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MCQ > aircraft : A stormscope is ?

Question 151-1 : An instrument on board an aircraft to detect electrical discharges an instrument to detect wind shear by means of the doppler effect during flight the technical term jargon for a radar scope showing thunderstorms an instrument to measure wind velocity

A stormscope is basically a lightning detector exemple 251 an instrument on board an aircraft to detect electrical discharges.an instrument on board an aircraft to detect electrical discharges.

Most tornadoes have a speed of movement that usually ranges from ?

Question 151-2 : 20 to 40 knots 100 to 140 knots 30 to 70 knots 120 to 180 knots

Take care the question is about the tornadoes forward motion not the wind speed inside the tornadoes .tornado paths range from 100 m to 1 5 km wide and are rarely more than 12 nm long .they can last from several seconds to more than an hour however most don't exceed 10 minutes .most tornadoes travel with an average speed of 30 kt but the speed has been observed to range from almost no motion to 60 kt exemple 255 20 to 40 knots.20 to 40 knots.

Which of the following statements regarding the development of valley ?

Question 151-3 : Valley inversions often are a result of radiation cooling in combination with gravity both affecting the air at the surface of a mountain slope usually a valley inversion is initiated by radiation cooling and anabatic winds which are due to orographic conditions the most important prerequisite for the development of valley inversions is warm air ascending along the mountain slope thus leaving cooler air behind in the bottom of the valley the predominant factor in the development process of valley inversions is the non uniformity of incident solar radiation due to orographic conditions in combination with density variations within the air

Over night cool dense air as a result of radiation cooling will descend by gravity along the mountain slopes into the basin and lead to the development of a valley inversion exemple 259 valley inversions often are a result of radiation cooling in combination with gravity, both affecting the air at the surface of a mountain slope.valley inversions often are a result of radiation cooling in combination with gravity, both affecting the air at the surface of a mountain slope.

During the preparation for approach to zurich airport 1416 ft/amsl a pilot ?

Question 151-4 : For wind shear just above the inversion for freezing precipitation below the inversion for fog below the inversion that the performance of the engine will be reduced from inversion level down to ground

Low level temperature inversion can be a safety hazard it can be a significant factor in affecting take off or landing performance information regarding low level temperature inversions should be provided as soon as possible. 646.an inversion will promote vertical wind shear exemple 263 for wind shear just above the inversion.for wind shear just above the inversion.

When flying in mountainous terrain and assuming isa temperatures and strong ?

Question 151-5 : In case of venturi effect the actual altitude of the aircraft is lower than the indicated altitude in case of adiabatic compression of the air the temperature is lower than indicated in case of combined effect of surface friction and adiabatic compression of the air the dynamic pressure is lower than indicated by the altimeter in case of venturi effect the indicated altitude of the aircraft is lower than the actual altitude

With strong winds the mountainous terrain will acts like a wing .you will have a reduced pressure over a hill it acts like a cambered aerofoil in case of venturi effect .in this area of reduced pressure the altimeter will over read it sence a lower pressure it reads a higher altitude than it should. 641.venturi effect static pressure decreased compared to original exemple 267 in case of venturi effect, the actual altitude of the aircraft is lower than the indicated altitude.in case of venturi effect, the actual altitude of the aircraft is lower than the indicated altitude.

What degree of aircraft icing is determined by the following icao description ?

Question 151-6 : Moderate light severe violent

exemple 271 moderate.moderate.

Two aircraft are flying simultaneously in level flight at different flight ?

Question 151-7 : Vertical wind shear only vertical and horizontal wind shear horizontal wind shear only no wind shear since the absolute value of the difference in wind velocity per height unit is too small to fit the definition of wind shear at all

. 643.vertical shear is the change of winds with height exemple 275 vertical wind shear only.vertical wind shear only.

What is the best way in dealing with thunderstorms associated with a cold front ?

Question 151-8 : Avoidance of embedded cbs by using airborne weather radar flying through the front with maximum speed and perpendicular to the front line in order to minimize the time of hazard exposure flying underneath the cloud base in all cases flying through the upper third of the clouds to prevent the aircraft from being struck by lightning

Ecqb01 june 2013 exemple 279 avoidance of embedded cbs by using airborne weather radar.avoidance of embedded cbs by using airborne weather radar.

Orographic thunderstorms may occur ?

Question 151-9 : At any time during day and night almost exclusively during the daylight hours mostly between sunset and 2 a m mostly in the early morning

Ecqb01 june 2013 exemple 283 at any time during day and night.at any time during day and night.

During flight the headwind increases suddenly due to wind shear what initial ?

Question 151-10 : There will be a sudden temporary increase in true air speed none since wind only affects ground speed and drift there will be a sudden temporary decrease in true air speed there will only be a gradual increase in true airspeed until equilibrium is established again

Easa 2014 exemple 287 there will be a sudden temporary increase in true air speed.there will be a sudden temporary increase in true air speed.

During an ils approach on rwy 33 a northwesterly wind is blowing parallel to ?

Question 151-11 : Without the pilot's intervention the aircraft is likely to fly above the designated glide path with increasing deviation from it without the pilot's intervention the aircraft is likely to fly below the designated glide path with increasing deviation from it a deviation from the glide path will not have to be considered since there is no significant wind shear to be expected without the pilot's intervention the aircraft is likely to fly below the designated glide path with decreasing deviation from it

.take care this question is the opposite to an other one which states its speed is increasing rapidly with height.the wind is blowing parallel to the runway it's a headwind .you are descending into a decreasing headwind wind shear and with constant aispeed and angle of attack this will give an increasing ground speed you normally have to increase the rate of descent in order to maintain the glide slope but without intervention you will maintain a rate of descent for a lower ground speed this will result to fly above the designated glide path with increasing deviation from it since the question states is decreasing rapidly with height exemple 291 without the pilot's intervention, the aircraft is likely to fly above the designated glide path with increasing deviation from it.without the pilot's intervention, the aircraft is likely to fly above the designated glide path with increasing deviation from it.

Which of the following statements regarding an aircraft being struck by ?

Question 151-12 : The flight crew might have temporary difficulties in determining the current attitude of flight the crew of an aircraft made of conductive material e g metal will generally suffer greater adverse effects due to lightning discharge than the crew of an aircraft made of non conductive composite material though flying through an electric field the aircraft itself is not a charge carrier and therefore it cannot initiate a lightning discharge the dimension of the damage caused by the lightning stroke is reciprocally proportional to the strength of the electric field the aircraft intruded

exemple 295 the flight crew might have temporary difficulties in determining the current attitude of flight.the flight crew might have temporary difficulties in determining the current attitude of flight.

For this question use annex 050 047.on which of these routes would you not need ?

Question 151-13 : Bordeaux zurich frankfurt madrid helsinki copenhagen shannon stockholm

Ecqb03 july 2016 exemple 299 bordeaux - zurichbordeaux - zurich

Compared to a microburst a macroburst ?

Question 151-14 : Affects a larger area occurs over a shorter time period has an updraft is free of rain

exemple 303 affects a larger area.affects a larger area.

An aircraft in straight and level flight may suddenly experience clear air ?

Question 151-15 : Cause abrupt changes in attitude and/or height resulting in injuries to passengers and crew aircraft may be out of control for short period lead to problems with the engine performance as the flow of liquids fuel coolant etc may be altered damage its the control surfaces especially if the aircraft flies at the upper limits of its service ceiling impair the function of its electronics avionics instruments to such an extend that an immediate landing is necessary

Ecqb03 july 2016 exemple 307 cause abrupt changes in attitude and/or height resulting in injuries to passengers and crew, aircraft may be out of control for short period.cause abrupt changes in attitude and/or height resulting in injuries to passengers and crew, aircraft may be out of control for short period.

Which of the following statements is correct concerning rotors below the crest ?

Question 151-16 : The wind direction at the lower side of the rotors is opposite to the prevailing wind direction the wind direction at the top of the rotors is opposite to the prevailing wind direction the axis of these rotors is vertical the rotors are always visible by the presence of rotor clouds

Ecqb03 august 2016 exemple 311 the wind direction at the lower side of the rotors is opposite to the prevailing wind direction.the wind direction at the lower side of the rotors is opposite to the prevailing wind direction.

Which of these statements about turbulence are correct or incorrect .1 above ?

Question 151-17 : 1 and 2 are incorrect 1 and 2 are correct 1 is correct 2 is incorrect 1 is incorrect 2 is correct

Ecqb03 august 2016 exemple 315 1 and 2 are incorrect.1 and 2 are incorrect.

If a thunderstorm cb 10 nm ahead is assessed as still being in the mature phase ?

Question 151-18 : He should change heading to circumnavigate the storm he should start a descent in order to pass underneath the storm he should climb above the storm he should cross the storm on the shortest possible way

Ecqb03 august 2016 exemple 319 he should change heading to circumnavigate the storm.he should change heading to circumnavigate the storm.

Which of these statements about turbulence are correct or incorrect .1 severe ?

Question 151-19 : 1 is not correct 2 is correct 1 and 2 are correct 1 and 2 are not correct 1 is correct 2 is not correct

Ecqb03 august 2016 exemple 323 1 is not correct, 2 is correct.1 is not correct, 2 is correct.

Check the correctness of the following statements .1 outside clouds no severe ?

Question 151-20 : 1 is correct 2 is correct 1 is not correct 2 is not correct 1 is not correct 2 is correct 1 is correct 2 is not correct

Ecqb03 august 2016 exemple 327 1) is correct 2) is correct.1) is correct 2) is correct.

On which route of flight would you expect no icing at fl 180 . 401 ?

Question 151-21 : Hamburg stockholm zurich madrid zurich hamburg zurich vienna

.the flight from hamburg to stockholm will be out of cloud and out of area where icing is reported . 458 exemple 331 hamburg-stockholm.hamburg-stockholm.

If you are flying from zurich to london at fl 220 what conditions can you ?

Question 151-22 : Scattered thunderstorms prolonged severe turbulence and icing throughout the flight cat for the first half of the flight flight largely in cloud no turbulence

.you have embedded cbs from below fl100 chart goes from fl100 to fl450 up to fl280 .icing and turbulence only go up to fl150 exemple 335 scattered thunderstorms.scattered thunderstorms.

Which route is free of turbulence at fl 340 . 404 ?

Question 151-23 : Shannon hamburg zurich rome rome berlin zurich athens

. 459.this is the only route that do not cross cat aera n°1 exemple 339 shannon-hamburgshannon-hamburg

What is the lowest flight level that is forecast to be subject to clear air ?

Question 151-24 : Fl 250 fl 380 fl 350 fl 320

exemple 343 fl 250.fl 250.

What is the greatest intensity of turbulence i and icing ii that can be ?

Question 151-25 : I severe ii severe i severe ii moderate i moderate ii severe i moderate ii light

exemple 347 (i) severe, (ii) severe.(i) severe, (ii) severe.

According to icao which symbol indicates danger to an aircraft in flight . 420 ?

Question 151-26 : 1 2 3 4

.icao annex 3 meteorological service for international air navigation . 547 exemple 351 1)1)

What is the relationship between visibility and rvr in homogeneous fog ?

Question 151-27 : The visibility is generally less than the rvr the visibility generally is greater than the rvr the visibility generally is the same as the rvr there is no specific relationship between the two

.the methods for measuring rvr and prevailing visibility are quite different rvr is measured in a specific direction usually using transmissiometers while the prevailing visibility will be the average and if less than 1500 m the minimum value in a specific direction this means that there can be no direct comparison and rvr is likely to be the same as or greater than the lowest reported value of prevailing visibility exemple 355 the visibility is generally less than the rvr.the visibility is generally less than the rvr.

When is the rvr reported at most airports ?

Question 151-28 : When the visibility decreases below 1500 m when the visibility decreases below 2000 m when the rvr decreases below 2500 m when the rvr decreases below 2000 m

.annex 3 meteorological service for international air navigation .rvr is reported when visibility is less than 1500 m exemple 359 when the visibility decreases below 1500 m.when the visibility decreases below 1500 m.

How is the direction and speed of upper winds described in forecasts ?

Question 151-29 : The direction is relative to true north and the speed is in knots the direction is relative to magnetic north and the speed is in knots the direction is relative to magnetic north and the speed is in miles per hour the direction is relative to true north and the speed is in miles per hour

exemple 363 the direction is relative to true north and the speed is in knots.the direction is relative to true north and the speed is in knots.

What positions are connected by contour lines on a weather chart ?

Question 151-30 : Positions with the same height in a chart of constant pressure positions with the same thickness between two constant pressure levels positions with the same air density positions with the same wind velocity

exemple 367 positions with the same height in a chart of constant pressure.positions with the same height in a chart of constant pressure.

In which meteorological forecast chart is information about cat regions found ?

Question 151-31 : Significant weather chart 24 hour surface forecast 500 hpa chart 300 hpa chart

. 522.cat areas on a significant weather chart swc .example for cat n°2 you will encountered moderate turbulence between fl220 to 400 exemple 371 significant weather chart.significant weather chart.

The isobars drawn on a surface weather chart represent lines of equal pressure ?

Question 151-32 : Reduced to sea level at flight level at height of observatory at a determined density altitude

exemple 375 reduced to sea level.reduced to sea level.

Which constant pressure altitude chart is standard for fl50 ?

Question 151-33 : 850 hpa 500 hpa 700 hpa 300 hpa

.there is a few questions in the exam that take information directly from that table below write these down on a sticky and have them on the wall beside you.1013 hpa = msl.850 hpa = fl50.700 hpa = fl100.500 hpa = fl180.300 hpa = fl300.200 hpa = fl390..any others you can interpolate between these and figure it out.the decrease of 1hpa/27ft is only applicable at the lower levels of the troposphere as you go up and air pressure decreases the change of height per 1 hpa increases at msl 1hpa/27ft at fl180 it's 50ft/hpa and at fl390 it's 105ft/hpa exemple 379 850 hpa.850 hpa.

On which of the following aviation weather charts can a pilot most easily find ?

Question 151-34 : Significant weather chart wind / temperature chart surface chart upper air chart

. 522.the large black lines are jetstream exemple 383 significant weather chart.significant weather chart.

Why are indications about the height of the tropopause not essential for flight ?

Question 151-35 : The tropopause is generally well above the flight level actually flown the meteorological services are unable to provide such a chart the temperatures of the tropical tropopause are always very low and therefore not important the tropopause is always at the same height

exemple 387 the tropopause is generally well above the flight level actually flown.the tropopause is generally well above the flight level actually flown.

In the taf for delhi during the summer for the time of your landing you note ?

Question 151-36 : 60 minutes 120 minutes 10 minutes 20 minutes

.the change indicator 'tempo' and the associated time group should be used to describe expected frequent or infrequent temporary fluctuations in the meteorological conditions which reach or pass specified threshold values and last for a period of less than one hour in each instance and in the aggregate cover less than one half of the forecast period during which the fluctuations are expected to occur exemple 391 60 minutes.60 minutes.

How are well separated cb clouds described on the significant weather chart ?

Question 151-37 : Ocnl cb embd cb frq cb isol cb

.it comes from annex 3 meteorological service for international air navigation appendix 6 . 511 exemple 395 ocnl cb.ocnl cb.

The cold front is indicated with a number at position . 254 ?

Question 151-38 : N°2 n°3 n°4 n°1

exemple 399 n°2.n°2.

What does the symbol indicate on a significant weather chart . 256 ?

Question 151-39 : The center of a tropopause 'high' where the tropopause is at fl 400 the lower limit of the tropopause the upper limit of significant weather at fl 400 the center of a high pressure area at 400 hpa

exemple 403 the center of a tropopause 'high', where the tropopause is at fl 400.the center of a tropopause 'high', where the tropopause is at fl 400.

Which typical weather situation is shown on the weather chart spacing of the ?

Question 151-40 : Flat pressure pattern cutting wind west wind condition warm south wind condition foehn

.isobars are well spaced we have large pools areas the pressure pattern is very flat exemple 407 flat pressure pattern.flat pressure pattern.


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