Formation > assignment : Compass deviation is defined as the angle between ?
Question 161-1 : Magnetic north and compass north true north and magnetic north true north and compass north the horizontal and the total intensity of the earth's magnetic field

Given .true course 300° drift 8°r variation 10°w deviation 4° .calculate ?
Question 161-2 : 306° 322° 294° 278°

Given .true track 352° variation 11° w deviation is 5° drift 10°r ?
Question 161-3 : 358° 346° 018° 025°

Given .true track 070°.variation 30°w.deviation +1°.drift 10°r .calculate ?
Question 161-4 : 089° 091° 100° 101°

Deviation applied to magnetic heading gives ?
Question 161-5 : Compass heading true heading magnetic course magnetic track

Given .true course from a to b = 090° tas = 460 kt w/v = 360/100kt average ?
Question 161-6 : 070° 450 kt 068° 460 kt 078° 450 kt 102° 450 kt

An island is observed by weather radar to be 15° to the left the aircraft ?
Question 161-7 : 268° 088° 122° 302°

The main reason for mounting the detector unit of a remote reading compass in ?
Question 161-8 : To minimise the amount of deviation caused by aircraft magnetism and electrical circuits to maximise the units exposure to the earth's magnetic field to ensure that the unit is in the most accessible position on the aircraft for ease of maintenance by having detector units on both wingtips to cancel out the deviation effects caused by the aircraft structure

A ground feature was observed on a relative bearing of 315° and 3 minutes ?
Question 161-9 : 9 nm 12 nm 3 nm 6 nm

An island is observed to be 15° to the left the aircraft heading is 120° m ?
Question 161-10 : 088° 122° 268° 302°

Lined up on runway 05 047° what should a direct reading compass must indicate ?
Question 161-11 : 042° to 052° 045° to 049° 037° to 057° 032° to 062°

Permanent magnetism in aircraft arises chiefly from ?
Question 161-12 : Hammering and the effect of the earth's magnetic field whilst under construction exposure to the earth's magnetic field during normal operation the combined effect of aircraft electrical equipment and the earth's magnetic field the effect of internal wiring and exposure to electrical storms

The main reason for usually mounting the detector unit of a remote indicating ?
Question 161-13 : Reduce the amount of deviation caused by aircraft magnetism and electrical circuits facilitate easy maintenance of the unit and increase its exposure to the earth's magnetic field place it in a position where there is no electrical wiring to cause deviation errors place it where it will not be subjected to electrical or magnetic interference from the aircraft

Concerning direct reading magnetic compasses in the northern hemisphere it can ?
Question 161-14 : On an easterly heading a longitudinal acceleration causes an apparent turn to the north on an easterly heading a longitudinal acceleration causes an apparent turn to the south on a westerly heading a longitudinal acceleration causes an apparent turn to the south on a westerly heading a longitudinal deceleration causes an apparent turn to the north

A negative westerly magnetic variation signifies that ?
Question 161-15 : True north is east of magnetic north true north is west of magnetic north compass north is east of magnetic north compass north is west of magnetic north

In northern hemisphere during an acceleration in an easterly direction the ?
Question 161-16 : A decrease in heading an increase in heading an apparent turn to the south a heading of east

Magnetic compass calibration is carried out to reduce ?
Question 161-17 : Deviation variation parallax error acceleration errors

One purpose of a compass calibration is to reduce the difference if any between ?
Question 161-18 : Compass north and magnetic north compass north and true north true north and magnetic north compass north and the lubber line

One purpose of compass calibration is to determine the deviation ?
Question 161-19 : On any heading on a given heading at any latitude on n s e and w only

The force acting on the needle of a direct reading compass varies ?
Question 161-20 : Directly with the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field directly with the vertical component of the earth's magnetic field inversely with both vertical and horizontal components of the earth's magnetic field inversely with the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field

If the compass heading is 265° variation is 33° w and deviation is 3°e what ?
Question 161-21 : 235° 229° 301° 295°

In a remote indicating compass system the amount of deviation caused by ?
Question 161-22 : Mounting the detector unit flux valve in the wingtip mounting the flux valve in the cockpit positioning the gyroscope in the centre of the aircraft using a vertically mounted gyroscope instead of a horizontally mounted one

Which of the following statements about hard and soft iron in relation to ?
Question 161-23 : Hard iron magnetism is of a permanent nature and soft iron is of a non permanent nature both hard and soft iron are of a non permanent nature hard iron is is of a non permanent nature and soft iron is of a permanent nature both hard and soft hard iron are of a permanent nature

Which of the following variables affect deviation .1 magnetic latitude.2 ?
Question 161-24 : 1 2 and 4 1 2 and 3 2 and 3 3 and 4

An ndb is located at position n55°26' w005°42' the variation at the ndb is ?
Question 161-25 : 112 5° 108 5° 110 5° 114 5°

Given .compass heading = 233°.true track = 256°.drift angle = 10°r.deviation ?
Question 161-26 : 16°e 20°w 36°e 10°w

Deviation on the standby compass is ?
Question 161-27 : Dependent on the heading of the aircraft independent of the latitude of the aircraft's position zero on the magnetic equator positive if the compass north is to the west of magnetic north

Givent the deviation table of a direct reading compass drc the desired true ?
Question 161-28 : 164° 165° 146° 145°

Direct reading compass drc deviation table is.course 000 030 060 090 120 150 ?
Question 161-29 : 262° 214° 218° 258°

During pre flight check serviceability of a direct reading standby compass ?
Question 161-30 : 1 and 2 1 4 and 5 1 2 3 4 and 5 1 2 and 3

Which statement is true about the direct reading compass drc ?
Question 161-31 : Before take off the drc should be checked by comparing the heading to runway direction the drc is serviceable when the indication during takeoff differs by not more than 2° from the runway true direction the drc is serviceable when the indication is within 2° of the magnetic track on the navigation chart the heading of the drc can only be checked with the runway direction after allowing for magnetic variation

When an aircraft flies into the vicinity of one of the magnetic poles why does ?
Question 161-32 : The horizontal component becomes so weak that the directive force is insufficient for a reliable compass indication the magnetic inclination angle is minimal and the needle of a compass in free mode will be aligned vertically the vertical component becomes so weak that the directive force is insufficient for a reliable compass indication the magnetic inclination angle is maximal and the needle of a compass in free mode will be aligned horizontally

A significant amount of ferrous material is transported on a cargo flight which ?
Question 161-33 : The direct reading magnetic compass drmc the automatic direction finding equipment adf the inertial reference systems irs all gyroscopic flight instruments

According to the certification specifications for large aeroplanes cs 25 for ?
Question 161-34 : 10° 1° 5° 3°

Which of the following will probably not result in a deviation change on a drc ?
Question 161-35 : Turning the adf on in flight relocating a steel iron construction in the cargo compartment close to the drc a walk man headset placed close to the compass letting a passenger in the cockpit jump seat put his mobile phone next to the drc

An aircraft is lined up on runway 23 which is aligned with a magnetic bearing ?
Question 161-36 : Cancel the flight and return to maintenance adjust the compass by 11° prior to commencing the take off roll continue the flight with no adjustments required adjust the compass by +11° prior to commencing the take off roll

Annex ecqb 061 002 v2015 09.deviation for a compass heading of 088° is . 2483 ?
Question 161-37 : 2° 2°e 2°w 0°

The magnetic compass shows ?
Question 161-38 : Compass heading magnetic heading magnetic track compass track

A direct reading compass drc ?
Question 161-39 : Does not require power from the aircraft systems to indicate the direction is unaffected by interference from other aircraft components and systems is only certified for vfr flights and during published hours of daylight is more reliable than a gyroscopic directional compass during turns and accelerations or decelerations

An aircraft is lined up on runway 24 which is aligned with a magnetic bearing ?
Question 161-40 : 237° 247° 240° 250° 235° 245° 239° 245°

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