Attainment > AIM : Who is helping the state provide security for the airports ?
Question 16-1 : Airport security committee local police department air force european union safety delegate

Definition of security the icao annex 17 is a combination of measures ?
Question 16-2 : And human and material resources intended to safeguard civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference intended to safeguard passengers against acts of unlawful interference and human and material resources intended to improve aviation safety intended to reduce acts of unlawful interference

What instructions would be given to an aircraft subject to unlawful ?
Question 16-3 : Directed to an isolated parking position directed to park in a normal terminal so the passengers could be offloaded with maximum efficiency directed to park on the runway directed to a normal terminal so the hi jackers would believe everything was normal

If an aircraft subjected to an act of unlawful seizure has landed on its ?
Question 16-4 : 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 2

Which of the following statements is correct concerning the flight crew ?
Question 16-5 : This door shall be capable of being locked this door must be made of a fire proof material this door shall be marked as an emergency access and be kept clear of obstructions at all times this door must resist to small arms fire and grenade shrapnel for at least 5 minutes

In all aeroplanes which are equipped with a flight crew compartment door this ?
Question 16-6 : The time all external doors are closed following embarkation until any such door is opened for disembarkation at engines start up until shut down after the flight at line up for take off until the beginning of taxiing on the taxiway after landing commencement of pushback

Accident investigation objective.the sole objective of the investigation of an ?
Question 16-7 : Prevention of future accidents or incidents prevention of accidents or incidents and to establish liability prevention of accidents or incidents and to provide legal evidence for subsequent court cases prevention of accidents or incidents and to provide the manufacturer with investigation data for the improvement of the design

Accident investigation.who is responsible for the initiation of an accident ?
Question 16-8 : The state of occurrence the state of registration the state of design the aircraft manufacturer

Accident incident notification and reporting.after landing while taxiing ?
Question 16-9 : This is an accident and the crew must follow the procedure relevant to this case this is an incident and the pilot in command must report it to the airport authority within the next 48 hours since there is no person injured and the flight is terminated a damage report has to be made out with the services of the aerodrome in charge of the runway and taxiways for the insurance company this is an irregularity in the operation the crew must inform the operator of the aerodrome and establish a report

The icao document that primarily deals with accident investigation is ?
Question 16-10 : Annex 13 annex 20 annex 15 annex 17

Icao annex 13 accident/incident notification and reporting.the aircraft has ?
Question 16-11 : This is an accident the crew must follow the procedure relevant for this case this is a matter of passenger insurance as the flight is terminated and the aeroplane doors are open the airport operator or the company in charge of the handling shall establish a report for the insurance company this is an irregularity in the handling the handling agent must inform his insurance company this is an incident the pilot in command must report it to the airport authority within the next 48 hours

Icao annex 13 notification and reporting..during the climb out phase of a ?
Question 16-12 : This is a serious incident the crew must follow the procedure relevant to an incident this is an accident the crew must follow the procedure relevant to an accident this is an irregularity in the operation the operator must inform the authority by writing an irregularity report this is an irregularity the pilot in command or the operator must deposit a report on behalf of the involved airport authority within the following 48 hours

The report on the inquiry requires by icao under an accident or an incident ?
Question 16-13 : Has for sole objective the prevention of future accidents it is not the purpose of this activity to apportion blame or liability has for objective the prevention of accidents or similar incidents and to apportion blame and liability has for sole objective to apportion blame and liability to improve air and navigation safety level is to apportion blame and liability

In the case of serious incidents.the report on the inquiry requires by icao ?
Question 16-14 : Institute by the state of occurrence this state may consider delegating the whole or any part of the conducting of such investigation to another state or a regional accident and incident investigation organization raio under the responsibility of the state of the operator the states of registry operator design or construction may be requested for the purposes of the investigation institute by the state of the operator to conduct any necessary investigation of the accident or serious incident under the responsibility of the state of registry the state of occurrence is responsible for the opening of the investigation and its conduct until the arrival of the investigators designated by the state of registry

Annex 13 definitions.a recorder installed in the aircraft for the purpose of ?
Question 16-15 : A flight recorder a black box a snitch a routeur

In accordance to regulation eu 996/2010 is considered as serious incident ?
Question 16-16 : A near collision requiring an avoidance manoeuvre a belly landing abnormal engine vibrations wake turbulence encounters

The accident investigation preliminary report shall be submitted to appropriate ?
Question 16-17 : One of the working languages of icao the language of the investigating state english any of the world's major languages
Upon receipt of the notification and a request by the state of occurrence for ?
Question 16-18 : 2250 kg 27000 kg 5700 kg 80000 kg

Which of the following according to icao annex 13 shall be entitled to appoint ?
Question 16-19 : Any state which on request provides information facilities or experts to the state conducting the investigation all icao members states state conducting the investigation and state of design state conducting the investigation and the state of aircraft registry
Icao annex 13 accident is an occurrence associated with the ?
Question 16-20 : The aircraft sustains damage or structural failure which adversely affects the structural strength and would require major repair the circumstances indicate the need for a major repair or replacement of an affected component during which a person suffers injuries due to natural causes it could affect the safety of operation

Annex 13.the geographical limits if any within which the specifications given ?
Question 16-21 : Wherever they occurred only over the high seas in all geographical areas except over the high seas in the territories of contracting states

Annex 13.when the location of an accident or a serious incident cannot ?
Question 16-22 : The state of registry the state of manufacture the state of design the state of the operator

A french registered aircraft piloted by a dutchman citizen with a german fcl ?
Question 16-23 : Spain germany france netherlands

The wing of an aircraft in flight powered by engines located under the wing is ?
Question 16-24 : Compression and then tension tension and then compression tension compression

Among the different types of aircraft structures the shell structures ?
Question 16-25 : 1 2 and 3 1 2 and 4 1 3 and 4 2 3 and 4

On a non stressed skin type wing the wing structure elements which take up the ?
Question 16-26 : The spars the ribs the skin the webs

With regard to an aircraft structure 'fail safe' is one ?
Question 16-27 : In which the load is carried by other components if a part of the structure fails that is easily manufactured used for small aircraft only that is only used for a limited time

For fail safe designed structural components.1 there is more than one load ?
Question 16-28 : 1 4 2 3 1 3 2 4

Loads on the cylindrical part of the fuselage during pressurisation are carried ?
Question 16-29 : Skin spars stringers ribs

The bending loads on a cantilever wing due to lift are carried by the .1 upper ?
Question 16-30 : 1 2 4 2 3 1 3 4 3 4

Which of these statements about structural design principles are correct or ?
Question 16-31 : I is correct ii is correct i is incorrect ii is incorrect i is correct ii is incorrect i is incorrect ii is correct

Which of these statements about sandwich structural parts are correct or ?
Question 16-32 : I is correct ii is correct i is incorrect ii is incorrect i is incorrect ii is correct i is correct ii is incorrect

Which of these statements concerning a sandwich structural part are correct or ?
Question 16-33 : I is correct ii is correct i is incorrect ii is incorrect i is incorrect ii is correct i is correct ii is incorrect

According jar/cs 25 the worst effect of a hazardous failure on the occupants of ?
Question 16-34 : Serious or fatal injury to a small number of passengers or cabin crew multiple fatalities physical distress possibly including injuries physical discomfort

For safe life designed structural components .1 there is more than one load ?
Question 16-35 : 2 3 1 4 2 4 1 3

According jar/cs 25 the allowable average failure probability per flight hour ?
Question 16-36 : Between 10^ 5 and 10^ 7 remote between 10^ 3 and 10^ 5 probable less than 10^ 9 extremely improbable between 10^ 7 and 10^ 9 extremely remote

According jar/cs 25 the allowable average failure probability per flight hour ?
Question 16-37 : Between 10^ 3 and 10^ 5 probable between 10^ 5 and 10^ 7 remote between 10^ 7 and 10^ 9 extremely remote less than 10^ 9 extremely improbable

According jar/cs 25 the allowable quantitative average failure probability per ?
Question 16-38 : Less than 10^ 9 extremely improbable between 10^ 7 and 10^ 9 extremely remote between 10^ 5 and 10^ 7 remote between 10^ 3 and 10^ 5 probable

According jar/cs 25 the worst effect of a hazardous failure on the flight crew ?
Question 16-39 : Physical distress or excessive workload impairs ability to perform tasks fatalities or incapacitation physical discomfort or a significant increase in workload a slight increase in workload

According jar/cs 25 the worst effect of a hazardous failure on the aeroplane ?
Question 16-40 : Large reduction in functional capabilities or safety margins hull loss significant reduction in functional capabilities or safety margins slight reduction in functional capabilities or safety margins

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