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MCQ > aircraft : Which statement does correspond to the definition of severe turbulence ?

Question 150-1 : Aircraft may be out of control for short periods occupants are forced violently against seat belts loose objects are tossed about difficulty in walking occupants feel strain against seat belts loose objects move about aircraft gets out of control and crashes aircraft will be damaged and an emergency landing will be absolutely necessary

.moderate conditions in which moderate changes in aircraft attitude and/or altitude may occur but the aircraft remains in positive control at all times usually small variations in airspeed changes in accelerometer readings of 0 5 g to 1 0 g at the aircraft's centre of gravity difficulty in walking occupants feel strain against seat belts loose objects move about.severe conditions in which abrupt changes in aircraft attitude and/or altitude occur aircraft may be out of control for short periods usually large variations in airspeed changes in accelerometer readings greater than 1 0 g at the aircraft's centre of gravity occupants are forced violently against seat belts loose objects are tossed about exemple 250 aircraft may be out of control for short periods, occupants are forced violently against seat belts, loose objects are tossed about.aircraft may be out of control for short periods, occupants are forced violently against seat belts, loose objects are tossed about.

What is the lowest visibility forecast for approach into geneva eta 1200 utc ?

Question 150-2 : 8 km 8 nm 6 nm 10 km

exemple 254 8 km.8 km.

Which thunderstorms generally produce the most severe conditions such as heavy ?

Question 150-3 : Squall line thunderstorms warm front thunderstorms nocturnal air mass thunderstorms daytime air mass thunderstorms

.when many individual thunderstorms organize into a nearly continuous line a squall line is born they can be more than 80 nm long and often form 40 to 130 nm ahead of advancing cold fronts racing along squall line thunderstorms blast the ground with torrents of rain and hail driven by winds gusting higher than 50 kt exemple 258 squall line thunderstorms.squall line thunderstorms.

What visibility is most likely to be experienced during an approach into madrid ?

Question 150-4 : 10 kilometres or more 8000 metres 6000 metres 4000 metres

.the tempo group is used for any conditions in wind visibility weather or sky condition which are expected to last for generally less than an hour at a time occasional and are expected to occur during less than half the time period the tempo indicator is followed by a four digit group giving the beginning hour and ending hour of the time period during which the temporary conditions are expected only the changing forecast meteorological conditions are included in tempo groups the omitted conditions are carried over from the previous time group.thus the most likely visibility to be experienced during an approach into madrid at 2300 utc is 10 kilometres or more exemple 262 10 kilometres or more.10 kilometres or more.

What is the lowest visibility that may be expected during an approach into ?

Question 150-5 : 4 km 10 km or more 7 km 6000 m

exemple 266 4 km.4 km.

In which squares are conditions most likely to cause the occurrence of low ?

Question 150-6 : 3 a and 3 c 3 a and 3 b 3 b and 3 c 3 b and 3 d

exemple 270 3 a and 3 c.3 a and 3 c.

For an aircraft making an approach to an airfield which is not situated near ?

Question 150-7 : Low level wind shear radiation fog rotor streaming clear air turbulence cat

exemple 274 low level wind shear.low level wind shear.

The occurrence of freezing rain at fl 60 is most likely in square . 347 ?

Question 150-8 : 3c 2d 3b 2a

.at fl 60 in square 3c the aircraft will be at the cold air freezing level and this would be the most likely area to encounter freezing rain . 505.freezing rain is associated with warm fronts and warm occlusions in a warm front the freezing level is lower than behind in the warm sector and the slope means that freezing rain will be falling on anything underneath .in square 2a and 2d you are above fl 70 exemple 278 3c.3c.

For an aircraft at fl 40 approaching the front square 3c from the direction of ?

Question 150-9 : Clear ice accretion to the airframe severe turbulence associated with cb severe turbulence and wind shear severe downdrafts from subsiding air

.at fl 40 the aircraft will be close to the cold air freezing level and this would be the most likely area to encounter freezing rain . 505.freezing rain is associated with warm fronts and warm occlusions in a warm front the freezing level is lower than behind in the warm sector and the slope means that freezing rain will be falling on anything underneath exemple 282 clear ice accretion to the airframe.clear ice accretion to the airframe.

What are the characteristics of rime ice and what conditions are most ?

Question 150-10 : Milky granular appearance forming on leading edges and accumulating forward into the air stream stratiform clouds at temperatures of 10°c to 20°c are most conducive to its formation opaque rough appearance tending to spread back over an aircraft surface most frequently encountered in cumuliform clouds at temperatures slightly below freezing smooth appearance and builds forward from leading surfaces into a sharp edge most common in cumuliform clouds at temperatures of 20°c to 25°c transparent appearance and tendency to take the shape of the surface on which it freezes stratiform clouds and temperatures only slightly below freezing promote its formation

exemple 286 milky granular appearance, forming on leading edges and accumulating forward into the air stream. stratiform clouds at temperatures of -10°c to -20°c are most conducive to its formation.milky granular appearance, forming on leading edges and accumulating forward into the air stream. stratiform clouds at temperatures of -10°c to -20°c are most conducive to its formation.

What intensity and type of aircraft icing is likely to occur at fl 100 in a ?

Question 150-11 : Moderate to severe icing due to clear ice light icing due to rime ice moderate to severe icing due to rime ice light icing due to clear ice

.ice will form on an airplane if there is water in a liquid state combined with either the air or the airframe temperature below 0° .large supercooled water droplets are found between 0° and 10°c wich is our case with a freezing level at 7000ft at fl100 we have 6°c when such large droplets strike the airframe just few degrees below zero they flow back turning into clear ice .clear ice is transparent with no trapped air so it is very hard to get rid of it is found most often in cumulus clouds and unstable conditions thunderstorms it is the most dangerous form of aircraft icing and in a thunderstorm risk is moderate to severe exemple 290 moderate to severe icing due to clear ice.moderate to severe icing due to clear ice.

The presence of ice pellets at the surface is the evidence that ?

Question 150-12 : Temperatures are above freezing at some higher altitudes a cold front has passed there are thunderstorms in the area after take offyou can climb to a higher altitude without encountering more than light icing conditions

exemple 294 temperatures are above freezing at some higher altitudes.temperatures are above freezing at some higher altitudes.

At the surface the lifetime of a typical microburst and the diameter of the ?

Question 150-13 : 1 5 minutes and 4 km 30 40 minutes and 4 km 5 15 minutes and 8 km 5 10 minutes and 12 km

.a microburst/downburst is a localized area of damaging winds caused by air rapidly flowing down and out of a thunderstorm a microburst occurs when cold air high in a thunderstorm descends and accelerates as the stream of cold air reaches the ground it spreads out and can accelerate even further exemple 298 1-5 minutes and 4 km.1-5 minutes and 4 km.

In mature cb's the probability of severe icing according to meteorological ?

Question 150-14 : 0°c to 23°c +5°c to 0°c 23°c to 40°c 40°c to 60°c

exemple 302 0°c to -23°c.0°c to -23°c.

In which environment is aircraft structural ice most likely to have the highest ?

Question 150-15 : Freezing rain stratus clouds cirrus clouds snow

exemple 306 freezing rain.freezing rain.

An aircraft descends in layered clouds the freezing level is situated at fl 60 ?

Question 150-16 : Between fl 120 and fl 60 between fl 60 and fl 20 between fl 120 and fl 180 at fl 140

.the probability for airframe icing is the highest for temperatures just below 0°c if the freezing level is at fl60 from fl60 to fl120 the temperature decreases from 0°c to 12°c exemple 310 between fl 120 and fl 60.between fl 120 and fl 60.

According to icao which symbol indicates danger to an aircraft flying according ?

Question 150-17 : Symbol 2 symbol 4 symbol 1 symbol 3

. 629.drizzle widespread mist and rain are not considered as danger exemple 314 symbol 2.symbol 2.

In which of the following situations is the probability for severe ?

Question 150-18 : Advection of maritime cold air over a warm sea surface advection of warm air over a cold land surface advection of continental cold air over a warm land surface advection of maritime warm air over a cold sea surface

.maritime cold air means 'moist air' over a warm surface this cold air will be heated by convection lower layer will rise and increase instability this will lead to the formation of cumulonimbus with possible severe thunderstorms exemple 318 advection of maritime cold air over a warm sea surface.advection of maritime cold air over a warm sea surface.

In which of these cloud types can icing be virtually ruled out ?

Question 150-19 : Cs as sc ns

exemple 322 cscs

According to icao which symbol indicates danger to an aircraft flying according ?

Question 150-20 : Symbol 3 symbol 4 symbol 1 symbol 2

. 629 exemple 326 symbol 3.symbol 3.

In which conditions would you most likely encounter clear icing and how would ?

Question 150-21 : Cumuliform clouds large water droplets temperatures between 0°c and 15°c appears smooth and tends to spread back over an aircraft wing stratiform clouds small water droplets temperatures between 10°c and 20°c appears granular and tends to accumulate forward into the air stream cumuliform clouds small water droplets temperatures between 20°c and 25°c appears transparent and tends to take the shape of the surface on which it freezes stratiform clouds large water droplets temperatures well below freezing appears opaque and builds forward from leading surface into a sharp edge

exemple 330 cumuliform clouds, large water droplets, temperatures between 0°c and -15°c. appears smooth and tends to spread back over an aircraft wing.cumuliform clouds, large water droplets, temperatures between 0°c and -15°c. appears smooth and tends to spread back over an aircraft wing.

A cb with thunderstorm has reached the mature stage which statement is correct ?

Question 150-22 : In temperatures lower than 23°c icing is still possible the freezing level in the whole cloud lies lower than outside the cloud if hail occurs it only occurs in downdrafts severe turbulence occurs in the cloud but hardly ever below the cloud

Initial stage updrafts.mature stage updrafts and downdrafts.dissipating stage downdrafts.hail can occur in downdrafts and updrafts.you will have severe turbulence in the cloud and below.the freezing level remains almost the same in an outside the cloud.with temperatures lower than 23°c icing is still possible since some lifted water droplets are at positive temperatures exemple 334 in temperatures lower than -23°c icing is still possible.in temperatures lower than -23°c icing is still possible.

Which of the following statements is true with regard to mountain waves ?

Question 150-23 : Flight with headwind toward high ground is likely to be more hazardous than flight with tailwind toward high ground mountain waves are not experienced beyond 100 miles downwind from initiating high ground regardless of the height of the ground the absence of cloud over high ground indicates the absence of mountain waves flight with tailwind toward high ground is likely to be more hazardous than flight with headwind toward high ground

. 634.headwind implies that you are flying towards the ridge and while approaching the ridge you are most likely to encounter violent downdraught and rotors exemple 338 flight with headwind toward high ground is likely to be more hazardous than flight with tailwind toward high ground.flight with headwind toward high ground is likely to be more hazardous than flight with tailwind toward high ground.

The correct statement is ?

Question 150-24 : Airframe icing can occur in clear air haze is a reduction of visibility due to the presence of water vapour mountain waves are always accompanied by rotor clouds above the tropopause no turbulence occurs

.light airframe icing can occur in clean air .haze is a reduction of visibility due to the presence of dust particles .rotor clouds depend on mountain waves intensity and moisture of the air mass .some cb can extend above the tropopause thus you can encounter turbulence above them exemple 342 airframe icing can occur in clear air.airframe icing can occur in clear air.

Flight from bordeaux to amsterdam eta 2100 utc what is the minimum visibility ?

Question 150-25 : 3 km 5 km 5 nm 6 km

exemple 346 3 km.3 km.

What are the conditions required for the formation of hoar frost ?

Question 150-26 : The temperature of the surface is lower than the dew point of the air and the dew point is lower than 0°c falling droplets on a surface while the air temperature is below freezing the temperature of the surface is higher than the dew point of the air and the dew point is lower than 0°c falling droplets on a surface with a temperature below freezing

.when the surface temperature is lower than the dew point air in contact with the surface will be saturated since the dew point is below 0°c the water vapour will skip the liquid stage and form ice crystals on the cold surface which is called hoar frost exemple 350 the temperature of the surface is lower than the dew point of the air and the dew point is lower than 0°c.the temperature of the surface is lower than the dew point of the air and the dew point is lower than 0°c.

Imagine an airfield during summer with sunny days and clear nights and with a ?

Question 150-27 : A strong sea breeze blowing more or less perpendicular to the runway a radiation inversion due to surface cooling during the clear night a subsidence inversion typical for summer anticyclones causing variations in wind speed and direction near the surface a strong land breeze blowing more or less perpendicular to the runway

exemple 354 a strong sea breeze blowing more or less perpendicular to the runway.a strong sea breeze blowing more or less perpendicular to the runway.

Which of the following situations favours the formation of heavy thunderstorms ?

Question 150-28 : A cold front approaching a mountain range in the evening the passage of a warm front in the morning a cold front on the leeward side of a mountain range a warm sector moving over a snow covered ground

Cqb15 august 2011 exemple 358 a cold front approaching a mountain range in the evening.a cold front approaching a mountain range in the evening.

The wind at 500ft above ground is 290/15kt and at the same position at 600ft ?

Question 150-29 : Moderate vertical wind shear severe horizontal wind shear gradual horizontal wind shear severe low level turbulence

Cqb15 august 2011 exemple 362 moderate vertical wind shear.moderate vertical wind shear.

Imagine an aircraft during approach to an airfield which is located in a basin ?

Question 150-30 : While approaching the airfield in the early morning after a short period of bumpiness the engines of the aircraft will deliver more thrust after breaking through the inversion layer if the pilot does not intervene while approaching the airfield shortly before sunrise the pilot has to consider turbulence because at first lift will be decreased due to katabatic winds and after breaking through a valley inversion layer lift is likely to improve due to anabatic wind while approaching the airfield in the late evening hours without the pilot's intervention the engines of the aircraft are most likely to provide less thrust after breaking through the inversion layer while approaching the airfield in the early morning hours these conditions apply for the possibility of a marked valley inversion which has to be considered as a potential flight hazard due to a decreased lift after breaking through the inversion layer

Cqb15 august 2011 exemple 366 while approaching the airfield in the early morning, after a short period of bumpiness the engines of the aircraft will deliver more thrust after breaking through the inversion layer if the pilot does not intervene.while approaching the airfield in the early morning, after a short period of bumpiness the engines of the aircraft will deliver more thrust after breaking through the inversion layer if the pilot does not intervene.

Mark the statement most reasonable regarding a valley inversion ?

Question 150-31 : Over night cool dense air as a result of radiation cooling will descend along the mountain slopes into the basin and lead to the development of a valley inversion if the incident solar radiation is non uniform because of orographic conditions the development of a valley inversion is very likely during daytime provided that the lee side winds are able to displace the air at the bottom of the basin the foehn effect is the predominant factor in the development of a valley inversion small scale density variations due to turbulent mixing mainly caused by the roughness of rocks are a significant prerequisite for the formation of valley inversions

Cqb15 september 2011 exemple 370 over night, cool dense air as a result of radiation cooling will descend along the mountain slopes into the basin and lead to the development of a valley inversion.over night, cool dense air as a result of radiation cooling will descend along the mountain slopes into the basin and lead to the development of a valley inversion.

Which of the following statements is correct concerning the weather in a warm ?

Question 150-32 : Isolated thunderstorms are sometimes possible over continental areas during the summer no thunderstorms can occur in mid and high latitudes thunderstorms may occur only over open sea during the summer isolated air mass thunderstorms are common during all seasons over continental areas

Cqb 15 october 2011 exemple 374 isolated thunderstorms are sometimes possible over continental areas during the summer.isolated thunderstorms are sometimes possible over continental areas during the summer.

With which meteorological phenomena are wind shear conditions mostly associated ?

Question 150-33 : Gust fronts low level temperature inversions frontal surfaces gust fronts sea breeze fronts high stratiform clouds strong surface winds coupled with local topography anticyclones light precipitation thunderstorms drizzle conditional instability

Cqb 15 october 2011 exemple 378 gust fronts, low level temperature inversions, frontal surfaces.gust fronts, low level temperature inversions, frontal surfaces.

In winter after breaking through a low level inversion during descent and ?

Question 150-34 : Thrust most likely will increase and visibility is likely to deteriorate lift most likely will increase and visibility is likely to improve thrust most likely will decrease and visibility is likely to improve lift most likely will decrease and visibility is likely to deteriorate

.usually when you descend your oat outside air temperature is increasing but when you descend into an inversion layer your oat will start to decrease instead of increasing you would expect an increase in thrust exemple 382 thrust most likely will increase and visibility is likely to deteriorate.thrust most likely will increase and visibility is likely to deteriorate.

The presence of ice pellets at the surface is the evidence that ?

Question 150-35 : Temperatures are above freezing at some higher altitudes a cold front has passed there are thunderstorms in the area after take off you can climb to a higher altitude without encountering more than light icing conditions

exemple 386 temperatures are above freezing at some higher altitudes.temperatures are above freezing at some higher altitudes.

Mark the correct statement concerning lightning discharge ?

Question 150-36 : While flying through air that is electrically charged the aircraft is likely to become a charge carrier itself and can initiate a lightning discharge the probability of a lightning discharge is reciprocally proportional to the strength of the electric field the aircraft intruded the set of possible effects of a lightning discharge does not include welding of aircraft parts such as joints or bearings because an aircraft acts as a 'faraday's cage' the magnetisation associated with a lightning discharge hardly has an effect on the magnetic compass

exemple 390 while flying through air that is electrically charged the aircraft is likely to become a charge carrier itself and can initiate a lightning discharge.while flying through air that is electrically charged the aircraft is likely to become a charge carrier itself and can initiate a lightning discharge.

Most tornadoes have a life span that lasts for ?

Question 150-37 : A few minutes up to 30 minutes approximately one hour several hours not more than one minute

exemple 394 a few minutes up to 30 minutes.a few minutes up to 30 minutes.

During an ils approach on rwy 33 a northwesterly wind is blowing parallel to ?

Question 150-38 : Without the pilot's intervention the aircraft is likely to fly below the designated glide path with increasing deviation from it without the pilot's intervention the aircraft is likely to fly above the designated glide path with increasing deviation from it a deviation from the glide path will not have to be considered since there is no significant wind shear to be expected without the pilot's intervention the aircraft is likely to fly above the designated glide path with decreasing deviation from it

.the wind is blowing parallel to the runway it's a headwind .you are descending into an increasing headwind wind shear and with constant aispeed and angle of attack this will give a decreasing ground speed you normally have to decrease the rate of descent in order to maintain the glide slope but without intervention you will maintain a rate of descent for a higher ground speed this will result to fly below the designated glide path with increasing deviation from it since the question states is increasing rapidly with height.take care not to understand an increase of wind with an increase of altitude we are talking about wind shear not a standard atmosphere wind exemple 398 without the pilot's intervention, the aircraft is likely to fly below the designated glide path with increasing deviation from it.without the pilot's intervention, the aircraft is likely to fly below the designated glide path with increasing deviation from it.

Mark the correct statement concerning the flight through an inversion caused by ?

Question 150-39 : During climb the reduced air density above the inversion layer will cause a certain decrease in the aircraft performance ie lift and thrust and the pilot will experience a sudden improvement of visibility during climb the increased air density above the inversion layer will cause a certain increase in the aircraft performance ie lift and thrust and the pilot will experience a gradual change of the cross wind component during climb the pilot of an aircraft probably will experience a slight deterioration of flight visibility when breaking through the top of the inversion layer and the general aircraft performance will decrease the pilot of an aircraft probably will experience a gradual increase of the cross wind component and a gradual improvement of flight visibility when breaking through the base of the inversion layer during descent

Rencag .temperature falls above the inversion layer so density should increase isn't it..the question states flight through an inversion not above the inversion layer .below the inversion layer air temperature decreases with height inside the inversion air temperature increases with height exemple 402 during climb, the reduced air density above the inversion layer will cause a certain decrease in the aircraft performance (ie: lift and thrust) and the pilot will experience a sudden improvement of visibility.during climb, the reduced air density above the inversion layer will cause a certain decrease in the aircraft performance (ie: lift and thrust) and the pilot will experience a sudden improvement of visibility.

Clouds will mainly consist of supercooled water droplets when the temperature is ?

Question 150-40 : Between 0°c and 15°c between 5°c and 30°c between 30°c and 40°c below 40°c

exemple 406 between 0°c and -15°c.between 0°c and -15°c.


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