Multiple > protocol : The rate of descent required to maintain a 3 25° glide slope at a groundspeed ?
Question 178-1 : 760 ft/min 850 ft/min 670 ft/min 700 ft/min

In isa conditions approximately what is the maximum theoretical range at which ?
Question 178-2 : 201 nm 245 nm 163 nm 183 nm

An aircraft is flying a 3° glidepath and experiences a reduction in ?
Question 178-3 : 150 ft/min 50 ft/min 100 ft/min 250 ft/min

The principle of operation of an ils localiser transmitter is based on two ?
Question 178-4 : I the same ii modulation frequencies i the same ii phases i different ii modulation frequencies i different ii phases

An aircraft at 6400 ft will be able to receive a vor groundstation at 100 ft ?
Question 178-5 : 110 nm 90 nm 98 nm 123 nm

An aircraft at fl 100 should be able to receive a vor groundstation at 100 ft ?
Question 178-6 : 137 nm 123 nm 130 nm 220 nm

What is the minimum level that an aircraft at a range of 113 nm must fly in ?
Question 178-7 : Fl65 fl55 fl80 fl100

An aircraft is on radial 120 with a magnetic heading of 300° the track ?
Question 178-8 : Left with 'to' showing right with 'to' showing right with 'from' showing left with 'from' showing

Given .course deviation indicator cdi for a vor is selected to 090° .from/to ?
Question 178-9 : 275° 085° 265° 095°

Of what use if any is a military tacan station to civil aviation ?
Question 178-10 : It can provide dme distance it is of no use to civil aviation it can provide a dme distance and magnetic bearing it can provide a magnetic bearing

The frequency range of a vor receiver is ?
Question 178-11 : 108 to 117 95 mhz 108 to 111 95 mhz 118 to 135 95 mhz 108 to 135 95 mhz

Which of the following is an ils localiser frequency ?
Question 178-12 : 109 15 mhz 108 25 mhz 110 20 mhz 112 10 mhz

What airborne equipment if any is required to be fitted in order that a vdf let ?
Question 178-13 : Vhf radio vor none vor/dme

Which of the following is an advantage of ground/df vdf let down ?
Question 178-14 : It only requires a vhf radio to be fitted to the aircraft it is pilot interpreted and does not require the assistance of atc it does not require any special equipment to be fitted to the aircraft it does not require any special equipment apart from a vhf radio to be installed in the aircraft or on the ground

In which frequency band does the microwave landing system mls operate ?
Question 178-15 : Shf ehf vhf uhf

Given .vor station position n61° e025° variation 13°e.estimated position of ?
Question 178-16 : 167° 347° 160° 193°

Which one of the following correctly lists the major ground based components of ?
Question 178-17 : Separate azimuth and elevation transmitters dme facility separate azimuth and elevation transmitters outer and middle marker beacons combined azimuth and elevation transmitter dme facility combined azimuth and elevation transmitter outer and inner marker beacons

The captain of an aircraft flying at fl100 wishes to obtain weather information ?
Question 178-18 : 123 nm 1230 km 123 km 12 3 nm

The bfo selector on an adf receiver is used to ?
Question 178-19 : Hear the ident of some ndb stations radiating a continuous wave signal stop loop rotation hear the ident and must always be switched on find the loop 'null' position

An ndb transmits a signal pattern in the horizontal plane which is ?
Question 178-20 : Omnidirectional bi lobal circular a cardioid balanced at 30 hz a beam rotating at 30 hz

Dme channels utilise frequencies of approximately ?
Question 178-21 : 1000 mhz 10 mhz 100 mhz 100 ghz

A vor and dme are co located you want to identify the dme by listening to the ?
Question 178-22 : Dme callsign is the one with the higher pitch that was broadcast only once dme callsign was not transmitted the distance information is sufficient proof of correct operation dme callsign is the one with the lower pitch that was broadcast several times vor and dme callsigns were the same and broadcast with the same pitch

Given .aircraft heading 160° m aircraft is on radial 240° from a vor ?
Question 178-23 : Behind the aeroplane symbol with the from flag showing behind the aeroplane symbol with the to flag showing ahead of the aeroplane symbol with the from flag showing ahead of the aeroplane symbol with the to flag showing

In a primary radar using pulse technique the ability to discriminate between ?
Question 178-24 : Beam width aerial rotation rate pulse recurrence rate prr pulse length

Distance measuring equipment dme operates in the ?
Question 178-25 : Uhf band and uses two frequencies vhf band and uses the principle of phase comparison uhf band and uses one frequency shf band and uses frequency modulation techniques

A vor and a ndb are co located you cross the vor radial of 240° on a heading ?
Question 178-26 : 060° 240° 300° 120°

An adf provides the aircraft with bearing information with respect to a ground ?
Question 178-27 : Omnidirectional frequency modulated at 30 hertz a beam rotating at 30 hertz unidirectional

An aircraft at fl300 with a groundspeed of 300 kt is about pass overhead a dme ?
Question 178-28 : Less than 300 kt and 7 nm 300 kt and 7 nm less than 300 kt and 5 nm 300 kt and 5 nm

A pilot flying an aircraft at fl 80 tunes in a vor which has an elevation of ?
Question 178-29 : 151 nm 180 nm 100 nm 120 nm

An aircraft is on the 120° radial from a vor station .course 340° is selected ?
Question 178-30 : Behind right left in front

An aircraft is situated at 30°n 005°e with a magnetic variation of 10°w .a ?
Question 178-31 : 287° 102° 282° 258°

An aircraft passes overhead a dme station at 12000 feet above the station .at ?
Question 178-32 : Approximately 2 nm 0 nm flag/off the aircraft is within the cone of silence fluctuating and not significant

An aircraft at fl 410 is passing overhead a dme station at mean sea level the ?
Question 178-33 : 6 8 nm 6 8 km 6 1 nm 6 1 km

On the qdr of 075° in the vicinity of the station with a magnetic heading of ?
Question 178-34 : 320° 220° 140° 040°

The bfo selector switch on the adf control panel must be in the 'on' position ?
Question 178-35 : Hear the ident of ndbs using non a1a transmissions adjust the loop to the aural null position stop the loop rotation hear the ident of ndbs using non a2a transmissions

The obs is set on 048° to appears in the window .the needle is close to full ?
Question 178-36 : 238° 058° 038° 218°

The obs is set to 235° .the indications of the vor are half scale deflection ?
Question 178-37 : 050° 230° 060° 240°

The operating principle of a dme is the measurement of the ?
Question 178-38 : Time between the transmission and reception of radio pulses frequency change between the emitted wave and reflected wave frequency of the reflected wave phase difference between emitted wave and reflected wave

When flying at 6000 feet above ground level the dme indicates 5 nm .what is the ?
Question 178-39 : 4 9 nm 5 2 nm 4 6 nm 4 3 nm

You are on a magnetic heading of 055° and your adf indicates a relative ?
Question 178-40 : 020° 200° 055° 235°

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