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Formation > assignment : Compass deviation is defined as the angle between ?

Question 161-1 : Magnetic north and compass north true north and magnetic north true north and compass north the horizontal and the total intensity of the earth's magnetic field

.learn the composition of this table . 1438 exemple 261 magnetic north and compass north.magnetic north and compass north.

Given .true course 300° drift 8°r variation 10°w deviation 4° .calculate ?

Question 161-2 : 306° 322° 294° 278°

. 1439.use this wonderful table for those questions exemple 265 306°.306°.

Given .true track 352° variation 11° w deviation is 5° drift 10°r ?

Question 161-3 : 358° 346° 018° 025°

. /com en/com061 143 jpg.use this wonderful table for those questions exemple 269 358°.358°.

Given .true track 070°.variation 30°w.deviation +1°.drift 10°r .calculate ?

Question 161-4 : 089° 091° 100° 101°

. 1443.use this wonderful table for those questions exemple 273 089°.089°.

Deviation applied to magnetic heading gives ?

Question 161-5 : Compass heading true heading magnetic course magnetic track

Learn the composition of this table. /com en/com061 141 jpg. exemple 277 compass heading.compass heading.

Given .true course from a to b = 090° tas = 460 kt w/v = 360/100kt average ?

Question 161-6 : 070° 450 kt 068° 460 kt 078° 450 kt 102° 450 kt

.put 460 kt tas on center dot under true index set true course 090° on the rotative scale under the wind mark 360°/100 kt you read 12° right drift. /com en/com061 198a jpg..turn to set under true index the true heading 078° 090° 12° drift you now read a ground speed under the wind mark of 450 kt. /com en/com061 198b jpg..your true heading is 078° minus 10°e variation your magnetic heading is 068° .for compass heading add 2°w deviation 068° + 2° = 070° exemple 281 070° - 450 kt.070° - 450 kt.

An island is observed by weather radar to be 15° to the left the aircraft ?

Question 161-7 : 268° 088° 122° 302°

.our magnetic heading is 120° magnetic variation is 17° west our true heading is 120° 17° = 103°.true bearing of the island from the aircraft 103° 15°= 088°.true bearing of the aircraft from the island 088° 180° = 268° exemple 285 268°.268°.

The main reason for mounting the detector unit of a remote reading compass in ?

Question 161-8 : To minimise the amount of deviation caused by aircraft magnetism and electrical circuits to maximise the units exposure to the earth's magnetic field to ensure that the unit is in the most accessible position on the aircraft for ease of maintenance by having detector units on both wingtips to cancel out the deviation effects caused by the aircraft structure

exemple 289 to minimise the amount of deviation caused by aircraft magnetism and electrical circuitsto minimise the amount of deviation caused by aircraft magnetism and electrical circuits

A ground feature was observed on a relative bearing of 315° and 3 minutes ?

Question 161-9 : 9 nm 12 nm 3 nm 6 nm

. 2524.we have an isosceles triangle and in an isosceles triangle two sides are equal in length .3 minutes at 180 kt = 9 nm.this question has been seen in february 2023 with a relative bearing of 225° instead of 315° the answer remains the same the aircraft is flying south instead of north exemple 293 9 nm.9 nm.

An island is observed to be 15° to the left the aircraft heading is 120° m ?

Question 161-10 : 088° 122° 268° 302°

.our magnetic heading is 120° magnetic variation is 17° west our true heading is 120° 17° = 103°.true bearing of the island from the aircraft 103° 15°= 088° exemple 297 088°.088°.

Lined up on runway 05 047° what should a direct reading compass must indicate ?

Question 161-11 : 042° to 052° 045° to 049° 037° to 057° 032° to 062°

.amc 24 cs25/cs 23 after correction the cumulative deviation on any heading should not exceed 10° 5° to the left and 5° to the right.when lined up for take off you have to check if indication is within limits if you read 042° or 052° you are allowed to take off .this serviceability test consists of comparing the drc indication to another reference e g other compass system or runway direction.pdaus87 .what is the true answer i do in aviation exam it states the answer is 037 057. .if you read 037° 057° accuracy is 20° and it's not correct and safe.this question also exists with an other statement the maximum permissible deviation errors for a direct reading compass is .right answer 10° exemple 301 042° to 052°.042° to 052°.

Permanent magnetism in aircraft arises chiefly from ?

Question 161-12 : Hammering and the effect of the earth's magnetic field whilst under construction exposure to the earth's magnetic field during normal operation the combined effect of aircraft electrical equipment and the earth's magnetic field the effect of internal wiring and exposure to electrical storms

exemple 305 hammering, and the effect of the earth's magnetic field, whilst under constructionhammering, and the effect of the earth's magnetic field, whilst under construction

The main reason for usually mounting the detector unit of a remote indicating ?

Question 161-13 : Reduce the amount of deviation caused by aircraft magnetism and electrical circuits facilitate easy maintenance of the unit and increase its exposure to the earth's magnetic field place it in a position where there is no electrical wiring to cause deviation errors place it where it will not be subjected to electrical or magnetic interference from the aircraft

.the detector unit is positioned in a part of the aircraft least affected by on board electrical fields usually the wing tip or tail fin where any aircraft generated magnetic disturbances are at a minimum exemple 309 reduce the amount of deviation caused by aircraft magnetism and electrical circuits.reduce the amount of deviation caused by aircraft magnetism and electrical circuits.

Concerning direct reading magnetic compasses in the northern hemisphere it can ?

Question 161-14 : On an easterly heading a longitudinal acceleration causes an apparent turn to the north on an easterly heading a longitudinal acceleration causes an apparent turn to the south on a westerly heading a longitudinal acceleration causes an apparent turn to the south on a westerly heading a longitudinal deceleration causes an apparent turn to the north

Onus overshoot north undershoot south exemple 313 on an easterly heading, a longitudinal acceleration causes an apparent turn to the northon an easterly heading, a longitudinal acceleration causes an apparent turn to the north

A negative westerly magnetic variation signifies that ?

Question 161-15 : True north is east of magnetic north true north is west of magnetic north compass north is east of magnetic north compass north is west of magnetic north

.the minimum magnetic variation declination is 0° the maximum magnetic variation declination is 180°and this will be along a line between the magnetic north pole and the geographic north pole . 1417.a west magnetic variation declination signifies that true north is east of magnetic north exemple 317 true north is east of magnetic north.true north is east of magnetic north.

In northern hemisphere during an acceleration in an easterly direction the ?

Question 161-16 : A decrease in heading an increase in heading an apparent turn to the south a heading of east

.acceleration errors .these are caused by inertia on east west headings .because the centre of gravity of the compasse is under the pivot point accelerating makes the bulk of the compass lag behind the machine and dispace the centre of gravity aft of the pivot point. /com en/com061 350 jpg..if you were just going north south all you would get is extra dip but because you are going east or west the north bit of the compass is pointing to the side of the aircraft and the displaced centre of gravity not being vertically in line with the pivot point goes towards north to create a couple that makes the compass turn clockwise to read less than 90° during the turn a deceleration has the oppposite effect to the south in the northern hemisphere.acceleration errors are maximum on east/west headings and near the magnetic poles and nil on north/south headings and at the equator.the watchword here is ands for northern hemisphere accelerate north decelerate south or sand for southern hemisphere south accelerate north decelerate. /com en/com061 77 jpg..example .in the northern hemisphere flying east if you accelerate the needle will deflect to the nearest pole north for an easterly deviation and to the south when decelerate. during acceleration at take off on runway 18 for example a compass in the northern hemisphere would indicate no apparent turn. during acceleraton at take off in an easterly direction a magnetic compass in the northern hemisphere indicates an apparent turn north. during acceleraton at take off in an westerly direction a magnetic compass in the southern hemisphere indicates an apparent turn south exemple 321 a decrease in heading.a decrease in heading.

Magnetic compass calibration is carried out to reduce ?

Question 161-17 : Deviation variation parallax error acceleration errors

.calibration means the measurement of the deviation of a compass installed in an aircraft .'compass deviation' is the difference between magnetic north and the direction in which the compass is pointing deviation are measured in degrees east + or west .causes of deviation the compass magnets is influenced by magnetic fields within the aircraft fuselage the electronic equipments the engines exemple 325 deviation.deviation.

One purpose of a compass calibration is to reduce the difference if any between ?

Question 161-18 : Compass north and magnetic north compass north and true north true north and magnetic north compass north and the lubber line

exemple 329 compass north and magnetic north.compass north and magnetic north.

One purpose of compass calibration is to determine the deviation ?

Question 161-19 : On any heading on a given heading at any latitude on n s e and w only

.the deviation is accurately ascertained on a number of headings and a graph is drawn which enables us to find the deviation on any heading . 2058.then a deviation card is mounted near the compass showing the addition or subtraction required to correct for deviation on various headings usually at intervals of 30° . 2057.for intermediate readings the pilot should be able to interpolate mentally with sufficient accuracy exemple 333 on any heading.on any heading.

The force acting on the needle of a direct reading compass varies ?

Question 161-20 : Directly with the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field directly with the vertical component of the earth's magnetic field inversely with both vertical and horizontal components of the earth's magnetic field inversely with the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field

.magnetic dip is the angle between the horizontal and vertical forces acting on a compass needle toward the nearer pole. /com en/com061 110 jpg..the force acting on the compass needle is directly proportional to the horizontal.component of the earth's field and inversely proportional to the vertical component of the earth's.at the magnetic poles the earth's magnetic field is perpendicular to the earth's surface magnetic dip is 90° at the magnetic poles a dip needle stands vertical exemple 337 directly with the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field.directly with the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field.

If the compass heading is 265° variation is 33° w and deviation is 3°e what ?

Question 161-21 : 235° 229° 301° 295°

. 2055.use this wonderful table for those questions exemple 341 235°.235°.

In a remote indicating compass system the amount of deviation caused by ?

Question 161-22 : Mounting the detector unit flux valve in the wingtip mounting the flux valve in the cockpit positioning the gyroscope in the centre of the aircraft using a vertically mounted gyroscope instead of a horizontally mounted one

exemple 345 mounting the detector unit (flux valve) in the wingtip.mounting the detector unit (flux valve) in the wingtip.

Which of the following statements about hard and soft iron in relation to ?

Question 161-23 : Hard iron magnetism is of a permanent nature and soft iron is of a non permanent nature both hard and soft iron are of a non permanent nature hard iron is is of a non permanent nature and soft iron is of a permanent nature both hard and soft hard iron are of a permanent nature

.soft magnetic iron is a type of iron that has lower carbon content this type of soft magnetic iron is used to make electromagnets the low carbon content makes the iron more efficient at quickly getting magnetized and demagnetized .the soft iron does not retain memory of magnetism that means there is no magnetism left in the soft iron as soon as the magnetic field is removed this is called low hysteresis loss in science this makes the soft iron best suitable for making electromagnets .a hard iron in contrast to soft iron retains the magnetism permanently exemple 349 hard iron magnetism is of a permanent nature and soft iron is of a non-permanent nature.hard iron magnetism is of a permanent nature and soft iron is of a non-permanent nature.

Which of the following variables affect deviation .1 magnetic latitude.2 ?

Question 161-24 : 1 2 and 4 1 2 and 3 2 and 3 3 and 4

exemple 353 1, 2 and 41, 2 and 4

An ndb is located at position n55°26' w005°42' the variation at the ndb is ?

Question 161-25 : 112 5° 108 5° 110 5° 114 5°

.true track from the aircraft position to the ndb position is 101 5°.the variation at the aircraft position is 11°w .magnetic bearing of the ndb from the aircraft = 101 5° + 11° = 112 5°. notice 'variation west magnetic best' thus '+' for the variation exemple 357 112.5°.112.5°.

Given .compass heading = 233°.true track = 256°.drift angle = 10°r.deviation ?

Question 161-26 : 16°e 20°w 36°e 10°w

. /com en/com061 629 jpg.use this wonderful table for those questions exemple 361 16°e.16°e.

Deviation on the standby compass is ?

Question 161-27 : Dependent on the heading of the aircraft independent of the latitude of the aircraft's position zero on the magnetic equator positive if the compass north is to the west of magnetic north

exemple 365 dependent on the heading of the aircraft.dependent on the heading of the aircraft.

Givent the deviation table of a direct reading compass drc the desired true ?

Question 161-28 : 164° 165° 146° 145°

.desired true heading is 155° ==> magnetic heading to follow ==> compass heading to follow.true heading 155° ==> magnetic heading 155° + 10° = 165° variation is 10°west so magnetic is best therefore our true heading is less than our magnetic heading.the correction on the deviation table for 150° is 0°and for 180° is 2° at 165° halfway it will be 1° .165° + 1° = 164° exemple 369 164°.164°.

Direct reading compass drc deviation table is.course 000 030 060 090 120 150 ?

Question 161-29 : 262° 214° 218° 258°

.the heading reads on the instrument is a compass heading.deviation table gives for a compass heading of 242° a magnetic heading of 240°..you now have to apply magnetic variation 22°e to find the true heading .240°+ 22° = 262°.for information .variation east magnetic least .variation is 22°east so magnetic is least therefore our true heading is greater than our magnetic heading exemple 373 262°.262°.

During pre flight check serviceability of a direct reading standby compass ?

Question 161-30 : 1 and 2 1 4 and 5 1 2 3 4 and 5 1 2 and 3

exemple 377 1 and 2.1 and 2.

Which statement is true about the direct reading compass drc ?

Question 161-31 : Before take off the drc should be checked by comparing the heading to runway direction the drc is serviceable when the indication during takeoff differs by not more than 2° from the runway true direction the drc is serviceable when the indication is within 2° of the magnetic track on the navigation chart the heading of the drc can only be checked with the runway direction after allowing for magnetic variation

exemple 381 before take off the drc should be checked by comparing the heading to runway direction.before take off the drc should be checked by comparing the heading to runway direction.

When an aircraft flies into the vicinity of one of the magnetic poles why does ?

Question 161-32 : The horizontal component becomes so weak that the directive force is insufficient for a reliable compass indication the magnetic inclination angle is minimal and the needle of a compass in free mode will be aligned vertically the vertical component becomes so weak that the directive force is insufficient for a reliable compass indication the magnetic inclination angle is maximal and the needle of a compass in free mode will be aligned horizontally

. 2031.diagrammatic representation of the earth's magnetic field illustrating how field lines represented by arrows intersect the earth's surface and how inclination angle the angle formed between the field lines and the earth varies with latitude at the magnetic equator the curving line across the earth field lines are parallel to the earth's surface the field lines become progressively steeper as one travels north toward the magnetic pole where the field lines are directed straight down into the earth and the inclination angle is 90° . near the magnetic pole the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field is too small to permit the use of a magnetic compass exemple 385 the horizontal component becomes so weak that the directive force is insufficient for a reliable compass indication.the horizontal component becomes so weak that the directive force is insufficient for a reliable compass indication.

A significant amount of ferrous material is transported on a cargo flight which ?

Question 161-33 : The direct reading magnetic compass drmc the automatic direction finding equipment adf the inertial reference systems irs all gyroscopic flight instruments

exemple 389 the direct reading magnetic compass (drmc).the direct reading magnetic compass (drmc).

According to the certification specifications for large aeroplanes cs 25 for ?

Question 161-34 : 10° 1° 5° 3°

. cs 25 1327 direction indicator . . b the magnetic direction indicator required by cs 25 1303 a 3 may not have a deviation after compensation in normal level flight greater than 10 degrees on any heading . .an accuracy of 10° or better is when readings are 042° 052° when line up on runway 05 for example.if you read 037° 057° accuracy is 20° and it's not correct.this question also exists with the statement the maximum permissible deviation errors for a direct reading compass is .answer 10° exemple 393 10°.10°.

Which of the following will probably not result in a deviation change on a drc ?

Question 161-35 : Turning the adf on in flight relocating a steel iron construction in the cargo compartment close to the drc a walk man headset placed close to the compass letting a passenger in the cockpit jump seat put his mobile phone next to the drc

Ecq06 august 2020 exemple 397 turning the adf on in flight.turning the adf on in flight.

An aircraft is lined up on runway 23 which is aligned with a magnetic bearing ?

Question 161-36 : Cancel the flight and return to maintenance adjust the compass by 11° prior to commencing the take off roll continue the flight with no adjustments required adjust the compass by +11° prior to commencing the take off roll

Ecqb06 august 2020.maximum permissible deviation errors are +/ 10° error given is 11° in this case the crew must cancel the flight and go to maintenance exemple 401 cancel the flight and return to maintenance.cancel the flight and return to maintenance.

Annex ecqb 061 002 v2015 09.deviation for a compass heading of 088° is . 2483 ?

Question 161-37 : 2° 2°e 2°w 0°

exemple 405 -2°.-2°.

The magnetic compass shows ?

Question 161-38 : Compass heading magnetic heading magnetic track compass track

exemple 409 compass heading.compass heading.

A direct reading compass drc ?

Question 161-39 : Does not require power from the aircraft systems to indicate the direction is unaffected by interference from other aircraft components and systems is only certified for vfr flights and during published hours of daylight is more reliable than a gyroscopic directional compass during turns and accelerations or decelerations

exemple 413 does not require power from the aircraft systems to indicate the direction.does not require power from the aircraft systems to indicate the direction.

An aircraft is lined up on runway 24 which is aligned with a magnetic bearing ?

Question 161-40 : 237° 247° 240° 250° 235° 245° 239° 245°

Ae indique +/ 10° moi 5° seulement ce qui est plus logique j'ai volontairement enlevé la proposition 232° 252° ecqb06 august 2020. cs 25 1327 direction indicator . . b the magnetic direction indicator required by cs 25 1303 a 3 may not have a deviation after compensation in normal level flight greater than 10 degrees on any heading . .an accuracy of 10° or better is when readings are 042° 052° when line up on runway 05 for example.if you read 037° 057° accuracy is 20° and it's not correct.this question also exists with the statement the maximum permissible deviation errors for a direct reading compass is .answer 10° exemple 417 237°-247°.237°-247°.


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