Formation > assignment : Given . crn vor n5318 1 w00856 5 dme 18 nm sha vor n5243 3 w00853 1 dme 30 nm . ?
Question 167-1 : N5310 w00830 n5252 w00923 n5307 w00923 n5355 w00825

Given . con vor n5354 8 w00849 1 dme 30 nm crn vor n5318 1 w00856 5 dme 25 nm . ?
Question 167-2 : N5330 w00820 n5343 w00925 n5335 w00925 n5337 w00820

Given . sha vor/dme n5243 3 w00853 1 birr aerodrome n5304 w00754 what is the ?
Question 167-3 : 068° 41 nm 248° 42 nm 060° 42 nm 240° 41 nm

Given . con vor/dme n5354 8 w00849 1 castlebar aerodrome n5351 w00917 what is ?
Question 167-4 : 265° 17 nm 077° 18 nm 257° 17 nm 086° 18 nm

An aircraft departs from position a 04°10' s 178°22'w and flies northward ?
Question 167-5 : 45°00'n 172°38'e 53°20'n 169°22w 45°00'n 169°22w 53°20'n 172°38'e

What is the time required to travel along the parallel of latitude 60°n ?
Question 167-6 : 2 h 30 1 h 15 1 h 45 5 h 00

Given the following .magnetic heading 060° magnetic variation 8°w drift angle ?
Question 167-7 : 056° 064° 048° 072°

An aircraft is following a true track of 048° at a constant tas of 210 kt .the ?
Question 167-8 : 192 kt 7° right 200 kt 3 5° right 192 kt 7° left 225 kt 7° left

Given .fl 350 mach 0 80 oat 55°c .calculate the values for tas and local speed ?
Question 167-9 : 461 kt lss 576 kt 237 kt lss 296 kt 490 kt lss 461 kt 461 kt lss 296 kt

Given .true heading = 180°.tas = 500 kt.w/v 225° / 100 kt.calculate the gs ?
Question 167-10 : 435 kt 600 kt 535 kt 450 kt

Given .true heading = 310° tas = 200 kt gs = 176 kt drift angle 7° right ?
Question 167-11 : 270° / 33 kt 360° / 33 kt 090° / 33 kt 180° / 33 kt

Given .true heading = 090° tas = 200 kt wind = 220°/30 kt .calculate the ?
Question 167-12 : 220 kt 230 kt 180 kt 200 kt

The reported surface wind from the control tower is 240°/35 kt runway 30 300° ?
Question 167-13 : 30 kt 24 kt 27 kt 21 kt

Given magnetic heading 311° drift angle 10° left relative bearing of ndb ?
Question 167-14 : 221° 208° 211° 180°

Given the following .true track 192° magnetic variation 7°e drift angle 5° ?
Question 167-15 : 190° 194° 204° 180°

The angle between the plane of the ecliptic and the plane of equator is ?
Question 167-16 : 23 5° 25 3° 27 5° 66 5°

Given .tas = 485 kt.oat = isa +10°c .fl 410 .calculate the mach number ?
Question 167-17 : 0 825 0 9 0 85 0 87

At 1215 utc lajes vortac 38°46'n 027°05'w rmi reads 178° range 135 nm ?
Question 167-18 : 40°55'n 027°55'w 40°50'n 027°30'w 41°00'n 028°10'w 41°05'n 027°50'w

At reference .1300 utc dr position 37°30'n 021°30'w alter heading port santo ?
Question 167-19 : 1348 1344 1341 1354

For a distance of 1860 nm between q and r a ground speed 'out' of 385 kt a ?
Question 167-20 : 1685 nm 1532 nm 930 nm 1865 nm

Two points a and b are 1000 nm apart tas = 490 kt .on the flight between a and ?
Question 167-21 : 530 nm 455 nm 500 nm 470 nm

Given ad = air distance gd = ground distance tas = true airspeed gs = ?
Question 167-22 : Gd = ad x gs /tas gd = ad tas /tas gd = ad x gs tas /gs gd = tas/ gs x ad

What is the isa temperature value at fl 330 ?
Question 167-23 : 51°c 56°c 66°c 81°c

Given .tas 487kt fl 330 temperature isa + 15 .calculate the mach number ?
Question 167-24 : 0 81 0 76 0 78 0 84

How many nm would an aircraft travel in 1 minute 45 secondes if gs is 135 kt ?
Question 167-25 : 3 94 nm 2 36 nm 39 nm 3 25 nm

An aircraft travels 100 statute miles in 20 min how long does it take to travel ?
Question 167-26 : 50 min 100 min 90 min 80 min

Given .tas = 220 kt.magnetic course = 212°.wind = 160 ° m / 50 kt.calculate ?
Question 167-27 : 186 kt 290 kt 246 kt 250 kt

Given .fl250.oat 15 °c.tas 250 kt.calculate the mach number ?
Question 167-28 : 0 40 0 42 0 44 0 39

During a low level flight 2 parallel roads that are crossed at right angles by ?
Question 167-29 : Groundspeed drift position track

Given .magnetic track = 315° magnetic heading = 301° variation = 5°w tas = ?
Question 167-30 : 190°/63 kt 355°/15 kt 195°/61 kt 195°/63 kt

Given .tas = 270 kt true hdg = 270° actual wind 205° t /30kt .calculate the ?
Question 167-31 : 6r 259kt 6l 256kt 6r 251kt 8r 259kt

Given .tas = 270 kt true hdg = 145° actual true wind = 205°/30kt .calculate ?
Question 167-32 : 6°l 256 kt 6°r 251 kt 8°r 261 kt 6°r 259 kt

Given .tas = 470 kt true heading = 317° wind = 045° t /45 kt .calculate the ?
Question 167-33 : 5°l 470 kt 3°r 470 kt 5°l 475 kt 5°r 475 kt

Given .tas = 190 kt .true heading = 085° .true wind = 110°/50kt .calculate ?
Question 167-34 : 8°l 146 kt 7°l 156 kt 4°l 168 kt 4°l 145 kt

Given .tas = 132 kt true hdg = 257° true wind = 095°/35 kt .calculate the ?
Question 167-35 : 4°r 165 kt 2°r 166 kt 4°l 167 kt 3°l 166 kt

Given .tas = 370 kt true heading = 181° wind = 095°/35 kt.calculate true ?
Question 167-36 : 186° 370 kt 176° 370 kt 192° 370 kt 189° 370 kt

Given .tas = 125 kt true heading = 355° true wind = 320°/30 kt .calculate the ?
Question 167-37 : 005° 102 kt 345° 100 kt 348° 102 kt 002° 98 kt

Given .tas = 225 kt .hdg °t = 123° .w/v = 090/60kt .calculate the track °t ?
Question 167-38 : 134° 178 kt 134° 188 kt 120° 190 kt 128° 180 kt

Given .tas = 480 kt true heading = 040° wind = 090°/60 kt .calculate true ?
Question 167-39 : 034° 445 kt 028° 415 kt 032° 425 kt 036° 435 kt

Given .tas = 170 kt.true heading = 100°.wind = 350/30kt .calculate the true ?
Question 167-40 : 109° 182 kt 091° 183 kt 103° 178 kt 098° 178 kt

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