Certification > weather : Which of the following statements is correct concerning the mediterranean ?
Question 146-1 : The annual rainfall is significantly below 700 mm in winter it is influenced only by the subtropical high pressure belt hot summers alternate with cold winters it is not influenced by the westerlies

In which areas are easterly waves most likely to form ?
Question 146-2 : In the trade wind zone in the subtropical high pressure belt between 20° and 35° north or south in the region of the equator between 0° and 5° north or south just north of the prevailing westerlies

Concerning the following statements .1 south india summer monsoon is a ne ?
Question 146-3 : 1 is wrong 2 is right 1 is wrong 2 is wrong 1 is right 2 is right 1 is right 2 is wrong

Which of the following statements concerning a cold air pool is correct ?
Question 146-4 : Direction and speed of movements of cold air pools are difficult to forecast cold air pools normally disappear at night cold air pools can only be active for several hours during summer cold air pools are more active over the sea than over land areas

Which of the following is typical for the snow tundra climate ?
Question 146-5 : High pressure weather dominates in winter with the sub soil being frozen travelling depressions during winter time temperatures generally between +5°c and +18°c throughout the whole year high pressure weather dominates in summer

The weather activity within a cold air pool is usually greatest ?
Question 146-6 : In the afternoon early in the morning at noon in the late evening

On which side of an easterly wave are thunderstorms most likely to develop ?
Question 146-7 : On the east side of the wave on the west side of the wave on the north side of the wave on the south side of the wave

In january an extended high pressure area is normally observed over ?
Question 146-8 : Siberia southern africa central europe south america

How is the mediterranean climate best described ?
Question 146-9 : Anticyclonic and hot in summer frontal depressions in winter cyclonic and chilly in summer frontal depressions in winter depressions due to the polar front affect the weather throughout the whole year anticyclonic and warm the whole year

Which of the following statements is correct concerning the savannah climate ?
Question 146-10 : There are significant yearly variations in rainfall with a wet and a dry period there are no significant yearly variations in rainfall but there are constant daily variations the annual mean temperature is above 25°c little or no rainfall occurs

The mean height of the tropical zero degree isotherm is ?
Question 146-11 : 16000 ft 14000 ft 12000 ft 19000 ft

Which of the following statements concerning the airflow during the summer ?
Question 146-12 : Southwesterly airflow over india northeasterly airflow over india westerly airflow over japan easterly airflow over japan

What are the typical weather conditions in a cold air pool in summer ?
Question 146-13 : Precipitation is predominant generally fine weather thunderstorms in the afternoon or evening fine weather with thunderstorms in the morning or forenoon ground fog formation is common

The trade winds on the northern hemisphere blow from ?
Question 146-14 : North east north west south west

Central europe is situated in the zone of ?
Question 146-15 : Mid latitude climate dry climate subarctic climate snow climate

Which of the following situations will be typical for the intertropical ?
Question 146-16 : Low pressure and instability hot mainly dry climate high pressure the whole year accompanied by strong prevailing winds high pressure the whole year accompanied by calm winds

With regard to temperature which of the following is correct for the polar ?
Question 146-17 : The mean temperature of all months is below plus 10°c the mean temperature of all months is above 0°c%2c but temperatures as high as plus 10°c will never be reached the mean temperature of all months is below minus 10°c the mean temperature of the warmest month is 10°c or above and of the coldest month below minus 3°c

What are the typical weather conditions in a westerly situation ?
Question 146-18 : Very changeable steady rainfall fine weather with strong westerly winds frequent thunderstorms during winter

How is an easterly wave identifiable on a surface weather chart ?
Question 146-19 : As a weak trough as a well developed depression as a ridge as a secondary depression

The main icing zone in the itcz is located between ?
Question 146-20 : Fl 160 fl 260 fl 300 fl 400 fl 250 fl 350 fl 50 fl 150

The mean top of a thunderstorm cluster in the tropics is up to ?
Question 146-21 : 50000 ft 60000 ft 30000 ft 40000 ft

What is the reason for seasonal changes in climate ?
Question 146-22 : Because the earth's spin axis is inclined to the plane of its orbit round the sun because the earth's orbital speed round the sun varies according to the time of the year because of the difference between the tropical year and the calendar year because the distance between the earth and the sun varies over the year

In the central part of the atlantic ocean between 10°s and 20°s the ?
Question 146-23 : Se trade winds ne monsoon in winter and sw monsoon in summer ne trade winds sw winds throughout the whole year

The intertropical convergence zone ?
Question 146-24 : Is characterized by different wind directions on both sides of the zone nearly always coincides with the geographical equator is always characterized by cb clouds with high tops forms the boundary between tropical and equatorial air

In the indian ocean the name given to the violent tropical storms that can be ?
Question 146-25 : Tropical cyclone typhoon hurricane tornado

The average speed of a tropical cyclone is ?
Question 146-26 : Less than 60 kt from 60 kt to 140 kt from 140 kt to 180 kt from 180 kt to 250 kt

What is the effect of a strong low level inversion ?
Question 146-27 : It promotes vertical wind shear it promotes extensive vertical movement of air it prevents vertical wind shear it results in good visual conditions near the surface

You are flying with an outside air temperature of 12°c and a tas of 250 kt at ?
Question 146-28 : In clouds pushed up against the mountains moderate to severe mixed ice in clouds pushed up against the mountains moderate to severe clear ice over flat terrain away from fronts moderate to severe mixed ice over flat terrain moderate hoar frost

You intend to carry out a vfr flight over the alps on a fine and hot summer day ?
Question 146-29 : Morning mid day afternoon early evening

At what time of the year are tornadoes most likely to occur in north america ?
Question 146-30 : Spring summer summer autumn winter autumn winter

In central europe when is the greatest likelihood for thunderstorms due to warm ?
Question 146-31 : Mid afternoon around midnight early morning late morning

During which stage of thunderstorm development are rotor winds characterized by ?
Question 146-32 : Mature stage cumulus stage dissipating stage cumulus stage and mature stage

Where is a squall line to be expected ?
Question 146-33 : In front of an active cold front behind a cold front in front of a cold front occlusion at higher levels at the surface position of a warm front

What are squall lines ?
Question 146-34 : Bands of intensive thunderstorms unusual intensive cold fronts the surface weather associated with upper air troughs the paths of tropical revolving storms

In which of these temperature bands is ice most likely to form on the ?
Question 146-35 : 0°c to 10°c +10°c to 0°c 20°c to 35°c 35°c to 50°c

Which of the following statements is true regarding moderate to severe airframe ?
Question 146-36 : It is likely to occur in nimbostratus cloud it will occur in clear sky conditions it may occur in the uppermost levels of a cumulonimbus capillatus formation it always occurs in altostratus cloud

Which of the following statements is true regarding moderate to severe airframe ?
Question 146-37 : It will not occur in clear sky conditions it always occurs in altostratus cloud it is unlikely to occur in nimbostratus cloud it will occur in the anvil part of the cumulonimbus cloud

Which of the following conditions is most likely to cause airframe icing ?
Question 146-38 : +fzra gr shsn pe

Rime ice forms through the freezing onto aircraft surfaces of ?
Question 146-39 : Small supercooled water drops large supercooled water drops water vapour snow

How does a pilot react to heavy freezing rain at 2000 ft/agl when he is unable ?
Question 146-40 : He turns back before the aircraft loses manoeuvrability he descends to the warm air layer below he ascends to the cold air layer above he continues to fly at the same altitude

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