Multiple > protocol : The distance between a and b is 90 nm at a distance of 15 nm from a the ?
Question 173-1 : 19° 16° 3° 21°

After 15 minutes of flying with the planned tas and true heading the aircraft ?
Question 173-2 : 292° 258° 287° 280°

An aircraft is flying from salco to berry head on magnetic track 007° tas 445 ?
Question 173-3 : 272° t 268° t 277° t 275° t

An aircraft is departing from an airport which has an elevation of 2000 ft and ?
Question 173-4 : 3 6 nm 4 4 nm 4 0 nm 5 4 nm

During approach the following data are obtained .dme 12 0 nm altitude 3000 ?
Question 173-5 : 570 ft/min 600 ft/min 730 ft/min 700 ft/min

The distance between a and b is 90 nm at a distance of 75 nm from a the ?
Question 173-6 : 3°r 6°r 19°r 22°r

The true course according to the flight log is 270° the forecast wind is 045° ?
Question 173-7 : 5°l 6°r 2°l 3°r

An aircraft flies from waypoint 7 63°00'n 073°00'w to waypoint 8 62°00'n ?
Question 173-8 : 4 7 nm right 8 8 nm right 8 8 nm left 4 7 nm left

An aircraft is departing from an airport which has an elevation of 2000 ft and ?
Question 173-9 : 7 2 nm 8 8 nm 10 8 nm 6 6 nm

You are departing from an airport which has an elevation of 1500 ft the qnh is ?
Question 173-10 : 800 ft/min 870 ft/min 730 ft/min 530 ft/min

An aircraft is flying at fl200 .the qnh given by a meteorological station at an ?
Question 173-11 : 10 500 ft 9 200 ft 11 800 ft 20 200 ft

The qnh given by a station at 2500 ft is 980hpa .the elevation of the highest ?
Question 173-12 : 10 400 ft 10 000 ft 11 200 ft 9 700 ft

An aircraft is departing from an airport which has an elevation of 2000 ft ?
Question 173-13 : 276 kt 289 kt 244 kt 331 kt

During visual navigation in freezing conditions after heavy snowfall which of ?
Question 173-14 : A large river a country road a railway an electrical line

During a climb at a constant cas below the tropopause in standard conditions ?
Question 173-15 : Both tas and mach number will increase tas will decrease but mach number will increase both tas and mach number will decrease tas will increase and mach number will decrease

An aircraft is descending down a 12% slope whilst maintaining a gs of 540 kt ?
Question 173-16 : 6500 ft/min 650 ft/min 4500 ft/min 3900 ft/min

The departure airfield is at 2000 ft elevation temperature at the field is ?
Question 173-17 : Fl 200 with temperature 20°c fl 290 with temperature 40°c fl 100 with temperature 10°c fl 150 with temperature 0°c

The departure is from an airfield at 2000 ft elevation temperature at the field ?
Question 173-18 : 249 kt 230 kt 221 kt 180 kt

Given .w/v at arrival aerodrome at 1000 ft amsl is 230°/15kt w/v at tod at fl ?
Question 173-19 : 163 kt 155 kt 180 kt 174 kt

Given .w/v at arrival aerodrome at msl is 200°/20kt w/v at tod at fl 100 is ?
Question 173-20 : 135 kt 145 kt 120 kt 150 kt

An aircraft is cruising in fl180 and thereafter descends to ground level the ?
Question 173-21 : 270°/40 kt 270°/20 kt 270°/35 kt 280°/50 kt

The distance between two waypoints is 150 nm to calculate compass heading the ?
Question 173-22 : 10 nm 15 nm 7 nm 20 nm

True track 085°.groundspeed 180 kt.wind 290°/30kt.variation 4°e .the ?
Question 173-23 : 2 5° l 2 5° r 1° l 1° r

With only a visual straight line as visual cue a canal for example this line ?
Question 173-24 : More or less perpendicular to our track more or less parallel to our track curved across our track oblique to our track

Given .a descending aircraft flies in a straight line to a dme .dme 55 nm ?
Question 173-25 : 3 70% 4 10% 3 50% 3 90%

The descent gradient of an aircraft with the following data is . 60 nm norths ?
Question 173-26 : 5 4% 6 4% 7 6% 4 5%

The average tas climbing from 1500 ft to fl180 with a given temperature of isa ?
Question 173-27 : 283 kt 309 kt 261 kt 274 kt

An aircraft is turning on a final approach to intercept a 3° glide slope which ?
Question 173-28 : 1916 ft 700 ft 1220 ft 1290 ft

Given .tas 220 kt.cruising level fl180.track during climb 080°.wind at msl ?
Question 173-29 : 262 kt 259 kt 254 kt 273 kt

An aircraft climbs from ground level to fl180 the following wind information is ?
Question 173-30 : 280°/50 kt 285°/55 kt 290°/55 kt 270°/30 kt

An aircraft descends from fl240 to fl040 for the final approach .cas = 220 ?
Question 173-31 : 273 kt 244 kt 254 kt 259 kt

When flying a visual navigation exercise in controlled airspace it is confirmed ?
Question 173-32 : 034° 038° 030° 042°

An aircraft in cruise at fl120 is cleared to descend to 3000 ft .the distance ?
Question 173-33 : 6% 6 3% 4 7% 5%

Given .descent from 15000 ft to 3000 ft msl.glide path angle during descent ?
Question 173-34 : It decreases from 900 ft/min to 750 ft/min 900 ft/min during the whole descent 825 ft/min during the whole descent 750 ft/min during the whole descent

Which formula can be used to calculate the rate of climb/descent .rate of ?
Question 173-35 : Groundspeed kt x gradient ft/nm / 60 altitude difference ft x 100 / ground difference ft climb/descent angle ° x 100 / 60 arctg altitude difference ft / ground distance covered ft

The correct formula for climb/descent gradient in % is .gradient in % = ?
Question 173-36 : Vertical distance x 100 / ground distance height difference / altitude difference x 100 rate of climb or descent x ground speed arctg altitude difference / ground distance

The correct formula for climb/descent gradient in ° is .gradient in ° = ?
Question 173-37 : Vertical distance ft / 100 / ground distance nm vertical distance ft x 60 / ground distance nm rate of climb or descent x ground speed height difference / altitude difference x 100

An aircraft climbs from ground level to fl180 the following wind information is ?
Question 173-38 : The wind at fl120 the wind at fl190 the average wind speed from ground to fl180 the average wind speed from ground to fl120

An aircraft is flying according the flight log at the annex after 15 minutes of ?
Question 173-39 : 078° 115 ° 107° 090°

The 'night effect' which causes loss of signal and fading resulting in bearing ?
Question 173-40 : Skywave distortion of the null position and is maximum at dawn and dusk interference from other transmissions and is maximum at dusk when east of the ndb static activity increasing at night particularly in the lower frequency band the effect of the aurora borealis
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