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Multiple > protocol : An electromagnetic wave has two types of energy field ?

Question 176-1 : An e electrical field and h magnetic field an h electrical field and an e magnetic field a z electrical field and an h magnetic field a z magnetic field and an e electrical field

.an electromagnetic wave consists of an oscillating electric field e and an oscillating magnetic field h which propagates at the speed of light . 2552.the e and h fields are perpendicular to each other exemple 276 an e electrical field and h magnetic field.an e electrical field and h magnetic field.

In aviation electronic systems the so called doppler principle may be used in ?

Question 176-2 : Vor gps and mts and the turbulence mode of awr vor dme and ils vor mti and the mapping mode of awr vor dme and gps

.mts multi spectral targeting system exemple 280 vor, gps and mts and the turbulence mode of awr.vor, gps and mts and the turbulence mode of awr.

The wavelength of a radio signal transmitted at the frequency of 3 ghz is ?

Question 176-3 : 10 cm 1 m 1 cm 100 cm

.wavelength in meter = 300 / frequency in mhz.wavelength in meter = 300 000 / frequency in ghz.wavelength = 300 000 / 3 000 000 = 0 1 m exemple 284 10 cm.10 cm.

The phase angle of a wave is ?

Question 176-4 : The fraction of one wavelength expressed in degrees from 000° to 360° the position of a modulation on a wavelength expressed in degrees from 000° to 360° the angle of the modulation on a wavelength expressed in degrees from 000° to 360° the deflection on a wave expressed in degrees from 000° to 360°

exemple 288 the fraction of one wavelength expressed in degrees from 000° to 360°.the fraction of one wavelength expressed in degrees from 000° to 360°.

Wavelength is defined as the ?

Question 176-5 : Physical distance travelled by a radio wave during one cycle of transmission maximum variation of an oscillation distance traveled by a radio wave in one second number of oscillations per second

. 2549 exemple 292 physical distance travelled by a radio wave during one cycle of transmission.physical distance travelled by a radio wave during one cycle of transmission.

Antenna.the ils glide path antenna must be located ?

Question 176-6 : At approximately 300 m after the threshold and approximately 120 m laterally from the runway centreline as close as possible from the runway threshold at 150 m after the threshold and about 300 m left from the runway centreline with the localizer antenna 300 m after the threshold in the axis

exemple 296 at approximately 300 m after the threshold and approximately 120 m laterally from the runway centreline.at approximately 300 m after the threshold and approximately 120 m laterally from the runway centreline.

The maximum separation distance between a vor and a dme having the same ?

Question 176-7 : 2000 ft 600 m 600 ft 180 m 60 ft 18 m 200 ft 60 m

exemple 300 2000 ft (600 m).2000 ft (600 m).

The ground wave surface wave propagates as follows ?

Question 176-8 : It travels along the earth' surface and follows the curvature of the earth it is reflected by the ionosphere towards the ground it travels under the ground it is transmitted to the surface of the earth and will be reflected

exemple 304 it travels along the earth' surface and follows the curvature of the earth.it travels along the earth' surface and follows the curvature of the earth.

The sky wave propagates as follows ?

Question 176-9 : A wave transmitted into space will be reflected back to the earth's surface by the ionosphere it travels under the ground it travels along the earth's surface and follows the curvature of the earth a wave transmitted through the air directly from the transmitter to the receiver

Ecqb04 november 2017 exemple 308 a wave transmitted into space will be reflected back to the earth's surface by the ionosphere.a wave transmitted into space will be reflected back to the earth's surface by the ionosphere.

An electromagnetic waves travelling through the air directly from the ?

Question 176-10 : Space wave sky wave ground wave air wave

Ecqb04 november 2017 exemple 312 space wave.space wave.

Radio waves in the vhf and higher frequency bands propagate mainly as ?

Question 176-11 : Space waves sky waves ground waves refracted waves

Ecqb04 november 2017 exemple 316 space waves.space waves.

From which physical phenomenon do sky waves originate ?

Question 176-12 : Refraction diffraction absorption reflection

exemple 320 refraction.refraction.

The skip zone is defined as ?

Question 176-13 : The area where neither the ground waves nor the sky waves are received the distance between the transmitter and the point on the surface of the earth where the first sky return arrives the area covered by the sky waves the area covered by the space waves

Ecqb04 november 2017 exemple 324 the area, where neither the ground waves nor the sky waves are received.the area, where neither the ground waves nor the sky waves are received.

The 'amplitude' of an electromagnetic wave is defined as the ?

Question 176-14 : Maximum deflection in an oscillation or wave physical length of an oscillation number of cycles occurring in one second in a radio wave expressed in hertz hz wavelength

. 2549.amplitude maximum deflection in an oscillation exemple 328 maximum deflection in an oscillation or wave.maximum deflection in an oscillation or wave.

The definition of frequency modulation is ?

Question 176-15 : The information is carried by a modification of the frequency of the carrier the alteration of the amplitude of a wave the inversion of the phase of a carrier wave the information is carried by a change in the amplitude of the carrier

.frequency modulation the information that is impressed onto the carrier wave by altering the frequency of the carrier . 2560 exemple 332 the information is carried by a modification of the frequency of the carrier.the information is carried by a modification of the frequency of the carrier.

Frequency modulation consists of ?

Question 176-16 : A lf wave on an hf carrier wave a hf wave on an lf carrier wave an agreement between receiver and transmitter a system for interference elimination

.frequency modulation the information that is impressed onto the carrier wave by altering the frequency of the carrier . 2560 exemple 336 a lf wave on an hf carrier wave.a lf wave on an hf carrier wave.

Modulation is ?

Question 176-17 : The addition of information onto a radio wave during transmission the amplification of the received radio wave in the detector the separation of information from the radio wave during receiving the transformation of the radio wave into a digital signal

.modulation is addition of information onto a radio wave during transmission .the goal is to modify the radio frequency signal in order to superimpose audio and/or data signal a low frequency signal will be modulated by changing one ore more of its parameters amplitude frequency phase and then added onto a carrier wave which consists of a high frequency this process is known as 'modulation' and is necessary for transporting information via cable or through the air exemple 340 the addition of information onto a radio wave during transmission.the addition of information onto a radio wave during transmission.

Skip distances are increased at night as ?

Question 176-18 : D layer disappears at night and the e and f layers are used instead d layer descends at a lower level reflection occurs earlier f layers disappears at night and the e layers is used instead the ionosphere becomes more ionized at night reflection will be stronger

Ecqb04 november 2017..skip distance is the distance between the transmitter and the point on the surface of the earth where the first sky return arrives . 2551.skip distance will increase for a higher position of the reflecting ionospheric layer at night d layer disappears e layers almost disappears and therefore refraction occurs at a higher level the skip distance is increased exemple 344 d-layer disappears at night and the e and f-layers are used instead.d-layer disappears at night and the e and f-layers are used instead.

Which letter in the figure below indicates the 'ground wave' . 2561 ?

Question 176-19 : A b d c

exemple 348 a.a.

A skip zone can be fin at letter s . 2561 ?

Question 176-20 : B and d a c and d d

exemple 352 b and d.b and d.

Which one of the following methods is used by a microwave landing system mls to ?

Question 176-21 : A precision facility dme timing the interval between the transmission and reception of primary radar pulses from the aircraft to mls station measurement of the frequency shift between the mls azimuth and elevation transmissions timing the interval between the reception of sequential secondary radar pulses from the mls station to the aircraft

The mls precision distance measuring equipment dme/p functions the same as the navigation dme but there are some technical differences the beacon transponder operates in the frequency band 962 to 1105 mhz and responds to an aircraft interrogator the mls dme/p accuracy is improved to be consistent with the accuracy provided by the mls azimuth and elevation stations exemple 356 a precision facility dme.a precision facility dme.

The frequency of the amplitude modulation and the colour of an outer marker om ?

Question 176-22 : 400 hz blue 400 hz amber 1300 hz blue 3000 hz blue

. 677 exemple 360 400 hz, blue.400 hz, blue.

An rmi indicates aircraft heading and bearing .to convert the rmi bearings of ?

Question 176-23 : Ndb aircraft position .vor beacon position ndb beacon position .vor beacon position ndb beacon position .vor aircraft position ndb aircraft position .vor aircraft position

.application of magnetic variation is at beacon position for a vor.application of magnetic variation is at aircraft position for a ndb exemple 364 ndb: aircraft position xsxvor: beacon position.ndb: aircraft position xsxvor: beacon position.

An aircraft is flying on the true track 090° towards a vor station located ?

Question 176-24 : 255° 278° 262° 285°

.application of magnetic variation is at beacon position for a vor so flying 90° true tracks towards a vor means that we are on the 270° inbound radial.270° minus 15° east = 255° m exemple 368 255°.255°.

Given .magnetic heading 280° .vor radial 090° .what bearing should be ?

Question 176-25 : 270° 280° 100° 090°

.for training purpose please use one of the following websites .luizmonteiro learning vor exemple 372 270°.270°.

A vor is sited at position 58°00'n 073°00'w where the magnetic variation ?

Question 176-26 : 212° 208° 360° 180°

.the aircraft is south of the vor and we apply the variation at the beacon it is a vor.the aircraft is on vor radial of 180 + 32 = 212°.declination west > compass best..declination east > compass least exemple 376 212°.212°.

In order to plot a bearing from a vor station a pilot needs to know the ?

Question 176-27 : At the vor at the aircraft location at the half way point between the aircraft and the station at both the vor and aircraft

.the application of magnetic variation is.ndb aircraft position.vor beacon position exemple 380 at the vor.at the vor.

An aircraft dme receiver does not lock on to its own transmissions reflected ?

Question 176-28 : They are not on the receiver frequency dme transmits twin pulses the pulse recurrence rates are varied dme uses the uhf band

.the interrogation and reply frequencies always differ by 63 mhz exemple 384 they are not on the receiver frequency.they are not on the receiver frequency.

A dme is located at msl an aircraft passing vertically above the station at ?

Question 176-29 : 6 nm 7 nm 11 nm 8 nm

.the aircraft is directly overhead the beacon so interrogation pulses will therefore go vertically down to the beacon and the response pulses will go vertically upwards to the aircraft..dme range = 36000ft..1 nm = 6000ft..dme range = 36000/6000 = 6 nm exemple 388 6 nm.6 nm.

During a flight at fl 210 a pilot does not receive any dme distance indication ?

Question 176-30 : Aircraft is below the 'line of sight' altitude aircraft is circling around the station altitude is too high range of a dme system is always less than 200 nm

.dme distance measuring equipment ground stations transmit within a uhf frequency band of 962 to 1213 mhz because the equipment is uhf the signals transmitted are subject to line of sight restrictions therefore its range varies in direct proportion to the altitude of receiving equipment .generally the reception range of the signals at an altitude of 1 000 feet above ground level agl is about 40 to 45 miles this distance increases with altitude.vhf transmissions follow a line of sight course . 2562 exemple 392 aircraft is below the 'line of sight' altitude.aircraft is below the 'line of sight' altitude.

Which of the following will give the most accurate calculation of aircraft ?

Question 176-31 : A dme station sited on the flight route an adf sited on the flight route a vor station sited on the flight route a dme station sited across the flight route

. dme distance measuring equipment .the dme receiver can express groundspeed in knots this value is accurate only if the aircraft is flying directly to or from the station because the dme measures groundspeed by comparing the time lapse between a series of pulses when accurate the groundspeed information allows the pilot to make accurate estimates of time of arrival and accurate checks of aircraft progress exemple 396 a dme station sited on the flight route.a dme station sited on the flight route.

What is the approximate angular coverage of reliable navigation information for ?

Question 176-32 : 1 35° above the horizontal to 5 25° above the horizontal and 8° each side of the localiser centreline 0 45° above the horizontal to 1 75° above the glide path and 8° each side of the localiser centreline 0 7° above and below the glide path and 2 5° each side of the localiser centreline 3° above and below the glide path and 10° each side of the localiser centreline

. 1680.glide slope coverage goes from 0 45 to 1 75 times the glide path angle .3° x 0 45 = 1 35°.3° x 1 75 = 5 25° exemple 400 1.35° above the horizontal to 5.25° above the horizontal and 8° each side of the localiser centreline.1.35° above the horizontal to 5.25° above the horizontal and 8° each side of the localiser centreline.

A vor is sited at position a 45°00'n 010°00'e .an aircraft is located at ?

Question 176-33 : 190° 195° 185° 180°

.the application of magnetic variation is .for a ndb aircraft position .for a vor beacon position . 2563.aircraft is south 180°t of the vor and we have to apply variation at the vor position. variation west magnetic best .180° + 10° = 190° exemple 404 190°.190°.

A dme station is located 1000 feet above msl .an aircraft flying at fl 370 in ?

Question 176-34 : 16 nm 14 nm 15 nm 17 nm

.pythagoras' theorem .dme range² = ground range² + height².dme² = 225 + 36.dme = sqrt 261 .dme = 16 16 nm exemple 408 16 nm.16 nm.

What is the approximate maximum theoretical range at which an aircraft at fl130 ?

Question 176-35 : 180 nm 220 nm 120 nm 150 nm

.1 23* sqrt1024 + sqrt13000 = 179 6 nm . sqrt square root exemple 412 180 nm.180 nm.

In isa conditions what is the maximum theoretical range at which an aircraft at ?

Question 176-36 : 134 nm 158 nm 107 nm 114 nm

.calculate the range using the formula .1 23 x sqrttransmitter height in feet + 1 23 x sqrtreceiver height in feet.1 23* sqrt325 + sqrt8000 = 132 2 nm . sqrt square root exemple 416 134 nm.134 nm.

The principle used in vor bearing measurement is ?

Question 176-37 : Phase comparison envelope matching beat frequency discrimination difference in depth of modulation

The vor encodes azimuth direction from the station as the phase relationship of a reference and a variable signal .the omni directional signal contains a modulated continuous wave mcw and morse code station identifier and usually contains an amplitude modulated am voice channel .the conventional 30 hz reference signal is on a 9960 hz frequency modulated fm subcarrier the variable amplitude modulated am signal is conventionally derived from the lighthouse like rotation of a directional antenna array 30 times per second although older antennas were mechanically rotated current installations scan electronically to achieve an equivalent result with no moving parts when the signal is received in the aircraft the two 30 hz signals are detected and then compared to determine the phase angle between them the phase angle by which the am signal lags the fm subcarrier signal is equal to the direction from the station to the aircraft in degrees from local magnetic north and is called the 'radial ' exemple 420 phase comparison.phase comparison.

You are flying along an airway which is 10 nm wide 5 nm either side of the ?

Question 176-38 : 1 5 3 0 4 5 6 0

.apply the 1 in 60 rule..= max distance off route x 60 / range.= 5 x 60/ 100.= 300/100.= 3°..2° = 1 dot.3° = 1 5 dots exemple 424 1.51.5

An airway 10 nm wide is to be defined by two vors each having a resultant ?

Question 176-39 : 105 nm 50 nm 165 nm 210 nm

.tan 5 5 x x = 10 nm..x = 10 / 0 0962 = 103 9 nm.miloszhomik .10 nm wide but 5 to each side so it will be approx 50 nm.. .approximately 50 nm if you consider only the beacon behind you but when you switch to the beacon in front of you the maximum distance apart for the transmitter will be approximately 52 5 + 52 5 = 105 nm exemple 428 105 nm.105 nm.

An aircraft is required to approach a vor via the 104° radial .which of the ?

Question 176-40 : 284° with the to flag showing 284° with the from flag showing 104° with the to flag showing 104° with the from flag showing

.for training purpose please use .luizmonteiro learning vor exemple 432 284° with the to flag showing.284° with the to flag showing.


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