MCQ > aircraft : A meteorological briefing is ?
Question 156-1 : An oral commentary on existing and/or expected meteorological conditions printed documents constituting a flight record an oral commentary on weather forecasts careful reading of the meteorological elements available for the planned flight

An aircraft encounters severe turbulence the pilot must ?
Question 156-2 : Issue a special air report message issue a routine air report message issue a safety message issue a report at destination

The angle between the true great circle track and the true rhumb line track ?
Question 156-3 : 7 8° 9° 15 6° 5 2°

In order to fly from position a 10°00'n 030°00'w to position b 30°00'n ?
Question 156-4 : A rhumb line track the constant average drift route the great circle route a straight line plotted on a lambert chart

The rhumb line track between position a 45°00'n 010°00'w and position b ?
Question 156-5 : 315° 345° 330° 300°

The diameter of the earth is approximately ?
Question 156-6 : 12 700 km 6 350 km 18 500 km 40 000 km

The maximum difference between geocentric and geodetic latitude occurs at about ?
Question 156-7 : 45° north and south 60° north and south 90° north and south 0° north and south equator

If an aéronef was to circle around the earth following parallel 60°n at a ?
Question 156-8 : 960 kt 240 kt 550 kt 480 kt

An aircraft passes position a 60°00'n 120°00'w on route to position b ?
Question 156-9 : 279° 288° 261° 270°

A great circle track joins position a 59°s 141°w and b 61°s 148°w .what is ?
Question 156-10 : It increases by 6° it decreases by 6° it increases by 3° it decreases by 3°

What is the longitude of a position 6 nm to the east of 58°42'n 094°00'w ?
Question 156-11 : 093°48 5'w 093°54 0'w 093°53 1'w 094°12 0'w

The great circle distance between position a 59°34 1'n 008°08 4'e and b ?
Question 156-12 : 5 400 nm 10 800 km 2 700 nm 10 800 nm

Given .position a 45°n °e position b 45°n 45°15'e distance a b = 280 nm b ?
Question 156-13 : 38°39'e 49°57'e 51°51'e 40°33'e

265 us gal equals specific gravity 0 80 ?
Question 156-14 : 803 kg 862 kg 895 kg 940 kg

On the 27th of february at 52°s and 040°e the sunrise is at 0243 utc on the ?
Question 156-15 : 0743 utc 0243 utc 2143 utc 0523 utc

The rhumb line distance between points a 60°00'n 002°30'e and b 60°00'n ?
Question 156-16 : 300 nm 600 nm 150 nm 450 nm

An aircraft is flying a great circle orthodromic route between two points .wpt ?
Question 156-17 : 60°05 7'n 59°49 0'n 60°11 0'n 60°00 0'n

An aircraft travels from point a to point b flying a great circle route .the ?
Question 156-18 : 277° 284° 263° 270°

Which is the highest latitude listed below at which the sun will rise above the ?
Question 156-19 : 62° 66° 68° 72°

The utc of sunrise on 6 december at winnipeg canada 49°50'n 097°30'w is . ?
Question 156-20 : 14 13 22 30 09 30 01 13

When it is 1000 standard time in kuwait the standard time in algeria is . 2472 ?
Question 156-21 : 08 00 07 00 13 00 12 00

The value of magnetic variation ?
Question 156-22 : Has a maximum of 180° must be 0° at the magnetic equator varies between a maximum of 45° east and 45° west cannot exceed 90°

The horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field ?
Question 156-23 : Is stronger closer to the magnetic equator weakens with increasing distance from the magnetic poles weakens with increasing distance from the nearer magnetic pole is approximately the same at all magnetic latitudes less than 60°

When it is 0600 standard time in queensland australia the standard time in ?
Question 156-24 : 10 00 12 00 02 00 06 00

The circumference of the earth is approximately ?
Question 156-25 : 21600 nm 43200 nm 5400 nm 10800 nm

Isogonic lines connect positions that have ?
Question 156-26 : The same variation 0° variation the same elevation the same angle of magnetic dip

The local mean time at longitude 095°20'w at 0000 utc is ?
Question 156-27 : 17h38 40 previous day 06h41 20 previous day 17h38 40 same day 06h41 20 same day

5h 20min 20sec corresponds to a longitude difference of ?
Question 156-28 : 80°05' 81°10' 75°00' 78°45'

What is the value of the magnetic dip at the magnetic south pole ?
Question 156-29 : 90° 45° 60° 0°

What is the meaning of the term 'standard time' ?
Question 156-30 : It is the time set by the legal authorities for a country or part of a country it is an expression for local mean time it is the time zone system applicable only in the usa it is another term for utc

What is the local mean time position 65°25'n 123°45'w at 2200 utc ?
Question 156-31 : 1345 2200 0615 0815

The main reason that day and night throughout the year have different duration ?
Question 156-32 : Inclination of the ecliptic to the equator earth's rotation relative speed of the sun along the ecliptic gravitational effect of the sun and moon on the speed of rotation of the earth

The lines on the earth's surface that join points of equal magnetic variation ?
Question 156-33 : Isogonals isotachs isogrives isoclines

An aircraft departing a n40°00' e080°00' flies a constant true track of 270° ?
Question 156-34 : N40°00' e064°20' n40°00' e070°30' n40°00' e060°00' n40°00' e068°10'

A nautical mile is equivalent to ?
Question 156-35 : 1852 m 1500 m 1012 m 1609 m

An aircraft flies the following rhumb line tracks and distances from position ?
Question 156-36 : 04°00'n 029°58'w 04°00'n 030°02'w 04°00'n 030°00'w 03°58'n 030°02'w

What is the final position after the following rhumb line tracks and distances ?
Question 156-37 : 60°00'n 090°00'w 60°00'n 030°00'e 59°00'n 060°00'w 59°00'n 090°00'w

Complete the following statement regarding magnetic variation the charted ?
Question 156-38 : Magnetic pole movement causing numerical values at all locations to increase or decrease magnetic pole movement causing numerical values at all locations to increase a reducing field strength causing numerical values at all locations to decrease an increasing field strength causing numerical values at all locations to increase

In which two months of the year is the difference between the transit of the ?
Question 156-39 : February and november march and september june and december april and august

What is the highest latitude listed below at which the sun will reach an ?
Question 156-40 : 23° 66° 0° 45°

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