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A sandwich structural part ?

Diploma > registration

exemple reponse 122
Consists of two thin sheets separated a light core material.

Other study patent: Telepilote theorique examen 18

To achieve control flutter damping the balance mass must be located ?

exemple reponse 123
To achieve control flutter damping balance mass must be located In front of control surface hinge. Flutter a dangerous phenomenon encountered in flexible structures subjected to aerodynamic forces as airspeed increases there may be a point at which structural damping insufficient to damp out motions which are increasing due to aerodynamic energy being added to airfoil this vibration can cause structural failure therefore considering flutter characteristics an essential part of designing an aircraft to counteract this phenomenon control surface's cg must be as close as possible of hinge (the torsion axis).

Which of these statements concerning a sandwich structural part are correct or incorrect I The main function of the core material is to stabilise the covering sheets II A sandwich structural part is ?

exemple reponse 124
Which of these statements concerning a sandwich structural part are correct or incorrect i the main function of core material to stabilise covering sheets ii a sandwich structural part well suited absorbing concentrated loads I correct ii incorrect. Flutter a dangerous phenomenon encountered in flexible structures subjected to aerodynamic forces as airspeed increases there may be a point at which structural damping insufficient to damp out motions which are increasing due to aerodynamic energy being added to airfoil this vibration can cause structural failure therefore considering flutter characteristics an essential part of designing an aircraft to counteract this phenomenon control surface's cg must be as close as possible of hinge (the torsion axis).

  • exemple reponse 125
    When a wing bends upwards aileron flutter might occur if aileron deflects Downwards because location of aileron centre of gravity lies behind hinge line. Flutter a dangerous phenomenon encountered in flexible structures subjected to aerodynamic forces as airspeed increases there may be a point at which structural damping insufficient to damp out motions which are increasing due to aerodynamic energy being added to airfoil this vibration can cause structural failure therefore considering flutter characteristics an essential part of designing an aircraft if cg aft (behind) of torsional axis inertia causes cg of aileron to lag behind any movement of axis caused changes in lift this lag can cause still further changes in incidence hence lift making matter worse by having cg on or forward of hinge (the torsion axis) now uses property of inertia to counter effect.

  • exemple reponse 127
    Which of these statements regarding cockpit windows are correct or incorrect i on some aeroplanes cockpit windows have an additional speed restriction related to bird impact when window heating inoperative ii cockpit side windows are always provided with a icing system I correct ii incorrect. The force from a bird impact increases with square of speed a hot windshield more pliable less likely to shatter if it gets hit bird strike example on a challenger on modern aircraft (example the boeing 737 800 max) windows l1 r1 l2 r2 have a conductive coating on outer pane that permits electrical heating to prevent build up of ice fogging for those models of aircraft without electric heat to window l3 r3 cabin air circulated around windshield to prevent fogging of window .

  • exemple reponse 128
    Which of these statements concerning a sandwich structural part are correct or incorrect i the main function of core material sound insulation ii a sandwich structural part well suited absorbing concentrated loads I incorrect ii incorrect. The force from a bird impact increases with square of speed a hot windshield more pliable less likely to shatter if it gets hit bird strike example on a challenger on modern aircraft (example the boeing 737 800 max) windows l1 r1 l2 r2 have a conductive coating on outer pane that permits electrical heating to prevent build up of ice fogging for those models of aircraft without electric heat to window l3 r3 cabin air circulated around windshield to prevent fogging of window .

  • exemple reponse 129
    Which of these statements regarding cockpit windows are correct or incorrect i cockpit windows never have an additional speed restriction related to bird impact when window heating inoperative ii cockpit side windows are usually defogged only I incorrect ii correct. The force from a bird impact increases with square of speed a hot windshield more pliable less likely to shatter if it gets hit bird strike example on a challenger on modern aircraft (example the boeing 737 800 max) windows l1 r1 l2 r2 have a conductive coating on outer pane that permits electrical heating to prevent build up of ice fogging for those models of aircraft without electric heat to window l3 r3 cabin air circulated around windshield to prevent fogging of window .

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 8

    Which of these statements about sandwich structural parts are correct or incorrect i a sandwich structural part consists of fibres and a resin ii a sandwich structural part suitable absorbing concentrated loads I incorrect ii incorrect. The force from a bird impact increases with square of speed a hot windshield more pliable less likely to shatter if it gets hit bird strike example on a challenger on modern aircraft (example the boeing 737 800 max) windows l1 r1 l2 r2 have a conductive coating on outer pane that permits electrical heating to prevent build up of ice fogging for those models of aircraft without electric heat to window l3 r3 cabin air circulated around windshield to prevent fogging of window .

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 9

    Which of these statements regarding cockpit windows are correct or incorrect i cockpit windows never have an additional speed restriction related to bird impact when window heating inoperative ii cockpit side windows are always provided with a icing system I incorrect ii incorrect. The force from a bird impact increases with square of speed a hot windshield more pliable less likely to shatter if it gets hit bird strike example on a challenger on modern aircraft (example the boeing 737 800 max) windows l1 r1 l2 r2 have a conductive coating on outer pane that permits electrical heating to prevent build up of ice fogging for those models of aircraft without electric heat to window l3 r3 cabin air circulated around windshield to prevent fogging of window .

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 10

    Which of these statements regarding cockpit windows are correct or incorrect i on some aeroplanes cockpit windows have an additional speed restriction related to bird impact when window heating inoperative ii cockpit side windows are usually defogged only I correct ii correct. The force from a bird impact increases with square of speed a hot windshield more pliable less likely to shatter if it gets hit bird strike example on a challenger on modern aircraft (example the boeing 737 800 max) windows l1 r1 l2 r2 have a conductive coating on outer pane that permits electrical heating to prevent build up of ice fogging for those models of aircraft without electric heat to window l3 r3 cabin air circulated around windshield to prevent fogging of window .

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 11

    Which of these statements about composite and metal structures are correct or incorrect i for a structural component with given dimensions composite materials enable a structural component's strength to be tailored to direction of load ii composite materials enable structures with higher strength/weight ratio than metal structures I correct ii correct. The force from a bird impact increases with square of speed a hot windshield more pliable less likely to shatter if it gets hit bird strike example on a challenger on modern aircraft (example the boeing 737 800 max) windows l1 r1 l2 r2 have a conductive coating on outer pane that permits electrical heating to prevent build up of ice fogging for those models of aircraft without electric heat to window l3 r3 cabin air circulated around windshield to prevent fogging of window .

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 12

    Which of these statements about composite and metal structures are correct or incorrect i in a structural component with given dimensions constructed of composite materials strength the same in all directions ii composite materials enable structures with lower strength/weight ratio than metal structures I incorrect ii incorrect. For a structural component with given dimensions composite materials enable a structural component's strength to be tailored to direction of load composite materials enable structures with higher strength/weight ratio than metal structures.

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 13

    Which of these statements about composite and metal structures are correct or incorrect i for a structural component with given dimensions composite materials enable a structural component's strength to be tailored to direction of load ii composite materials enable structures with lower strength/weight ratio than metal structures I correct ii incorrect. For a structural component with given dimensions composite materials enable a structural component's strength to be tailored to direction of load composite materials enable structures with higher strength/weight ratio than metal structures.

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 14

    What are three elements of fuselage structure of a large transport aeroplane Skin frames stringers. For a structural component with given dimensions composite materials enable a structural component's strength to be tailored to direction of load composite materials enable structures with higher strength/weight ratio than metal structures.

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 15

    Which of these statements about composite and metal structures are correct or incorrect i in a structural component with given dimensions constructed of composite materials strength the same in all directions ii composite materials enable structures with higher strength/weight ratio than metal structures I incorrect ii correct. For a structural component with given dimensions composite materials enable a structural component's strength to be tailored to direction of load composite materials enable structures with higher strength/weight ratio than metal structures.

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 16

    A sandwich type structure often used in aircraft because of its Low mass high stiffness. For a structural component with given dimensions composite materials enable a structural component's strength to be tailored to direction of load composite materials enable structures with higher strength/weight ratio than metal structures.

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 17

    A wing spar typically consists of Low mass high stiffness. A typical metal spar in a general aviation aircraft usually consists of a sheet aluminium spar web girders with ' or 't' shaped spar caps being welded or riveted to top bottom of sheet to prevent buckling under applied loads.

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 18

    A semi monocoque aircraft fuselage structure usually consists of Skin frames stringers. A typical metal spar in a general aviation aircraft usually consists of a sheet aluminium spar web girders with ' or 't' shaped spar caps being welded or riveted to top bottom of sheet to prevent buckling under applied loads.

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 19

    A sandwich structural part unsuitable absorbing Skin frames stringers. A typical metal spar in a general aviation aircraft usually consists of a sheet aluminium spar web girders with ' or 't' shaped spar caps being welded or riveted to top bottom of sheet to prevent buckling under applied loads.

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 20

    Which of these statements concerning a sandwich structural part are correct or incorrect i the main function of core material sound insulation ii a sandwich structural part unsuitable absorbing concentrated loads I incorrect ii correct. A typical metal spar in a general aviation aircraft usually consists of a sheet aluminium spar web girders with ' or 't' shaped spar caps being welded or riveted to top bottom of sheet to prevent buckling under applied loads.

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 21

    Which of these statements about sandwich structural parts are correct or incorrect i a sandwich structural part consists of two thin sheets enclosing a light core material ii a sandwich structural part suitable absorbing concentrated loads I correct ii incorrect. A typical metal spar in a general aviation aircraft usually consists of a sheet aluminium spar web girders with ' or 't' shaped spar caps being welded or riveted to top bottom of sheet to prevent buckling under applied loads.

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 22

    Which of these statements about sandwich structural parts are correct or incorrect i a sandwich structural part consists of fibres and a resin ii a sandwich structural part not suitable absorbing concentrated loads I incorrect ii correct. composite materials such as sandwich structural parts are made from fibres generally embedded in epoxy resin covered with a skin of aluminium kevlar or nomex sandwich structural parts need additional provisions to carry concentrated loads.

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 23

    The function of ribs in a wing to Give wing desired aerodynamic shape. composite materials such as sandwich structural parts are made from fibres generally embedded in epoxy resin covered with a skin of aluminium kevlar or nomex sandwich structural parts need additional provisions to carry concentrated loads.

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 24

    The pressurisation load on skin of a fuselage Give wing desired aerodynamic shape. composite materials such as sandwich structural parts are made from fibres generally embedded in epoxy resin covered with a skin of aluminium kevlar or nomex sandwich structural parts need additional provisions to carry concentrated loads.

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 25

    When wing skin not able to carry loads structural elements of wing which carry bending moment are Give wing desired aerodynamic shape. The spars are able to carry upward (resulting from wing lift force that supports fuselage in flight) downward (whilst stationary on ground due to weight of structure fuel carried in wings wing mounted engines if used) bending moments.

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 26

    Which of these statements about wing structure correct A torsion box formed wing spars ribs wing skin reinforced stringers. The spars are able to carry upward (resulting from wing lift force that supports fuselage in flight) downward (whilst stationary on ground due to weight of structure fuel carried in wings wing mounted engines if used) bending moments.

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 27

    The purpose of bonding metallic parts of an aircraft to 1 prevent electrolytic corrosion between mating surfaces of similar metals2 ensure zero voltage difference between aircraft components3 isolate all components electrically4 provide a single earth electrical devicesthe combination that regroups all of correct statements A torsion box formed wing spars ribs wing skin reinforced stringers. bonding the electrical interconnection of metallic aircraft parts (normally at earth potential) the safe distribution of electrical charges currents bonding provides a means of protection against charges as a result of build up of precipitation static electrostatic induction as a result of lightning strikes so that safety of aircraft or its occupants not endangered bonding reduces possibility of electric shock from electrical supply system reduces interference with functioning of essential services (e g radio communications navigational aids) provides a low resistance electrical return path electric current in earth return systems.

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 28

    Which sequence correctly places fuselage shapes illustrated in order of decreasing structural strength 818 A torsion box formed wing spars ribs wing skin reinforced stringers. N°1 clearly weakest would only be used on an unpressurised aircraft (twin otter example) n°2 geometrically strongest from a pressurisation point of view as hoop stresses can be uniform on whole cross section n°3 'double bubble' type where two circles intersect connected via a floor not best choice but clearly better than n°4 n°4 pressurization constraints will not be optimal on an oval format this question also exists with statement 'from following fuselage profile sort them from worst to best one concerning pressurization ' answer 1 4 3 2.

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 29

    Hydraulic fluids must have following characteristics 1 thermal stability2 low emulsifying characteristics3 corrosion resistance4 good resistance to combustion5 high compressibility6 high volatility7 high viscositythe combination regrouping all correct statements A torsion box formed wing spars ribs wing skin reinforced stringers. N°1 clearly weakest would only be used on an unpressurised aircraft (twin otter example) n°2 geometrically strongest from a pressurisation point of view as hoop stresses can be uniform on whole cross section n°3 'double bubble' type where two circles intersect connected via a floor not best choice but clearly better than n°4 n°4 pressurization constraints will not be optimal on an oval format this question also exists with statement 'from following fuselage profile sort them from worst to best one concerning pressurization ' answer 1 4 3 2.

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 30

    Hydraulic fluids Are irritating to eyes skin. N°1 clearly weakest would only be used on an unpressurised aircraft (twin otter example) n°2 geometrically strongest from a pressurisation point of view as hoop stresses can be uniform on whole cross section n°3 'double bubble' type where two circles intersect connected via a floor not best choice but clearly better than n°4 n°4 pressurization constraints will not be optimal on an oval format this question also exists with statement 'from following fuselage profile sort them from worst to best one concerning pressurization ' answer 1 4 3 2.

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 31

    Hydraulic fluids used in systems of large modern airliners are Phosphate ester base fluids. N°1 clearly weakest would only be used on an unpressurised aircraft (twin otter example) n°2 geometrically strongest from a pressurisation point of view as hoop stresses can be uniform on whole cross section n°3 'double bubble' type where two circles intersect connected via a floor not best choice but clearly better than n°4 n°4 pressurization constraints will not be optimal on an oval format this question also exists with statement 'from following fuselage profile sort them from worst to best one concerning pressurization ' answer 1 4 3 2.

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 32

    Hydraulic power a function of System pressure volume flow. N°1 clearly weakest would only be used on an unpressurised aircraft (twin otter example) n°2 geometrically strongest from a pressurisation point of view as hoop stresses can be uniform on whole cross section n°3 'double bubble' type where two circles intersect connected via a floor not best choice but clearly better than n°4 n°4 pressurization constraints will not be optimal on an oval format this question also exists with statement 'from following fuselage profile sort them from worst to best one concerning pressurization ' answer 1 4 3 2.

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 33

    Large transport aeroplane hydraulic systems usually operate with a system pressure of approximately System pressure volume flow. Hydraulic system of a380 5000 psi instead of 3000 psi but usually hydraulic systems operate with a system pressure of 3000 psi.

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 34

    In hydraulic systems of large modern transport category aircraft fluids used are System pressure volume flow. Hydraulic system of a380 5000 psi instead of 3000 psi but usually hydraulic systems operate with a system pressure of 3000 psi.

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 35

    The type of hydraulic oil used in modern hydraulic systems System pressure volume flow. Hydraulic system of a380 5000 psi instead of 3000 psi but usually hydraulic systems operate with a system pressure of 3000 psi.

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 36

    In a modern hydraulic system 'hydraulic fuse can be found their function To prevent total system loss in case of a leaking hydraulic line. In hydraulic systems a fuse a component which prevents sudden loss of hydraulic fluid pressure it a safety feature designed to allow systems to continue operating or at least to not fail catastrophically in event of a system breach it does this stopping flow of hydraulic fluid through itself if flow exceeds a threshold boeing 737 hydraulic fuses the term 'fuse' used here in analogy with electrical fuses which perform a similar function.

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 37

    In a hydraulic system reservoir pressurized in order to Prevent pump cavitation. Cavitation occurs when a liquid moves within tubing or pipes at very fast speeds causing absolute pressure of liquid to drop drastically this process occurs with little loss of heat if absolute pressure drops below vapour pressure of liquid cavitation will form this phenomenon more serious in viscous liquids than in thin liquids cavitation causes separation of gases that are within liquid (such as air or water vapour) from liquid itself bubbles would form then collapse in case of a liquid entering suction side of a pump pressure would be low for liquid to move from one place to another it would have to expend energy thus causing a further decrease in pressure if you pressurize hydraulic fluid entering in hydraulic pump you will avoid cavitation in pump.

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 38

    Shuttle valves will automatically Switch hydraulically operated units to most appropriate pressure supply. the shuttle valve sometimes fluid must come from more than one source to meet demands of a complex system at other times an emergency system might be needed to provide pressure if normal system fails (the emergency system will usually only actuate essential components) the shuttle valve can isolate normal system from an alternate or emergency one a typical shuttle valve contains three ports normal system inlet alternate system inlet an outlet inside shuttle valve there a sliding part predictably called shuttle whose purpose to seal off an inlet port which itself will contain a shuttle seat when a shuttle valve in its normal position fluid can flow freely from normal system inlet port to actuating unit the shuttle seated against alternate system inlet port held there normal system pressure where it remains until alternate system activated fluid under pressure then directed from alternate system to shuttle valve forcing shuttle to seal off normal inlet port fluid from alternate system then has a free flow to outlet port.

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 39

    The colour of a fresh synthetic hydraulic fluids Switch hydraulically operated units to most appropriate pressure supply. the shuttle valve sometimes fluid must come from more than one source to meet demands of a complex system at other times an emergency system might be needed to provide pressure if normal system fails (the emergency system will usually only actuate essential components) the shuttle valve can isolate normal system from an alternate or emergency one a typical shuttle valve contains three ports normal system inlet alternate system inlet an outlet inside shuttle valve there a sliding part predictably called shuttle whose purpose to seal off an inlet port which itself will contain a shuttle seat when a shuttle valve in its normal position fluid can flow freely from normal system inlet port to actuating unit the shuttle seated against alternate system inlet port held there normal system pressure where it remains until alternate system activated fluid under pressure then directed from alternate system to shuttle valve forcing shuttle to seal off normal inlet port fluid from alternate system then has a free flow to outlet port.

  • Question Hydraulics 18 Answer 40

    The function of a hydraulic selector valve to Direct system pressure to either side of piston of an actuator. A selector or control valve enabling operator to select direction of flow of fluid to required service providing a return path the oil to reservoir .

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