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Certification > weather : In which of the following conditions is moderate to severe airframe icing most ?

Question 147-1 : In nimbostratus cloud below the freezing level in clear air in clear air above the freezing level within cloud of any type

.airframe icing will not happen in cirrus cloud composed of ice crystals or if the temperature is above 0ºc ns nimbostratus produces heavy rain if the rain falls through a cold air mass below the freezing level moderate to severe airframe icing can occur .in clear air you can only have light icing exemple 247 in nimbostratus cloud.in nimbostratus cloud.

What flying conditions are normally encountered when flying in cirrus clouds ?

Question 147-2 : Average horizontal visibility more than 1000 m nil icing average horizontal visibility less than 500 m nil icing average horizontal visibility less than 500 m light to moderate icing average horizontal visibility more than 1000 m light to moderate rime ice

exemple 251 average horizontal visibility more than 1000 m, nil icing.average horizontal visibility more than 1000 m, nil icing.

How does freezing rain develop ?

Question 147-3 : Rain falls through a layer where temperatures are below 0°c snow falls through a layer where temperatures are above 0°c through melting of snow grains through melting of ice crystals

. 505.freezing rain is encountered ahead of a warm front in winter and in summer and sometimes behind a cold front exemple 255 rain falls through a layer where temperatures are below 0°c.rain falls through a layer where temperatures are below 0°c.

What weather conditions in the region of the alps would you expect with foehn ?

Question 147-4 : Clouds on the southern sides of passes in the alps heavy clear air turbulence on the southern side of the alps strong north winds on the southern side of the alps heavy airframe icing conditions on the northern side of the alps

. 520.the southerly wind will give a foehn 'from south' clouds on the southern side exemple 259 clouds, on the southern sides of passes in the alps.clouds, on the southern sides of passes in the alps.

Under which conditions would you expect the heaviest clear ice accretion to ?

Question 147-5 : Between 2°c and 15°c between 20°c and 30°c close to the freezing level between 30°c and 40°c

Arizona .there is another question that states that as water droplets are bigger in cumulus clouds clear ice would appear between 0 to 23 degrees .so why isnt answer 'between 20 and 30' correct. .the question you are talking about is .'ice accretion to the airframe is likely to be most hazardous at temperatures .between 0°c and 23°c in large cu' .explanation for this question the most severe icing is clear ice clear ice will form in stratus between 0ºc and 7ºc but in cumulus the larger droplet size will give clear ice at temperature between 0ºc and 23ºc.since the clear ice accretion can occur at temperatures warmer than 20°c the answer between 2°c and 15°c is the most correct one exemple 263 between -2°c and -15°c.between -2°c and -15°c.

Clear ice forms on an aircraft by the freezing of ?

Question 147-6 : Large supercooled water drops water vapour small supercooled water drops snow

. clear ice forms on an aircraft by the freezing of large supercooled water drops . rime ice forms through the freezing onto aircraft surfaces of small supercooled water drops exemple 267 large supercooled water drops.large supercooled water drops.

What weather conditions would you expect at a squall line ?

Question 147-7 : Thunderstorms continuous heavy rain fog strong whirlwinds reaching up to higher levels

.when many individual thunderstorms organize into a nearly continuous line a squall line is born they can be more than 80 nm long and often form 40 to 130 nm ahead of advancing cold fronts racing along squall line thunderstorms blast the ground with torrents of rain and hail driven by winds gusting higher than 50 kt exemple 271 thunderstorms.thunderstorms.

What is the approximate maximum diameter of a the area affected by damaging ?

Question 147-8 : 4 km 400 m 20 km 50 km

.a microburst/downburst is a localized area of damaging winds caused by air rapidly flowing down and out of a thunderstorm a microburst occurs when cold air high in a thunderstorm descends and accelerates as the stream of cold air reaches the ground it spreads out and can accelerate even further exemple 275 4 km.4 km.

In general the visibility during rainfall compared to during drizzle is ?

Question 147-9 : Greater the same less in rain below 1 km in drizzle more than 2 km

. 521.the two forms of liquid precipitation drizzle and rain are classified in a number of ways depending on the size of the drops the visibility associated with the precipitation and the rate at which it falls.drizzle which is defined as drops with diameters less than 0 02 inches falling close together usually falls from stratus clouds the relatively thin stratus clouds have slow upward moving air currents in these conditions cloud droplets have little time to grow before they become too heavy for the air currents to support the drops fall to the ground appearing to float in air currents as seen in the graphic above the intensity of drizzle is based on the visibility at the time the precipitation is falling.rain which is composed of widely separated drops with diameters usually greater than 0 02 inches generally falls from towering cumulus clouds the cumulus clouds with fast upward moving air currents allow cloud droplets to combine and grow raindrops can reach sizes up to 0 25 inches before falling to the ground the intensity of rain is based on the amount that falls in one hour the intensity can also be estimated visually exemple 279 greater.greater.

Which of the following symbols represents a squall line . 264 ?

Question 147-10 : Symbol 1 symbol 2 symbol 3 symbol 4

.icao annex 3 meteorological service for international air navigation . 547 exemple 283 symbol 1)symbol 1)

Over madrid what intensity of turbulence and icing is forecast at fl 200 . 267 ?

Question 147-11 : Moderate turbulence moderate icing moderate turbulence light icing severe turbulence moderate icing severe turbulence severe icing

.icao annex 3 meteorological service for international air navigation . 547.bkn ovc lyr broken overcast layer.moderate icing from fl100 to fl210 .moderate turbulence from fl100 to fl210 exemple 287 moderate turbulence, moderate icing.moderate turbulence, moderate icing.

You are flying from munich to amsterdam which of the following flight levels ?

Question 147-12 : Fl 260 fl 320 fl 180 fl 140

.there is icing from below fl100 xxx up to fl180 turbulence up to fl200 and cat between fl280 and fl390 you must choose a flight level from fl210 to fl270 exemple 291 fl 260.fl 260.

In what height range and at what intensity could you encounter turbulence in ?

Question 147-13 : From fl 220 to fl 400 moderate from fl 240 to fl 370 light from below fl 130 to fl 270 light from fl 250 to fl 320 moderate

. 524 exemple 295 from fl 220 to fl 400, moderate.from fl 220 to fl 400, moderate.

At which position is the development of thunderstorms most likely and what is ?

Question 147-14 : Position b fl 270 position a fl 200 position c fl 200 position d fl 290

.at position b you can read in the weather bubble with the lightening arrow .isol embd cb from below chart level up to fl 270.isolated embedded cumulonimbus means probably thunderstorms and the maximum height of the cb clouds is forecast up to fl270 exemple 299 position b, fl 270.position b, fl 270.

Flight lisbon to bordeaux eta 1800 utc at eta bordeaux what is the lowest ?

Question 147-15 : 8 km 8 nm 10 nm 10 or more km

exemple 303 8 km8 km

The lowest visibility forecast at eta zurich 1430 utc is .lszh 261019 ?

Question 147-16 : 6 km 6 nm 4 km 10 km

.the lowest visibility forecast will generally be more than 10 km but it could go down to 6 km temporarily between 1000z to 1900z.lszh 26 1019 20018g30kt 9999 ra sct050 bkn080 tempo 23012kt 6000 dz bkn015 bkn030 becmg 1518 23020g35kt 4000 ra ovc010=..after 1500z the visibility will reduce to 4000 m exemple 307 6 km.6 km.

A microburst phenomenon can arise in the ?

Question 147-17 : Downdraught of a cumulonimbus at the mature stage updraught of a cumulonimbus at the mature stage downdraught of a cumulonimbus at the formation stage updraught of a cumulonimbus at the growth stage

.a microburst/downburst is a localized area of damaging winds caused by air rapidly flowing down and out of a thunderstorm a microburst occurs when cold air high in a thunderstorm descends and accelerates the mature stage as the stream of cold air reaches the ground it spreads out and can accelerate even further exemple 311 downdraught of a cumulonimbus at the mature stage.downdraught of a cumulonimbus at the mature stage.

All pilots encountering clear air turbulence are requested to report it you ?

Question 147-18 : Moderate light severe extreme

exemple 315 moderate.moderate.

In the weather briefing room during the pre flight phase of a passenger flight ?

Question 147-19 : Because of the expected turbulence you select a flight level below fl 250 owing to these reports and taking into account the presence of heavy thunderstorms at planned fl 310 you select a higher flight level fl 370 you cancel the flight since the expected dangerous weather conditions along the route would demand too much of the passengers you show no further interest in these reports since they do not concern the route to be flown

.information regarding london and shannon are irrelevant in this case since milano lies more or less on the route zurich rome we are only interested in information included in sigmet for milano which clearly states that moderate to severe clear air turbulence is present from fl250 to fl430 hence flight below fl250 would be desirable exemple 319 because of the expected turbulence you select a flight level below fl 250.because of the expected turbulence you select a flight level below fl 250.

Isolated thunderstorms of a local nature are generally caused by ?

Question 147-20 : Thermal triggering frontal lifting warm front frontal lifting cold front frontal occlusion

.thermal triggering depends on relatively light winds that allow high surface temperature to develop during summer you can expect local isolated thunderstorms arising from thermal triggering mostly in the mid afternoon exemple 323 thermal triggering.thermal triggering.

A zone of strong convection currents is encountered during a flight in spite of ?

Question 147-21 : Decrease the speed / try to climb above the zone of convective currents if aircraft performance parameters allow increase the speed / try to climb above the zone of convective currents if aircraft performance parameters allow decrease the speed / try to descend below the zone of convective currents increase the speed / try to descend below the zone of convective currents

.by decreasing speed you will reduce the risk to encounter some buffeting with gusts the airflow speed on the wing may locally reach mach 1 exemple 327 decrease the speed / try to climb above the zone of convective currents if aircraft performance parameters allow.decrease the speed / try to climb above the zone of convective currents if aircraft performance parameters allow.

How long does a typical microburst last ?

Question 147-22 : 1 to 5 minutes less than 1 minute 1 to 2 hours about 30 minutes

.a microburst/downburst is a localized area of damaging winds caused by air rapidly flowing down and out of a thunderstorm a microburst occurs when cold air high in a thunderstorm descends and accelerates the mature stage as the stream of cold air reaches the ground it spreads out and can accelerate even further exemple 331 1 to 5 minutes.1 to 5 minutes.

What is normally the most effective measure to reduce or avoid cat effects ?

Question 147-23 : Change of flight level change of course increase of speed decrease of speed

exemple 335 change of flight level.change of flight level.

On the approach the surface temperature is given as 5°c the freezing level is ?

Question 147-24 : Between ground level and 3000 ft/agl but only between 3000 and 4000 ft/agl no flights clear of cloud experience no icing no absolutely no icing will occur

exemple 339 yes, between ground level and 3000 ft/agl.yes, between ground level and 3000 ft/agl.

Which of the following conditions are most favourable to the formation of ?

Question 147-25 : Stable air at mountain top altitude and a wind at least 20 knots blowing across the mountain ridge unstable air at mountain top altitude and a wind at least 20 knots blowing across the mountain ridge either stable or unstable air at mountain top and a wind of at least 30 knots blowing parallel to the mountain ridge moist unstable air at mountain top and wind of less than 5 knots blowing across the mountain ridge

.standing waves = orographic waves = mountain waves. 433.in addition to a stable layer of air over a substantial mountain range the conditions most favourable to the development of standing waves are wind speed excess of 20 kt at the surface and increasing with height wind direction perpendicular to the general direction of the range exemple 343 stable air at mountain top altitude and a wind at least 20 knots blowing across the mountain ridge.stable air at mountain top altitude and a wind at least 20 knots blowing across the mountain ridge.

An aircraft is approaching a cold front from the warm air mass side at fl 270 ?

Question 147-26 : Descending climbing turn right maintain fl 270

.the average width of a jetstream is about 300 km and its 'thickness' is about 12000 ft so you can experience its effects 6000 ft above and below the core the significant weather chart gives the height of the core if the core is given as fl310 then you can experience it up to fl370 and down to fl250 if you are flying at fl270 the quickest way out of it is down exemple 347 descending.descending.

The jetstream and associated clear air turbulence can sometimes be visually ?

Question 147-27 : Long streaks of cirrus clouds dust or haze at high level a constant outside air temperature a high pressure centre at high level

.cirrus clouds are 'stretched' by the flow of the jetstream exemple 351 long streaks of cirrus clouds.long streaks of cirrus clouds.

In addition to a lifting action what are two other requirements necessary for ?

Question 147-28 : Unstable conditions and high moisture content stable conditions and high moisture content stable conditions and low atmospheric pressure unstable conditions and high atmospheric pressure

exemple 355 unstable conditions and high moisture contentunstable conditions and high moisture content

If you have to fly through a warm front when freezing level is at 10000 feet in ?

Question 147-29 : 12000 feet 9000 feet 5000 feet 3000 feet

.freezing rain can be encounter anywhere between 2000 ft and 10000 ft exemple 359 12000 feet.12000 feet.

From the following taf you can assume that visibility at 2055z in birmingham ?

Question 147-30 : Not less than 1 5 km but could be in excess of 10 km a maximum 5 km a minimum of 1 5 km and a maximum of 5 km more than 10 km

.the tempo group is used for any conditions in wind visibility weather or sky condition which are expected to last for generally less than an hour at a time occasional and are expected to occur during less than half the time period.thus visibility at 20h55 in birmingham will be not less than 1 5 km between 18h00 and 22h00 it could temporarily deteriorate to 5 km and between 18h00 and 21h00 there is a 30% possibility that it could temporarily deteriorate to 1 5 km .visibility could also be in excess of 10 km 9999 more than half the time period exemple 363 not less than 1,5 km but could be in excess of 10 km.not less than 1,5 km but could be in excess of 10 km.

The presence of ice pellets at the surface is evidence that ?

Question 147-31 : Freezing rain occurs at a higher altitude a cold front has passed there are thunderstorms in the area a warm front has passed

exemple 367 freezing rain occurs at a higher altitudefreezing rain occurs at a higher altitude

Continuous updraughts occur in a thunderstorm during the ?

Question 147-32 : Initial stage mature stage dissipating stage period in which precipitation is falling

exemple 371 initial stage.initial stage.

The most dangerous form of airframe icing is ?

Question 147-33 : Clear ice hoar frost dry ice rime ice

exemple 375 clear ice.clear ice.

The degree of clear air turbulence experienced by an aircraft is proportional ?

Question 147-34 : Intensity of vertical and horizontal wind shear height of the aircraft stability of the air intensity of the solar radiation

exemple 379 intensity of vertical and horizontal wind shearintensity of vertical and horizontal wind shear

At what degree of icing should icao's 'change of course and/or altitude ?

Question 147-35 : Moderate light severe extreme

exemple 383 moderate.moderate.

What degree of aircraft icing is determined by the following icao description ?

Question 147-36 : Severe light moderate violent

exemple 387 severe.severe.

At what degree of icing can icao's 'no change of course and altitude necessary' ?

Question 147-37 : Light moderate severe extreme

exemple 391 light.light.

On which of the following routes can you expect icing to occur on the basis of ?

Question 147-38 : Hamburg oslo rome frankfurt tunis rome copenhagen helsinki

. 552.all of the other routes are out of potential icing areas.symbols for moderate and severe aircraft icing . 571 exemple 395 hamburg - oslohamburg - oslo

If you are flying from zurich to london at fl 240 what conditions can you ?

Question 147-39 : Moderate or severe turbulence and icing flight largely in cloud no turbulence prolonged severe turbulence and icing throughout the flight cat for the first half of the flight

. 554.isol embd cb from below fl100 up to fl320 = moderate or severe turbulence and icing exemple 399 moderate or severe turbulence and icing.moderate or severe turbulence and icing.

Judging by the chart on which of these routes can you expect to encounter ?

Question 147-40 : Zurich athens london zurich zurich stockholm madrid bordeaux

.on the route from zurich to athens you will fly through the cat area n°1 moderate cat between fl240 fl360 .three cat areas can be seen on the chart they are defined by dash lines with the relevant number in the middle of the affected area .cat clear air turbulence exemple 403 zurich - athenszurich - athens


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