Formation > assignment : Which aeronautical chart symbol indicates a waypoint . 2509 ?
Question 165-1 : 8 5 6 7

Which aeronautical chart symbol indicates an unlighted obstacle . 2509 ?
Question 165-2 : 9 10 11 12

Which aeronautical chart symbol indicates a lighted obstacle . 2509 ?
Question 165-3 : 10 9 11 12

Which aeronautical chart symbol indicates a group of unlighted obstacles . 2509 ?
Question 165-4 : 11 9 12 13

Which aeronautical chart symbol indicates a group of lighted obstacles . 2509 ?
Question 165-5 : 12 9 10 11

Which aeronautical chart symbol indicates an exceptionally high unlighted ?
Question 165-6 : 13 11 10 9

Which aeronautical chart symbol indicates an exceptionally high lighted ?
Question 165-7 : 14 10 12 13

What is the meaning of aeronautical chart symbol n°15 . 2509 ?
Question 165-8 : Aeronautical ground light visual reference point hazard to aerial navigation lighthouse

What is the meaning of aeronautical chart symbol no 16 . 2509 ?
Question 165-9 : Lightship off shore helicopter landing platform shipwreck showing above the surface at low tide off shore lighthouse

Which aeronautical chart symbol indicates an aeronautical ground light . 2509 ?
Question 165-10 : 15 16 10 14

Which aeronautical chart symbol indicates a lightship . 2509 ?
Question 165-11 : 16 10 12 14

Given .a polar stereographic chart of the northern hemisphere whose grid is ?
Question 165-12 : 229° 099° 279° 049°

A straight line is drawn on a lamberts conformal conic chart between two ?
Question 165-13 : Chart convergency earth convergency conversion angle difference in longitude

If the chart scale is 1 500 000 what earth distance would be represented by 7 ?
Question 165-14 : 35 000 m 3 5 km 35 nm 0 35 km

What is the constant of the cone for a lambert conic projection whose standard ?
Question 165-15 : 0 866 0 941 0 5 0 766

On a direct mercator projection a particular chart length is measured at 30°n ?
Question 165-16 : A smaller distance twice the distance the same distance a larger distance

How does the scale vary in a direct mercator chart the scale ?
Question 165-17 : Increases with increasing distance from the equator decreases with increasing distance from the equator is constant increases south of the equator and decreases north of the equator

How does the chart convergency change with latitude in a lambert conformal ?
Question 165-18 : It is constant and does not change with latitude it changes with cosine of latitude it increases with increase of latitude it changes with sine of latitude

How does the convergency of any two meridians on the earth change with varying ?
Question 165-19 : It changes as sine of latitude it changes as cosine of latitude it increases with decrease of latitude it is of constant value and does not change with latitude

Grid heading is 299° grid convergency is 55° west and magnetic variation is ?
Question 165-20 : 084° 334° 154° 264°

Where on a direct mercator projection is the chart convergency correct compared ?
Question 165-21 : At the equator at the two parallels of tangency at the poles all over the chart

A route a to b is drawn on a polar stereographic chart with the grid aligned ?
Question 165-22 : 350° g 010° g 130° g 060° g

The standard parallels of a lambert chart are 26°n and 48°n and the stated ?
Question 165-23 : The scale at 28°n is smaller than the scale at 24°n the scale at 37°n is larger than the scale at 20°n the scale at 46°n is larger than the scale at 50°n the scale at 30°n is smaller than the scale at 37°n

Which statement is correct about the scale of a polar stereographic projection ?
Question 165-24 : The scale reaches its minimum value at the north pole the scale reaches its minimum value at the equator the scale reaches its maximum value at the 45°n the scale reaches its maximum value at the north pole

Which statement is correct about the scale of a lambert projection ?
Question 165-25 : The scale reaches its minimum value at the parallel of origin the scale reaches its minimum value at the standard parallels the scale reaches its maximum value at the parallel of origin the scale reaches its maximum value at the standard parallels

A route is flown from 80°s 100°w to 80°s 140°e at 180°e/w the grid track ?
Question 165-26 : 110° g and 290° t 070° g and 250° t 290° g and 110° t 250° g and 070° t

A route is flown from 85°s 100°e to 85°s 140°w at 180°e/w the grid track ?
Question 165-27 : 250° g and 070° t 070° g and 250° t 290° g and 110° t 110° g and 290° t

The positions a 30°00'n 017°30'e and b at longitude 30°00'n 023°30'e are ?
Question 165-28 : 091 5° 082 5° 085 5° 094 5°

A route is flown from 85°s 100°e to 85°s 140°w at 160°e the grid track gt ?
Question 165-29 : 070° g and 090° t 090° g and 070° t 250° g and 090° t 090° g and 250° t

A straight line from a 75°s 120°e to b 75°s 160°e is drawn on a polar ?
Question 165-30 : 075° 095° 105° 255°

On a mercator's projection the distance between 17°n 035°e and 17°n 040°e ?
Question 165-31 : 1 6 052 030 1 5 556 000 1 10 626 460 1 18 658 470

A straight line from a 53°s 155°e to b 53°s 170°w is drawn on a lambert ?
Question 165-32 : 078° 102° 282° 258°

Route a b is drawn on a polar stereographic chart with the grid aligned with ?
Question 165-33 : 070° g 110° g 090° g 330° g

Route a b is drawn on a polar stereographic chart with the grid aligned with ?
Question 165-34 : 090° g 110° g 070° g 150° g

A straight line from a 53°n 155°w to b 53°n 170°e is drawn on a lambert ?
Question 165-35 : 260° 257 5° 100° 102 5°

A route is flown from 80°s 100°w to 80°s 140°e at 160°w the grid track gt ?
Question 165-36 : 290° g and 270° t 270° g and 290° t 110° g and 270° t 270° g and 110° t

Given .position ndb 55°10'n 012°55'e .dead rekoning position 54°53'n ?
Question 165-37 : 262° 272° 258° 265°

An aircraft is at position 53°n 006°w and has a landmark at position 52°47'n ?
Question 165-38 : 278° 277° 276° 250°

A vor is situated at position 74°n 094°w .local variation is 50°w .a polar ?
Question 165-39 : 103° 283° 013° 193°

Thule vor is located at 76°32'n 68°15'w a polar stereographic chart with the ?
Question 165-40 : 023° g 285° g 203° g 323° g

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