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MCQ > aircraft : A meteorological briefing is ?

Question 156-1 : An oral commentary on existing and/or expected meteorological conditions printed documents constituting a flight record an oral commentary on weather forecasts careful reading of the meteorological elements available for the planned flight

exemple 256 an oral commentary on existing and/or expected meteorological conditions.an oral commentary on existing and/or expected meteorological conditions.

An aircraft encounters severe turbulence the pilot must ?

Question 156-2 : Issue a special air report message issue a routine air report message issue a safety message issue a report at destination

exemple 260 issue a special air-report message.issue a special air-report message.

The angle between the true great circle track and the true rhumb line track ?

Question 156-3 : 7 8° 9° 15 6° 5 2°

.change in longitude between a and b = 18°.. = 1/2 g sin lm = 1/2 x 18° x sin 60 = 9 x 0 866 = 7 79° exemple 264 7.8°.7.8°.

In order to fly from position a 10°00'n 030°00'w to position b 30°00'n ?

Question 156-4 : A rhumb line track the constant average drift route the great circle route a straight line plotted on a lambert chart

.rhumb lines or loxodromes are tracks of constant true course.great circle is the shortest distance between two points. 1462 exemple 268 a rhumb line track.a rhumb line track.

The rhumb line track between position a 45°00'n 010°00'w and position b ?

Question 156-5 : 315° 345° 330° 300°

. 1360.we have an isoceles triangle .the track between position a and position b will be approximately 270° + 45° = 315° exemple 272 315°.315°.

The diameter of the earth is approximately ?

Question 156-6 : 12 700 km 6 350 km 18 500 km 40 000 km

.earth's diameter 6900 nm 12700 km.earth's circumference 21600 nm 40000 km exemple 276 12 700 km.12 700 km.

The maximum difference between geocentric and geodetic latitude occurs at about ?

Question 156-7 : 45° north and south 60° north and south 90° north and south 0° north and south equator

.geocentric latitude is measured from the centre of the ellipsoid geodetic or geographic latitude which is what is normally measured is the angle between the plane of the equator and the line which is normal to the ellipsoid at the point of interest unlike geocentric latitude this line does not typically pass through the centre of the ellipsoid whenever the unqualified term latitude is used it will normally mean the geographic latitude . 1785.the relation between the geodetic latitude and the geocentric latitude is . 1361.the geodetic and geocentric latitudes are equal at the equator and poles the value of the squared eccentricity is approximately 0 007 depending on the choice of ellipsoid and the maximum difference between geocentric and geodetic latitude is approximately 11 5 minutes of arc at a geodetic latitude of 45°6' exemple 280 45° north and south.45° north and south.

If an aéronef was to circle around the earth following parallel 60°n at a ?

Question 156-8 : 960 kt 240 kt 550 kt 480 kt

.distance around earth at 60ºn is 360° x 60 nm x cos60º = 10800 nm.distance around earth at the equator = 360° x 60 nm = 21600 nm..10800 nm is half the distance of the circle around the equator so for the same time to cover twice the distance it should fly at a ground speed of .2 x 480 kt = 960 kt exemple 284 960 kt.960 kt.

An aircraft passes position a 60°00'n 120°00'w on route to position b ?

Question 156-9 : 279° 288° 261° 270°

.rhumb line or loxodrome route following a parallel or flying a constant latitude at constant true course from a to b is 270°.conversion angle = 1/2 g sin lm.conversion angle = 0 5 x 20 5 x sin 60° = 9°.the great circle track on departure from a is 270° + 9° = 279°.g = difference of longitude .lm = mean latitude . 1462.for a westerly track in northern hemisphere a great circle track at departure is larger than the rhumb line exemple 288 279°.279°.

A great circle track joins position a 59°s 141°w and b 61°s 148°w .what is ?

Question 156-10 : It increases by 6° it decreases by 6° it increases by 3° it decreases by 3°

. 1376.the formula to calculate convergency between two positions relatively close to each other is .convergency = difference of longitude x sin mean latitude .convergency = 7° x sin60°.convergengy = 7° x 0 866 = 6° exemple 292 it increases by 6°.it increases by 6°.

What is the longitude of a position 6 nm to the east of 58°42'n 094°00'w ?

Question 156-11 : 093°48 5'w 093°54 0'w 093°53 1'w 094°12 0'w

. 1378.distance = change in longitude x cos of latitude. .6 nm = change in longitude x cos 58 7...change in longitude = 6 nm / cos 58 7 = 11 55'.change in longitude = 0 193°.94 0 193 = 93 807°.093°48 5'w exemple 296 093°48.5'w.093°48.5'w.

The great circle distance between position a 59°34 1'n 008°08 4'e and b ?

Question 156-12 : 5 400 nm 10 800 km 2 700 nm 10 800 nm

.the shortest route is right over the north pole distance = differences in the latitudes .90° 60°n exactly 59°34 1'n = 30°.90° 30°n exactly 30°25 9'n = 60°..total 90° .90° x 60 nm = 5400 nm exemple 300 5 400 nm.5 400 nm.

Given .position a 45°n °e position b 45°n 45°15'e distance a b = 280 nm b ?

Question 156-13 : 38°39'e 49°57'e 51°51'e 40°33'e

.g = distance / cos latitude.g = 280 / 0 707.396 minutes 6°36'.a is to the west of b .45° 6°36' = 38°24'e.close enough to 38°39'e exemple 304 38°39'e.38°39'e.

265 us gal equals specific gravity 0 80 ?

Question 156-14 : 803 kg 862 kg 895 kg 940 kg

.1 usg = 3 79 litres.265 x 3 785 = 1004 litres.1004 x 0 8 = 803 kg exemple 308 803 kg.803 kg.

On the 27th of february at 52°s and 040°e the sunrise is at 0243 utc on the ?

Question 156-15 : 0743 utc 0243 utc 2143 utc 0523 utc

.the earth moves around the sun at a rate of 4 minutes per degree of longitude 15°/h latitude remains the same only the longitude changes 040°e to 035°w = 75°.75° and 4 minutes per degree = 5h .the sunrise is at 0743 utc 02h43 + 5h at longitude 35°w.dalton .utc is utc everywhere sorry but the good answer is 0243 utc. .so the sun rises everywhere on earth at the same utc hour at 0243 utc.caestudent109 .the utc is the same everywhere around the earth the good answer is 0243 utc. .example .it is 8 o'clock utc and the sun is rising at london .does the sun rise at 08h00 utc at new york.cesarmachado . are right as usual utc it's used to give a common time but it is only the same as local time at prime meridian anywhere else will give different utc for the same local time over greenwich at 1000 utc will be 1000 lt but over new york the same 1000 utc will be utc 4 hours so 0600 lt if the sun rises everywhere at 0600 will be in ny at 1000 utc and in london at 0600 utc exemple 312 0743 utc.0743 utc.

The rhumb line distance between points a 60°00'n 002°30'e and b 60°00'n ?

Question 156-16 : 300 nm 600 nm 150 nm 450 nm

.between 002°30 east and 007°30 west there is 10° difference of longitude.distance = difference of longitude x 60 nm x cos latitude..10° x 60 nm x cos 60 = 300 nm exemple 316 300 nm.300 nm.

An aircraft is flying a great circle orthodromic route between two points .wpt ?

Question 156-17 : 60°05 7'n 59°49 0'n 60°11 0'n 60°00 0'n

.the great circle track is on the pole side of the rhumb line 60°n then at 025°w your northerly latitude will be more than 60°n.f = & d / 230..f= greatest vertical distance in nm between ortho & loxo route this is what we are looking for.& = givry correction = 1/2 g sin lm ==>1/2 10 sin 60 = 4 33°.d = 10 x 60 x cos60 = 300 nm..f = 4 33 x 300 / 230 = 5 64' . 1403.the aeroplane is flying a great circle orthodromic route = shortest distance .to memorise/visualise the relative position of orthodrome route vs loxodrome route loxodrome route= following a parallel or flying a constant latitude remember the acronym 'p o l e'..p = north or south pole .o= orthodrome .l= loxodrome .e= equator exemple 320 60°05.7'n.60°05.7'n.

An aircraft travels from point a to point b flying a great circle route .the ?

Question 156-18 : 277° 284° 263° 270°

.flying a great circle route = orthodromic route = shortest distance.loxodrome route= following a parallel or flying a constant latitude. 1405.conversion angle = 1/2 g sin lm.g change of longitude 20° .lm = mean latitude 45° .conversion angle = 1/2 x 20° x sin45°.conversion angle =7°..the true course of the aircraft on its arrival at b = 270° + 7° = 277° exemple 324 277°.277°.

Which is the highest latitude listed below at which the sun will rise above the ?

Question 156-19 : 62° 66° 68° 72°

.the times for sunrise and sunset are based on the ideal situation where no hills or mountains obscure the view and the flat horizon is at the same altitude as the observer sunrise is the time when the upper part of the sun is visible and sunset is when the last part of the sun is about to disappear below the horizon in clear weather conditions.for locations north of 66°34' n or south of 66°34' s latitude the sun will be above the horizon all day in the summer and below the horizon all day in the winter.the sun will be seen to rise and set every day up to 62° exemple 328 62°.62°.

The utc of sunrise on 6 december at winnipeg canada 49°50'n 097°30'w is . ?

Question 156-20 : 14 13 22 30 09 30 01 13

On the almanac at position 50°n close to 49°50'n we can read that sunrise is at 07 40 december 4th and at 07 43 on december 7th .for december 6th sunrise will be at 07 42 local time at winnipeg.now we must convert local time to utc .the conversion factor between lmt and utc is arc change of longitude converted to time.change of longitude = 097°30'..097°30' x 4 minutes per degree = 6 30..7 43 + 6 30 = 14 13 exemple 332 14:1314:13

When it is 1000 standard time in kuwait the standard time in algeria is . 2472 ?

Question 156-21 : 08 00 07 00 13 00 12 00

.on the almanach you can read on top .'the time given should be > substracted from standard time to give utc '.10 00 3 = 07 00 utc in kuwait..'the time given should be > added to utc to give standard time '.07 00 utc +1 = 08 00 st in algeria exemple 336 08:0008:00

The value of magnetic variation ?

Question 156-22 : Has a maximum of 180° must be 0° at the magnetic equator varies between a maximum of 45° east and 45° west cannot exceed 90°

.the minimum magnetic variation declination is 0° the maximum magnetic variation declination is 180°and this will be along a line between the magnetic north pole and the geographic north pole . 1417 exemple 340 has a maximum of 180°.has a maximum of 180°.

The horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field ?

Question 156-23 : Is stronger closer to the magnetic equator weakens with increasing distance from the magnetic poles weakens with increasing distance from the nearer magnetic pole is approximately the same at all magnetic latitudes less than 60°

exemple 344 is stronger closer to the magnetic equator.is stronger closer to the magnetic equator.

When it is 0600 standard time in queensland australia the standard time in ?

Question 156-24 : 10 00 12 00 02 00 06 00

.it is 0600 standard time in queensland first page list i places fast on utc austrialia+queensland = 10 h.they state the times given below should be substractd from standard time to give ut . 06h00 10h = 20h00 utc the previous day.standard time in hawaii .20h00 utc refer to list iii places slow on ut united sates of america+hawaii 10 h .they state the times given below should be substraced from ut to give standard time .20h00 utc 10 h = 10h00 exemple 348 10:0010:00

The circumference of the earth is approximately ?

Question 156-25 : 21600 nm 43200 nm 5400 nm 10800 nm

.360° x 60 nm = 21600 nm exemple 352 21600 nm.21600 nm.

Isogonic lines connect positions that have ?

Question 156-26 : The same variation 0° variation the same elevation the same angle of magnetic dip

. 1425.isogonic lines connect positions that have the same variation .agonic line a line which joins all points where the value of magnetic variation is zero exemple 356 the same variation.the same variation.

The local mean time at longitude 095°20'w at 0000 utc is ?

Question 156-27 : 17h38 40 previous day 06h41 20 previous day 17h38 40 same day 06h41 20 same day

.the greenwich meridian is selected as standard meridian lmt local mean time at the greenwich meridian is equal to greenwich mean time gmt.at 00h00 utc it's midnight at the greenwich meridian.on earth we have 24 timezones so 360°/24h = 15°/h..each timezone equals 15° on earth's surface.if we move west ot the greenwich meridian we 'come back'.as we move of 95 3° thus 953°/15 = 6 3533 h 6h41min 20 sec.6h41 20 sec before midnight it is 17h 38 40 the previous day exemple 360 17h38:40 ; previous day.17h38:40 ; previous day.

5h 20min 20sec corresponds to a longitude difference of ?

Question 156-28 : 80°05' 81°10' 75°00' 78°45'

.5h 20min 20sec = 5 x 60 + 20 3 = 320 3 min.each degree of longitude is equivalent to four minutes in time or 1h = 15°.320 3 min = 320 2/4° = 80 075' 80°05' exemple 364 80°05'.80°05'.

What is the value of the magnetic dip at the magnetic south pole ?

Question 156-29 : 90° 45° 60° 0°

.magnetic dip is the angle between the horizontal and vertical forces acting on a compass needle toward the nearer pole . 1430.at the magnetic poles the earth's magnetic field is perpendicular to the earth's surface magnetic dip is 90° at the magnetic poles a dip needle stands vertical exemple 368 90°.90°.

What is the meaning of the term 'standard time' ?

Question 156-30 : It is the time set by the legal authorities for a country or part of a country it is an expression for local mean time it is the time zone system applicable only in the usa it is another term for utc

exemple 372 it is the time set by the legal authorities for a country or part of a country.it is the time set by the legal authorities for a country or part of a country.

What is the local mean time position 65°25'n 123°45'w at 2200 utc ?

Question 156-31 : 1345 2200 0615 0815

.123 75' x 4 minutes per degree = 495 minutes..495 minutes = 8h35..west of greenwich we substract 8h35 to 22h00 = 13h45 exemple 376 1345.1345.

The main reason that day and night throughout the year have different duration ?

Question 156-32 : Inclination of the ecliptic to the equator earth's rotation relative speed of the sun along the ecliptic gravitational effect of the sun and moon on the speed of rotation of the earth

exemple 380 inclination of the ecliptic to the equator.inclination of the ecliptic to the equator.

The lines on the earth's surface that join points of equal magnetic variation ?

Question 156-33 : Isogonals isotachs isogrives isoclines

. 1425.isogonic lines connect positions that have the same variation .agonic line a line which joins all points where the value of magnetic variation is zero exemple 384 isogonals.isogonals.

An aircraft departing a n40°00' e080°00' flies a constant true track of 270° ?

Question 156-34 : N40°00' e064°20' n40°00' e070°30' n40°00' e060°00' n40°00' e068°10'

.6h x 120 kt = 720 nm.720 cos mean latitude = 720 / cos40° = 940..940 / 60 = 15 66 15°39'.from longitude e080°00' flying west e080°00' 15°39' = e64°21' exemple 388 n40°00' e064°20'.n40°00' e064°20'.

A nautical mile is equivalent to ?

Question 156-35 : 1852 m 1500 m 1012 m 1609 m

exemple 392 1852 m.1852 m.

An aircraft flies the following rhumb line tracks and distances from position ?

Question 156-36 : 04°00'n 029°58'w 04°00'n 030°02'w 04°00'n 030°00'w 03°58'n 030°02'w

.the aircraft flies 600 nm 600/60 = 10° south from position 04°00'n 030°00'w .it is now at 06°00's 030°00'w.the aircraft flies 600 nm east from position 06°00's 030°00'w .it is now at 10°/cos6 around 10°03' east at 06°00's 019°57'w.the aircraft flies 600 nm north from position 06°00's 019°57'w .it is now 10° north at 04°00'n 019°57'w.the aircraft flies 600 nm west from position 04°00'n 019°57'w .it is now at 10°/cos4 around 10°01' west at 04°00'n 029°58'w exemple 396 04°00'n 029°58'w04°00'n 029°58'w

What is the final position after the following rhumb line tracks and distances ?

Question 156-37 : 60°00'n 090°00'w 60°00'n 030°00'e 59°00'n 060°00'w 59°00'n 090°00'w

.the aircraft flies 3600 nm 3600/60 = 60° south from position 60°00'n 030°00'w.it is now at 00°00'n/s 030°00'w.the aircraft flies 3600 nm east from position 00°00'n/s 030°00'w .it is now at 60°/cos0 around 60° east at 00°00'n/s 030°00'e.the aircraft flies 3600 nm north from position 00°00'n/s 030°00'e .it is now 60° north at 60°00'n 030°00'e.the aircraft flies 3600 nm west from position 60°00'n 030°00'e .it is now at 60°/cos 60 around 120° west at 60°00'n 090°00'w exemple 400 60°00'n 090°00'w.60°00'n 090°00'w.

Complete the following statement regarding magnetic variation the charted ?

Question 156-38 : Magnetic pole movement causing numerical values at all locations to increase or decrease magnetic pole movement causing numerical values at all locations to increase a reducing field strength causing numerical values at all locations to decrease an increasing field strength causing numerical values at all locations to increase

exemple 404 magnetic pole movement causing numerical values at all locations to increase or decrease.magnetic pole movement causing numerical values at all locations to increase or decrease.

In which two months of the year is the difference between the transit of the ?

Question 156-39 : February and november march and september june and december april and august

.apparent solar time or true solar time is given by the daily apparent motion of the true or observed sun it is based on the apparent solar day which is the interval between two successive returns of the sun to the local meridian .mean solar time conceptually is the hour angle of the fictitious mean sun the duration of daylight varies during the year the length of a mean solar day is nearly constant unlike that of an apparent solar day. true solar time duration is between 23 h 59 min 39 s et 24 h 0 min 30 s.because many of these long or short days occur in succession the difference builds up so that mean time is greater than apparent time by about 16 minutes in february and mean time is less than apparent time by about 16 minutes in november . 2474.the difference between the transit of the apparent sun and mean sun across the greenwich meridian is the greatest in february and november exemple 408 february and november.february and november.

What is the highest latitude listed below at which the sun will reach an ?

Question 156-40 : 23° 66° 0° 45°

.the axis of the earth is tilted 23 5° degrees from 'vertical' this causes the northern hemisphere to be tilted toward the sun during half the year and tilted away from the sun the other half of the year . 2475.the sun is vertical perpendicular to the surface or as states an altitude of 90° above the horizon at 23 5°s and 23 5°n for solstices exemple 412 23°.23°.


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