MCQ > aircraft : Assuming mid latitudes 40° to 50°n/s at which time of year is the ?
Question 157-1 : Spring equinox and autumn equinox summer solstice and spring equinox summer solstice and winter solstice winter solstice and autumn equinox

At what approximate date is the earth closest to the sun perihelion ?
Question 157-2 : Beginning of january end of march beginning of july end of june

At what approximate date is the earth furthest from the sun aphelion ?
Question 157-3 : Beginning of july end of december beginning of january end of september

An aircraft at position 60°n 005°w tracks 090° t for 315 km on completion ?
Question 157-4 : 000°40'e 005°15'e 002°10'w 000°15'e

The 'departure' between positions 60°n 160°e and 60°n 'x' is 900 nm what is ?
Question 157-5 : 170°w 140°w 145°e 175°e

An aircraft at latitude 02°20'n tracks 180° t for 685 km on completion of the ?
Question 157-6 : 03°50's 04°10's 04°30's 09°05's

An aircraft at latitude 10° south flies north at a gs of 890 km/h what will ?
Question 157-7 : 02°00'n 12°15'n 22°00'n 03°50'n

An aircraft at latitude 10°north flies south at a groundspeed of 445 km/h what ?
Question 157-8 : 02°00's 12°15's 22°00's 03°50's

An aircraft is flying in the shortest possible way between point 1 and 2 and ?
Question 157-9 : 9° zero +9° 4°

At the magnetic equator when accelerating after take off on heading west a ?
Question 157-10 : Indicates the correct heading overreads the heading underreads the heading indicates a turn to the south

The circumference of the parallel of latitude at 60°n is approximately ?
Question 157-11 : 10 800 nm 18 706 nm 20 000 nm 34 641 nm

Given .position 'a' n60 w020 position 'b' n60 w021 position 'c' n59 w020 .what ?
Question 157-12 : 30 nm and 60 nm 52 nm and 60 nm 60 nm and 30 nm 60 nm and 52 nm

The coordinates of the heliport at issy les moulineaux are n48°50' e002°16 5' ?
Question 157-13 : S48°50' w177°43 5' s48°50' e177°43 5' s41°10' w177°43 5' s41°10' e177°43 5'

Isogonals are lines of equal ?
Question 157-14 : Magnetic variation compass deviation pressure wind velocity

At a specific location the value of magnetic variation ?
Question 157-15 : Varies slowly over time depends on the type of compass installed depends on the magnetic heading depends on the true heading

Parallels of latitude except the equator are ?
Question 157-16 : Rhumb lines great circles both rhumb lines and great circles are neither rhumb lines nor great circles

Given .a is n55° 000°.b is n54° e010°.the average true course of the great ?
Question 157-17 : 100° 104° 107° 096°

Given .position 'a' is n00° e100° position 'b' is 240° t 200 nm from 'a' ?
Question 157-18 : S01°40' e097°07' n01°40' e097°07' s01°40' e101°40' n01°40' e101°40'

The angle between magnetic north and compass north is called ?
Question 157-19 : Compass deviation compass error magnetic variation alignment error

The north and south magnetic poles are the only positions on the earth's ?
Question 157-20 : A freely suspended compass needle would stand vertical a position where the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field is a maximum a freely suspended compass needle will stand horizontal the value of magnetic variation equals 90°

Value for the flattening of the earth is 1/298 earth's semi major axis as ?
Question 157-21 : 6356 9 6378 4 6367 6399 9

Morning civil twilight begins when ?
Question 157-22 : The centre of the sun is 6° below the celestial horizon the centre of the sun is 12° below the celestial horizon the centre of the sun is 18° below the celestial horizon the sun's upper edge is tangential to the celestial horizon

How many small circles can be drawn between any two points on a sphere ?
Question 157-23 : An unlimited number two one none

An aircraft is following the 45°n parallel of latitude the track followed is a ?
Question 157-24 : Rhumb line constant heading track great circle constant drift track

A rhumb line on a direct mercator chart appears as a ?
Question 157-25 : Straight line complex curve curve convex to the nearer pole small circle concave to the nearer pole

A great circle on the earth running from the north pole to the south pole is ?
Question 157-26 : A meridian a parallel of latitude a difference of longitude a longitude

If you are flying along a parallel of latitude you are flying ?
Question 157-27 : A rhumb line track a great circle track on a north south track on a track which is constantly changing direction

What is the rhumb line distance between two positions on latitude 60°n that ?
Question 157-28 : 300 nm 520 nm 600 nm 866 nm

What is the length of one degree of longitude at latitude 60° south ?
Question 157-29 : 30 nm 52 nm 60 nm 90 nm

The initial great circle track from a to b is 080° and the rhumb line track is ?
Question 157-30 : 266° and in the northern hemisphere 260° and in the southern hemisphere 260° and in the northern hemisphere 266° and in the southern hemisphere

The great circle track measured at a 45°00'n 010°00'w from a to b 45°00'n ?
Question 157-31 : 273° 090° 093° 270°

When the time is 2000 utc it is ?
Question 157-32 : 1400 lmt at 90° west 2400 lmt at 120° west 1200 lmt at 60° east 0800 lmt at the prime meridian

The distance along a meridian between 63°55'n and 13°47's is ?
Question 157-33 : 4662 nm 7702 nm 5008 nm 3008 nm

In which occasions does the rhumb line track and the great circle track ?
Question 157-34 : On tracks directly north south and on east west tracks along the equator on high latitude tracks directly east west on east west tracks in the northern hemisphere north of the magnetic equator on east west tracks in polar areas

In the northern hemisphere the rhumb line track from position a to b is 230° ?
Question 157-35 : 050° 053° 056° 047°

How many degrees has the mean sun moved along the celestial equator in 8 hours ?
Question 157-36 : 122° 148° 18° 56°

The great circle bearing of position b from position a in the northern ?
Question 157-37 : 228° 212° 220° 224°

When flying on a westerly great circle track in the southern hemisphere you will ?
Question 157-38 : Experience an increase in the value of true track fly a spiral and finally end up at the south pole always have the rhumb line track between the departure point and the destination to the left of your great circle track experience a decrease in the value of true track

When the time is 1400 lmt at 90° west it is ?
Question 157-39 : 1200 lmt at 120° west 1400 lmt at 90° east 1000 lmt at 60° west 0600 lmt at the prime meridian

Which of the following alternatives is correct when you cross the international ?
Question 157-40 : The date will increase if you are crossing on a westerly heading the date will increase if you are crossing on a easterly heading the date will always be the same if you are crossing from westerly longitude to easterly longitude the date will remain the same

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