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MCQ > aircraft : Assuming mid latitudes 40° to 50°n/s at which time of year is the ?

Question 157-1 : Spring equinox and autumn equinox summer solstice and spring equinox summer solstice and winter solstice winter solstice and autumn equinox

. 2476.the length of daylight/night at a given latitude varies with the declination of the sun and the greatest rate of change of declination is when the sun is crossing the equator at the spring and autumn equinox the rate of change of the length of daylight will therefore be greatest when the rate of change of declination is greatest exemple 257 spring equinox and autumn equinox.spring equinox and autumn equinox.

At what approximate date is the earth closest to the sun perihelion ?

Question 157-2 : Beginning of january end of march beginning of july end of june

. 2477 exemple 261 beginning of january.beginning of january.

At what approximate date is the earth furthest from the sun aphelion ?

Question 157-3 : Beginning of july end of december beginning of january end of september

. 2477.the aphelion is the point in the orbit of a planet or comet where it is farthest from the sun exemple 265 beginning of july.beginning of july.

An aircraft at position 60°n 005°w tracks 090° t for 315 km on completion ?

Question 157-4 : 000°40'e 005°15'e 002°10'w 000°15'e

.315 km = 170 nm.170 / cos 60 = 340'.340' = 5° 40'..60°n 005°w 5° 40' = 60°n 000°40'e exemple 269 000°40'e.000°40'e.

The 'departure' between positions 60°n 160°e and 60°n 'x' is 900 nm what is ?

Question 157-5 : 170°w 140°w 145°e 175°e

.distance = change in longitude x cos latitude.900 nm = change in longitude x cos 60.therefore .change in longitude = 900 / 0 5.change in longitude = 1800'.1800' / 60' = 30°..if position 'x' is west 160°e 30° = 130° .if position 'x' is east 160°e + 30° = 170°w exemple 273 170°w.170°w.

An aircraft at latitude 02°20'n tracks 180° t for 685 km on completion of the ?

Question 157-6 : 03°50's 04°10's 04°30's 09°05's

.on a meridian 1° = 60 nm .we are heading south.685 km / 1 852 = 370 nm..370 / 60 = 6 16°..0 16° x 60 = 10' exactly 9 6 min.02°20'n 6°10' = 03°50's . 2478 exemple 277 03°50's.03°50's.

An aircraft at latitude 10° south flies north at a gs of 890 km/h what will ?

Question 157-7 : 02°00'n 12°15'n 22°00'n 03°50'n

.1° of longitude = 60 nm..ground speed is 890 km/h or 890 /1 852 = 480 kt .480 x 1 5h = 720 nm travelled.720/60 = 12°..you are 10° south of the equator you are travelling north you will reach the equator after 10° you are now in northern hemisphere and you travel another 2° to arrive at 02°00'n exemple 281 02°00'n.02°00'n.

An aircraft at latitude 10°north flies south at a groundspeed of 445 km/h what ?

Question 157-8 : 02°00's 12°15's 22°00's 03°50's

.1° of longitude = 60 nm..ground speed is 445 km/h or 445 /1 852 = 240 kt .240 x 3h = 720 nm travelled.720/60 = 12°..you are 10° north of the equator you are travelling south you will reach the equator after 10° you are now in southern hemisphere and you travel another 2° to arrive at 02°00's exemple 285 02°00's.02°00's.

An aircraft is flying in the shortest possible way between point 1 and 2 and ?

Question 157-9 : 9° zero +9° 4°

.the aircraft follows a great circle track which is on the polar side of the rhumb line track.givry correction = 1/2 x 10° x sin60° = 4 33..east track .depart point 1 on heading 090° 4 33 = 85 67°..at halfway between point 1 and point 2 85 67 + 4 33 = 090°.arriving point 2 on heading 90° + 4 33 = 94 33°.crossing point 2 on course to point 3 we perform the same heading change when we have left point 1 .the track change when passing point 2 will be approximately 94 33° 85 67 = 8 66° minus 9° changes . 1418 exemple 289 -9°.-9°.

At the magnetic equator when accelerating after take off on heading west a ?

Question 157-10 : Indicates the correct heading overreads the heading underreads the heading indicates a turn to the south

.magnetic dip is the angle between the horizontal and vertical forces acting on a compass needle toward the nearer pole . 1430.a direct reading compass has a pivoted magnet that is free to aligne itself with the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field . 1945.the compass is pendulous and symmetrical and will sit level if there is no magnetic field or if the field is horizontal with no vertical component of the earth's magnetic force as on the magnetic equator.in fact the pendulosity helps to counteract the effect of dip trying to keep the compass card level.but because the cg is under the pivot point accelerating makes the bulk of the compass lag behind the machine and displace the cg aft of the pivot point if you were just going north or south all you would get is extra dip but if you are going east or west the north bit of the compass is pointing to the side of the aircraft and the displaced cg not being vertically in line with the pivot point ges towards north to create a couple that makes the compass turn clockwise to read less than 90° during the turn a deceleration has the opposite effect. acceleration errors are maximum on eat/west headings and near the magnetic poles and nil on north/south headings and at the equator.a mnemonic for the effect of acceleration error is the word ' ands ' acceleration north deceleration south .acceleration causes an indication toward north deceleration causes an indication toward south exemple 293 indicates the correct heading.indicates the correct heading.

The circumference of the parallel of latitude at 60°n is approximately ?

Question 157-11 : 10 800 nm 18 706 nm 20 000 nm 34 641 nm

.360° x 60 nm x cos 60 = 10 800 nm exemple 297 10 800 nm.10 800 nm.

Given .position 'a' n60 w020 position 'b' n60 w021 position 'c' n59 w020 .what ?

Question 157-12 : 30 nm and 60 nm 52 nm and 60 nm 60 nm and 30 nm 60 nm and 52 nm

.at the equator 1° = 60 nm.from a to b = 1° change of longitude .distance in nm for 1° change of longitude = 1° x 60 nm x cos latitude .distance in nm for 1° change of longitude = 1° x 60 nm x cos60° = 30 nm.from a to c = 1° change of latitude .distance in nm for 1° change of latitude = 1° x 60 nm = 60 nm exemple 301 30 nm and 60 nm.30 nm and 60 nm.

The coordinates of the heliport at issy les moulineaux are n48°50' e002°16 5' ?

Question 157-13 : S48°50' w177°43 5' s48°50' e177°43 5' s41°10' w177°43 5' s41°10' e177°43 5'

.on the opposite side of the earth the latitude will be the same of our position but south .on the opposite side of the earth the longitude must be west 180° 002°16 5' = 177° 43 5' .if you want to check use the funny tool tunnel to other side of the earth exemple 305 s48°50' w177°43.5'.s48°50' w177°43.5'.

Isogonals are lines of equal ?

Question 157-14 : Magnetic variation compass deviation pressure wind velocity

. 1425.isogonic lines connect positions that have the same variation .agonic line a line which joins all points where the value of magnetic variation is zero exemple 309 magnetic variation.magnetic variation.

At a specific location the value of magnetic variation ?

Question 157-15 : Varies slowly over time depends on the type of compass installed depends on the magnetic heading depends on the true heading

exemple 313 varies slowly over time.varies slowly over time.

Parallels of latitude except the equator are ?

Question 157-16 : Rhumb lines great circles both rhumb lines and great circles are neither rhumb lines nor great circles

exemple 317 rhumb lines.rhumb lines.

Given .a is n55° 000°.b is n54° e010°.the average true course of the great ?

Question 157-17 : 100° 104° 107° 096°

.they specificaly state 'the average true course' . 2479.loxodrome track rhumb line true course between 2 points will be the same as the average great circle track orthodrome between those 2 points exemple 321 100°.100°.

Given .position 'a' is n00° e100° position 'b' is 240° t 200 nm from 'a' ?

Question 157-18 : S01°40' e097°07' n01°40' e097°07' s01°40' e101°40' n01°40' e101°40'

.on a bearing of 240°t from a to b it means the b will be south of a south of the equator and to the west of 100°e longitude less than 100°e.only one answer satisfies this exemple 325 s01°40' e097°07'.s01°40' e097°07'.

The angle between magnetic north and compass north is called ?

Question 157-19 : Compass deviation compass error magnetic variation alignment error

.learn the composition of this table . 1438 exemple 329 compass deviation.compass deviation.

The north and south magnetic poles are the only positions on the earth's ?

Question 157-20 : A freely suspended compass needle would stand vertical a position where the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field is a maximum a freely suspended compass needle will stand horizontal the value of magnetic variation equals 90°

. 2031.diagrammatic representation of the earth's magnetic field illustrating how field lines represented by arrows intersect the earth's surface and how inclination angle the angle formed between the field lines and the earth varies with latitude at the magnetic equator the curving line across the earth field lines are parallel to the earth's surface the field lines become progressively steeper as one travels north toward the magnetic pole where the field lines are directed straight down into the earth and the inclination angle is 90° . 1430.the force acting on the compass needle is directly proportional to the horizontal.component of the earth's field and inversely proportional to the vertical component of the earth's.at the magnetic poles the earth's magnetic field is perpendicular to the earth's surface magnetic dip is 90° at the magnetic poles a dip needle stands vertical exemple 333 a freely suspended compass needle would stand vertical.a freely suspended compass needle would stand vertical.

Value for the flattening of the earth is 1/298 earth's semi major axis as ?

Question 157-21 : 6356 9 6378 4 6367 6399 9

. 2062.ratio of ellipticity e = a b /a = 1/298..6378 4 6378 4 / 298 = 6356 99 km exemple 337 6356.96356.9

Morning civil twilight begins when ?

Question 157-22 : The centre of the sun is 6° below the celestial horizon the centre of the sun is 12° below the celestial horizon the centre of the sun is 18° below the celestial horizon the sun's upper edge is tangential to the celestial horizon

.morning civil twilight is the period in the morning from the centre of the sun is 6° below the horizon until the upper limb of the sun appears at the horizon exemple 341 the centre of the sun is 6° below the celestial horizon.the centre of the sun is 6° below the celestial horizon.

How many small circles can be drawn between any two points on a sphere ?

Question 157-23 : An unlimited number two one none

exemple 345 an unlimited number.an unlimited number.

An aircraft is following the 45°n parallel of latitude the track followed is a ?

Question 157-24 : Rhumb line constant heading track great circle constant drift track

exemple 349 rhumb line.rhumb line.

A rhumb line on a direct mercator chart appears as a ?

Question 157-25 : Straight line complex curve curve convex to the nearer pole small circle concave to the nearer pole

.on a direct mercator chart meridians are parallel equally spaced vertical straight lines. 2054.rhumb lines or loxodromes are tracks of constant true course exemple 353 straight line.straight line.

A great circle on the earth running from the north pole to the south pole is ?

Question 157-26 : A meridian a parallel of latitude a difference of longitude a longitude

exemple 357 a meridian.a meridian.

If you are flying along a parallel of latitude you are flying ?

Question 157-27 : A rhumb line track a great circle track on a north south track on a track which is constantly changing direction

exemple 361 a rhumb line track.a rhumb line track.

What is the rhumb line distance between two positions on latitude 60°n that ?

Question 157-28 : 300 nm 520 nm 600 nm 866 nm

.10° x 60 nm x cos 60 = 300 nm exemple 365 300 nm.300 nm.

What is the length of one degree of longitude at latitude 60° south ?

Question 157-29 : 30 nm 52 nm 60 nm 90 nm

.1° = 60 nm on the equator.1° = 60 nm x cos of latitude.1° = 60 nm x cos 60 = 30 nm exemple 369 30 nm.30 nm.

The initial great circle track from a to b is 080° and the rhumb line track is ?

Question 157-30 : 266° and in the northern hemisphere 260° and in the southern hemisphere 260° and in the northern hemisphere 266° and in the southern hemisphere

.we can only be in northern hemisphere if great circle track is smaller than rhumb line track for easterly tracks . 1462.conversion angle is 3° 083° 080° it is half of convergency thus convergency is 6°.our great circle track at b will be 086° .initial great circle track from b will be 086°+180° = 266° exemple 373 266° and in the northern hemisphere.266° and in the northern hemisphere.

The great circle track measured at a 45°00'n 010°00'w from a to b 45°00'n ?

Question 157-31 : 273° 090° 093° 270°

Conversion angle = 1/2 g sin mean latitude.where g = change of longitude = 10°w to 19°w = 9°..1/2 x 9° x sin 45° = 3 18°..we are going west so rhumb line is 270° and the great circle track at a 270° + 3° = 273°.how to find if we have to add or retract the conversion angle correction . 1462.it's very simple look at the shape of a great circle track in north and south hemisphere exemple 377 273°.273°.

When the time is 2000 utc it is ?

Question 157-32 : 1400 lmt at 90° west 2400 lmt at 120° west 1200 lmt at 60° east 0800 lmt at the prime meridian

.lmt local mean time .you must check all the answers.0800 lmt at the prime meridian wrong 20h00 gmt at prime meridian = 20h00 lmt at prime meridian.2400 lmt at 120° west wrong 120° 4 minutes per degree 120 x 4 = 480 minutes 8h .20h00 gmt at prime meridian going west so minus 8h it is 12h00 lmt at 120° west.1200 lmt at 60° east wrong 60° 4 minutes per degree 60 x 4 = 240 minutes 4h .20h00 gmt at prime meridian going east so plus 4h it is 24h00 lmt at 60° east.1400 lmt at 90° west correct 90° 4 minutes per degree 90 x 4 = 360 minute 6h s .20h00 gmt at prime meridian going west so minus 6h it is 14h00 lmt at 90° west exemple 381 1400 lmt at 90° west.1400 lmt at 90° west.

The distance along a meridian between 63°55'n and 13°47's is ?

Question 157-33 : 4662 nm 7702 nm 5008 nm 3008 nm

.1° of longitude = 1 minute = 60 nm..63°55' + 13°47' = 77°42'.77° x 60 + 42 nm = 4662 nm exemple 385 4662 nm.4662 nm.

In which occasions does the rhumb line track and the great circle track ?

Question 157-34 : On tracks directly north south and on east west tracks along the equator on high latitude tracks directly east west on east west tracks in the northern hemisphere north of the magnetic equator on east west tracks in polar areas

exemple 389 on tracks directly north - south and on east - west tracks along the equator.on tracks directly north - south and on east - west tracks along the equator.

In the northern hemisphere the rhumb line track from position a to b is 230° ?

Question 157-35 : 050° 053° 056° 047°

The rhumb line track from a to b is 230° so the rhumb line from b to a is the opposite 050° 230 180..convergency and difference in longitude are useful for great circle calculation only..remember.rhumb lines or loxodromes are tracks of constant true course.great circle is the shortest distance between two points exemple 393 050°050°

How many degrees has the mean sun moved along the celestial equator in 8 hours ?

Question 157-36 : 122° 148° 18° 56°

.the earth moves around the sun at a rate of 4 minutes per degree of longitude 15°/h.8h x 15° = 120°.8 minutes = 2°.120° + 2° = 122° exemple 397 122°.122°.

The great circle bearing of position b from position a in the northern ?

Question 157-37 : 228° 212° 220° 224°

.the reciprocal of 40° is 220° and that is measured at a.for the track from b to a measured at b .convergency between a and b = 8°.great cricle track at b > great cricle track at a.great cricle track at b = great cricle track at a + convergency.great cricle track at b = 040° + 8°.great cricle track at b = 048°.reciprocal of 048° = 228° exemple 401 228°.228°.

When flying on a westerly great circle track in the southern hemisphere you will ?

Question 157-38 : Experience an increase in the value of true track fly a spiral and finally end up at the south pole always have the rhumb line track between the departure point and the destination to the left of your great circle track experience a decrease in the value of true track

.it's very simple first look at the shape of a great circle track in north and south hemisphere and at the equator . 2051.now take an example based on our question . 2049.when flying on a westerly great circle track in the southern hemisphere you will experience an increase in the value of true track exemple 405 experience an increase in the value of true track.experience an increase in the value of true track.

When the time is 1400 lmt at 90° west it is ?

Question 157-39 : 1200 lmt at 120° west 1400 lmt at 90° east 1000 lmt at 60° west 0600 lmt at the prime meridian

.you must check all the answers.1400 lmt at 90° east wrong it can not be the same lmt for different longitudes.1000 lmt at 60° west wrong 30° between 90° west and 60° west 4 minutes per degree 30 x 4 = 120 minutes .14h00 at 90°west going east so plus 2h it is 14h00 lmt at 60° west.0600 lmt at the prime meridian wrong 90° between 90° west and greenwich meridian 4 minutes per degree 90 x 4 = 360 minutes .14h00 at 90°west going east so plus 6h at greenwich meridian it is 08h00 lmt.1200 lmt at 120° west correct 30° between 120° west and 90° west 4 minutes per degree 30 x 4 = 120 minutes .14h00 at 90°west going west so minus 2h it is 12h00 lmt at 120° west exemple 409 1200 lmt at 120° west.1200 lmt at 120° west.

Which of the following alternatives is correct when you cross the international ?

Question 157-40 : The date will increase if you are crossing on a westerly heading the date will increase if you are crossing on a easterly heading the date will always be the same if you are crossing from westerly longitude to easterly longitude the date will remain the same

.the aircraft is flying on a westerly heading of 270° . 2042.the international date line idl is an imaginary line on the surface of the earth that runs from the north to the south pole and demarcates one calendar day from the next it passes through the middle of the pacific ocean roughly following the 180° longitude but it deviates to pass around some territories and island groups.the international date line is on the opposite side of the earth to the prime meridian greenwich meridian the prime meridian helps to define universal time and is the meridian from which all other time zones are calculated time zones to the east of the prime meridian are in advance of utc up to utc+14 time zones to the west are behind utc to utc 12 exemple 413 the date will increase if you are crossing on a westerly heading.the date will increase if you are crossing on a westerly heading.


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