Multiple > protocol : Your aircraft is heading 075°m the obi is set to 025° .the vor indications ?
Question 179-1 : 205° and 295° 295° and 025° 025° and 115° 115° and 205°

Which of the following affects vdf range ?
Question 179-2 : The height of the transmitter and of the receiver coastal refraction sky wave propagation strength of the pilot's voice when transmitting

Which of the following errors is associated with the use of vor ?
Question 179-3 : Scalloping coastal refraction quadrantal error night effect

What is the audio frequency of the inner marker ?
Question 179-4 : 3000 hz 1300 hz 400 hz 75 mhz

What is the 'q' code for a magnetic bearing from a vdf station ?
Question 179-5 : 'request qdr' 'request qnh' 'request qte' 'request qdm'

What is measured in order to establish aircraft position in relation to the ?
Question 179-6 : The difference in depth between the 90hz modulation and the 150hz modulation the difference in phase between the 90hz modulation and the 150hz modulation the bearing to the localizer antenna found by means of a loop antenna the difference in time between the 90hz modulation and the 150hz modulation

What are the modulation frequencies of the two overlapping lobes that are used ?
Question 179-7 : 90 hz and 150 hz 75 khz and 135 khz 328 mhz and 335 mhz 63 mhz and 123 mhz

Which of the following correctly describes the instrument landing system ils ?
Question 179-8 : Two overlapping lobes on the same vhf carrier frequency two overlapping lobes on the same uhf carrier frequency a pencil beam comprising a series of smaller beams each carrying a different modulation two overlapping lobes on different radio carrier frequencies but with the same modulation

Which one is the most correct statement regarding the range of the dme system ?
Question 179-9 : Range within 'line of sight' and maximum 200 nm operates on vhf operates on the principle of phase comparison has unlimited range due to ground wave propagation

You are on a compass heading of 090° on the 255 radial from a vor .you set the ?
Question 179-10 : Full scale deflection left with a 'from' indication full scale deflection right with a 'from' indication full scale deflection left with a 'to' indication full scale deflection right with a 'to' indication

Which one of the statements below is correct regarding the dme ?
Question 179-11 : The dme operating frequencies are in the uhf frequency band two lines of position obtained from two different dme's give an unambiguous fix the indicated distance is the ground distance measured from the aircraft's projected position on the ground to the dme ground installation the dme ground station is always co located with a vor station

What actually happens in the adf receiver when the bfo position is selected ?
Question 179-12 : The bfo circuit imposes a tone onto the carrier wave to make the ndb's ident audible the bfo circuit oscillates at an increased frequency in order to allow identification of a2a ndbs the bfo circuit is de activated the bfo circuit is activated and the receiver accepts only a1a modulated signals

If a failed rmi rose is stuck on 090° and the adf pointer indicates 225° the ?
Question 179-13 : 135° impossible to read due to the rmi failure 315° 225°

Full scale deflection of the localiser needle indicates that the aircraft is ?
Question 179-14 : 2 5° offset from the localiser centreline 5° offset from the localiser centreline 1 25° offset from the localiser centreline 10° offset from the localiser centreline

In order to measure the radial from a vor the aircraft vor receiver ?
Question 179-15 : Measures the phase difference between the reference phase and the variable phase of the signal measures the time difference between reception of the two signals transmitted from the ground installation uses pulse technique to determine the radial measures the time difference between sending the interrogation signal and receiving the transponder signal

Assuming a five dot display on either side of the ils localiser cockpit display ?
Question 179-16 : 1 0° to the left 2 0° to the left 2 0° to the right 1 0° to the right

An ndb is on a relative bearing of 316° from an aircraft given .compass ?
Question 179-17 : 254° 252° 072° 074°

If you are on an ils approach and in case your glide slope indicator shows a ?
Question 179-18 : You should commence a go around because obstacle clearance is no longer ensured you maintain pitch until you regain the desired glide slope you may keep on flying the approach if you are on centerline there will be significant beam bends encountered

An aircraft at fl 100 should be able to receive a vor groundstation at 100 ft ?
Question 179-19 : 135 nm 123 nm 130 nm 145 nm

An aeroplane flies over position a which is due north of a vor station sited at ?
Question 179-20 : 010° 018° 350° 342°

Full deflection on a glide slope indicator indicates that the aircraft is ?
Question 179-21 : 0 7° above or below the correct glide path 1 25° above or below the correct glide path 1 5° above or below the correct glide path 2 5° above or below the correct glide path

On what carrier frequency does the inner marker transmit ?
Question 179-22 : 75 mhz same frequency as the localizer same frequency as the glide path 3000 hz

The indicated range from a dme station is ?
Question 179-23 : Slant range ground range 0 when passing overhead the station ground range only if the beacon is co located with vor

According to icao 8168 what is regarded as the maximum safe deviation below the ?
Question 179-24 : Half scale deflection one quarter scale deflection three quarter scale deflection full scale deflection

On which of the following displays are you able to get a direct read out no ?
Question 179-25 : Moving card adf and rmi fixed card adf and rmi moving and fixed card adf fixed card adf only

What according to icao annex 10 is the range of a locator ?
Question 179-26 : 10 25 nm 25 50 nm 50 100 nm 100 300 nm

According to icao annex 10 in which frequency band s does a locator normally ?
Question 179-27 : Lf/mf mf/hf hf hf/vhf

A vor and an ndb are co located an aircraft equipped with an rmi is flying away ?
Question 179-28 : The adf needle moves the vor needle does not neither the vor or the ndb needles move both vor and adf needles move the vor needle moves the adf needle does not

Which of these markers has the highest audible frequency ?
Question 179-29 : Inner outer middle airways

A mls without dme p provides ?
Question 179-30 : An ils like approach an approach with a curved path but not staged a category 3 approach a staged approach but not with a curved path

False beams on the ils glidepath are ?
Question 179-31 : Only found above the correct glideslope only found if flying the backbeam ils approach only found if more than 10° left or right of localiser centreline only found below the correct glideslope

On an ils approach the glidepath needle is fully down how much deflection does ?
Question 179-32 : 0 7° 2 5° 10° 5°

The audio modulation of the middle marker is keyed to give ?
Question 179-33 : Alternating dots and dashes at a rate of 2 dashes per second and 6 dots per second continuous dashes at a rate of 2 per second continuous dots at a rate of 6 per second a sequence of 3 dashes 3 dots and 3 dashes every second

If you are flying a back course ils you are flying a ?
Question 179-34 : Non precision approach on the reciprocal runway of the precision approach runway non precision approach on the precision approach end of the runway precision approach on the reciprocal runway of the precision approach runway precision approach on the precision approach runway

What is a vdf referenced to ?
Question 179-35 : Magnetic north at the station magnetic north at the aircraft true north at the aircraft relative bearing to the aircraft

A locator .1 is a low powered beacon.2 is a high powered beacon.3 has a ?
Question 179-36 : 1 and 3 1 and 4 2 and 3 2 and 4

Which of the following alternatives is correct regarding audio and visual ?
Question 179-37 : Audio 1300 hz alternating dots and dashes .visual amber audio 400 hz 2 dashes per second .visual blue audio 75 mhz 2 dashes per second .visual blue audio 3000 hz alternating dots and dashes .visual amber

Concerning the localiser principle of operation in an ils the needle of the ?
Question 179-38 : Null maximum less than 90 hz more than 150 hz

Concerning the glidepath principle of operation in an ils system the needle of ?
Question 179-39 : Null maximum less than 90 hz 150 hz or 90 hz

An ils receiver ?
Question 179-40 : Measures the difference in depth of modulation of the two transmitted signals measures the phase difference between the two transmitted signals compares the difference in frequency of the two transmitted signals measures the phase rotation of the two transmitted signals

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