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MCQ > aircraft : If you are planning a flight at fl 290 which of these upper wind and ?

Question 153-1 : 300 hpa 500 hpa 700 hpa 850 hpa

.there is a few questions in the exam that take information directly from that table below write these down on a sticky and have them on the wall beside you.1013 hpa = msl.850 hpa = fl50.700 hpa = fl100.500 hpa = fl180.300 hpa = fl300.200 hpa = fl390..any others you can interpolate between these and figure it out.the decrease of 1hpa/27ft is only applicable at the lower levels of the troposphere as you go up and air pressure decreases the change of height per 1 hpa increases at msl 1hpa/27ft at fl180 it's 50ft/hpa and at fl390 it's 105ft/hpa exemple 253 300 hpa.300 hpa.

When planning a flight at fl 60 which upper wind and temperature chart would be ?

Question 153-2 : 850 hpa 700 hpa 500 hpa 300 hpa

.there is a few questions in the exam that take information directly from that table below write these down on a sticky and have them on the wall beside you.1013 hpa = msl.850 hpa = fl50.700 hpa = fl100.500 hpa = fl180.300 hpa = fl300.200 hpa = fl390..any others you can interpolate between these and figure it out.the decrease of 1hpa/27ft is only applicable at the lower levels of the troposphere as you go up and air pressure decreases the change of height per 1 hpa increases at msl 1hpa/27ft at fl180 it's 50ft/hpa and at fl390 it's 105ft/hpa exemple 257 850 hpa.850 hpa.

When planning a flight at fl 110 which upper wind and temperature chart would ?

Question 153-3 : 700 hpa 850 hpa 300 hpa 500 hpa

.there is a few questions in the exam that take information directly from that table below write these down on a sticky and have them on the wall beside you.1013 hpa = msl.850 hpa = fl50.700 hpa = fl100.500 hpa = fl180.300 hpa = fl300.200 hpa = fl390..any others you can interpolate between these and figure it out.the decrease of 1hpa/27ft is only applicable at the lower levels of the troposphere as you go up and air pressure decreases the change of height per 1 hpa increases at msl 1hpa/27ft at fl180 it's 50ft/hpa and at fl390 it's 105ft/hpa exemple 261 700 hpa.700 hpa.

According to icao which symbol indicates severe icing . 300 ?

Question 153-4 : 1 2 3 4

.icao annex 3 meteorological service for international air navigation . 547 exemple 265 1.1.

According to icao which symbol indicates a tropical revolving storm . 301 ?

Question 153-5 : Symbol c symbol a symbol d symbol b

.icao annex 3 meteorological service for international air navigation . 547 exemple 269 symbol c)symbol c)

According to icao which symbol indicates widespread haze . 301 ?

Question 153-6 : Symbol b symbol c symbol a symbol d

.icao annex 3 meteorological service for international air navigation . 547 exemple 273 symbol b)symbol b)

According to icao which symbol indicates a severe line squall . 301 ?

Question 153-7 : Symbol a symbol c symbol d symbol b

.icao annex 3 meteorological service for international air navigation . 547 exemple 277 symbol a)symbol a)

What does the term sigmet signify ?

Question 153-8 : A sigmet is a warning of dangerous meteorological conditions a sigmet is a flight forecast issued by the meteorological station several times daily a sigmet is a brief landing forecast added to the actual weather report a sigmet is an actual weather report at an aerodrome and is generally issued at half ho y intervals

.icao annexe 3 met services .sigmet or significant meteorological information is a weather advisory that contains meteorological information concerning the safety of all aircraft .the following are examples of weather phenomena that may be described in a sigmet. thunderstorms. cyclones tropical revolving storms . severe turbulence. severe icing. severe mountain waves. dust or sand storms. volcanic ash exemple 281 a sigmet is a warning of dangerous meteorological conditions.a sigmet is a warning of dangerous meteorological conditions.

What does the term trend signify ?

Question 153-9 : It is a landing forecast added to the actual weather report it is the actual weather report at an aerodrome and is generally issued at half ho y intervals it is a warning of dangerous meteorological conditions it is a flight forecast issued by the meteorological station several times daily

.icao annex 3 meteorological service for international air navigation.6 3 landing forecasts.6 3 1 a landing forecast shall be prepared by the meteorological office designated by the meteorological authority concerned as determined by regional air navigation agreement such forecasts are intended to meet the requirements of local users and of aircraft within about one hour's flying time from the aerodrome.6 3 2 landing forecasts shall be prepared in the form of a trend forecast.6 3 3 a trend forecast shall consist of a concise statement of the expected significant changes in the meteorological conditions at that aerodrome to be appended to a local routine or local special report or a metar or speci .the period of validity of a trend forecast shall be 2 hours from the time of the report which forms part of the landing forecast exemple 285 it is a landing forecast added to the actual weather report.it is a landing forecast added to the actual weather report.

Which of these statements best describes the weather most likely to be ?

Question 153-10 : Visibility 10 kilometres or more main cloudbase 3000 feet wind 250° temperature 18°c visibility 10 kilometres or more main cloudbase 1200 feet gusts up to 45 knots severe rainshowers meteorological visibility 4000 metres temperature 15°c gusts up to 35 knots visibility 4000 metres gusts up to 25 knots temperature 18°c

.in this question the base of the lowest cloud is 1200 ft but there is less than half cover so the main cloudbase is 3000 ft .becmg becoming indicates a change to forecast conditions is expected to occur slowly within the period designated in the time group immediately following the heading .in this time group of four digits the first two indicate the beginning hour and the last two represent the ending hour during which the change will take place .the duration of this change is normally about 2 hours the elements included in the becmg line will supercede some of the previous taf groups but it is possible all the groups may change .any group omitted in the becmg line will be the same during the becmg period as indicated in the main taf line.for information tx18/2115z mean temperature will be 18°c at 1500 utc .tn16/2118z mean temperature will be 16°c at 1800 utc exemple 289 visibility 10 kilometres or more, main cloudbase 3000 feet, wind 250°, temperature 18°c.visibility 10 kilometres or more, main cloudbase 3000 feet, wind 250°, temperature 18°c.

Which of the following weather reports could be in accordance with the ?

Question 153-11 : 15003kt 9999 bkn100 17/11 q1024 nosig = 24009kt 6000 ra sct010 ovc030 12/11 q1007 tempo 4000 = 29010kt 9999 sct045tcu 16/12 q1015 reshra nosig = 04012g26kt 9999 bkn030 11/07 q1024 nosig =

.icao annex 3 .when the following conditions occur simultaneously at the time of observation we can use the abbreviation of ceiling and visibility ok cavok .1 no cloud below 5000 ft above airfield level or minimum sector altitude whichever is higher .2 no cb or tcu at any height.3 visibility 10 km or more.4 no significant weather..for this statement .29010kt 9999 st045tcu 16/12 q1015 reshra nosig=..tcu can't be cavok..for this statement .04012g26kt 9999 bkn030 11/07 q1024 nosig=..bkn030 can't be cavok..for this statement .24009kt 6000 ra sct010 ovc030 12/11 q1007 tempo 4000=..6000 sct010 ovc030 can't be cavok exemple 293 15003kt 9999 bkn100 17/11 q1024 nosig =15003kt 9999 bkn100 17/11 q1024 nosig =

Which of the following statements is an interpretation of the metar .25020g38kt ?

Question 153-12 : Gusts of 38 knots thunderstorm with heavy hail dew point 18°c mean wind speed 20 38 knots visibility 1200 metres temperature 23°c broken cloud base 600 feet and 1500 feet temperature 18°c wind 250° thunderstorm with moderate hail qnh 1016 hpa

exemple 297 gusts of 38 knots, thunderstorm with heavy hail, dew point 18°c.gusts of 38 knots, thunderstorm with heavy hail, dew point 18°c.

Which of the following statements is an interpretation of the sigmet .lsas ?

Question 153-13 : Moderate to severe clear air turbulence to be expected north of the alps intensity increasing danger zone between fl 260 and fl 380 zone of moderate to severe turbulence moving towards the area north of the alps intensity increasing pilots advised to cross this area above fl 260 severe turbulence observed below fl 260 north of the alps pilots advised to cross this area above fl 380 moderate to severe clear air turbulence of constant intensity to be expected north of the alps

exemple 301 moderate to severe clear air turbulence to be expected north of the alps. intensity increasing. danger zone between fl 260 and fl 380.moderate to severe clear air turbulence to be expected north of the alps. intensity increasing. danger zone between fl 260 and fl 380.

Which of the following statements is an interpretation of the sigmet .lggg ?

Question 153-14 : Thunderstorms must be expected in the western part of the athens fir the thunderstorm zone is moving east intensity is constant thunderstorms have formed in the eastern part of the athens fir and are slowly moving west athens airport is closed due to thunderstorms the thunderstorm zone should be east of athens by 1820 utc the thunderstorms in the athens fir are increasing in intensity but are stationary above the western part of the athens fir

exemple 305 thunderstorms must be expected in the western part of the athens fir. the thunderstorm zone is moving east. intensity is constantthunderstorms must be expected in the western part of the athens fir. the thunderstorm zone is moving east. intensity is constant

Compare the following taf and volmet reports for nice .taf 240600z 240716 ?

Question 153-15 : That the weather at nice is clearly more volatile than the taf could have predicted earlier in the morning that the weather conditions at 0920 were actually predicted in the taf that the weather in nice after 0920 is also likely to be as predicted in the taf that the volmet speaker has got his locations mixed up because there is no way the latest volmet report could be so different from the taf

.volmet is a defined abbreviation 'meteorological information for aircraft in flight' and the origin is from the french 'vol' flight and 'met' as an abbreviation for meteorology volmet is a broadcast or data link service of meteorological information for aircraft in flight and is provided for in annex 3 .a volmet is updated along the day a 24h taf is not .this explains the difference between the forecasted and actual weather at 0920 utc exemple 309 that the weather at nice is clearly more volatile than the taf could have predicted earlier in the morning.that the weather at nice is clearly more volatile than the taf could have predicted earlier in the morning.

Runway visual range rvr is ?

Question 153-16 : Usually better than visibility reported when visibility is less than 2000 m reported in airmet and metar measured with ceilometers alongside the runway

.rvr is reported when visibility is less than 1500 m .the methods for measuring rvr and prevailing visibility are quite different rvr is measured in a specific direction usually using transmissiometers while the prevailing visibility will be the average and if less than 1500 m the minimum value in a specific direction this means that there can be no direct comparison and rvr is likely to be the same as or greater than the lowest reported value of prevailing visibility exemple 313 usually better than visibility.usually better than visibility.

What information is given on a significant weather chart ?

Question 153-17 : The significant weather forecast for the time given on the chart the significant weather that is observed at the time given on the chart the significant weather in a period 3 hours before and 3 hours after the time given on the chart the significant weather forecast for a period 6 hours after the time given on the chart

.significant weather charts are published every six hours and predict what the weather situation is for a given time the 09 00z chart would be prepared several hours in advance probably very early in the morning it would indicate for instance the position of a cold front at 09 00z and show its direction and speed of movement with this information you could work out the estimated position of the front at any time between 06 00z and 12 00z so whilst we use it for flights between 06 00z and 12 00z it only shows the weather situation at 09 00z exemple 317 the significant weather forecast for the time given on the chartthe significant weather forecast for the time given on the chart

A pilot is warned of severe icing at certain flight levels by information ?

Question 153-18 : Swc and sigmet taf and metar metar and sigmet taf and sigmet

.significant weather chart swc and sigmet warned a pilot of severe icing at certain flight levels. significant weather chart uses symbols for moderate and severe aircraft icing . 571.. sigmet or significant meteorological information is a weather advisory that contains meteorological information concerning the safety of all aircraft .the following are examples of weather phenomena that may be described in a sigmet. thunderstorms. cyclones tropical revolving storms . severe turbulence. severe icing. severe mountain waves. dust or sand storms. volcanic ash exemple 321 swc and sigmet.swc and sigmet.

An isohypse of the 500 hpa pressure surface is labelled with the number 552 ?

Question 153-19 : Topography is 552 decameters above msl pressure is 552 hpa topography is 552 meters above msl pressure altimeter will overread by 552 ft

.topography refers to the shape of any surface here the surface is a pressure level of 500 hpa exemple 325 topography is 552 decameters above msl.topography is 552 decameters above msl.

The validity of a taf is ?

Question 153-20 : Stated in the taf 2 hours between 6 and 9 hours 9 hours from the time of issue

exemple 329 stated in the taf.stated in the taf.

Atis information contains ?

Question 153-21 : Meteorological and operational information only meteorological information operational information and if necessary meteorological information only operational information

exemple 333 meteorological and operational informationmeteorological and operational information

If cavok is reported then ?

Question 153-22 : No low drifting snow is present no clouds are present low level wind shear has not been reported any cb's have a base above 5000 ft

.icao annex 3 .when the following conditions occur simultaneously at the time of observation we can use the abbreviation of ceiling and visibility ok cavok .1 no cloud below 5000 ft above airfield level or minimum sector altitude whichever is higher .2 no cb or tcu at any height.3 visibility 10 km or more.4 no significant weather..wind shear is not reported in a metar and wind shear not 'weather' clouds can be present but above 5000 ft or minimum sector altitude whichever is higher .cb's is wrong because there may be no cb's regardless of the height .low drifting snow is a significant weather but the answer states no low drifting snow is present so it's the right answer.note highest minimum sector altitude is defined in icao pans ops as the lowest altitude which may be used under emergency conditions which will provide a minimum clearance of 300 metres 1000 ft above all objects located in an area contained within a sector of a circle of 46 km 25 nautical miles radius centred on a radio aid to navigation.low drifting snow examples . 2543. 2544 exemple 337 no low drifting snow is present.no low drifting snow is present.

Runway visual range can be reported in ?

Question 153-23 : A metar a taf a sigmet both a taf and a metar

exemple 341 a metar.a metar.

Sigmet information is issued as a warning for significant weather to ?

Question 153-24 : All aircraft light aircraft only vfr operations only heavy aircraft only

exemple 345 all aircraftall aircraft

The wind direction in a metar is measured relative to ?

Question 153-25 : True north magnetic north grid north the 0 meridian

exemple 349 true north.true north.

A speci is ?

Question 153-26 : An aviation special weather report an aviation routine weather report a warning for special weather phenomena a forecast for special weather phenomena

exemple 353 an aviation special weather reportan aviation special weather report

On the european continent metars of main airports are compiled and distributed ?

Question 153-27 : 0 5 hour 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours

exemple 357 0.5 hour.0.5 hour.

The rvr as reported in a metar is always the ?

Question 153-28 : Value representative of the touchdown zone average value of the a b and c positions highest value of the a b and c positions lowest value of the a b and c positions

exemple 361 value representative of the touchdown zone.value representative of the touchdown zone.

The cloud base reported in the metar is the height above ?

Question 153-29 : Airfield level mean sea level the pressure altitude of the observation station at the time of observation the highest terrain within a radius of 8 km from the observation station

exemple 365 airfield level.airfield level.

What values are used for the forecasted wind at higher levels ?

Question 153-30 : Direction relative to true north and speed in knots direction relative to magnetic north and speed in knots direction relative to magnetic north and speed in km/h direction relative to grid north and speed in km/h

exemple 369 direction relative to true north and speed in knots.direction relative to true north and speed in knots.

In what hpa range is an upper weather chart for fl 340 situated ?

Question 153-31 : 300 200 hpa 400 300 hpa 500 400 hpa 600 500 hpa

.there is a few questions in the exam that take information directly from that table below write these down on a sticky and have them on the wall beside you.1013 hpa = msl.850 hpa = fl50.700 hpa = fl100.500 hpa = fl180.300 hpa = fl300.200 hpa = fl390..any others you can interpolate between these and figure it out.the decrease of 1hpa/27ft is only applicable at the lower levels of the troposphere as you go up and air pressure decreases the change of height per 1 hpa increases at msl 1hpa/27ft at fl180 it's 50ft/hpa and at fl390 it's 105ft/hpa exemple 373 300 - 200 hpa.300 - 200 hpa.

Isobars on a surface chart are lines of equal ?

Question 153-32 : Qff qfe qne qnh

exemple 377 qffqff

A metar message is valid ?

Question 153-33 : At the time of observation for 2 hours for 9 hours for the hour following the observation

exemple 381 at the time of observation.at the time of observation.

In a metar message br and hz mean respectively ?

Question 153-34 : Br = mist hz = haze br = fog hz = haze br = mist hz = smoke br = mist hz = widespread dust

exemple 385 br = mist hz = haze.br = mist hz = haze.

In a metar message the wind group is 23010mps this means ?

Question 153-35 : Wind from 230° true at 20 knots wind from 230° true at 10 miles per hour wind from 230° magnetic at 20 knots wind from 230° magnetic at 10 miles per hour

.mps metres per second.1 kt = 0 515 m/s.wind direction provides in a metar is in degrees true exemple 389 wind from 230° true at 20 knotswind from 230° true at 20 knots

On a significant weather chart we see the following for the area where a vfr ?

Question 153-36 : We will be in solid clouds and consequently a vfr flight is not possible we will probably have to divert around some cumulus tops we will fly just below the cloud base where the cloud cover is between 5 and 7 oktas we will fly above a solid cloud cover

.broken bkn = 5 to 7 oktas.from fl023 up to fl100 we have 5 to 7 oktas cumulus and sratocumulus cloud coverage at fl85 we will certainly have to divert around some cumulus tops and it might be impossible to find a vfr path vfr flight is not possible in those conditions exemple 393 we will be in solid clouds and consequently a vfr flight is not possible.we will be in solid clouds and consequently a vfr flight is not possible.

On the significant weather chart we see the following indications .sct ?

Question 153-37 : The instability of the air mass between the surface and the top of cumulus clouds system waves a wind shear the surface radiation

.the winds at fl050 and fl100 are the same we can exclude the wind shear cumulus clouds from fl060 and fl100 indicate an air mass instability exemple 397 the instability of the air mass between the surface and the top of cumulus clouds.the instability of the air mass between the surface and the top of cumulus clouds.

Refer to the following taf message .lfxx 180800z 1809/1818 22020kt 6000 sct015 ?

Question 153-38 : At 900 feet agl between 900 and 1500 feet amsl between 900 and 1500 feet agl at 1500 feet agl

.at 1400 utc forecast cloud bases are .becmg 1214 24025kt 2000 ra bkn009 ovc070.bkn009 broken 900 ft agl .ovc070 overcast 7000 ft agl.the lowest cloud base is therefore at 900 feet above groud level exemple 401 at 900 feet agl.at 900 feet agl.

The taf weather messages are ?

Question 153-39 : Airport forecasts ho y or semi ho y weather observations special weather observations landing forecasts of the 'trend' type

exemple 405 airport forecasts.airport forecasts.

The term prob as used in a taf message indicates the probability in percentage ?

Question 153-40 : 30 or 40 20 or 30 25 or 35 35 or 50

.icao annex 3 meteorological service for international air navigation .the probability of occurrence of an alternative value of a forecast element or elements should be indicated as necessary by use of the abbreviation 'prob' followed by the probability in tens of per cent and the time period during which the alternative value s is are expected to apply .the probability information should be placed after the element or elements forecast and be followed by the alternative value of the element or elements the probability of a forecast of temporary fluctuations in meteorological conditions should be indicated as necessary by use of the abbreviation 'prob' followed by the probability in tens of per cent placed before the change indicator 'tempo' and associated time group a probability of an alternative value or change of less than 30 per cent should not be considered sufficiently significant to be indicated a probability of an alternative value or change of 50 per cent or more for aviation purposes should not be considered a probability but instead should be indicated as necessary by use of the change indicators 'becmg' or 'tempo'.therefore the numerical values immediately following the term prob are 30 or 40 only exemple 409 30 or 40.30 or 40.


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