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Certification > weather : The transition from sw to ne monsoon in india occurs in ?

Question 145-1 : September october november july august september december january february february march april

.transition occurs when the itcz intertropical convergence zone goes down to the southern hemisphere .the itcz will reach its southernmost position in january at 10°s of latitude close to bombay . 2537 exemple 245 september, october, november.september, october, november.

Which of the following statements concerning the intertropical convergence zone ?

Question 145-2 : There are frequent occurrences of cb it lies totally in the northern hemisphere in july and totally in the southern hemisphere in january it does not change its position over the oceans during the year it is an area of low pressure and low relative humidity

An easterly wave is a ?

Question 145-3 : Wave in a trade wind belt moving from east to west with severe convective activity in rear of its trough wave like disturbance in the monsoon regime of india moving from east to west with severe convective activity ahead of its trough small scale wave disturbance in the tropics moving from east to west with severe convective activity ahead of its trough disturbance in the higher levels associated with the equatorial easterly jet moving from east to west with severe convective activity in rear of its trough

.easterly waves are 'long waves' that occur within the trade wind belt start over north western africa and propagate toward the west in the lower tropospheric tradewind flow across the atlantic ocean.approximate location amplitude and wavelength of easterly waves . 495.at first an easterly wave has a small amplitude and produces mild rain showers powerful thunderstorms and the force of high altitude winds amplify the wave when atmospheric conditions are favourable several severe thunderstorms begin to form and eventually a tropical storm may develop . 638.thunderstorms are most likely to develop on the east side of the wave exemple 253 wave in a trade wind belt, moving from east to west, with severe convective activity in rear of its trough.wave in a trade wind belt, moving from east to west, with severe convective activity in rear of its trough.

The prevailing surface wind in the area of the west coast of africa north of ?

Question 145-4 : Sw monsoon in summer and ne tradewind in winter ne monsoon in winter and se tradewind in summer sw monsoon in winter and ne monsoon in summer ne tradewind in summer and se tradewind in winter

.se trade winds and ne trade winds converge on the itcz . 2537.in july the itcz will be to the north of ethiopia the gulf of guinea will be under the influence the summer monsoon . 592.in january the itcz will be far south of the equator near the south of tanzania the gulf of guinea will be under the influence of the ne tradewind exemple 257 sw monsoon in summer and ne tradewind in winter.sw monsoon in summer and ne tradewind in winter.

Which of the following statements concerning trade winds is correct ?

Question 145-5 : They occur only in the lower part of the troposphere and more pronounced over the oceans they reach up to the tropopause and are more pronounced over the continents they reach up to the tropopause and are more pronounced over the oceans they occur only in the lower part of the troposphere and are more pronounced over the continents

.the trade winds are surface winds and are stronger over the oceans because there is less surface friction than over land above the surface friction layer the wind up to the tropopause will vary depending on the exact location and time of year as indicated on the upper wind charts exemple 261 they occur only in the lower part of the troposphere and more pronounced over the oceans.they occur only in the lower part of the troposphere and more pronounced over the oceans.

In the central part of the atlantic ocean between 10°n and 20°n the ?

Question 145-6 : Ne trade winds ne monsoon in winter and sw monsoon in summer se trade winds sw winds throughout the whole year

.take care this question exists with 10°s and 20°s answer is 'se trade winds' . 584.the question asks for the prevailing winds only between 10°n and 20°n above the atlantic ocean . 2537.se trade winds may reach 5°n above the atlantic ocean this is the reason why they ask only between 10°n and 20°n exemple 265 ne trade winds.ne trade winds.

Along the west coast of india the prevailing winds are the ?

Question 145-7 : Sw monsoon in july and a ne monsoon in january ne monsoon in july and a sw monsoon in january sw monsoon in july and a se monsoon in january se monsoon in july and a sw monsoon in january

.se trade winds and ne trade winds converge on the itcz . 2537.in july the itcz will be to the north of india this is the summer monsoon .in january the itcz will be to the south of india this is the winter monsoon . 576 exemple 269 sw monsoon in july and a ne monsoon in january.sw monsoon in july and a ne monsoon in january.

The bora is a ?

Question 145-8 : Cold catabatic wind with the possibility of violent gusts squally warm catabatic wind which occurs mainly in summer cold catabatic wind with gusts associated with a maritime air mass cold catabatic wind always associated with clouds and heavy showers

.the bora comes from the yugoslavian mountains to the adriatic sea it is a katabatic wind meaning 'going downhill' which means that it is cold dry and often strong .the air from the bora wind comes from the top of the mountains and it is set in motion because of the warmth below because the wind moves down the mountain it strengthens exemple 273 cold catabatic wind with the possibility of violent gusts.cold catabatic wind with the possibility of violent gusts.

What is the name of the northerly cold and strong wind that sometimes blows ?

Question 145-9 : Mistral foehn sirocco typhoon

.mistral .strong cold dry and squally northerly wind that blows offshore with great frequency along the mediterranean coast from northern spain to northern italy and that is particularly frequent in the lower rhone valley in south eastern france blowing way out into the golfe du lion the wind may persist for several days and is best developed when a depression is forming in the gulf of genoa to the east of a ridge of high pressure it might also be a purely katabatic wind the airstream that feeds the mistral is commonly derived from polar air of maritime origin it is most violent in winter and spring and its strenght is increased by the funneling effect of the rhone valley . 579.the mistral might easily reach a speed of 75 kt over the rhone delta compared with the typical 40 kt experienced along the coast exemple 277 mistral.mistral.

What are the characteristics of the bora ?

Question 145-10 : It is a cold and very strong wind that blows mainly in winter from a tableland downwards to the adriatic it is a very cold wind that blows mainly in winter from a north westerly direction in the mediterranean it is a warm and moist south westerly wind experienced in the eastern mediterranean that usually carries precipitation it is a dry and hot southerly wind experienced in the sahara desert that often carries dust

.the bora comes from the yugoslavian mountains to the adriatic sea it is a katabatic wind meaning 'going downhill' which means that it is cold dry and often strong .the air from the bora wind comes from the top of the mountains and it is set in motion because of the warmth below because the wind moves down the mountain it strengthens exemple 281 it is a cold and very strong wind that blows mainly in winter from a tableland downwards to the adriaticit is a cold and very strong wind that blows mainly in winter from a tableland downwards to the adriatic

Which one of the following statements is correct concerning the movement of the ?

Question 145-11 : It reaches its maximum northerly position of 15° 20°n in july it reaches its maximum southerly position of 5°s in january it oscillates during the year between 10 degrees north and 10 degrees south it oscillates during the year between the equator and 10 degrees north

. 580. 2537.in the region of west africa dakar the itcz reaches its maximum northerly position of 15° 20° n in july exemple 285 it reaches its maximum northerly position of 15° - 20°n in july.it reaches its maximum northerly position of 15° - 20°n in july.

What is the name of the wind or air mass which gives to the main part of india ?

Question 145-12 : South west monsoon south east trade wind indian maritime tropical air mass winter monsoon

.humid monsoon begins in june in southern india to reach pakistan in july .the areas of the northern and central indian subcontinent heats up considerably during the hot summers which causes a low pressure area over the northern and central indian subcontinent to fill this void the moisture laden winds the se trade winds from the indian ocean rush in to the subcontinent the wind veers it will be the south west monsoon . 592.thunderstorms and showers of heavy rain can be expected exemple 289 south-west monsoon.south-west monsoon.

What is the type intensity and seasonal variation of precipitation in the ?

Question 145-13 : Rainshowers hail showers and thunderstorms occur the whole year but frequency is highest during two periods april may and october november warm fronts are common with continuous rain the frequency is the same throughout the year precipitation is generally in the form of showers but continuous rain occurs also the greatest intensity is in july showers of rain or hail occur throughout the year the frequency is highest in january

exemple 293 rainshowers, hail showers and thunderstorms occur the whole year, but frequency is highest during two periods: april-may and october-november.rainshowers, hail showers and thunderstorms occur the whole year, but frequency is highest during two periods: april-may and october-november.

Assuming a generalised zonal system of world wind circulation the se trade ?

Question 145-14 : W t u v

. 584 exemple 297 ww

Assuming a generalised zonal system of world climatic and wind circulation zone ?

Question 145-15 : Subtropical high pressure systems se trade winds travelling low pressure systems ne trade winds

. 584 exemple 301 subtropical high pressure systems.subtropical high pressure systems.

Considering melbourne c in july the weather is predominantly influenced by the ?

Question 145-16 : Subtropical high pressure with the occasional passage of fronts originating in the adjacent zone of westerly waves antarctic high pressure due to the absence of any protective land mass between south australia and antarctica disturbed temperate low pressure bringing an almost continuous succession of fronts resulting in strong winds low cloud and rain equatorial low pressure due to the proximity of the intertropical convergence zone over central australia

.july is the southern hemisphere winter . 2537. 584.the itcz is well north the southern hemisphere sub tropical high pressure is over the centre of australia and the polar front is just south of melbourne . 596.westerlies average latitude are 50°n and 50°s exemple 305 subtropical high pressure, with the occasional passage of fronts originating in the adjacent zone of westerly waves.subtropical high pressure, with the occasional passage of fronts originating in the adjacent zone of westerly waves.

Assuming a generalised zonal system of world climatic and wind circulation zone ?

Question 145-17 : Travelling low pressure systems ne trade winds se trade winds subtropical high pressure systems

. 584.travelling low pressure systems = travelling depressions exemple 309 travelling low pressure systems.travelling low pressure systems.

Assuming a generalised zonal system of world wind circulation the ne trade ?

Question 145-18 : U w v t

. 584 exemple 313 u.u.

Assuming a generalised zonal system of world climatic and wind circulation zone ?

Question 145-19 : Ne trade winds travelling depressions sw trade winds subtropical high pressure

. 584 exemple 317 ne trade winds.ne trade winds.

The dotted line labelled 'y' represents the . 322 ?

Question 145-20 : Mean position of the intertropical convergence zone itcz during january axis of the subtropical jet stream during january mean position of the intertropical convergence zone itcz during july axis of the equatorial jet stream during july

. 2537 exemple 321 mean position of the intertropical convergence zone (itcz) during january.mean position of the intertropical convergence zone (itcz) during january.

What weather conditions are most likely to affect an approach to dakar during ?

Question 145-21 : Wet and thundery due to the proximity of the intertropical convergence zone itcz dry and clear due to the influence of the azores high pressure system generally clear skies nw trade winds reduced visibility due to the rising sand of the harmattan

. 2537.in july the itcz is in the vicinity of dakar frequent and widespread thunderstorms are to be expected within the area of the itcz exemple 325 wet and thundery due to the proximity of the intertropical convergence zone (itcz)wet and thundery due to the proximity of the intertropical convergence zone (itcz)

Weather conditions at bombay during early july are mainly influenced by the . ?

Question 145-22 : Sw monsoon ne monsoon and the proximity of the itcz passage of frontal system generated in the south indian ocean high incidence of tropical revolving storms originating in the persian gulf

.se trade winds and ne trade winds converge on the itcz in july the itcz will be to the north of bombay . 2537.indian ocean will be affected by se trade winds .the areas of the northern and central indian subcontinent heats up considerably during the hot summers which causes a low pressure area over the northern and central indian subcontinent to fill this void the moisture laden winds the se trade winds from the indian ocean rush in to the subcontinent the wind veers it will be the sw monsoon . 592 exemple 329 sw monsoon.sw monsoon.

Weather conditions at bombay during january are mainly influenced by the . 325 ?

Question 145-23 : Ne monsoon sw monsoon nw monsoon se monsoon

.se trade winds and ne trade winds converge on the itcz in january the itcz will be to the south of bombay . 593.bombay will be affected by ne trade winds it will be the ne monsoon exemple 333 ne monsoonne monsoon

Which one of the following local winds is a foehn wind ?

Question 145-24 : Chinook scirocco harmattan bora

.a foehn wind is a warm dry wind on the lee side of a mountain range when the humid air goes over a mountain it loses its moisture and cools down a bit but when it descends down the slope the temperature rises because of the compression result is a strong warm and dry wind it develops all over the world such as the chinook rocky mountains over southern alberta in canada.the bora comes from the yugoslavian mountains to the adriatic sea it is a katabatic wind meaning 'going downhill' which means that it is cold dry and often strong .the air from the bora wind comes from the top of the mountains and it is set in motion because of the warmth below because the wind moves down the mountain it strengthens .the bora develops during the winter the word 'bora' means wind from the mountain in greek greece lies just below yugoslavia.the scirocco blows from southerly directions and can carry dust and sand which may reach europe it is a hot and subsequently humid southeast to southwest winds originating as hot dry desert air over northern africa flowing northward into the southern mediterranean basin.the harmattan is a dry and dusty west african trade wind it blows south from the sahara into the gulf of guinea between the end of november and the middle of march winter it is a cold wind exemple 337 chinook.chinook.

During the approach to mumbai 19°n 73°e on the west coast of india you are ?

Question 145-25 : 25014kt 4500 shra sct015 bkn025cb 25/24 q1006 nosig= 05013kt 3500 mifg sct003 bkn005 19/14 q1012 becmg 8000= 02005kt cavok 24/09 q1030 nosig= 30012kt 9999 sct030 sct200 20/16 q1025 tempo 4000=

.over west india mumbai is located over west coast of india tropical revolving storms cylcones occur from may to november . 602.you can expect rain showers shra cb and reduced visibility due to precipitation exemple 341 25014kt 4500 shra sct015 bkn025cb 25/24 q1006 nosig=25014kt 4500 shra sct015 bkn025cb 25/24 q1006 nosig=

On the west coast of india it can be said in general that the wind blows ?

Question 145-26 : For six month from the north east and for six month from the south west for six month from the north west and for six month from the south east the whole year from the north east the whole year from the south east

exemple 345 for six month from the north east and for six month from the south westfor six month from the north east and for six month from the south west

What name is given to the low level wind system between the subtropical high ?

Question 145-27 : Trade winds doldrums westerly winds monsoon

. 596.the subtropical high pressure belt is located at 30°n/s .itcz moves along the year around the equator .ne and se trade winds are the low level wind systems located between the subtropical high pressure belt and the itcz exemple 349 trade winds.trade winds.

What is a favourable synoptic situation for the development of a scirocco ?

Question 145-28 : Low pressure area in the western part of the mediterranean sea high pressure area over italy extension of the azores high pressure area over the alps high pressure area in the western part of the mediterranean sea

.sirocco is a mediterranean wind that comes from the sahara and reaches hurricane speeds in north africa and southern europe.it arises from a warm dry tropical airmass that is pulled northward by low pressure cells moving eastward across the mediterranean sea with the wind originating in the arabian or sahara deserts the hotter drier continental air mixes with the cooler wetter air of the maritime cyclone and the counter clockwise circulation of the low propels the mixed air across the southern coasts of europe .the sirocco causes dusty dry conditions along the northern coast of africa storms in the mediterranean sea and cold wet weather in europe the sirocco's duration may be as short as half a day or may last several days many people attribute health problems to the sirocco either because of the heat and dust along the african coastal regions or because of the cool dampness in europe the dust within the sirocco winds can cause abrasion in mechanical devices and penetrate buildings sirocco winds reach a peak in march and in november when it is very hot with a maximum speed of about 55 kt . 612.low pressure area in the western part of the mediterranean is a favourable synoptic situation for the development of a sirocco exemple 353 low pressure area in the western part of the mediterranean sea.low pressure area in the western part of the mediterranean sea.

What weather conditions are indications of the summer monsoon in india ?

Question 145-29 : Thunderstorms showers of heavy rain stratus clouds and drizzle sandstorms fog

exemple 357 thunderstorms, showers of heavy rain.thunderstorms, showers of heavy rain.

Where do the trade winds blow ?

Question 145-30 : Between the 'horse latitudes' and the doldrums between the 'horse latitudes' and the mid latitudes between the 'horse latitudes' and the equatorial highs at the equator

.the doldrums is a colloquial expression derived from historical maritime usage for the area affected by the intertropical convergence zone . 609.the trade winds blow between the 'horse latitudes' and the itcz exemple 361 between the 'horse latitudes' and the doldrums.between the 'horse latitudes' and the doldrums.

Where are easterly waves found ?

Question 145-31 : Between subtropical high pressure cells and itcz in the temperate latitudes in the region of the subtropical jet stream on the poleward side of the subtropical high pressure belt

.easterly waves are 'long waves' that occur within the trade wind belt start over north western africa and propagate toward the west in the lower tropospheric tradewind flow across the atlantic ocean.approximate location amplitude and wavelength of easterly waves . 495..at first an easterly wave has a small amplitude and produces mild rain showers powerful thunderstorms and the force of high altitude winds amplify the wave when atmospheric conditions are favourable several severe thunderstorms begin to form and eventually a tropical storm may develop. 638.thunderstorms are most likely to develop on the east side of the wave exemple 365 between subtropical high pressure cells and itcz.between subtropical high pressure cells and itcz.

Which statement concerning the scirocco is correct ?

Question 145-32 : It blows from southerly directions and can carry dust and sand which may reach europe it is a northeasterly wind over the western part of north africa with much dust and sand the carried dust and sand does not reach great heights this is caused by the presence of a trade wind inversion it is formed by a strong increase of air pressure over north africa

.sirocco is a mediterranean wind that comes from the sahara and reaches hurricane speeds in north africa and southern europe.it arises from a warm dry tropical airmass that is pulled northward by low pressure cells moving eastward across the mediterranean sea with the wind originating in the arabian or sahara deserts the hotter drier continental air mixes with the cooler wetter air of the maritime cyclone and the counter clockwise circulation of the low propels the mixed air across the southern coasts of europe .the sirocco causes dusty dry conditions along the northern coast of africa storms in the mediterranean sea and cold wet weather in europe the sirocco's duration may be as short as half a day or may last several days many people attribute health problems to the sirocco either because of the heat and dust along the african coastal regions or because of the cool dampness in europe the dust within the sirocco winds can cause abrasion in mechanical devices and penetrate buildings sirocco winds reach a peak in march and in november when it is very hot with a maximum speed of about 55 kt . 612.low pressure area in the western part of the mediterranean is a favourable synoptic situation for the development of a sirocco exemple 369 it blows from southerly directions and can carry dust and sand which may reach europe.it blows from southerly directions and can carry dust and sand which may reach europe.

What winds and air mass characteristics are mainly associated with the winter ?

Question 145-33 : North easterly winds bringing dry and hazy air south westerly winds carrying warm and humid air north westerly winds bringing dry and hazy air south easterly winds carrying warm and humid air

.se trade winds and ne trade winds converge on the itcz and in january the itcz will be to the south of india this is the winter monsoon . 620.north easterly winds will bring dry and hazy air from the northern and central indian subcontinent exemple 373 north-easterly winds bringing dry and hazy air.north-easterly winds bringing dry and hazy air.

The dotted line designated 'z' represents the . 330 ?

Question 145-34 : Mean position of the intertropical convergence zone itcz during july mean position of the intertropical convergence zone itcz during january northerly limit of the sub tropical jet stream during july northerly limit of the se trade winds during january

. 2537 exemple 377 mean position of the intertropical convergence zone (itcz) during july.mean position of the intertropical convergence zone (itcz) during july.

Which is true of nairobi kenya . 331 ?

Question 145-35 : There are two wet seasons apart from the wet season s it is cloud and rain free there is one wet season in july it is frequently affected by clear skies and northerly winds from north africa

exemple 381 there are two wet seasons.there are two wet seasons.

The typical weather conditions affecting the darwin area during july are . 349 ?

Question 145-36 : Dry season mainly se winds visibility reduced by dust and haze ne monsoon continuous heavy rain but little thunderstorm activity nw monsoon very wet proximity of the intertropical convergence zone causes widespread thunderstorm activity mainly clear skies advection fog drifting inland with the typical ne wind

.the itcz reaches its most northerly position in july . 618.red lines show the maximum extreme positions . 596.winds affecting darwin in july are the se trade winds se trade winds and ne trade winds converge at the itcz .this is the dry season and dust and haze coming from the inland desert blown by the se trade winds will affect visibility exemple 385 dry season - mainly se winds - visibility reduced by dust and haze.dry season - mainly se winds - visibility reduced by dust and haze.

The sw monsoon starts in the month of ?

Question 145-37 : June in southern india to reach pakistan in july september in pakistan to reach southern india in november december in southern india to reach pakistan in may march in southern india to reach pakistan end of april

.se trade winds and ne trade winds converge on the itcz . 2537.in july the itcz will be to the north of india this is the summer monsoon sw monsoon .in january the itcz will be to the south of india this is the winter monsoon ne monsoon . 620 exemple 389 june in southern india to reach pakistan in july.june in southern india to reach pakistan in july.

In the trade wind belt between the surface and the 500 hpa level which of the ?

Question 145-38 : The air is relatively moist in the lower part and dry in the upper part the air is relatively moist the air is relatively dry in the lower part and moist in the upper part the air is relatively dry

500 hpa = fl 180.se trade winds and ne trade winds converge at the itcz intertropical convergence zone they occur only in the lower part of the troposphere and are more pronounced over the oceans in the trade winds there is a maximum of humidity as a result of the trade winds long sea passage .in the upper part the air originates from the sub tropical high pressure belt is sinking warming adiabatically if temperature increases relative humidity will decrease the upper part is relatively dry exemple 393 the air is relatively moist in the lower part and dry in the upper part.the air is relatively moist in the lower part and dry in the upper part.

Which climatic type is to be expected between 10°n and 10°s ?

Question 145-39 : Tropical rain climate tropical transitional climate warm temperate rain climate dry climate

Cqb15 july 2011 exemple 397 tropical rain climate.tropical rain climate.

The position of the intertropical convergence zone ?

Question 145-40 : Shows more variation over the continents than over the oceans shows more variation over the oceans than over the continents is more to the north in january than in july depends on the activity of thunderstorm clouds

. 593.the intertropical convergence zone shows more variation in position over the continents than over the oceans exemple 401 shows more variation over the continents than over the oceans.shows more variation over the continents than over the oceans.


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