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Multiple > protocol : An aircraft is required to approach a vor station via the 244° radial .in ?

Question 177-1 : 064° with the to flag showing 064° with the from flag showing 244° with the from flag showing 244° with the to flag showing

. 1710.for training purpose .luizmonteiro learning vor exemple 277 064° with the to flag showing.064° with the to flag showing.

What is the maximum theoretical range that an aircraft at fl150 can receive ?

Question 177-2 : 181 nm 220 nm 147 nm 156 nm

1 23* sqrt609 + sqrt15000 = 181 nm . sqrt square root exemple 281 181 nm.181 nm.

For a conventional dme facility 'beacon saturation' will occur whenever the ?

Question 177-3 : 100 200 60 80

.a typical dme transponder can provide distance information to 100 aircraft at a time above this limit the transponder avoids overload by limiting the gain of the receiver replies to weaker more distant interrogations are ignored to lower the transponder load.dme can be used by 300 users at one time the technical term of the dme station when its overloaded and cannot accept more than 100 aircraft is called 'station or beacon saturation' exemple 285 100.100.

The aircraft dme receiver is able to accept replies to its own transmissions ?

Question 177-4 : The time interval between pulse pairs is unique to that particular aircraft transmission frequencies are 63 mhz different for each aircraft pulse pairs are amplitude modulated with the aircraft registration aircraft interrogation signals and transponder responses are 63 mhz removed from each other

.the interrogation and reply frequencies always differ by 63 mhz.the time interval between pulse pairs is unique because the pulse recurrence frequency is randomised exemple 289 the time interval between pulse pairs is unique to that particular aircraft.the time interval between pulse pairs is unique to that particular aircraft.

The aircraft dme receiver cannot lock on to interrogation signals reflected ?

Question 177-5 : Aircraft transmitter and dme ground station are transmitting on different frequencies reflections are subject to doppler frequency shift dme transmits twin pulses dme pulse recurrence rates are varied

.the interrogation pulses are at one frequency 1030 mhz and the reply pulses are at a different frequency 1090 mhz exemple 293 aircraft transmitter and dme ground station are transmitting on different frequencies.aircraft transmitter and dme ground station are transmitting on different frequencies.

The design requirements for dme n stipulate that at a range of 100 nm the ?

Question 177-6 : + or 1 5 nm + or 3 nm + or 0 25 nm + or 1 25 nm

.the error of the dme 'n' according to annex 10 should not exceed + 0 25 nm + 1 25% of the distance measured.0 25 + 0 0125 x 100 = 1 5 nm. for installations installed after 1 jan 1989 the total system error should not exceed 0 2 nm for dme 'p' precise exemple 297 + or - 1.5 nm.+ or - 1.5 nm.

In which situation will speed indications on an airborne distance measuring ?

Question 177-7 : When tracking directly towards the station at a range of 100 nm or more when passing abeam the station and within 5 nm of it when overhead the station with no change of heading at transit when tracking directly away from the station at a range of 10 nm

.the dme instrument in the cockpit will not only show your distance to a station but will calculate the rate of movement and display groundspeed .if you are to close you will have a 'slant range' the distance mesured is the from the station to the aircraft and not from your equivalent position on the ground .at long distances this will be minimised. when passing abeam the station and within 5 nm and at a range of 10 nm will not give you the most accurate groundspeed indication . overhead the station will give you a grounspeed indication of zero exemple 301 when tracking directly towards the station at a range of 100 nm or more.when tracking directly towards the station at a range of 100 nm or more.

The time taken for the transmission of an interrogation pulse by a distance ?

Question 177-8 : 158 nm 296 nm 316 nm 186 nm

. 2564.slant range= time 50 micro second /2 x c velocity of light in km/s .slant range= 2000 50 /2 x c.slant range= 975 x 300000.slant range= 292500000.292 500 km > 158 nm.50 micro second is the time taken by the airborne receiver to reply to the ground transponder and you must divide 2000 by 2 because 2000 micro second is the total time taken for a signal to travel and come back exemple 305 158 nm.158 nm.

The reason why pre take off holding areas are sometimes further from the active ?

Question 177-9 : Aircraft manoeuvring near the runway may disturb guidance signals heavy precipitation may disturb guidance signals to increase distance from the runway during offset approach operations to increase aircraft separation in very reduced visibility conditions

exemple 309 aircraft manoeuvring near the runway may disturb guidance signals.aircraft manoeuvring near the runway may disturb guidance signals.

An aircraft tracking to intercept the instrument landing system ils localiser ?

Question 177-10 : May receive false course indications only glide path information is available will receive signals without identification coding can expect signals to give correct indications

.false glideslope signals may exist outside the published ils coverage angle and in the area of the localizer back course approach which can cause the glideslope flag alarm to disappear and present unreliable glideslope information exemple 313 may receive false course indications.may receive false course indications.

The middle marker of an instrument landing system ils facility is identified ?

Question 177-11 : Alternate dots and dashes and an amber light flashing two dashes per second and a blue light flashing dots and a white light flashing dashes and an amber light flashing

exemple 317 alternate dots and dashes and an amber light flashing.alternate dots and dashes and an amber light flashing.

The outer marker of an instrument landing system ils facility transmits on a ?

Question 177-12 : 75 mhz and is modulated by morse at two dashes per second 200 mhz and is modulated by alternate dot/dash in morse 75 mhz and is modulated by alternate dot/dash in morse 300 mhz and is modulated by morse at two dashes per second

. 677 exemple 321 75 mhz and is modulated by morse at two dashes per second.75 mhz and is modulated by morse at two dashes per second.

What approximate rate of descent is required in order to maintain a 3° glide ?

Question 177-13 : 600 ft/min 550 ft/min 800 ft/min 950 ft/min

.3° glide > 5% rate of descent..divide speed by 2 add a zero exemple 325 600 ft/min.600 ft/min.

An rmi slaved to a remote indicating compass has gone unserviceable and is ?

Question 177-14 : Radial 135° relative bearing unknown radial unknown relative bearing 225° radial unknown relative bearing 045° radial 315° relative bearing unknown

.our heading information is false but the needle will give the correct magnetic bearings of the beacon.example you perform a 360° turn the heading remains locked on 090° on the rmi and the tail of the needle will remain against 135° .now you fly on a northerly heading the tail of the needle progressively shows 134° 133° 132° etc exemple 329 radial 135°, relative bearing unknown.radial 135°, relative bearing unknown.

What is the colour sequence when passing over an outer middle and inner marker ?

Question 177-15 : Blue amber white amber white green white amber blue blue green white

. 2565 exemple 333 blue - amber - white.blue - amber - white.

The vor system is limited to about 1° of accuracy one degree at 200 nm ?

Question 177-16 : 3 5 nm 2 0 nm 2 5 nm 3 0 nm

.use tangents to get the exact answer .tan1 x 200 = 3 5 nm..or apply the '1 in 60' rule .distance off track / distance gone = track error angle / 60..d/200 = 1/60..d = 200 x 1 /60..d = 3 33 nm approximately = 3 5 nm exemple 337 3.5 nm.3.5 nm.

An aircraft is 'homing' to a radio beacon whilst maintaining a relative bearing ?

Question 177-17 : Right drift left drift zero drift a wind from the west

. 2566.answer 'a wind from the west' is wrong in our example this is a wind from west but imagine if the airplane is heading south to the beacon the wind will be from the east exemple 341 right drift.right drift.

In which frequency band do vor transmitters operate ?

Question 177-18 : Vhf uhf shf ehf

.vhf omni directional radio ranges operate in the very high frequency aviation navigation band between 108 to 117 95 mhz .as vhf transmissions are line of sight the ground to air range depends on the elevation of the beacon site the height of the aircraft and the power output exemple 345 vhf.vhf.

In which frequency band does an ils glide slope transmit ?

Question 177-19 : Uhf vhf shf ehf

.the uhf glideslope transmitter operating on one of the 40 ils channels within the frequency range 329 15 mhz to 335 00 mhz radiates its signals in the direction of the localizer front course the term 'glidepath' means that portion of the glideslope that intersects the localizer exemple 349 uhf.uhf.

Which of the following is likely to have the greatest effect on adf accuracy ?

Question 177-20 : Interference from other ndbs particularly at night frequency drift at the ground station interference from other ndbs particularly during the day mutual interference between aircraft aerials

.navigation using an adf to track ndbs is subject to several common effects. night effect radio waves reflected back by the ionosphere can cause signal strength fluctuations 30 to 60 nautical miles 54 to 108 km from the transmitter especially just before sunrise and just after sunset more common on frequencies above 350 khz. electrical effect electrical storms and sometimes also electrical interference from a ground based source or from a source within the aircraft can cause the adf needle to deflect towards the electrical source exemple 353 interference from other ndbs, particularly at night.interference from other ndbs, particularly at night.

Assuming a five dot display on either side of the cdi on the ils localiser ?

Question 177-21 : 0 5 degrees 1 5 degrees 2 5 degrees 2 0 degrees

.five dot display on either side course deviation indicator cdi . 2567 exemple 357 0.5 degrees.0.5 degrees.

Outer marker transmits on 75 mhz and has an aural frequency of ?

Question 177-22 : 400 hz 1300 hz 2000 hz 3000 hz

exemple 361 400 hz.400 hz.

An aircraft is flying on a heading of 270° m .the vor obs is also set to ?

Question 177-23 : Nw sw se ne

. 1672..for training purpose .luizmonteiro learning vor exemple 365 nw.nw.

An omni bearing selector obs shows full deflection to the left when within ?

Question 177-24 : 10° or more less than 10° 1 5° or more 2 5 or more

. 1712 exemple 369 10° or more.10° or more.

In accordance with doc 8168 a pilot flying an ndb approach must achieve a ?

Question 177-25 : +/ 5° +/ 10° +/ 2 5° +/ 2°

exemple 373 +/-5°.+/-5°.

What approximate rate of descent is required in order to maintain a 3° ?

Question 177-26 : 450 ft/min 400 ft/min 600 ft/min 700 ft/min

.3° glide > 5% rate of descent..divide speed by 2 add a zero exemple 377 450 ft/min.450 ft/min.

Which statement below concerning mountain effect is correct ?

Question 177-27 : It may occur on ndb and vor bearings it will be compensated by the receiver it does not appear at low altitude it appears only on ndb bearing

.mountain effect or terrain effect scalloping due to reflections and multipath propagation of the radio wave radials can be bent and lead to wrong or fluctuating indications exemple 381 it may occur on ndb and vor bearings.it may occur on ndb and vor bearings.

Which one of the following is an advantage of a microwave landing system mls ?

Question 177-28 : It is insensitive to geographical site and can be installed at sites where it is not possible to use an ils it does not require a separate azimuth localiser and elevation azimuth transmitter the installation does not require to have a separate method marker beacons or dme to determine range there is no restriction on the number of ground installations that can be operated because there is an unlimited number of frequency channels available

exemple 385 it is insensitive to geographical site and can be installed at sites where it is not possible to use an ils.it is insensitive to geographical site and can be installed at sites where it is not possible to use an ils.

The azimuth transmitter of a microwave landing system mls provides a fan shaped ?

Question 177-29 : + or 40° of the runway centre line + or 50° of the runway centre line + or 60° of the runway centre line + or 30° of the runway centre line

. /com en/com062 85 jpg. exemple 389 + or - 40° of the runway centre-line.+ or - 40° of the runway centre-line.

Which of the following statements concerning the variable or directional signal ?

Question 177-30 : The rotation of the variable signal at a rate of 30 times per second gives it the characteristics of a 30 hz amplitude modulation the receiver adds 30 hz to the variable signal before combining it with the reference signal the transmitter varies the amplitude of the variable signal by 30 hz each time it rotates the transmitter changes the frequency of the variable signal by 30 hz either side of the allocated frequency each time it rotates

.the vor encodes azimuth direction from the station as the phase relationship of a reference and a variable signal .the omni directional signal contains a modulated continuous wave mcw 7 wpm morse code station identifier and usually contains an amplitude modulated am voice channel the conventional 30 hz reference signal is on a 9960 hz frequency modulated fm subcarrier the variable amplitude modulated am signal is conventionally derived from the lighthouse like rotation of a directional antenna array 30 times per second exemple 393 the rotation of the variable signal at a rate of 30 times per second gives it the characteristics of a 30 hz amplitude modulation.the rotation of the variable signal at a rate of 30 times per second gives it the characteristics of a 30 hz amplitude modulation.

The maximum theoretical range at which an aircraft at fl230 may receive signals ?

Question 177-31 : 187 nm 230 nm 170 nm 151 nm

.1 23 or 1 25 depending on your school x sqrt23000 = 190 nm . sqrt square root exemple 397 187 nm.187 nm.

When the fading damping of a radio wave is so important that no signal can be ?

Question 177-32 : Absorption diffraction refraction reflection

.absorption of radio wave energy is the way in which the energy is taken up by the ground or atmosphere rain hail ionosphere etc the electromagnetic energy is then transformed to other forms of energy for example into heat exemple 401 absorption.absorption.

Where in relation to the runway is the ils localiser transmitting aerial ?

Question 177-33 : On the non approach end of the runway about 300 m from the runway on the extended centreline at the approach end of the runway about 300 m from touchdown on the centreline at the non approach end about 150 m to one side of the runway and 300 m along the extended centreline at the approach end about 150 m to one side of the runway and 300 m from touchdown

. 2568. 2569. 2570 exemple 405 on the non-approach end of the runway about 300 m from the runway on the extended centreline.on the non-approach end of the runway about 300 m from the runway on the extended centreline.

There are two ndbs one 20 nm inland and the other 50 nm inland from the coast ?

Question 177-34 : Greater from the beacon that is 50 nm inland the same from both beacons when the aircraft is on a relative bearing of 180° and 360° greater from the beacon that is 20 nm inland the same from both beacons when the aircraft is on a relative bearing of 090° and 270°

. coastal refraction low frequency radio waves will refract or bend near a shoreline especially if they are close to parallel to it. terrain effect high terrain like mountains and cliffs can reflect radio waves giving erroneous readings.so the extent of the error is greater from the beacon that is 50 nm inland exemple 409 greater from the beacon that is 50 nm inland.greater from the beacon that is 50 nm inland.

Which of the following is the icao allocated frequency band for adf receivers ?

Question 177-35 : 190 1750 khz 255 455 khz 300 3000 khz 200 2000 khz

.ndbs used for aviation are standardised by icao annex 10 which specifies that ndbs be operated on a frequency between 190 khz and 1750 khz exemple 413 190 - 1750 khz.190 - 1750 khz.

Icao specifications are that range errors indicated by distance measuring ?

Question 177-36 : + or 0 25 nm plus 1 25% of the distance measured + or 0 5 nm or 3% of the distance measured whichever is the greater + or 1 25 nm plus 0 25% of the distance measured + or 0 25 nm plus 3% of the distance measured up to a maximum of 5 nm

.the error of the dme 'n' according to annex 10 should not exceed + 0 25 nm + 1 25% of the distance measured for installations installed after 1 jan 1989 the total system error should not exceed 0 2 nm dme 'p' precise exemple 417 + or - 0.25 nm plus 1.25% of the distance measured.+ or - 0.25 nm plus 1.25% of the distance measured.

In order to obtain an adf bearing on a system using sense and loop aerials the ?

Question 177-37 : Signal must be received by both the sense and loop aerials sense aerial must be tuned separately mode selector should be switched to 'loop' bfo switch must be selected to 'on'

.the aircraft equipment consists of two antennas the adf receiver and the adf instrument .the two antennas are called the loop antenna and the sense antenna .the loop antenna can sense the direction of the signal from the station but cannot discriminate whether the station is in front or behind the aircraft the sense antenna can discriminate direction and solves the ambiguity of the loop antenna exemple 421 signal must be received by both the sense and loop aerials.signal must be received by both the sense and loop aerials.

Every 10 kt decrease in groundspeed on a 3° ils glidepath will require an ?

Question 177-38 : Decrease in the aircraft's rate of descent of 50 ft/min increase in the aircraft's rate of descent of 50 ft/min decrease in the aircraft's rate of descent of 100 ft/min increase in the aircraft's rate of descent of 100 ft/min

.3° glide > 5% rate of descent..vz ft/min = glide % x vs..vz ft/min = 5% x 10 kt..vz ft/min = 50 ft/min exemple 425 decrease in the aircraft's rate of descent of 50 ft/min.decrease in the aircraft's rate of descent of 50 ft/min.

Mls installations notified for operation unless otherwise stated provide ?

Question 177-39 : + or 40° about the nominal courseline out to a range of 20 nm + or 20° about the nominal courseline out to a range of 20 nm + or 40° about the nominal courseline out to a range of 30 nm + or 20° about the nominal courseline out to a range of 10 nm

. 2571.icao annex 10 aeronautical telecommunications volume 1 radio navigation aids .3 11 5 3 2 1 coverage.3 11 5 3 2 1 1 approach region .a laterally within a sector of 80 degrees normally plus and minus 40 degrees about the antenna boresight which originates at the approach azimuth antenna phase centre.b longitudinally from the elevation antenna in the direction of the approach to 37 km 20 nm from threshold

Instrument landing systems ils glide paths provide azimuth coverage i ° each ?

Question 177-40 : I 8 ii 10 i 25 ii 17 i 35 ii 25 i 5 ii 8

. 2572 exemple 433 (i) 8 (ii) 10.(i) 8 (ii) 10.


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