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Formation > assignment : A lambert conformal conic chart has a constant of the cone of 0 75 .the initial ?

Question 163-1 : 034° w 038° w 036° w 041° w

.convergency = 055° 043° = 12°..change in longitude = convergency / n..change in longitude = 12° / 0 75 = 16°..a is at 050°w and b 34°w 50° 16° . minus 16° because we are heading east exemple 263 034° w.034° w.

A lambert conformal conic chart has a constant of the cone of 0 80 .a straight ?

Question 163-2 : 011°e 009°36'e 008°e 019°e

.sin l0 = x / g..sin l0 = 0 80..x = 80° 92°= 12°..g = 12° / 0 80 = 15°..15° 4° = 11° exemple 267 011°e.011°e.

What is the radial and dme distance from bel vor/dme n5439 7 w00613 8 to ?

Question 163-3 : 236° 44 nm 223° 36 nm 320° 44 nm 333° 36 nm

exemple 271 236° - 44 nm236° - 44 nm

What is the radial and dme distance from bel vor/dme n5439 7 w00613 8 to ?

Question 163-4 : 278° 44 nm 090° 46 nm 278° 10 nm 098° 45 nm

.plot position n5440 w00730 and draw a line from belfast vor .center your protractor you read 278°. /com en/com061 242 jpg..use the latitude scale to find 44 nm exemple 275 278° - 44 nm278° - 44 nm

What is the average track °m and distance between wtd ndb n5211 3 w00705 0 and ?

Question 163-5 : 278° 90 nm 090° 91 nm 270° 89 nm 098° 90 nm

/com en/com061 244 jpg..align your protractor with the average magnetic north between wtd and ker magnetic track is 278° .use the latitude scale to find the distance 90 nm exemple 279 278° - 90 nm.278° - 90 nm.

What is the average track °m and distance between crn ndb n5318 1 w00856 5 and ?

Question 163-6 : 142° 95 nm 315° 94 nm 135° 96 nm 322° 95 nm

.report the magnetic north tick from cml clonmel ndb center your protractor you read an average magnetic trak of 142° . /com en/com061 246 jpg.use the scale to find the distance 95 nm exemple 283 142° - 95 nm.142° - 95 nm.

What is the average track °m and distance between ker ndb n5210 9 w00931 5 and ?

Question 163-7 : 025° 70 nm 197° 71 nm 205° 71 nm 017° 70 nm

. /com en/com061 248 png..use the vertical scale to find the distance 70 nm magnetic north is indicated over vors and ndbs report a magnetic north tick center your protractor you read an average magnetic track of 025° exemple 287 025° - 70 nm.025° - 70 nm.

On a direct mercator chart at latitude 15°s a certain length represents a ?

Question 163-8 : 122 3 nm 177 7 nm 124 2 nm 118 2 nm

.at latitude 15° 120 nm..at latitude 10° . cos 10 / cos 15 x 120 = 122 3 nm.similar solution .lenght at the equator 120 nm / cos15 = 124 23nm.lenght at 10° of latitude 124 23 x cos10 = 122 34 exemple 291 122.3 nm.122.3 nm.

On a direct mercator chart at latitude 45°n a certain chart length along 45°n ?

Question 163-9 : 110 nm 73 5 nm 78 nm 45 nm

.60 nm x cos 45 x x = 90..42 42 x x = 90.. x = 90 / 42 42 = 2 12..60 x cos 30 x 2 12 = 110 15 nm exemple 295 110 nm.110 nm.

On a transverse mercator chart the scale is exactly correct along the ?

Question 163-10 : Meridians of tangency equator and parallel of origin meridian of tangency and the parallel of latitude perpendicular to it prime meridian and the equator

.scale is correct along the meridian of tangency the central meridian and expands away from it . 2044 exemple 299 meridians of tangency.meridians of tangency.

On a transverse mercator chart with the exception of the equator parallels of ?

Question 163-11 : Ellipses straight lines hyperbolic lines parabolas

. 2515.transverse mercator map of the western hemisphere exemple 303 ellipses.ellipses.

An oblique mercator projection is used specifically to produce ?

Question 163-12 : Charts of the great circle route between two points radio navigational charts in equatorial regions topographical maps of large east/west extent plotting charts in equatorial regions

. 2044.oblique mercator a cylindrical projection based on any other great circle of tangency exemple 307 charts of the great circle route between two points.charts of the great circle route between two points.

Transverse mercator projections are used for ?

Question 163-13 : Maps of large north/south extent maps of large east/west extent in equatorial areas radio navigation charts in equatorial areas plotting charts in equatorial areas

. 2515.transverse mercator map of the western hemisphere exemple 311 maps of large north/south extentmaps of large north/south extent

On a polar stereographic chart a straight line between a 75° 00'n 166° 00'e ?

Question 163-14 : 323° 329° 311° 305°

.the total longitude track change is 12° .convergency is change of longitude x sin mean lat so 12° x sin 77 5 = 11 71° .conversion angle is half of convergency 11 71/2 = 5 855° .317° + 5 855° = 322 855° exemple 315 323°.323°.

The scale on a lambert conformal conic chart ?

Question 163-15 : Is constant along a parallel of latitude is constant along a meridian of longitude is constant across the whole map varies slightly as a function of latitude and longitude

.the scale is constant along any parallel of latitude at it varies slightly with change of latitude .the scale changes along the meridians .the scale is correct along the standard parallels . 2507.the left red distance = the center red disance = the right red distance .the scale is constant along a parallel of latitude exemple 319 is constant along a parallel of latitude.is constant along a parallel of latitude.

A direct mercator graticule is based on a projection that is ?

Question 163-16 : Cylindrical conical spherical concentric

exemple 323 cylindrical.cylindrical.

On a chart the distance along a meridian between latitudes 45°n and 46°n is 6 ?

Question 163-17 : 1 1 850 000 1 1 000 000 1 18 500 000 1 185 000

.scale = chart lenght / earth distance.scale = 6 cm / 60 nm .scale = 6 cm / 111 2 km.scale = 6 cm / 11 120 000 cm.scale = 1 / 1 853 333 exemple 327 1: 1 850 0001: 1 850 000

Given chart scale is 1 1 850 000 the chart distance between two points is 4 ?

Question 163-18 : 40 nm 74 nm 100 nm 4 nm

.4 cm x 1 850 000 cm = 7 400 000 cm = 74 km = 40 nm exemple 331 40 nm.40 nm.

On a mercator chart at latitude 60°n the distance measured between w002° and ?

Question 163-19 : 1 2 780 000 1 278 000 1 5 560 000 1 556 000

.distance between w002° and e008° is 10°.scale = chart lenght/earth distance..earth distance = 10° x 60 nm x cos 60° = 300 nm..300 nm x 1 852 = 555 6 km..1 cm chart scale = 555 6 /20 = 27 78 km.1 cm 2 778 000 cm exemple 335 1: 2 780 0001: 2 780 000

Assume a mercator chart the distance between positions a and b located on the ?

Question 163-20 : 60°n or s 30°n or s 0° 45°n or s

.scale = chart distance/earth distance = 1/9 260 000.if chart distance = 6 cm earth distance = 6 x 9 260 000cm = 55 560 000 cm .55 560 000 cm = 555 6 km.555 6 / 1 852 = 300 nm..10° of longitude on the chart= 300 nm..distance = change in longitude in nm x cos of latitude..10° at the equator = 10° x 60 nm = 600 nm..300 nm = 600 nm x cos of latitude..cos of latitude = 300/600 = 0 5.0 5 is cos 60º so this is at 60ºn or 60°s exemple 339 60°n or s.60°n or s.

On a lambert chart standard parallels 37°n and 65°n with respect to the ?

Question 163-21 : Great circle and rhumb line are to the south great circle and rhumb line are to the north great circle is to the north the rhumb line is to the south rhumb line is to the north the great circle is to the south

.with standard parallels at 65°n and 37°n the parallel of origin will be at 51°n 65+37 /2 .the straight line n49° to n48° will be south of the parallel of origin .the great circle track will be concave to the parallel of origin and also located south of the parallel of origin .the rhumb line track will be concave to the nearer pole and also located south of the parallel of origin exemple 343 great circle and rhumb line are to the south.great circle and rhumb line are to the south.

A straight line on a chart 4 89 cm long represents 185 nm the scale of this ?

Question 163-22 : 1 7 000 000 1 3 500 000 1 6 000 000 1 5 000 000

.185 nm x 1 852 = 342 62 km.342 62 km x 1000 = 342 620 m.342 620 m x 100 = 34 262 000 cm..34 262 000 cm / 4 89 cm = 7 006 544 exemple 347 1: 7 000 0001: 7 000 000

At latitude 60°n the scale of a mercator projection is 1 5 000 000 the length ?

Question 163-23 : 17 8 cm 16 2 cm 35 6 cm 19 2 cm

.distance on earth = change in longitude x 60 nm x cos latitude.8°e to 8°w = 16° change..at 60°n a distance on earth of 16° of longitude is .16° x 60 x cos60° = 480 nm.480 nm = 888 9 km = 88 896 000 cm.scale = earth distance /chart distance.scale = 88 896 000 cm / 5 000 000cm = 17 78 cm exemple 351 17.8 cm.17.8 cm.

The two standard parallels of a conical lambert projection are at n10°40' and ?

Question 163-24 : 0 44 0 9 0 66 0 18

.constant of cone convergency factor the ratio between the top angle of the unfolded cone and 360° or sine of the parallel of origin.the parallel of origin is about half way between the standard parallels .midway between n10°40'and n41°20'is n26° .sin of 26° = 0 438 exemple 355 0.440.44

On a direct mercator chart meridians are ?

Question 163-25 : Parallel equally spaced vertical straight lines inclined equally spaced straight lines that meet at the nearer pole parallel unequally spaced vertical straight lines inclined unequally spaced curved lines that meet at the nearer pole

. 1753. direct mercator chart.on a direct mercator chart meridians are parallel equally spaced vertical straight lines. 2054.rhumb lines or loxodromes are tracks of constant true course exemple 359 parallel, equally spaced, vertical straight lines.parallel, equally spaced, vertical straight lines.

On which of the following chart projections is it not possible to represent the ?

Question 163-26 : Direct mercator lambert's conformal transverse mercator polar stereographic

. 1753. direct mercator chart .it is not possible to represent the poles on a direct mercator chart exemple 363 direct mercator.direct mercator.

Which one of the following concerning great circles on a direct mercator chart ?

Question 163-27 : With the exception of meridians and the equator they are curves concave to the equator they are all curves concave to the equator they approximate to straight lines between the standard parallels they are all curves convex to the equator

. 1753. direct mercator chart. 2054.great circles are concave to the equator except meridians and the equator itself.concave or convex . 2506 exemple 367 with the exception of meridians and the equator, they are curves concave to the equator.with the exception of meridians and the equator, they are curves concave to the equator.

On a lambert conformal conic chart the distance between parallels of latitude ?

Question 163-28 : Is smaller between the standard parallels than outside them is constant throughout the chart is larger between the standard parallels and is smaller outside them is constant between the standard parallels and is greater outside them

.the lambert conformal is what most of today's aeronautical charts are based on . 1776.the parallel of origin is midway between the two standard parallels where the scale will be smallest exemple 371 is smaller between the standard parallels than outside them.is smaller between the standard parallels than outside them.

Which one of the following statements is correct concerning the appearance of ?

Question 163-29 : The higher the latitude the closer they approximate to a straight line any straight line is a great circle they are complex curves that can be convex and/or concave to the pole they are curves convex to the pole

. 2508 exemple 375 the higher the latitude the closer they approximate to a straight line.the higher the latitude the closer they approximate to a straight line.

Which one of the following describes the appearance of rhumb lines except ?

Question 163-30 : Curves concave to the pole ellipses around the pole curves convex to the pole straight lines

. 1777. 2506 exemple 379 curves concave to the pole.curves concave to the pole.

What is the value of the convergence factor on a polar stereographic chart ?

Question 163-31 : 1 0 0 866 0 5

.on a polar stereographic chart .convergency = change of longitude exemple 383 1.1.

A course of 120° t is drawn between 'x' 61°30'n and 'y' 58°30'n on a lambert ?

Question 163-32 : 66 7 cm 33 4 cm 38 5 cm 36 0 cm

. 1758.distance change in latitude = 3° x 60nm = 180 nm.distance between 'x' and 'y' = 180 / sin 30°= 360 nm .360 nm x 185200 / 1000000 = 66 67 cm exemple 387 66.7 cm.66.7 cm.

Given .direct mercator chart with a scale of 1 200 000 at equator.chart length ?

Question 163-33 : 12 nm 21 nm 22 nm 14 nm

.scale = 1 cm 200 000 cm..distance on chart = 11 cm.distance on earth = 11 cm x 200 000 = 2 200 000 cm 22 km.22 / 1 852 = 11 88 nm exemple 391 12 nm.12 nm.

What is the radial and dme distance from crk vor/dme n5150 4 w00829 7 to ?

Question 163-34 : 030° 33 nm 048° 40 nm 014° 33 nm 220° 40 nm

. /com en/com061 402 jpg. exemple 395 030° - 33 nm.030° - 33 nm.

What is the radial and dme distance from crk vor/dme n5150 4 w00829 7 to ?

Question 163-35 : 039° 48 nm 024° 43 nm 023° 48 nm 017° 43 nm

. /com en/com061 404 jpg..use the vertical scale to find the distance magnetic north is indicated over vors and ndbs exemple 399 039° - 48 nm039° - 48 nm

What is the radial and dme distance from sha vor/dme n5243 3 w00853 1 to ?

Question 163-36 : 309° 33 nm 057° 27 nm 293° 33 nm 324° 17 nm

. /com en/com061 406 jpg.use the magnetic north tick from sha vor center your protractor you read a 309° radial .use the scale to find the distance 33 nm exemple 403 309° - 33 nm309° - 33 nm

What is the radial and dme distance from sha vor/dme n5243 3 w00853 1 to ?

Question 163-37 : 139° 35 nm 129° 46 nm 132° 36 nm 212° 26 nm

.plot position n5220 w00810 and draw a line from sha vor/dme .center your protractor you read 139°. /com en/com061 408 jpg..use the scale to find 35 nm exemple 407 139° - 35 nm.139° - 35 nm.

What is the radial and dme distance from con vor/dme n5354 8 w00849 1 to ?

Question 163-38 : 358° 36 nm 214° 26 nm 049° 45 nm 169° 35 nm

.. /com en/com061 410 jpg.magnetic north is indicated over vors and ndbs center your protractor over con vor you read a radial of 358° use the vertical scale to find the distance you read 36 nm exemple 411 358° - 36 nm358° - 36 nm

What is the radial and dme distance from con vor/dme n5354 8 w00849 1 to ?

Question 163-39 : 140° 23 nm 119° 42 nm 311° 22 nm 240° 24 nm

. /com en/com061 412 jpg..use the vertical scale to find the distance magnetic north is indicated over vors and ndbs exemple 415 140° - 23 nm140° - 23 nm

What is the average track °m and distance between crn ndb n5318 1 w00856 5 and ?

Question 163-40 : 058° 128 nm 229° 125 nm 237° 130 nm 089° 95 nm

. /com en/com061 414 jpg.without your protractor you can see that average track between crn and bel is less than 070° therefore without any doubt 058° is the only possible answer exemple 419 058° - 128 nm.058° - 128 nm.


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