MCQ > aircraft : What type of precipitation might occur at 1700 utc .mkjp 160430z 160606 36010kt ?
Question 154-1 : Heavy rain showers light drizzle continuous moderate rain intermittent light rain

What is the lowest possible cloudbase forecast for 2300 utc .eddf 272200z ?
Question 154-2 : 5000 feet 3000 feet 500 feet 1500 feet

What is the meaning of the expression 'few' ?
Question 154-3 : 1 2 oktas 3 4 oktas 5 7 oktas 8 oktas

Which of the following layers of fog above land is coded as mifg ?
Question 154-4 : A layer of 5 feet deep a layer of 10 feet deep a layer of 15 feet deep a layer of 20 feet deep

Which of the following phenomena has to be mentioned in a sigmet ?
Question 154-5 : Heavy duststorm strong inversion thick fog snow and ice on the runway

Which of the following phenomena has to be mentioned in a sigmet ?
Question 154-6 : Volcanic ash strong inversion thick fog snow and ice on the runway

On an upper wind and temperature chart ?
Question 154-7 : The pressure is constant all over the chart the temperature is constant all over the chart the height is constant all over the chart the wind increases from south to north

What is the most likely forecast lowest cloud base that can be expected during ?
Question 154-8 : 1500 feet 2000 feet 3000 feet 800 feet

What is the lowest visibility forecast for bangkok at eta 1400 utc .taf vtbd ?
Question 154-9 : 5 km 1200 metres 6 km 10 km or more

What is the lowest probable cloud base forecast for eta 1700 utc at kingston ?
Question 154-10 : 1000 ft 1000 m 1500 ft 1500 m

What is the lowest cloud base forecast for arrival at geneva eta 1200 utc .taf ?
Question 154-11 : 500 ft 500 m 1000 ft 1000 m

What is the height of the lowest cloud forecast for bangkok at eta 1400 utc ?
Question 154-12 : 900 feet 1200 feet 1400 feet 1800 feet

Why can the following metar not be abbreviated to cavok .dllo 121550z ?
Question 154-13 : Because the cloud base is below the highest minimum sector altitude because there are gusts reported because towering cumulus are observed because thunderstorms are forecast temporary for the next 2 hours

What does the code taf amd mean ?
Question 154-14 : Revised taf no change compared with the previous taf weather conditions expected to affect the safety of normal operations delayed issue of a taf

What does the code r24r/p1500 mean ?
Question 154-15 : Rvr rwy 24 right above 1500 metres rvr rwy 24 right below 1500 metres snow clearance in progress on rwy 24 right useable runway length 1500 metres rvr rwy 24 right 1500 metres

What conditions are necessary for vertical visibility to be reported ?
Question 154-16 : Whenever the sky is obscured by fog or heavy precipitation and the height of the cloud base cannot be measured it is always reported whenever the lowest ceiling is below 1500 ft above ground whenever the lowest cloud base is below 1500 ft above ground

The term cavok is used when weather conditions are ?
Question 154-17 : 9999 nsc nsw 9000 skc nosig 8000 hazardous wx nil nosig 9999 nsc nosig

How is a ceiling defined ?
Question 154-18 : Height above ground or water of the lowest layer of cloud below 20000 ft covering more than half of the sky height above ground or water of the lowest layer of cloud independent on the amount of clouds height above ground or water of the lowest layer of cloud that contributes to the overall overcast height above ground or water of the highest layer of cloud or obscuring phenomena aloft that covers 4 oktas or more of the sky

In the metar code the abbreviation vc indicates ?
Question 154-19 : Present weather between approximately 8 and 16 km of the aerodrome reference point present weather within a range of 8 km but not at the airport present weather within the approach area present weather at the airport

In the metar code the abbreviation vcbldu means ?
Question 154-20 : Blowing dust in the vicinity an active duststorm an active sandstorm an active dust and sandstorm

Which of the following statements is an interpretation of the metar .00000kt ?
Question 154-21 : Rvr for runway 14 800 metres vertical visibility 100 feet calm visibility improving to 800 metres in the next 2 hours visibility 200 metres rvr for runway 16 1500 metres temperature 3°c vertical visibility 100 metres visibility 200 feet rvr for runway 16 more than 1500 metres vertical visibility 100 feet fog with hoar frost visibility for runway 14 800 metres fog with hoar frost rvr for runway 16 more than 1500 metres

Which of the four answers is a correct interpretation of data from the ?
Question 154-22 : Visibility 400 m rvr for runway 16 1000 m with no distinct tendency dew point 2°c freezing fog rvr for runway 16 1000 m with no distinct tendency visibility increasing in the next 2 hours to 2000 m vertical visibility 300 m temperature 2°c rvr for runway 14 1500 m visibility 400 m qnh 1026 hpa wind 160° at 3 kt visibility 1000 m rvr 400 m freezing level at 300 m variable winds temperature 2°c

Which of these four metar reports suggests that a thunderstorm is likely in the ?
Question 154-23 : 201350z 21005kt 9999 sct040cb sct100 26/18 q1016 tempo 24018g30kt ts = 201350z 16004kt 8000 sct110 ovc220 02/m02 q1008 nosig= 201350z 34003kt 0800 sn vv002 m02/m04 q1014 nosig= 201350z 04012kt 3000 ovc012 04/03 q1022 becmg 5000=

Which of the following weather reports could be in accordance with the ?
Question 154-24 : Lszb 28012kt 9999 ovc100 16/12 q1012 becmg 5000 ra= lfsb 24008kt 9999 sct050 18/11 q1017 rera nosig= lszh vrb02kt 9000 bkn080 21/14 q1022 nosig= lsgg 22006kt 9999 bkn090 17/15 q1008 rera nosig=

Which of the following weather reports could be in accordance with the ?
Question 154-25 : 27019g37kt 9999 bkn050 18/14 q1016 nosig = 34004kt 7000 mifg sct260 09/08 q1029 becmg 1600 = 00000kt 0100 fg vv001 11/11 q1025 becmg 0500 = 26012kt 8000 shra bkn025 16/12 q1018 nosig =

Which of the following statements is correct ?
Question 154-26 : Fg is reported only when visibility is reduced by water droplets or ice crystals to less than 1000 m hz is reported only when visibility is reduced to 2000 m or less vc denotes not at the aerodrome but not within 8 nm when br is reported then the visibility is more than 1000 m but less than 8000 m

Flight from bordeaux to amsterdam eta 2100 utc what lowest cloud base is ?
Question 154-27 : 500 ft 250 ft 500 m 800 ft

What is the lowest cloud base that can be expected from the forecast for 1500 ?
Question 154-28 : 1000 feet 3000 feet 1300 feet 1500 feet

What is the symbol for hail on a significant weather chart . 373 ?
Question 154-29 : Symbol 2 symbol 1 symbol 3 symbol 4

To which type of message does the following text belong .mbst apch rwy26 rep at ?
Question 154-30 : Wind shear warning sigmet aerodrome warning airmet

What is determined by a transmissometer ?
Question 154-31 : Visibility runway visual range air density vertical visibility height of cloud base

Which of the following constant pressure charts would be most relevant for ?
Question 154-32 : 250 hpa 400 hpa 300 hpa 200 hpa

A cold air pool can be best identified by means of ?
Question 154-33 : The isohypses on an upper air chart the isobars on a surface chart the cat areas on a significant weather chart a gamet report

What wind direction will occur over the sea at point 'f' . 374 ?
Question 154-34 : South northeast northwest southeast

What are the normal and official sources of meteorological information for an ?
Question 154-35 : Volmet broadcast atis all ats units volmet broadcast atis and from the ats units the fic only volmet broadcast atis and from the ats units the twr app and fic only volmet broadcast atis and from the ats units the twr only

Runway visual range is calculated from values derived from ?
Question 154-36 : Transmissometers ceilometers psychrometers anemometers

What is an 'aerodrome warning' ?
Question 154-37 : A message issued by a meteorological office concerning the meteorological conditions which could adversely affect aircraft on ground including parked aircraft and the aerodrome facilities and services a message issued by a meteorological watch office concerning the occurrence and/or expected occurrence of specified en route weather phenomena which may affect the safety of aircraft operations a message prepared by a meteorological office concerning wind shear which could adversely affect aircraft on the approach path or take off path or during circling approach between runway level and a specified upper level and aircraft on the runway during the next hour the part of a metar message that is called supplementary information

An aerodrome warning message gives information among other things about ?
Question 154-38 : Ts sn including the expected or observed snow accumulation hoar frost ds sn clearing fzra including the observed braking action gr fg fzra including the observed friction coefficient pl ss ra

What are the colours with which a stationary front is shown on a surface chart ?
Question 154-39 : Red and blue violet and red red and green blue and violet

How would the term 'vertical visibility is missing or not measurable' be ?
Question 154-40 : Vv/// vv999 vvmis vv000

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