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Formation > assignment : Route a b is drawn on a southern polar stereographic chart whose grid is ?

Question 166-1 : 190° g 350° g 120° g 030° g

. /com en/com061 643 png.when passing the meridian of 100°e the true track is 090° .since the grid is aligned with the greenwich meridian 100° + 090° = 190° grid exemple 266 190°(g).190°(g).

The constant of the cone in a lambert chart is 0 8666500 the angle between the ?

Question 166-2 : 4 3° 5 0° 5 8° 10 0°

.change of longitude = 023° 018° = 005° .constant of the cone is 0 8666500.convergency = change of longitude x constant of the cone.convergency = 005° x 0 8666500 = 4 3° exemple 270 4.3°4.3°

Given .lambert conformal conical projection scale 1 1 234 000 standard ?

Question 166-3 : Is less than 54 19 cm is 56 66 cm is more than 57 13 cm is between 54 19 cm and 57 13 cm

.at the exam only lambert conformal charts mathematically produced with two standard parallels will be considered.distance on earth = 10° x 60 x cos 53° = 361 nm.361 nm x 1 852 km = 668 73 km = 66 873 000 cm..scale = chart lenght/earth distance..scale = chart lenght/66 873 000 cm = 1/1 234 000..chart lenght = 66 873 000 / 1 234 000 = 54 19 cm..on a lambert conformal conic projection scale indicated on the chart will be correct at the standard parallels scale within the standard parallels differs by less than 1% from the scale stated on the chart .the parallel of origin is close to the mean latitude between the standard parallels and the scale will increase away from the parallel of origin if the scale increase to reach the scale stated on the chart it means that at the parallel of origin the scale is less than the scale stated on the chart.thus the distance on the map between position a and position b measured along the rhumb line is less than 54 19 cm exemple 274 is less than 54.19 cm.is less than 54.19 cm.

Two places are situated on the same parallel in the southern hemisphere the ?

Question 166-4 : The great circle is situated between the parallel and the straight line because the concave side of the great circle is always pointed towards the pole the correct sequence from north to south is great circle straight line rhumb line the rhumb line is situated between the great circle and the straight line because the shortest distance between to places on earth is the great circle the great circle is situated between the parallel and the straight line because the concave side of the great circle is always pointed towards the equator

. 1777 exemple 278 the great circle is situated between the parallel and the straight line, because the concave side of the great circle is always pointed towards the pole.the great circle is situated between the parallel and the straight line, because the concave side of the great circle is always pointed towards the pole.

From rakovnik 50° 05 9' n 013° 41 5' e to frankfurt ffm 50° 05 9' n 008° 38 ?

Question 166-5 : 0 79 0 77 0 4 0 2

.chart convergency = difference of longitude x constant of cone.difference of longitude = rakovnik 013° 41 5' e and frankfurt 008° 38 3' e = 005° 3 2'..the rhumb line track between rakovnik and frankfurt is 270° both are located 50° 05 9' n .difference between great circle track and rhumb line track at a specified position is called conversion angle 272° 270° = 2°.conversion angle = 1/2 x difference of longitude x sin mean latitude .conversion angle = 1/2 x convergency..2° = 1/2 x convergency.convergency = 4°.chart convergency = difference of longitude x constant of cone.4° = 005° 3 2' x constant of cone.constant of cone = 4° / 005°053 = 0 79 exemple 282 0.790.79

An aeronautical chart is conformal when ?

Question 166-6 : At any point the scale over a short distance in the direction of the parallel is equal to the scale in the direction of the meridian and the meridians are perpendicular to the parallels the map is an equidistant normal projection a every great circle is represented by a straight line in the map the meridians and parallels are perpendicular to each other

exemple 286 at any point the scale over a short distance in the direction of the parallel is equal to the scale in the direction of the meridian and the meridians are perpendicular to the parallels.at any point the scale over a short distance in the direction of the parallel is equal to the scale in the direction of the meridian and the meridians are perpendicular to the parallels.

Which statement is true about the parallel of origin of a conformal chart ?

Question 166-7 : The parallel of origin is the parallel at which the scale reaches its minimum value the parallel of origin is the parallel at which the scale reaches its maximum value the parallel of origin is the only parallel at which the chart is conformal the parallel of origin together with the standard parallel s are the only parallels at which the chart is conformal

.the lambert conformal is what most of today's aeronautical charts are based on . 1776.the parallel of origin is midway between the two standard parallels where the scale will be smallest exemple 290 the parallel of origin is the parallel at which the scale reaches its minimum value.the parallel of origin is the parallel at which the scale reaches its minimum value.

A lambert conformal conic chart whose two standard parallels 54°n and 59°n is ?

Question 166-8 : 292° 312° 290° 310°

.constant of cone convergency factor the ratio between the top angle of the unfolded cone and 360° or sine of the parallel of origin.mean latitude = 54+59 /2 = 56 5°.constant of cone = sin56 5° = 0 834..now .165 154 = 11° difference of longitude between a and b.11° x 0 834 = 9°..301° 9° = 292°.'minus' 9 since we are heading west exemple 294 292°.292°.

Correct statement about a polar stereographic chart is ?

Question 166-9 : The closer the pole the higher straight line chart approximates the great circle exact great circle turns his curve to the pole distance in nm between 2 positions on the straight line chart is shorter than the distance on the rhumb line generally distance in nm on the straight line chart will be closer of the rhumb line distance than the great circle distance

exemple 298 the closer the pole the higher straight line chart approximates the great circle.the closer the pole the higher straight line chart approximates the great circle.

Levels curve on a hypsometric chart refer to ?

Question 166-10 : Altitude longitude latitude magnetic variation

.a hypsometric chart is a map having contour lines through points of equal elevation . /com en/com061 707 jpg.usually hypsometric map shows elevation by means of shading and tinting exemple 302 altitude.altitude.

On a lambert conformal projection the scale at a point at 60°n in the ?

Question 166-11 : 1 1 000 000 the scale in the direction cannot be calculated as the longitude of the position is not given 1 500 000 1 2 000 000

exemple 306 1:

It can be stated concerning a mercator chart ?

Question 166-12 : It is a designated as cylindrical projection but it is in fact mathematically produced projection on a cylinder is the exact way of construction of mercator chart it is a projection from the centre of the earth via straight lines on a cylinder tangential to the equator the projection from the centre of the earth on a cylinder gives conformity

exemple 310 it is a designated as cylindrical projection but it is, in fact, mathematically produced.it is a designated as cylindrical projection but it is, in fact, mathematically produced.

A chart with a small scale is a chart that cover ?

Question 166-13 : Big areas and does not show many details small areas and shown a lot of details small areas and does not show many details big areas and show a lot of details

.small scale = small detail .the scale of a chart refers to a measurement of area not distance a chart covering a relatively large area is called a small scale chart eg 1 1 000 000 exemple 314 big areas and does not show many details.big areas and does not show many details.

A chart with a large scale is a chart that cover ?

Question 166-14 : Small areas and shown a lot of details big areas and does not show many details small areas and does not show many details big areas and show a lot of details

.large scale = large detail .the scale of a chart refers to a measurement of area not distance a chart covering a relatively large area is called a large scale chart eg 1 10 000 exemple 318 small areas and shown a lot of details.small areas and shown a lot of details.

For navigation a polar stereographic chart is used .the straight line between a ?

Question 166-15 : 229° 322° 310° 180°

exemple 322 229°.229°.

For navigation a polar stereographic chart is used .the straight line between a ?

Question 166-16 : 311° 325° 329° 305°

exemple 326 311°.311°.

Two positions at the same latitude are plotted on an aeronautical chart and the ?

Question 166-17 : Great circle route between these two positions will vary by 30° rhumb line and great circle route between these two positions will differ by 30° at any point course of the rhumb line between these two positions will vary by 30° course of a straight line charted between these two positions will vary by 30°

exemple 330 great circle route between these two positions will vary by 30°.great circle route between these two positions will vary by 30°.

Why can parallels be considered as special loxodromies ?

Question 166-18 : They intersect all meridians at an angle of 90° they connect the north pole to the south pole their center is the center of the earth they intersect all meridians at an angle of 45°

exemple 334 they intersect all meridians at an angle of 90°.they intersect all meridians at an angle of 90°.

What is the radial and dme distance from bel vor/dme n5439 7 w00613 8 to ?

Question 166-19 : 315° 34 nm 296° 65 nm 126° 33 nm 222° 48 nm

/com en/com061 243 jpg.use the magnetic tick and center your protractor you read 315° .use the scale to find a distance of 34 nm exemple 338 315° - 34 nm.315° - 34 nm.

What is the average track °m and distance between crk vor n5150 4 w00829 7 and ?

Question 166-20 : 357° 89 nm 169° 91 nm 349° 90 nm 177° 92 nm

/com en/com061 245 jpg.use the magnetic north pointer at shannon center your protractor and read an average magnetic track of 357° .use the scale to find the distance we find a distance of 90 nm but it might come from the chart quality .for information 349° is the average true track exemple 342 357° - 89 nm.357° - 89 nm.

What is the average track °m and distance between wtd ndb n5211 3 w00705 0 and ?

Question 166-21 : 026° 71 nm 018° 153 nm 206° 71 nm 198° 72 nm

exemple 346 026° - 71 nm.026° - 71 nm.

What is the average track °m and distance between bal vor n5318 0 w00626 9 and ?

Question 166-22 : 316° 96 nm 262° 86 nm 128° 99 nm 308° 98 nm

/com en/com061 249a jpg.use the scale to find the distance 96 nm. /com en/com061 249b jpg.magnetic north is indicated over vors and ndbs report the magnetic north tick center your protractor you read an average magnetic track of 316° exemple 350 316° - 96 nm316° - 96 nm

What is the radial and dme distance from crk vor/dme n5150 4 w00829 7 to ?

Question 166-23 : 311° 38 nm 350° 22 nm 295° 38 nm 170° 22 nm

exemple 354 311° - 38 nm311° - 38 nm

What is the radial and dme distance from crk vor/dme n5150 4 w00829 7 to ?

Question 166-24 : 113° 38 nm 104° 76 nm 293° 39 nm 106° 38 nm

. /com en/com061 405 jpg. exemple 358 113° - 38 nm113° - 38 nm

What is the radial and dme distance from sha vor/dme n5243 3 w00853 1 to ?

Question 166-25 : 035° 30 nm 070° 58 nm 207° 31 nm 019° 31 nm

. /com en/com061 407 jpg. exemple 362 035° - 30 nm.035° - 30 nm.

What is the radial and dme distance from sha vor/dme n5243 3 w00853 1 to ?

Question 166-26 : 214° 37 nm 354° 34 nm 198° 37 nm 346° 34 nm

. /com en/com061 409 jpg. exemple 366 214° - 37 nm.214° - 37 nm.

What is the radial and dme distance from con vor/dme n5354 8 w00849 1 to ?

Question 166-27 : 088° 29 nm 320° 8 nm 094° 64 nm 260° 30 nm

. /com en/com061 411 jpg. exemple 370 088° - 29 nm.088° - 29 nm.

What is the radial and dme distance from con vor/dme n5354 8 w00849 1 to ?

Question 166-28 : 233° 35 nm 165° 27 nm 335° 43 nm 025° 38 nm

. /com en/com061 413 jpg. exemple 374 233° - 35 nm.233° - 35 nm.

What is the average track °t and distance between con vor n5354 8 w00849 1 and ?

Question 166-29 : 063° 101 nm 071° 100 nm 113° 97 nm 293° 98 nm

.report the true north tick center your protractor you read an average true track of 063° . /com en/com061 415 png.use the scale to find the distance 101 nm exemple 378 063° - 101 nm.063° - 101 nm.

What is the average track °t and distance between wtd ndb n5211 3 w00705 0 and ?

Question 166-30 : 286° 81 nm 294° 80 nm 075° 81 nm 277° 83 nm

.report the true north tick center your protractor you read an average true track of 286° . /com en/com061 417 jpg.use the scale to find the distance 81 nm exemple 382 286° - 81 nm286° - 81 nm

What is the average track °t and distance between sha vor n5243 3 w00853 1 and ?

Question 166-31 : 002° 72 nm 010° 71 nm 358° 72 nm 006° 71 nm

.report the true north tick center your protractor you read an average true track of 002° . /com en/com061 419 jpg.use the scale to find the distance 72 nm exemple 386 002° - 72 nm002° - 72 nm

What is the average track °t and distance between bal vor n5318 0 w00626 9 and ?

Question 166-32 : 327° 124 nm 335° 128 nm 330° 130 nm 320° 127 nm

.report the true north tick center your protractor you read an average true track of 327° . /com en/com061 421 jpg.use the scale to find the distance 124 nm exemple 390 327° - 124 nm.327° - 124 nm.

Given .sha vor n5243 3 w00853 1 radial 205° crk vor n5150 4 w00829 7 radial ?

Question 166-33 : N5210 w00910 n5118 w00913 n5205 w00915 n5215 w00917

. /com en/com061 424 jpg. exemple 394 n5210 w00910n5210 w00910

Given .sha vor n5243 3 w00853 1 radial 129° crk vor n5150 4 w00829 7 radial ?

Question 166-34 : N5220 w00750 n5215 w00755 n5210 w00750 n5205 w00755

. /com en/com061 426 jpg. exemple 398 n5220 w00750n5220 w00750

Given .sha vor/dme n5243 3 w00853 1 radial 120°/35 nm what is the aircraft ?

Question 166-35 : N5230 w00800 n5225 w00805 n5220 w00750 n5240 w00750

. /com en/com061 428 jpg. exemple 402 n5230 w00800n5230 w00800

Given .sha vor/dme n5243 3 w00853 1 radial 232°/32 nm what is the aircraft ?

Question 166-36 : N5220 w00930 n5305 w00815 n5228 w00935 n5303 w00810

exemple 406 n5220 w00930n5220 w00930

Given .sha vor/dme n5243 3 w00853 1 radial 048°/22 nm what is the aircraft ?

Question 166-37 : N5300 w00830 n5228 w00920 n5258 w00825 n5225 w00917

. /com en/com061 432 jpg. exemple 410 n5300 w00830n5300 w00830

Given .sha vor n5243 3 w00853 1 crk vor n5150 4 w00829 7 .aircraft position ?

Question 166-38 : Sha 131° crk 017° sha 304° crk 189° sha 312° crk 197° sha 124° crk 009°

Debiassi .when two answers are quite close try to line up the douglas protractor with two known values ie sha 052° and 115° radials for the airways this really improves accuracy exemple 414 sha 131°, crk 017°.sha 131°, crk 017°.

Given . sha vor n5243 3 w00853 1 con vor n5354 8 w00849 1 aircraft position ?

Question 166-39 : Sha 042° con 138° sha 213° con 310° sha 033° con 130° sha 221° con 318°

. /com en/com061 436 jpg..magnetic north is indicated over vors and ndbs exemple 418 sha 042° con 138°sha 042° con 138°

Given .sha vor n5243 3 w00853 1 dme 50 nm crk vor n5150 4 w00829 7 dme 41 nm ?

Question 166-40 : N5200 w00935 n5215 w00940 n5215 w00745 n5235 w00750

. /com en/com061 438 jpg..you draw two circles use the vertical scale to define the distances .both dme distances increasing so this is the only valid junction position exemple 422 n5200 w00935n5200 w00935


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