245° exemple 377 figure c.figure c.

Locators are ?

Question 181-26 : Lf/mf ndbs used as an aid for final approach high powered ndbs used for en route and airways navigation beacons with a range of 10 to 250 nm low powered adfs used for airfield or runway approach

exemple 381 lf/mf ndbs used as an aid for final approach.lf/mf ndbs used as an aid for final approach.

The uhf band is the assigned frequency band of the ?

Question 181-27 : Ils glide path transmitter ils localiser transmitter outer marker beacon all the 3 ils marker beacons

.vor operating frequencies vhf.localiser vhf.marker beacon vhf..dme operating frequencies uhf.glide slope uhf.gnss/gps uhf.l1 and l2 frequencies used by navstar/gps uhf..ils localiser and glide slope vhf and uhf bands.microwave landing system mls shf.airborne weather radars shf.locator lf/mf exemple 385 ils glide path transmitter.ils glide path transmitter.

Performing an ils approach you will fly overhead the markers in an specific ?

Question 181-28 : Om mm im if available im if available mm om om im if available mm mm im if available om

exemple 389 om, mm, im (if available).om, mm, im (if available).

The ident of a dme in case of collocation with a vor is as follows ?

Question 181-29 : In 40 seconds the dme ident will sound once in 30 seconds the dme ident comes up 3 times at an audio frequency of 1350 hz in case of collocation the dme ident is not necessary if the vor ident is present the dme ident comes up every 10 seconds at an audio frequency of 1020 hz

.when identifying a dme station co located with a vor station the identification signal with the higher tone frequency is the dme which idents approximately every 40 seconds 4 times in 30 seconds 10 seconds broadcast off .in a period of 40 seconds the dme ident will be heard once on an audio frequency of 1350 hz exemple 393 in 40 seconds the dme ident will sound once.in 40 seconds the dme ident will sound once.

A vdf may be used ?

Question 181-30 : To provide the atc controller with bearings of aircraft in the absence of radar in lieu of ils for precision approach purposes in combination with radar to solve the 180° ambiguity in emergency type situations when the aircraft is unable to transmit on vhf

.a vdf vhf direction finding provides a means of determining the aircraft bearing from a ground station with a vdf atc controller are capable of measuring the direction of arrival of radio transmissions from aircraft in the absence of radar exemple 397 to provide the atc controller with bearings of aircraft in the absence of radar.to provide the atc controller with bearings of aircraft in the absence of radar.

The mls frequencies and available channels are ?

Question 181-31 : In the shf band 300 khz frequency separation giving 200 available channels in the range 5060 5090 mhz 200 khz separation giving 150 available channels in the vhf and uhf band 40 available channels in the shf band for the mls elements and the vhf band for the dme 100 available channels

.vor operating frequencies vhf.localiser vhf.marker beacon vhf..dme operating frequencies uhf.glide slope uhf.gnss/gps uhf.l1 and l2 frequencies used by navstar/gps uhf..ils localiser and glide slope vhf and uhf bands.microwave landing system mls shf.airborne weather radars shf.locator lf/mf exemple 401 in the shf band, 300 khz frequency separation giving 200 available channels.in the shf band, 300 khz frequency separation giving 200 available channels.

If the angular displacement of an aircraft with respect to the localiser ?

Question 181-32 : Doubles increases fourfold is halved remains unchanged

.the difference in the modulation depth increases with displacement from the centre line .on each side of the localiser centerline the ddm increases in a linear fashion up to at least 3° on both sides of the runway exemple 405 doubles.doubles.

Concerning the localiser principle of operation in an ils system the difference ?

Question 181-33 : Increases linearly with respect to the angular displacement from the centerline increases linearly with respect to the distance from the centre line decreases proportionally to the angular displacement from the centerline decreases with respect to the angular displacement from the centerline

.the difference in depth of both the signals will increase the further away a greater angular displacement from the centre line the aircraft is .this increase is linear .localizer top view . /com en/com062 503 jpg. exemple 409 increases linearly with respect to the angular displacement from the centerline.increases linearly with respect to the angular displacement from the centerline.

The ils marker identified visually by an blue flashing light is the ?

Question 181-34 : Outer marker inner marker middle marker locator

exemple 413 outer marker.outer marker.

The ils marker identified audibly by a series of two dashes per second is the ?

Question 181-35 : Outer marker inner marker middle marker locator

exemple 417 outer marker.outer marker.

The ils marker with an aural frequency of 400 hz is ?

Question 181-36 : Outer marker inner marker locator middle marker

.marker beacons modulation frequencies are .outer marker 400 hz .middle marker 1300 hz .inner marker 3000 hz exemple 421 outer marker.outer marker.

An ils marker beacon operates in the ?

Question 181-37 : Vhf band lf/mf band hf band uhf band

.vor operating frequencies vhf.localiser vhf.marker beacon vhf..dme operating frequencies uhf.glide slope uhf.gnss/gps uhf.l1 and l2 frequencies used by navstar/gps uhf..ils localiser and glide slope vhf and uhf bands.microwave landing system mls shf.airborne weather radars shf.locator lf/mf exemple 425 vhf band.vhf band.

Which answer states the typical distances along the centerline of the runway of ?

Question 181-38 : Localizer transmitter 300 meter behind end of runway glide path transmitter 300 meter behind threshold middle marker 1000 meter from threshold outer marker 4 nm from threshold localizer transmitter 100 meter behind end of runway glide path transmitter 100 meter behind threshold middle marker 1 5 nm from threshold outer marker 10 nm from threshold localizer transmitter 100 meter behind end of runway glide path transmitter 300 meter behind threshold middle marker 1000 meter from threshold outer marker 4 nm from threshold localizer transmitter 300 meter behind end of runway glide path transmitter 300 meter behind threshold middle marker 1 5 nm from threshold outer marker 10 nm from threshold

The ils marker identified audibly by a series of alternate dots and dashes is ?

Question 181-39 : Middle marker locator outer marker inner marker

exemple 433 middle marker.middle marker.

The ils marker with an aural frequency of 1300 hz is the ?

Question 181-40 : Middle marker locator inner marker outer marker

exemple 437 middle marker.middle marker.


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