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MCQ > aircraft : An aircraft is flying from point a to point b at the flight level corresponding ?

Question 155-1 : Wind speed over a is higher than over b the true altitude will be higher over a than over b wind speed over b is higher than over a the true altitude will be higher over b than over melbourne

The wind arrow at melbourne indicates that the system centred above a is a low depression if you count the contours a is at a lower contour height and therefore true altitude than b which is at a lower contour height than melbourne however the contours are closer and the wind stronger at a than at b exemple 255 wind speed over a is higher than over b.wind speed over a is higher than over b.

Which kind of meteorological messages are normally transmitted in a vhf volmet ?

Question 155-2 : Metar / speci taf / special gamet / airmet airep / special

exemple 259 metar / speci.metar / speci.

While using the airborne weather radar in order to circumnavigate thunderstorms ?

Question 155-3 : The clear area indicates an area from which no echoes are received however this radar scope provides no assurance of being in vmc while flying in this area the clear area indicates an area from which no n echoes are received an aircraft flying in this area will be in vmc due to the absence of precipitation drops the clear area indicates an area from which no echoes are received because the number of cloud droplets is too small to generate a significant echo thus the pilot will have a good visual sight of the thunderstorm clouds this is a typical radar scope from which the region of clear air turbulence between thunderstorm clouds can be detected

exemple 263 the clear area indicates an area from which no echoes are received. however, this radar scope provides no assurance of being in vmc while flying in this area.the clear area indicates an area from which no echoes are received. however, this radar scope provides no assurance of being in vmc while flying in this area.

Which constant pressure chart is standard for fl 240 ?

Question 155-4 : 400 hpa 600 hpa 300 hpa 500 hpa

exemple 267 400 hpa.400 hpa.

If a flight at fl 150 is planned which of these upper wind and temperature ?

Question 155-5 : 600 hpa 500 hpa 850 hpa 700 hpa

exemple 271 600 hpa.600 hpa.

For the planning of a flight with an estimated time of departure 0930 local ?

Question 155-6 : Visual vis and infrared ir polar orbiting system infrared ir geo stationary system water vapour wv geo stationary system infrared ir and water vapour wv polar orbiting system

.polar orbiting satellites orbit the earth at an altitude of approximately 850 km since they complete one orbit every 105 minutes the satellites circle the earth 14 times a day because of the orbital shift resulting from the planet's rotation they move west by approximately 2 time zones per orbit.visual this is basically a photo of the clouds and is only available during daylight hours.infra red measures the heat thermal footprint of areas of cloud or the earth's surface if clouds are thin or absent and can be used both day and night.geostationary satellites orbit the earth at about 36000 km of altitude.over the equator they are called geostationary because their position does not change with respect to a point on the surface of the earth .polar orbiting satellites are close to the surface they provide the best information to locate a small area of fog exemple 275 visual (vis) and infrared (ir), polar orbiting system.visual (vis) and infrared (ir), polar orbiting system.

Which constant pressure chart is standard for fl 140 ?

Question 155-7 : 600 hpa 700 hpa 850 hpa 500 hpa

exemple 279 600 hpa.600 hpa.

Which of the following constant pressure charts would be most relevant for ?

Question 155-8 : 400 hpa 600 hpa 300 hpa 500 hpa

exemple 283 400 hpa.400 hpa.

Runway visual range is calculated from values derived from ?

Question 155-9 : Forward scatter meters psychrometers ceilometers pluviometers

.the meteorological measurement of runway visual range is performed by transmissometers or forward scatter meters placed on the airport exemple 287 forward-scatter meters.forward-scatter meters.

Which of the following messages should be cancelled when the conditions are no ?

Question 155-10 : Aerodrome warning trend forecast taf gamet

exemple 291 aerodrome warning.aerodrome warning.

Which of the following symbols represents a quasi stationary front. 383 ?

Question 155-11 : Symbol 3 symbol 2 symbol 1 symbol 4

exemple 295 symbol 3.symbol 3.

Which kind of meteorological messages are normally transmitted in an atis ?

Question 155-12 : Met report / special taf / speci airmet / gamet metar / speci

Local routine met report and local special special reports are given by an atis .for local routine and special reports the present weather information should be representative of conditions at the aerodrome exemple 299 met report / specialmet report / special

What is the meaning of the different coloured areas on a plan position ?

Question 155-13 : Different ranges of intensities of precipitation different ranges of cloud thickness vertical extent different horizontal dimensions of clouds different intensities of turbulence light moderate severe within clouds

exemple 303 different ranges of intensities of precipitation.different ranges of intensities of precipitation.

What name is given to the jet stream lying over scandinavia c . 385 ?

Question 155-14 : Polar front jet stream tropical jet stream subtropical jet stream low level jet stream

exemple 307 polar front jet stream.polar front jet stream.

Below is the forecast for the destination of a flight whose eta is 2030 utc ?

Question 155-15 : Has to be considered as closed still open until 2200 utc because the weather change is not completed before 2200 utc open the whole night because 300 m of visibility corresponds to at least 900 m rvr still open because the decrease of the visibility below the cat ii minima will be a little bit later than 2030 utc

Becmg 2022 0300 fg vv002=.becoming between 20h and 22h visbility 300 m fog vertical visibility 200 ft.a meteorological visibility to rvr conversion is not used for category ii or iii minima thus with only 300 m of horizontal visibility the destination airport at 2030 utc has to be considered as closed exemple 311 has to be considered as closed.has to be considered as closed.

A flight with a jet aeroplane from munich to london is planned with a departure ?

Question 155-16 : Infrared ir polar orbiting visual vis geo stationary water vapour wv geo stationary or polar orbiting visual vis polar orbiting

.polar orbiting satellites orbit the earth at an altitude of approximately 850 km since they complete one orbit every 105 minutes the satellites circle the earth 14 times a day because of the orbital shift resulting from the planet's rotation they move west by approximately 2 time zones per orbit.visual this is basically a photo of the clouds and is only available during daylight hours.infra red measures the heat thermal footprint of areas of cloud or the earth's surface if clouds are thin or absent and can be used both day and night.geostationary satellites orbit the earth at about 36000 km of altitude over the equator they are called geostationary because their position does not change with respect to a point on the surface of the earth .polar orbiting satellites are close to the surface they provide the best information to locate the clouds and the exact position of a cold front exemple 315 infrared (ir), polar orbiting.infrared (ir), polar orbiting.

What is a volmet broadcast ?

Question 155-17 : Provision as appropriate of current metar speci taf and sigmet by means of continuous and repetitive voice broadcast weather information transmitted continuously via radio special broadcast containing weather information for one airport that part of an atis which is concerned to meteorological information information issued by a meteorological watch office concerning the occurrence or expected occurrence of specified enroute weather phenomena which may affect the safety of aircraft operations

Ecqb01 2013 exemple 319 provision, as appropriate, of current metar, speci, taf and sigmet by means of continuous and repetitive voice broadcast.provision, as appropriate, of current metar, speci, taf and sigmet by means of continuous and repetitive voice broadcast.

Which of the following statements concerning the use of airborne weather radar ?

Question 155-18 : Accurate assessment of the weather ahead of the aircraft might be hampered due to the attenuation of the radar echoes by heavy rain the radar reflectivity echoes are much more determined by the number of reflecting particles than by the particle size the antenna tilt shall be adjusted in order to receive the most significant echoes generally received from an altitude of approximately 30000 ft the most significant echoes will be received due to lightning discharges near the freezing level

Ecqb01 2013 exemple 323 accurate assessment of the weather ahead of the aircraft might be hampered due to the attenuation of the radar echoes by heavy rain.accurate assessment of the weather ahead of the aircraft might be hampered due to the attenuation of the radar echoes by heavy rain.

An aircraft encounters atmospheric conditions in which abrupt changes of ?

Question 155-19 : Special air report no air report is necessary flight safety report routine air report

Ecqb01 2013 exemple 327 special air-report.special air-report.

What is the meaning of the following weather message .cnl ws wrng 1 ?

Question 155-20 : The first wind shear warning on the 21st of that month issued at 1130 utc has been cancelled at the same day at 1330 utc the first wind shear warning on the 21st of that month with an occasional intensity has a forecast validity from 1130 until 1330 utc the weather warning with the number 121 concerning a cyclone at low levels has a validity time from 1130 until 1330 utc this message cancels all weather warnings issued on the 21st of january between 1130 and 1330 utc

.cnl for cancelled .ws for windshear .wrng for warning .1 for first warning message of the day .211130/211330 issued at 1130 utc cancelled at 1330 utc the same day .= end of the message.the explanations for the abbreviations can be found in the procedures for air navigation services icao abbreviations and codes pans abc doc 8400 exemple 331 the first wind shear warning on the 21st of that month, issued at 1130 utc has been cancelled at the same day at 1330 utc.the first wind shear warning on the 21st of that month, issued at 1130 utc has been cancelled at the same day at 1330 utc.

Which interpretation of the following message is correct .lfld ad wrng 1 valid ?

Question 155-21 : It is forecast that some parts of the surface vehicles and aircraft parked outside will be contaminated by hoar frost between 0430 and 0900 on the 5th of that month it is forecast for the period between 0430 and 0900 on the 5th of that month that especially an aircraft in the final approach phase will be covered by hoar frost it is forecast for the period between 0430 and 0900 on the 5th of that month that a departing or arriving aircraft will pass a layer of ground fog in which the aircraft will be contaminated by hoar frost the aerodrome warning for runway 05 due to frost issued at 0430 utc has been cancelled at 0900 utc

Ecqb01 2013 exemple 335 it is forecast that some parts of the surface, vehicles, and aircraft parked outside will be contaminated by hoar frost between 0430 and 0900 on the 5th of that month.it is forecast that some parts of the surface, vehicles, and aircraft parked outside will be contaminated by hoar frost between 0430 and 0900 on the 5th of that month.

What is the meaning of 'rera' in a metar ?

Question 155-22 : There has been moderate or heavy rain since the last issue of metar there is showery precipitation in the vicinity it is presently not raining but there has been rain 2 hours ago the intensity of rain is decreasing retrograding rain

exemple 339 there has been moderate or heavy rain since the last issue of metar.there has been moderate or heavy rain since the last issue of metar.

Which of these statements about weather satellites are correct or incorrect .1 ?

Question 155-23 : 1 is incorrect and 2 is correct 1 and 2 are correct 1 is correct and 2 is incorrect 1 and 2 are incorrect

Ecqb01 june 2013..polar orbiting satellites are close to the surface they provide higher resolution pictures.polar orbiting satellites orbit the earth at an altitude of approximately 850 km .geostationary satellites orbit the earth at about 36000 km of altitude over the equator exemple 343 1 is incorrect and 2 is correct.1 is incorrect and 2 is correct.

Which pilots are obliged to transmit a special air report if they encounter ?

Question 155-24 : All categories of pilots only pilots with atpl or ir only pilots with atpl or ir or cpl only pilots with cpl or ppl

Ecqb01 june 2013 exemple 347 all categories of pilots.all categories of pilots.

Which of the following groups of conditions requires a crew to transmit a ?

Question 155-25 : Severe turbulence widespread thunderstorms severe mountain waves moderate aircraft icing severe turbulence embedded thunderstorms heavy wind shears moderate or severe aircraft icing moderate or severe turbulence volcanic ash cloud isolated thunderstorms moderate or severe sandstorms

Easa 2014...special airreps or pireps are required when pilots encounter unusual and potentially dangerous conditions in flight such as . severe turbulence. severe icing. severe mountain waves. thunderstorms that are obscured embedded widespread or in squall lines. hail. heavy dust clouds or sandstorms. volcanic ash clouds. volcanic eruptions or pre eruption activity..section one aircraft identification position time flight level or altitude next position and time over ensuing significant point.section two eta and endurance.section three air temperature wind direction and speed turbulence icing conditions and humidity if available exemple 351 severe turbulence, widespread thunderstorms, severe mountain waves.severe turbulence, widespread thunderstorms, severe mountain waves.

To which type of message does the following text belong . valid 211600/212000 ?

Question 155-26 : Aerodrome warning sigmet snowtam supplementary information of a metar

.heavy snow expected 25 cm.an aerodrome warning message is a message issued by a meteorological office concerning the meteorological conditions which could adversely affect aircraft on ground including parked aircraft and the aerodrome facilities and services .an aerodrome warning message gives information among other things about ts sn including the expected or observed snow accumulation hoar frost exemple 355 aerodrome warning.aerodrome warning.

For subsonic cruising levels a sigmet is not issued in case of ?

Question 155-27 : Isolated cb severe turbulence volcanic ash heavy sandstorm

Easa 2014..icao annex 3 meteorological service for international air navigation .a sigmet is issued for .thunderstorm. obscured obsc ts.. embedded embd ts.. frequent frq ts.. squall line sql ts.. obscured with hail obsc tsgr.. embedded with hail embd tsgr.. frequent with hail frq tsgr.. squall line with hail sql tsgr....tropical cyclone. tropical cyclone tc + cyclone name...turbulence. severe turbulence sev turb....icing. severe icing sev ice.. severe icing due to freezing rain sev ice fzra...mountain wave. severe mountain wave sev mtw....duststorm. heavy duststorm hvy ds....sandstorm. heavy sandstorm hvy ss....volcanic ash. volcanic ash va + volcano name if known...radioactive cloud. radioactive cloud rdoact cld exemple 359 isolated cb.isolated cb.

What is a radiosonde ?

Question 155-28 : Instrument intended to be carried by a balloon up through the atmosphere equipped with devices to measure meteorological variables and provided with a radio transmitter for sending this information to the observing station equipment used for determining upper winds only velocity and direction by tracking a free balloon by electronic means at the observing station equipment used for determining upper winds velocity and direction by transmitting different radio waves and measuring the amount of the reflected waves by the moving air these values correlate to the speed and direction of the wind a meteorological station on ground or water at which measurements of meteorological variables are made automatically and a radio transmitter sends automatically this information to a meteorological centre

.a radiosonde is a battery powered telemetry instrument package carried into the atmosphere usually by a weather balloon that measures various atmospheric parameters and transmits them by radio to a ground receiver modern radiosondes measure or calculate the following variables altitude pressure temperature relative humidity wind both wind speed and wind direction cosmic ray readings at high altitude and geographical position exemple 363 instrument intended to be carried by a balloon up through the atmosphere, equipped with devices to measure meteorological variables and provided with a radio transmitter for sending this information to the observing station.instrument intended to be carried by a balloon up through the atmosphere, equipped with devices to measure meteorological variables and provided with a radio transmitter for sending this information to the observing station.

A special air report ?

Question 155-29 : May trigger a sigmet message may be the reason for closing an airport due to meteorological conditions may be the reason for closing a part of an airway due to meteorological conditions is used to produce better aerodrome forecasts taf

Easa 2014...special airreps or pireps are required when pilots encounter unusual and potentially dangerous conditions in flight such as . severe turbulence. severe icing. severe mountain waves. thunderstorms that are obscured embedded widespread or in squall lines. hail. heavy dust clouds or sandstorms. volcanic ash clouds. volcanic eruptions or pre eruption activity..section one aircraft identification position time flight level or altitude next position and time over ensuing significant point.section two eta and endurance.section three air temperature wind direction and speed turbulence icing conditions and humidity if available exemple 367 may trigger a sigmet message.may trigger a sigmet message.

A special air report must be made whenever an aircraft encounters a ?

Question 155-30 : Volcanic ash cloud temperature inversion snow storm dense fog

Ecqb03 july 2016 exemple 371 volcanic ash cloud.volcanic ash cloud.

Which of the following documents should contain forecats for the location and ?

Question 155-31 : Sigmet notam metar taf

Ecqb03 july 2016 exemple 375 sigmet.sigmet.

What is the defined upper level of the ws wind shear activity in the following ?

Question 155-32 : 1600 ft above runway level 1800 ft above runway level 2000 ft above circling altitude 1000 ft above circling altitude

Revised ecqb03 july 2016..icao annex 3.7 4 wind shear warnings and alerts.7 4 1 wind shear warnings shall give concise information of the observed or expected existence of wind shear whichcould adversely affect aircraft on the approach path or take off path or during circling approach between runway level and 500 m 1 600 ft above that level and aircraft on the runway during the landing roll or take off run the warnings shall be prepared and disseminated for aerodromes where wind shear is considered a factor in accordance with local arrangements with the appropriate ats authority and operators concerned and by the meteorological office designated to provide service for the aerodrome or disseminated directly from automated ground based wind shear remote sensing or detection equipment referred to in 7 6 2 a and b where local topography has been shown to produce significant wind shears at heights in excess of 500 m 1 600 ft above runway level then 500 m 1 600 ft shall not be considered restrictive exemple 379 1600 ft above runway level.1600 ft above runway level.

Which statement about the content of continuous volmet messages vhf and ?

Question 155-33 : Both types of volmet messages shall contain trend forecasts where available a continuous volmet contains information from the taf tafs are included in both volmet messages forecast information e g a trend or taf is prohibited in volmets

Ecqb03 july 2016..both types of volmet messages shall contain current metar and speci together with trend forecasts where available.icao annex 3 .11 6 use of aeronautical broadcasting service contents of volmet broadcasts..11 6 1 continuous volmet broadcasts normally on very high frequencies vhf shall contain current metar and speci together with trend forecasts where available.11 6 2 scheduled volmet broadcasts normally on high frequencies hf shall contain current metar and speci together with trend forecasts where available and where so determined by regional air navigation agreement taf and sigmet exemple 383 both types of volmet messages shall contain trend forecasts where available.both types of volmet messages shall contain trend forecasts where available.

Which of these statements is true. 396 ?

Question 155-34 : Local snow and severe aircraft icing can be expected over germany freezing level above london egll is higher than fl 65 turbulence is likely to be encountered at fl 400 over malaga lemg the front to the east of paris lfpo is moving south

Ecqb03 august 2016 exemple 387 local snow and severe aircraft icing can be expected over germany.local snow and severe aircraft icing can be expected over germany.

When the sky is overcast what means are used by meteorological services for ?

Question 155-35 : Radiosondes satellites diffusionmeters ceiling balloon and theodolite

Ecqb03 august 2016 exemple 391 radiosondes.radiosondes.

Which instrument is used for measuring atmospheric humidity ?

Question 155-36 : Psychrometer anemometer transmissometers ceilometers

Eqcb03 december 2016..psychrometer or hygrometer exemple 395 psychrometer.psychrometer.

The visibility transmitted in a metar is ?

Question 155-37 : The value that is reached or exceeded within at least half the horizon circle on the aerodrome given by transmissometer when the visibility is below 1500 metres the lowest observed in a 360° scan from the meteorological station b the maximum determined by a meteorologist in a 360° scan at the horizon

.the visibility transmitted in a metar is the visibility value that is reached or exceeded within at least half the horizon circle or within at least half of the surface of the aerodrome these areas could comprise contiguous or non contiguous sectors exemple 399 the value that is reached or exceeded within at least half the horizon circle on the aerodrome.the value that is reached or exceeded within at least half the horizon circle on the aerodrome.

Which of the following metars reflect the weather conditions expected at ?

Question 155-38 : 21014kt 5000 ra bkn015 ovc030 15/12 q1011 nosig= 19022g46kt 1200 +tsgr bkn003 bkn015 17/14 q1014 becmg nsw= 28010kt 9999 bkn030 22/11 q1016 nosig= vrb03kt 8000 bkn280 19/12 q1012 becmg 3000 br=

exemple 403 21014kt 5000 ra bkn015 ovc030 15/12 q1011 nosig=21014kt 5000 ra bkn015 ovc030 15/12 q1011 nosig=

Which of these statements about weather satellites are correct or incorrect .1 ?

Question 155-39 : 1 is correct 2 is correct 1 is incorrect 2 is correct 1 is correct 2 is incorrect 1 is incorrect 2 is incorrect

.polar orbiting satellites are close to the surface they provide higher resolution pictures.polar orbiting satellites orbit the earth at an altitude of approximately 850 km .geostationary satellites orbit the earth at about 36000 km of altitude over the equator exemple 407 1) is correct, 2) is correct.1) is correct, 2) is correct.

The correct interpretation for the message below is .mod ws rwy 16 fcst = ?

Question 155-40 : Wind shear between runway 16 level and and 1600 ft above that level wind shear between runway 16 level and and 2500 ft above that level wind shear 1000 ft above runway 16 circling approach wind shear 2000 ft above minimal altitude for runway 16 circling approach

.icao annex 3.7 4 wind shear warnings and alerts .7 4 1 wind shear warnings shall give concise information of the observed or expected existence of wind shear whichcould adversely affect aircraft on the approach path or take off path or during circling approach between runway level and 500 m 1 600 ft above that level and aircraft on the runway during the landing roll or take off run the warnings shall be prepared and disseminated for aerodromes where wind shear is considered a factor in accordance with local arrangements with the appropriate ats authority and operators concerned and by the meteorological office designated to provide service for the aerodrome or disseminated directly from automated ground based wind shear remote sensing or detection equipment referred to in 7 6 2 a and b where local topography has been shown to produce significant wind shears at heights in excess of 500 m 1 600 ft above runway level then 500 m 1 600 ft shall not be considered restrictive exemple 411 wind shear between runway 16 level and and 1600 ft above that level.wind shear between runway 16 level and and 1600 ft above that level.


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