Question > security : Mls is primarily being installed at airports where ?
Question 180-1 : Ils encounters difficulties because of surrounding buildings and/or the terrain or interference from local music stations meteorological conditions are likely to cause ils ducting by super refraction the main approach paths lead over water topographical conditions preclude the installation of ils marker beacons

The ils marker identified audibly by a series of dots 6 per second is the ?
Question 180-2 : Inner marker middle marker locator outer marker

With regard to the range of ndb's and the accuracy of the bearings they provide ?
Question 180-3 : The range increases and the accuracy decreases the range decreases and the accuracy increases the range and the accuracy both increase the range and the accuracy both decrease

Which statement is correct with respect to the range of an ndb ?
Question 180-4 : With propagation over sea the range will be greater than the range with propagation over land the range depends on the altitude of the aircraft during the night the range of an ndb will decrease due to the interference of the direct and earth reflected wave in order to double the range of an ndb the transmission power should be increased with a factor 16

Which statement is correct for homing towards an ndb in an area with constant ?
Question 180-5 : The relative bearing of the ndb should be kept 000° the relative bearing of the ndb should be equal in magnitude and sign to the experienced drift angle the relative bearing of the ndb should be equal in magnitude and sign to the applied wind correction angle the relative bearing of the ndb should be equal to the qdm

Which statement is correct for tracking towards an ndb in an area with constant ?
Question 180-6 : The relative bearing of the ndb should be equal in magnitude and sign to the experienced drift angle the relative bearing of the ndb should be kept 000° the relative bearing of the ndb should be equal in magnitude and sign to the applied wind correction angle the relative bearing of the ndb should be equal to the qdm

The dme line of position is a circle with radius at ?
Question 180-7 : The ground distance and centre the dme station the slant range and centre the dme station the ground distance and centre the aircraft the slant range and centre the aircraft

The localiser transmits in ?
Question 180-8 : The vhf band the uhf band the hf band both uhf and vhf bands

What is the effect of fm broadcast stations that transmit on frequencies just ?
Question 180-9 : These transmissions may interfere with the ils localizer signal which may lead to erroneous localizer deviation indication these transmissions may interfere with the ils localizer and glide path signals which may lead to erroneous deviation indications these transmissions may activate the fm immune filter which results in the appearance of the localizer failure flag these transmissions may activate the fm immune filter which results in the appearance of the localizer and glide path failure flag

What is the function of a fm immune filter ?
Question 180-10 : To make the ils localizer receiver less susceptible to interference from commercial fm stations radio and television to make both the ils localizer and glide path receiver less susceptible to interference from commercial fm stations radio and television to make the ils localizer receiver less susceptible to interference from earth reflected localizer signals to make both the ils localizer and glide path receiver less susceptible to interference from earth reflected localizer signals

On the rmi the tip of a vor needle indicates 060° .with the crs set on 055° ?
Question 180-11 : To half scale deflection to the right to half scale deflection to the left from half scale deflection to the left from half scale deflection to the right

To provide a pilot with the position of the aircraft in the absence of radar ?
Question 180-12 : Two vdf's at different locations able to take bearings simultaneously on the transmitted frequency two co located vdf's able to take bearings simultaneously on the transmitted frequency one vdf able to take simultaneous bearings on different frequencies three vdf's at different locations able to take simultaneous bearings on different frequencies

Vdf is the abbreviation for ?
Question 180-13 : Vhf direction finder vdf direction finder very direct finder very high frequency deviation finding station

The transmission of the glide slope beacon is characterised by a ?
Question 180-14 : Uhf frequency with a minimum range of 10 nm vhf frequency modulated with a 90 hz am and 150 hz am navigation signal 300 to 3000 hz amplitude modulation for the atis uhf carrier frequency with a possible 'voice ident'

A locator beacon differs from an ndb with respect to .1 operational use.2 ?
Question 180-15 : 1 and 2 1 2 and 3 2 3 and 4 1 and 4

An aircraft is flying on a magnetic heading of 210° .the magnetic variation at ?
Question 180-16 : 025° 015° 205° 195°

An aircraft is flying on a magnetic heading of 210° .the magnetic variation at ?
Question 180-17 : 025° 015° 205° 195°

The reading of the rmi bearing is 300° at the tip of the needle .the magnetic ?
Question 180-18 : 274° 094° 272° 294°

Classify the marker from lower aural frequency to higher aural frequency.1 ?
Question 180-19 : 3 2 1 1 2 3 1 3 2 2 1 3

Range of 'vdf' depends on.1 line of sight formula.2 power of transmitters.3 ?
Question 180-20 : 1 2 and 3 1 and 3 2 1 and 2

Locators are .1 high powered ndbs used for en route and airways navigation .2 ?
Question 180-21 : 2 and 4 1 and 3 2 and 3 1 and 4

Allocated frequencies for 'ndb' are ?
Question 180-22 : 190 khz to 1750 khz 1 90 khz to 17 50 khz 1900 khz to 17500 khz 19 hz to 17500 hz

On final on an 'ils' approach you are flying overhead the outer marker .you can ?
Question 180-23 : 4 nm from the threshold 1 nm from the threshold 25 nm from the threshold 10 nm from the threshold

An aircraft has a magnetic heading of 290° and is on vor radial 280 which ?
Question 180-24 : 100° 110° 280° 290°

The 'ils' outer marker modulation frequency is ?
Question 180-25 : 400 hz 3000 hz 1500 hz 1300 hz

Which of the following list use the vhf band.1 locator..2 localiser..3 outer ?
Question 180-26 : 2 and 3 2 and 4 1 2 3 and 4 1 and 3

Range of vdf depends on .1 loudness of the voices of the pilot and the operator ?
Question 180-27 : 2 and 4 2 3 and 4 1

An aircraft on a heading of 180°m is on a bearing of 270°m from a vor .the ?
Question 180-28 : 090° 270° 360° 180°

The localiser transmitters operate in a frequency band between ?
Question 180-29 : 108 mhz and 111 975 mhz 329 15 mhz and 335 mhz 108 mhz and 117 975 mhz 111 975 mhz and 117 975 mhz

The ils middle marker modulation frequency is ?
Question 180-30 : 1300 hz 800 hz 400 hz 3000 hz

Inner marker beacons of an ils transmit at ?
Question 180-31 : 75 mhz 90 hz 150 mhz it depends on the modulating frequency

All ils marker beacons transmit at ?
Question 180-32 : 75 mhz 90 mhz 150 mhz it depends on the modulating frequency

Middle marker beacons of an ils transmit on carrier frequency at ?
Question 180-33 : 75 mhz 150 mhz 90 mhz 1300 hz

An aircraft is on the 065 radial with a heading of 090°m .the course reference ?
Question 180-34 : B a c d

Night effect in an adf may cause ?
Question 180-35 : Fluctuating indications of the needle on the rmi a constant error in the indicated bearing no bearing error because of the built in compensator unit noise in the received em wave which hardly will be noticed by the pilot looking at the rmi

The audio frequency modulation of the outer marker shall be keyed as follows ?
Question 180-36 : 2 dashes per second continuously a continuous series of alternate dots and dashes 6 dots per second continuously 3 dashes 3 dots and 3 dashes per second continuously

Which statement is correct with respect to the different types of vor ?
Question 180-37 : A tvor has a limited range a dvor is less accurate than a cvor a vot is located along an airway with the purpose to provide an in flight check of the airborne equipment a cvor is primarily used for instrument approaches

The ils receiver of an aircraft on approach and flying on the right of the ?
Question 180-38 : More of the 150 hz localiser signal than the 90 hz localiser signal a modulated signal and will shift the localiser needle to the right according to the magnitude of the difference between the two amplitudes the modulation from both lobes at equal amplitude the left lobe modulation only

Ils produces ?
Question 180-39 : A radiation pattern which is amplitude modulated by a 90hz and a 150hz signal a radiation pattern which is amplitude modulated by the vhf frequency of the ils two lobes modulated in frequency by a 90hz and a 150hz signal a 90 hz lobe and a 150 hz lobe which are amplitude modulated by the vhf frequency of the ils

108 35 mhz can only be ?
Question 180-40 : An ils frequency a vor frequency an atc frequency a ndb frequency

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