Certification > weather : In which of the following conditions is moderate to severe airframe icing most ?
Question 147-1 : In nimbostratus cloud below the freezing level in clear air in clear air above the freezing level within cloud of any type

What flying conditions are normally encountered when flying in cirrus clouds ?
Question 147-2 : Average horizontal visibility more than 1000 m nil icing average horizontal visibility less than 500 m nil icing average horizontal visibility less than 500 m light to moderate icing average horizontal visibility more than 1000 m light to moderate rime ice

How does freezing rain develop ?
Question 147-3 : Rain falls through a layer where temperatures are below 0°c snow falls through a layer where temperatures are above 0°c through melting of snow grains through melting of ice crystals

What weather conditions in the region of the alps would you expect with foehn ?
Question 147-4 : Clouds on the southern sides of passes in the alps heavy clear air turbulence on the southern side of the alps strong north winds on the southern side of the alps heavy airframe icing conditions on the northern side of the alps

Under which conditions would you expect the heaviest clear ice accretion to ?
Question 147-5 : Between 2°c and 15°c between 20°c and 30°c close to the freezing level between 30°c and 40°c

Clear ice forms on an aircraft by the freezing of ?
Question 147-6 : Large supercooled water drops water vapour small supercooled water drops snow

What weather conditions would you expect at a squall line ?
Question 147-7 : Thunderstorms continuous heavy rain fog strong whirlwinds reaching up to higher levels

What is the approximate maximum diameter of a the area affected by damaging ?
Question 147-8 : 4 km 400 m 20 km 50 km

In general the visibility during rainfall compared to during drizzle is ?
Question 147-9 : Greater the same less in rain below 1 km in drizzle more than 2 km

Which of the following symbols represents a squall line . 264 ?
Question 147-10 : Symbol 1 symbol 2 symbol 3 symbol 4

Over madrid what intensity of turbulence and icing is forecast at fl 200 . 267 ?
Question 147-11 : Moderate turbulence moderate icing moderate turbulence light icing severe turbulence moderate icing severe turbulence severe icing

You are flying from munich to amsterdam which of the following flight levels ?
Question 147-12 : Fl 260 fl 320 fl 180 fl 140

In what height range and at what intensity could you encounter turbulence in ?
Question 147-13 : From fl 220 to fl 400 moderate from fl 240 to fl 370 light from below fl 130 to fl 270 light from fl 250 to fl 320 moderate

At which position is the development of thunderstorms most likely and what is ?
Question 147-14 : Position b fl 270 position a fl 200 position c fl 200 position d fl 290

Flight lisbon to bordeaux eta 1800 utc at eta bordeaux what is the lowest ?
Question 147-15 : 8 km 8 nm 10 nm 10 or more km

The lowest visibility forecast at eta zurich 1430 utc is .lszh 261019 ?
Question 147-16 : 6 km 6 nm 4 km 10 km

A microburst phenomenon can arise in the ?
Question 147-17 : Downdraught of a cumulonimbus at the mature stage updraught of a cumulonimbus at the mature stage downdraught of a cumulonimbus at the formation stage updraught of a cumulonimbus at the growth stage

All pilots encountering clear air turbulence are requested to report it you ?
Question 147-18 : Moderate light severe extreme

In the weather briefing room during the pre flight phase of a passenger flight ?
Question 147-19 : Because of the expected turbulence you select a flight level below fl 250 owing to these reports and taking into account the presence of heavy thunderstorms at planned fl 310 you select a higher flight level fl 370 you cancel the flight since the expected dangerous weather conditions along the route would demand too much of the passengers you show no further interest in these reports since they do not concern the route to be flown

Isolated thunderstorms of a local nature are generally caused by ?
Question 147-20 : Thermal triggering frontal lifting warm front frontal lifting cold front frontal occlusion

A zone of strong convection currents is encountered during a flight in spite of ?
Question 147-21 : Decrease the speed / try to climb above the zone of convective currents if aircraft performance parameters allow increase the speed / try to climb above the zone of convective currents if aircraft performance parameters allow decrease the speed / try to descend below the zone of convective currents increase the speed / try to descend below the zone of convective currents

How long does a typical microburst last ?
Question 147-22 : 1 to 5 minutes less than 1 minute 1 to 2 hours about 30 minutes

What is normally the most effective measure to reduce or avoid cat effects ?
Question 147-23 : Change of flight level change of course increase of speed decrease of speed

On the approach the surface temperature is given as 5°c the freezing level is ?
Question 147-24 : Between ground level and 3000 ft/agl but only between 3000 and 4000 ft/agl no flights clear of cloud experience no icing no absolutely no icing will occur

Which of the following conditions are most favourable to the formation of ?
Question 147-25 : Stable air at mountain top altitude and a wind at least 20 knots blowing across the mountain ridge unstable air at mountain top altitude and a wind at least 20 knots blowing across the mountain ridge either stable or unstable air at mountain top and a wind of at least 30 knots blowing parallel to the mountain ridge moist unstable air at mountain top and wind of less than 5 knots blowing across the mountain ridge

An aircraft is approaching a cold front from the warm air mass side at fl 270 ?
Question 147-26 : Descending climbing turn right maintain fl 270

The jetstream and associated clear air turbulence can sometimes be visually ?
Question 147-27 : Long streaks of cirrus clouds dust or haze at high level a constant outside air temperature a high pressure centre at high level

In addition to a lifting action what are two other requirements necessary for ?
Question 147-28 : Unstable conditions and high moisture content stable conditions and high moisture content stable conditions and low atmospheric pressure unstable conditions and high atmospheric pressure

If you have to fly through a warm front when freezing level is at 10000 feet in ?
Question 147-29 : 12000 feet 9000 feet 5000 feet 3000 feet

From the following taf you can assume that visibility at 2055z in birmingham ?
Question 147-30 : Not less than 1 5 km but could be in excess of 10 km a maximum 5 km a minimum of 1 5 km and a maximum of 5 km more than 10 km

The presence of ice pellets at the surface is evidence that ?
Question 147-31 : Freezing rain occurs at a higher altitude a cold front has passed there are thunderstorms in the area a warm front has passed

Continuous updraughts occur in a thunderstorm during the ?
Question 147-32 : Initial stage mature stage dissipating stage period in which precipitation is falling

The most dangerous form of airframe icing is ?
Question 147-33 : Clear ice hoar frost dry ice rime ice

The degree of clear air turbulence experienced by an aircraft is proportional ?
Question 147-34 : Intensity of vertical and horizontal wind shear height of the aircraft stability of the air intensity of the solar radiation

At what degree of icing should icao's 'change of course and/or altitude ?
Question 147-35 : Moderate light severe extreme

What degree of aircraft icing is determined by the following icao description ?
Question 147-36 : Severe light moderate violent

At what degree of icing can icao's 'no change of course and altitude necessary' ?
Question 147-37 : Light moderate severe extreme

On which of the following routes can you expect icing to occur on the basis of ?
Question 147-38 : Hamburg oslo rome frankfurt tunis rome copenhagen helsinki

If you are flying from zurich to london at fl 240 what conditions can you ?
Question 147-39 : Moderate or severe turbulence and icing flight largely in cloud no turbulence prolonged severe turbulence and icing throughout the flight cat for the first half of the flight

Judging by the chart on which of these routes can you expect to encounter ?
Question 147-40 : Zurich athens london zurich zurich stockholm madrid bordeaux

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