Multiple > protocol : Quadrantal errors associated with aircraft automatic direction finding adf ?
Question 174-1 : Signal bending by the aircraft metallic surfaces signal bending caused by electrical interference from aircraft wiring misalignment of the loop aerial skywave/groundwave contamination

Errors caused by the effect of coastal refraction on bearings at lower ?
Question 174-2 : Inland and the bearing crosses the coast at an acute angle near the coast and the bearing crosses the coast at right angles inland and the bearing crosses the coast at right angles near the coast and the bearing crosses the coast at an acute angle

Transmissions from vor facilities may be adversely affected by ?
Question 174-3 : Uneven propagation over irregular ground surfaces static interference night effect quadrantal error

If vor bearing information is used beyond the published protection range errors ?
Question 174-4 : Interference from other transmitters noise from precipitation static exceeding the signal strength of the transmitter sky wave interference from the same transmitter sky wave interference from distant transmitters on the same frequency

What is the wavelength of an ndb transmitting on 375 khz ?
Question 174-5 : 800 m 8000 m 8 m 80 m

Phase modulation is ?
Question 174-6 : A modulation form used in gps where the phase of the carrier wave is reversed a modulation form used in ils where the navigation phase signal changed from 90° or 150° the cause of an amplitude change of the carrier the cause of polarisation of the modulated signal

Factors liable to affect most ndb/adf system performance and reliability include ?
Question 174-7 : Static interference night effect absence of failure warning system static interference station interference latitude error height error station interference mountain effect coastal refraction lane slip mountain effect

Due to 'doppler' effect an apparent decrease in the transmitted frequency which ?
Question 174-8 : The transmitter moves away from the receiver the transmitter and receiver move towards each other the transmitter moves toward the receiver there is no relative movement between the transmitter and the receiver

Which one of the following disturbances is most likely to cause the greatest ?
Question 174-9 : Local thunderstorm activity coastal effect quadrantal error precipitation interference

The advantage of the use of slotted antennas in modern radar technology is to ?
Question 174-10 : Virtually eliminate lateral lobes and as a consequence concentrate more energy in the main beam simultaneously transmit weather and mapping beams have a wide beam and as a consequence better target detection eliminate the need for azimuth slaving

The frequency which corresponds to a wavelength of 12 cm is ?
Question 174-11 : 2500 mhz 2500 khz 360 mhz 3600 mhz

A cumulonimbus cloud in the vicinity of an aeroplane can cause certain ?
Question 174-12 : Adf vor weather radar dme

A radio altimeter employing a continuous wave signal would have ?
Question 174-13 : A directional aerial for transmission and another one for reception an omni directional aerial for transmission and directional aerial for reception a directional aerial for transmission and an omni directional aerial for reception a directional aerial for both transmission and reception

Which statement relating to the stabilization of airborne weather radar ?
Question 174-14 : They are stabilized with respect to the pitch and rollaxis but not with respect to the yaw axis they are stabilized with respect to the pitch roll and yaw axis they are stabilized with respect to the yaw axis but not with respect to the pitch and roll axis the pilot can choose the axes of stabilization with the system's stabilization selector switch

Ils transmitters use the ?
Question 174-15 : Uhf and vhf bands vhf uhf and hf bands vhf band only uhf band only

The antennae of modern airborne weather radars are stabilized by means of ?
Question 174-16 : Inputs from the aircraft's attitude system artificial gravity switches mercury switches feedback from the antenna accelerometers

The type of modulation used for the ils frequency carrier is ?
Question 174-17 : Amplitude modulation frequency modulation phase modulation dual modulation

The quadrantal error of an adf ?
Question 174-18 : Is caused by the refraction from the aircraft's fuselage and is compensated for is caused by aircraft magnetism and varies with the deviation as shown on the deviation table is caused by interference from the sky wave may be caused by the interference of vor's within range of the adf receiver and cannot be compensated for

The skip distance of hf transmission will increase with ?
Question 174-19 : Higher frequency and higher position of the reflecting ionospheric layer lower frequency and higher position of the reflecting ionospheric layer higher frequency and lower position of the reflecting ionospheric layer lower frequency and lower position of the reflecting ionospheric layer

Which statement about the errors and effects on ndb radio signals is correct ?
Question 174-20 : The mountain effect is caused by reflections onto steep slopes of mountainous terrain which may cause big errors in the bearing night effect is a result of interference of the surface wave and the space wave causing a reduction in range lightning during atmospheric disturbances may cause a reduction of the signal strength that may result in only slight bearing errors shore line effects may cause a huge bearing error due to reflection of the radio signal onto steep coasts

What causes the so called night effect ?
Question 174-21 : A change in the direction of the plane of polarisation due to reflection in the ionosphere the difference in velocity of the em waves over land and over sea at night the absence of the surface wave at distances larger than the skip distance interference between the ground and the space wave

Comparing a parabolic reflector with a flat plate antenna of the same size ?
Question 174-22 : The flat plate antenna generates less side lobes than the parabolic reflector the parabolic reflector generates less side lobes than the flat plate antenna the flat plate antenna has a considerably smaller beam width the parabolic reflector has a considerably smaller beam width

An amplitude modulation is shown in the figure . 2069 ?
Question 174-23 : A b c d

In his basic type a dipole antenna adapted for a frequency of 110 mhz will have ?
Question 174-24 : 136 cm 273 cm 91 cm 205 cm

How is the unit 'hertz' hz defined ?
Question 174-25 : The number of electromagnetic oscillations per second duration of an oscillation the distance covered by a radio wave in one second the number of electromagnetic oscillations per minute

An ndb transmits on 427 khz the corresponding wavelength is ?
Question 174-26 : 702 5 m 702 5 cm 7025 cm 70 25 cm

An electromagnetic wave consists of an oscillating electric field e and an ?
Question 174-27 : The speed of light the speed of sound for field e and the speed of light for field h the speed of light for field e and the speed of sound for field h the speed of sound

The electromagnetic waves refracted from the e and f layers of the ionosphere ?
Question 174-28 : Sky waves ground waves refracted waves space waves

The simplest type of antenna construction is a ?
Question 174-29 : Dipole antenna which is a wire of length equal to one half of the wavelength parabolic antenna used in weather radars slotted antenna used in modern weather radars loop antenna used in old adf receivers

An electromagnetic wave consists of an oscillating electric field e and an ?
Question 174-30 : The e and h fields are perpendicular to each other a dipole antenna can only transmit field h the h field is parallel to the wire and field e is perpendicular to the wire when ac current pass through the antenna fields e and h are parallel

The frequency which corresponds to a wavelength of 8 25 m is ?
Question 174-31 : 36 36 mhz 3636 mhz 363 6 mhz 3 63 mhz

The frequency which corresponds to a wavelength of 3 km is ?
Question 174-32 : 100 khz 10 khz 1000 khz 1 mhz

Wavelength of frequency 117 95 mhz is ?
Question 174-33 : 2 5 m 25 m 250 m 254 m

Concerning the wave propagation in the ionosphere we denote three layers those ?
Question 174-34 : D e and f layers and their depth varies with time d e and f layers and their depth does not vary with time a b and c layers and their depth varies with time a c and e layers with equal depth

Radio waves travel at ?
Question 174-35 : The speed of light the speed of sound a speed depending on the type of the electromagnetic waves a speed just below the speed of sound

In accordance with the itu international telecommunication union a radio signal ?
Question 174-36 : Nature of information to be transmitted type of modulation of the main carrier nature of signal s modulating the main carrier type of modulation of the secondary carrier

In accordance with the itu international telecommunication union a radio signal ?
Question 174-37 : Nature of signal s modulating the main carrier type of information to be transmitted type of modulation of the secondary carrier type of modulation of the main carrier

In accordance with the itu international telecommunication union a radio signal ?
Question 174-38 : Type of modulation of the main carrier nature of signal s modulating the main carrier type of information to be transmitted type of modulation of the secondary carrier

Vhf very high frequency waves appear in the frequency spectrum ?
Question 174-39 : 30 mhz 300 mhz 3 mhz 30 mhz 300 mhz 3000 mhz 3 ghz 30 ghz

With regard to radio waves propagation a cycle is defined as ?
Question 174-40 : A complete series of values of a periodical process a number of oscillation per second the lenght of the pulse the distance covered by a radio wave in one second

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