Formation > assignment : Calculate the approximate distance from waypoint dbu 53°29 0'n 000°28 6'w to ?
Question 160-1 : 329 4 nm 284 nm 385 5 nm 304 2 nm

Calculate the approximate distance from dublin 53°29 0'n 006°15 3'w to a ?
Question 160-2 : 535 7 nm 435 9 nm 565 2 nm 636 6 nm

Route a 53°24'n 015°54'e to b 32°00'n 052°51'w .distance flight plan is ?
Question 160-3 : 08 00 st a 05/08 14 00 st a 04/08 03 00 st a 05/08 05 00 st a 05/08

In producing chart projections the following projection surfaces may be used ?
Question 160-4 : Plane cylinder cone plane sphere cone cylinder sphere plane parabola cone plane cylinder

The term 'oblique' in relation to map projections means that ?
Question 160-5 : The axis of the cylinder or cone is neither parallel to or perpendicular to the earth's axis of rotation the axis of the cylinder or cone is parallel to the earth's axis of rotation the axis of the cylinder or cone is perpendicular to the earth's axis of rotation the axis of the cylinder or cone is parallel and perpendicular to the earth's axis of rotation

A day at a place as measured in local mean time starts ?
Question 160-6 : When the mean sun transits the anti meridian of the place in question when the real sun transits the meridian of the place in question when the real sun transits the greenwich meridian when the mean sun transits the 180e/w meridian

Standard time is ?
Question 160-7 : The time enforced by the legal authority to be used in a country or an area the time which is accepted and used as a standard for the whole world the time most frequently used for air navigation the time used at a particular meridian

Daylight saving time summer time is .1 used to extend the sunlight period in ?
Question 160-8 : 1 2 3 1 3 1 2 2

The countries having a standard time slow on utc ?
Question 160-9 : Will generally be located at western longitudes will often have an earlier standard date than the utc date will often experience sunrise earlier than the sunrise occurs at the greenwich meridian will generally be located at eastern longitudes

The international date line is located ?
Question 160-10 : At the 180° e/w meridian or in the vicinity of this meridian at the apparent suns anti meridian at the greenwich meridian at all latitudes on the 180° e/w meridian

Consider the following statements on sunset ?
Question 160-11 : Sunset is the time when the observer at sea level sees the last part of the sun disappear below the horizon for positions at the same longitude sunset will occur simultaneously at all latitudes at sunset the centre of the sun is at the observers horizon night flying regulations start at the time of sunset

Atmospheric refraction ?
Question 160-12 : Causes the sunrise to occur earlier and the sunset to occur later causes the sunrise and the sunset to occur earlier causes the sunrise and the sunset to occur later causes the sunrise to occur later and the sunset to occur earlier

Consider the following statements on sunrise and sunset ?
Question 160-13 : At equator sunrise and sunset occur at quite regular times throughout the year in may sunrise occurs later at 45°n than at 45°s in november sunset occurs earlier at 45°s than at 45°n in july the period of sunlight is longer at 15°s than at 15°n

'true north' is ?
Question 160-14 : The direction along any meridian toward the true north pole the direction along the meridian toward the north pole when on the northern hemisphere and toward the south pole when on the southern hemisphere in any direction out from the true north pole the direction along a meridian

In international aviation the following units shall be used for horizontal ?
Question 160-15 : Metres kilometres and nautical miles kilometres statute miles and nautical miles metres statute miles and nautical miles kilometres feet and nautical miles

When dealing with heights and altitudes in international aviation we use the ?
Question 160-16 : Metre and feet feet kilometre and decimals of nautical mile feet and yard statute mile and feet

'kilometre' is defined as ?
Question 160-17 : A 1/10000 part of the meridian length from equator to the pole 0 621 statute mile 0 454 nautical mile the mean length of a 1/40000 part of the equator

How long is 25 kilometres at 60°n ?
Question 160-18 : 13 5 nautical mile 40 2 statute miles 46 3 nautical mile 27 0 nautical mile

Position a 50°00 0'n 138°30 0'w st a = utc 9 h .position b 50°00 0'n ?
Question 160-19 : 09 00 st b 05/02 05 00 st b 03/02 05 00 st b 05/02 12 00 st b 04/02

Estimated time of departure a 15°15 0'n 072°06 0'w on 12 march is 01 00 st st ?
Question 160-20 : 09h35m and 02h42m 04h35m and 02h42m 07h35m and 01h42m 12h35m and 04h32m

What is meant by the term 'polar circle' ?
Question 160-21 : It is the parallel at the lowest latitude at which an observer can see the sun for 24 hours above the horizon it is the parallel at the highest latitude at which an observer can see the sun for 12 hours above the horizon it is the parallel at the lowest latitude at which an observer can see the sun for 12 hours above the horizon it is the parallel at the highest latitude at which an observer can see the sun for 24 hours above the horizon

Grivation is 56w when ?
Question 160-22 : Gh is 103° and mh is 159° gh is 156° and mh is 103° grid convergence is 46w and variation is 10e grid convergence is 58w and deviation is 2e

The term 'ellipsoid' may be used to describe ?
Question 160-23 : The shape of the earth the movement of the earth around the sun the shape of the ecliptic a great circle on the celestial sphere

By 'ecliptic' is meant ?
Question 160-24 : The apparent yearly path of the sun around the earth the apparent yearly path of the earth around the sun the path of the moon around the sun the path of the moon around the earth

The duration of civil twilight is the time ?
Question 160-25 : Between sunset and when the centre of the sun is 6° below the celestial horizon agreed by the international aeronautical authorities which is 12 minutes needed by the sun to move from the apparent height of 0° to the apparent height of 6° between sunset and when the centre of the sun is 12° below the celestial horizon

An aircraft is over position ho 55°30'n 060°15'w where yyr vor 53°30'n ?
Question 160-26 : 028° 208° 031° 332°

An aircraft in the northern hemisphere is making an accurate rate one turn to ?
Question 160-27 : More than 225° 225° less than 225° more or less than 225° depending on the pendulous suspension used

When accelerating on a westerly heading in the northern hemisphere the compass ?
Question 160-28 : Anti clockwise giving an apparent turn towards the north anti clockwise giving an apparent turn towards the south clockwise giving an apparent turn towards the north clockwise giving an apparent turn towards the south

A ground feature appears 30° to the left of the centre line of the crt of an ?
Question 160-29 : 160° 220° 130° 310°

When decelerating on a westerly heading in the northern hemisphere the compass ?
Question 160-30 : Clockwise giving an apparent turn toward the south anti clockwise giving an apparent turn towards the south clockwise giving an apparent turn towards the north anti clockwise giving an apparent turn towards the north

When turning right from 330° c to 040° c in the northern hemisphere the ?
Question 160-31 : Under indicate the turn and liquid swirl will increase the effect over indicate the turn and liquid swirl will decrease the effect under indicate the turn and liquid swirl will decrease the effect over indicate the turn and liquid swirl will increase the effect

When accelerating on an easterly heading in the northern hemisphere the compass ?
Question 160-32 : Clockwise giving an apparent turn toward the north clockwise giving an apparent turn toward the south anti clockwise giving an apparent turn toward the north anti clockwise giving an apparent turn toward the south

A direct reading compass should be swung when ?
Question 160-33 : There is a large and permanent change in magnetic latitude there is a large change in magnetic longitude the aircraft is stored for a long period and is frequently moved the aircraft has made more than a stated number of landings

The direct reading magnetic compass is made aperiodic dead beat by ?
Question 160-34 : Keeping the magnetic assembly mass close to the compass point and by using damping wires pendulous suspension of the magnetic assembly using long magnets using the lowest acceptable viscosity compass liquid

Given .true track is 348° drift 17° left variation 32°w deviation 4°e .what ?
Question 160-35 : 033° 007° 359° 337°

Which of the following statements is correct concerning the effect of turning ?
Question 160-36 : Turning errors are greatest on north/south headings and are greatest at high latitudes turning errors are greatest on east/west headings and are least at high latitudes turning errors are greatest on north/south headings and are least at high latitudes turning errors are greatest on east/west headings and are greatest at high latitudes

Which of the following is an occasion for carrying out a compass swing on a ?
Question 160-37 : After an aircraft has passed through a severe electrical storm or has been struck by lightning before an aircraft goes on any flight that involves a large change of magnetic latitude after any of the aircraft radio equipment has been changed due to unserviceability whenever an aircraft carries a large freight load regardless of its content

When is the magnetic compass most effective ?
Question 160-38 : About midway between the magnetic poles in the region of the magnetic south pole in the region of the magnetic north pole on the geographic equator

When an aircraft on a westerly heading on the northern hemisphere accelerates ?
Question 160-39 : Indicate a turn towards the north lag behind the turning rate of the aircraft indicate a turn towards the south to turn faster than the actual turning rate of the aircraft

Given .true track 180°.drift 8°r.compass heading 195°.deviation 2° ?
Question 160-40 : 21°w 25°w 5°w 9°w

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