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Certification > weather : Which of the following statements is correct ?

Question 144-1 : At the equator horizontal motions do not induce any horizontal coriolis force the coriolis force is inversely proportional to the sine of latitude the coriolis force is directed in the same sense at all latitudes in gradient wind the coriolis force is in balance with the horizontal pressure gradient force and the frictional force

exemple 244 at the equator horizontal motions do not induce any horizontal coriolis forceat the equator horizontal motions do not induce any horizontal coriolis force

In the middle of the eye of a hurricane the wind speed is ?

Question 144-2 : Lower than 63 knots and the air is descending lower than 63 knots and the air is ascending higher than 63 knots and the air is ascending higher than 63 knots and the air is descending

.the center or eye of a hurricane is relatively calm the most violent activity takes place in the area immediately around the eye called the eyewall .at the top of the eyewall about 50000 feet most of the air is propelled outward increasing the air's upward motion some of the air however moves inward and sinks into the eye creating a cloud free area .a hurricane is an intense tropical weather system with a well defined circulation and maximum sustained winds of 64 knots or higher thus in the middle of the eye the wind speed is lower than 63 knots and the air is descending exemple 248 lower than 63 knots and the air is descending.lower than 63 knots and the air is descending.

The geographical area where the frequency of the tropical revolving storms is ?

Question 144-3 : South of chinese sea and philippines south atlantic ocean indonesia arabian sea maritime zone west of india

. 588.the season for typhoons tropical revolving storms in north western pacific ocean extends from summer to autumn exemple 252 south of chinese sea and philippines.south of chinese sea and philippines.

Which of the following is correct regarding a warm anticyclone ?

Question 144-4 : It increases in intensity with increasing altitude apart from a surface inversion the temperature increases with increasing altitude it remains the same strength up to the tropopause it weakens with altitude

.there are two main types of anticyclone a cold and warm anticyclone cold anticyclones form typically over polar climates here temperatures are very low and the air is often cold and dense an inversion tends to develop at low altitudes with anticyclones this prevents clouds from building any further if this is so any cumulus which does form during the daytime will quickly stop growing and spread into a layer of stratocumulus and then disperse when night comes at night when the temperatures drop below freezing frosts are very likely to form.warm anticyclones form mainly over tropical or sub tropical climates where temperatures are often warm both at day and night with these highs air is subsiding at quite a depth through the troposphere this tends to hold back and restrict any cloud formation if any cloud do form they will often be erratic and well broken these being mainly cumulus and stratocumulus exemple 256 it increases in intensity with increasing altitude.it increases in intensity with increasing altitude.

The arrows labelled 'v' represent the mean tracks of tropical revolving storms ?

Question 144-5 : December to april and are called cyclones december to april and are called hurricanes may to november and are called typhoons may to november and are called willy willys

Cyclone from greek 'kuklos' means 'circle' is a generic term for all tropical revolving storms according to the geographical location the terminology differs. cylcone in the south western and northern pacific ocean and the south western indian ocean. hurricane as derived from huracàn a taino and carib god or hunraken the mayan storm in the northern atlantic ocean and the north eastern and south western pacific ocean east of 160e. typhoon from chinese t'ai fung located in in the north western pacific ocean. 603. exemple 260 december to april and are called cyclones.december to april and are called cyclones.

In the north atlantic you can often see a series of depressions located in a ?

Question 144-6 : Are normally generated at the polar front are residuals of tropical cyclones in the florida area are primarily generated by the vaporization process that takes place above the ocean are mostly generated by convergence between the subtropical highs and the equatorial trough

Easa 2014...polar front depressions which develop due to the polar front and cause bad weather conditions from the surface to the tropopause move from the atlantic towards europe their tracks are variable .regions located south of each depression experience frontal weather exemple 264 are normally generated at the polar front.are normally generated at the polar front.

What are the typical weather conditions in an area with a flat pressure pattern ?

Question 144-7 : Generally fine weather possibly thunderstorms in the afternoon or evening fine weather with strong westerly winds steady rainfall only short term weather improvements

Easa 2014..during summer in the centre of a stationary high pressure zone = flat pressure pattern we have light or no wind . 492.thunderstorms may occur in the summer months in the afternoon or evening due to convective activity the land warms causing convective lifting = cb exemple 268 generally fine weather, possibly thunderstorms in the afternoon or evening.generally fine weather, possibly thunderstorms in the afternoon or evening.

What change in pressure will occur at point b during the next hour. 392 ?

Question 144-8 : Approximately constant pressure a rise in pressure a drop in pressure irregular fluctuations

Easa 2014...without a scale we can't tell if the cold front will pass through this position during the next hour but the question statement is during the next hour not 'in one hour' .spacing of isobars at point b and in front of the cold front are the same therefore the pressure will not change during the next hour .in about one and a half hours we can expect to see a drop in temperature and pressure exemple 272 approximately constant pressure.approximately constant pressure.

A stationary observer in the northern hemisphere is situated in front of a ?

Question 144-9 : Veering initially veers then backs initially backs then veers backing

Ecqb03 july 2016.warning looks like q978 but the center of the depression passes north of the observer in q978 it passes south.. 567..a weering wind is a wind that turns clockwise .a backing wind is a wind that turns counter clockwise exemple 276 veering.veering.

The eye of a hurricane ?

Question 144-10 : Extends from the surface to the top of the hurricane is filled with air which is colder than the air in the surrounding regions has a diameter of a least 100 nm cannot be spotted by satellites

exemple 280 extends from the surface to the top of the hurricane.extends from the surface to the top of the hurricane.

What type of clouds visible even at a long distance could indicate the presence ?

Question 144-11 : Dense cirrus ci nimbostratus ns spread over a large area frequent stratocumulus sc excessive accumulation of cumulus cu

exemple 284 dense cirrus (ci).dense cirrus (ci).

Assuming a generalised zonal system of world wind circulation the travelling ?

Question 144-12 : S and y t and x only t u and w

Revised ecqb04 january 2018 exemple 288 s and y.s and y.

Troughs are extensions of ?

Question 144-13 : Low pressure areas and generally have large amounts of cloud low pressure areas and generally have small amounts of cloud high pressure areas and generally have small amounts of cloud high pressure areas and generally have small amounts of cloud

exemple 292 low pressure areas and generally have large amounts of cloud.low pressure areas and generally have large amounts of cloud.

Refer to the chart 050 10850a the pressure system essentially located in square ?

Question 144-14 : A ridge a col a trough a low

exemple 296 a ridge.a ridge.

An aircraft is flying from point a to point b at the flight level corresponding ?

Question 144-15 : The true altitude will be higher over b than over a the true altitude will be higher over a than over b wind speed over b is higher than over a the wind speeds over a and b are equal

. 485.you are flying at a 'constant indicated altitude' since your altimeter setting is 1013 2 hpa.but you are flying to an aera where pressure is stronger your true altitude will be higher exemple 300 the true altitude will be higher over b than over a.the true altitude will be higher over b than over a.

Refer to annex 050 10720a .assuming a generalised zonal system of world ?

Question 144-16 : Subtropical high pressure systems intertropical convergence zone itcz travelling low pressure systems ne trade winds systems

Ecqb04 january 2018.. 584 exemple 304 subtropical high pressure systems.subtropical high pressure systems.

In temperate latitudes what weather conditions may be expected over land during ?

Question 144-17 : Calm winds haze ts sh cb ts ns

.during summer in the centre of a stationary high pressure zone = large flat pressure pattern we have light or no wind . 492.haze is an atmospheric phenomenon where dust smoke and other dry particles obscure the clarity of the sky exemple 308 calm winds, haze.calm winds, haze.

Which weather phenomena are typical for the northern side of the alps with ?

Question 144-18 : Good visibility turbulence continuous precipitation severe turbulence decrease in temperature moderate to severe icing icing huge mass of clouds

. 520.the southerly wind will give a foehn 'from south' clouds on the southern side good visibility on the northern side but turbulence due to the orographic waves and rotors . 610 exemple 312 good visibility, turbulence.good visibility, turbulence.

What weather is prevalent in easterly waves ?

Question 144-19 : Thunderstorms and rain continuous rain clear skies frontal weather

.easterly waves are 'long waves' that occur within the trade wind belt start over north western africa and propagate toward the west in the lower tropospheric tradewind flow across the atlantic ocean.approximate location amplitude and wavelength of easterly waves . 495..at first an easterly wave has a small amplitude and produces mild rain showers powerful thunderstorms and the force of high altitude winds amplify the wave when atmospheric conditions are favourable several severe thunderstorms begin to form and eventually a tropical storm may develop exemple 316 thunderstorms and rain.thunderstorms and rain.

Assuming the usual direction of movement to which position will the polar ?

Question 144-20 : Position 3 position 4 position 2 position 1

. 496.the isobars in the warm sector tend to be parallel and straight and give an indication in the direction of the system until it occludes exemple 320 position 3.position 3.

Under the weather conditions depicted which of the following statements is ?

Question 144-21 : Thunderstorms may occur in the summer months over central europe severe gradient wind likely over central europe moderate to strong foehn in the alps radiation fog is unlikely in central europe in the winter

.over central europe you will certainly experience thunderstorms in the summer months and radiation fog in the winter but we do not have enough informations to guess the foehn intensity over the alps and definitively as the isohypses are well spaced severe gradient wind is unlikely to be encounter exemple 324 thunderstorms may occur in the summer months over central europe.thunderstorms may occur in the summer months over central europe.

For an aircraft what are the meteorological dangers associated with a harmattan ?

Question 144-22 : Dust and poor visibility thunderstorms sand up to fl 150 hail

exemple 328 dust and poor visibility.dust and poor visibility.

What is the strong relatively cold katabatic wind blowing down the northern ?

Question 144-23 : Bora ghibli mistral scirocco

.the bora comes from the yugoslavian mountains to the adriatic sea it is a katabatic wind meaning 'going downhill' which means that it is cold dry and often strong .the air from the bora wind comes from the top of the mountains and it is set in motion because of the warmth below because the wind moves down the mountain it strengthens .the bora develops during the winter the word 'bora' means wind from the mountain in greek greece lies just below yugoslavia exemple 332 bora.bora.

Which one of the following statements regarding the intertropical convergence ?

Question 144-24 : Frequent and widespread thunderstorms are to be expected within the area of the itcz thunderstorms seldom occur within the area of the itcz the itcz is always associated with a strong jet stream the itcz does not change its position during the course of the year

exemple 336 frequent and widespread thunderstorms are to be expected within the area of the itcz.frequent and widespread thunderstorms are to be expected within the area of the itcz.

In which of the following bands of latitude is the intertropical convergence ?

Question 144-25 : 0° 7°n 3° 8°s 8° 12°s 7° 12°n

.in january the itcz between dakar and rio de janeiro is most likely to be encountered between 0° et 7°n . 593.red lines show the maximum extreme positions exemple 340 0° - 7°n.0° - 7°n.

When are the rainy seasons in equatorial africa ?

Question 144-26 : March to may and october to november december to february and july to october march to may and august to october april to july and december to february

.the rain is associated with the itcz which follows the sun and the sun crosses the equator at the equinoxes end of march end of september exemple 344 march to may and october to november.march to may and october to november.

Which of the following best describes the intertropical convergence zone ?

Question 144-27 : The zone where the trade winds of the northern hemisphere meet those of the southern hemisphere the zone where the harmattan meets the north easterly trade winds over africa the zone where cold fronts form in the tropics the zone where the west winds meet the subtropical high pressure belt

. 596 exemple 348 the zone where the trade winds of the northern hemisphere meet those of the southern hemisphere.the zone where the trade winds of the northern hemisphere meet those of the southern hemisphere.

What is the likely track for a hurricane in the caribbean area ?

Question 144-28 : West in the earlier stages and later turning north east east then south west deep into the usa west in the earlier stages and later turning south east

. 510.map showing areas affected by hurricanes in the caribbean area exemple 352 west in the earlier stages and later turning north east.west in the earlier stages and later turning north east.

During which seasons are hurricanes most likely to appear in the northern ?

Question 144-29 : Summer and autumn winter all seasons winter and spring

.the atlantic hurricane season runs from june 1st to november 30th the atlantic basin includes the atlantic ocean caribbean sea and gulf of mexico exemple 356 summer and autumn.summer and autumn.

At what time of the year are typhoons most likely to occur over the southern ?

Question 144-30 : July to november september to january january to may may to july

. 588.the season for typhoons tropical revolving storms in north western pacific ocean extends from summer to autumn exemple 360 july to november.july to november.

On which coast of north america is the danger of tropical revolving storms the ?

Question 144-31 : Se coast w coast n coast ne coast

. 510.tracks of atlantic tropical cyclones from 1851 to 2005 . 519.the danger is the greatest along the south east coast including mexican gulf and new orleans l siana mississippi florida.tropical revolving storms are called 'hurricanes' in the northern atlantic ocean and the north eastern and south western pacific ocean east of 160e exemple 364 se coast.se coast.

What is characteristic of the pamperos ?

Question 144-32 : A marked advance of cold air in south america katabatic winds in the atlas mountains a marked advance of cold arctic air in north america foehn conditions in the spanish pyrenees

exemple 368 a marked advance of cold air in south americaa marked advance of cold air in south america

Where during a flight from marseille to dakar in july may the itcz be ?

Question 144-33 : In the vicinity of dakar at the latitudes of gibraltar at the latitudes of algeria near the canary islands

. 593.in july when arriving from europe the itcz is most likely to be encountered in the vicinity of dakar exemple 372 in the vicinity of dakar.in the vicinity of dakar.

Which wind systems converge on the itcz when it lies at the equator ?

Question 144-34 : Se trade winds and ne trade winds sw monsoon and nw monsoon sw monsoon and nw trade winds nw monsoon and sw trade winds

. 596 exemple 376 se trade winds and ne trade windsse trade winds and ne trade winds

From which direction do the trade winds blow in the southern hemisphere ?

Question 144-35 : Se ne sw n

. 596 exemple 380 sese

Considering the route indicates from lisbon to freetown the harmattan is a . 290 ?

Question 144-36 : Ne wind affecting north west africa during november to april reducing visibility in rising dust sw monsoonal wind causing extensive areas of advection fog along the west african coast south of 15°n warm southerly dust bearing wind affecting the coast of north africa localised depression giving squally winds

.way to remember .harmattan an backwards stands for november april and north africa exemple 384 ne wind affecting north-west africa during november to april reducing visibility in rising dust.ne wind affecting north-west africa during november to april reducing visibility in rising dust.

In which month does the humid monsoon in india start ?

Question 144-37 : In june in october in december in march

.humid monsoon begins in june in southern india to reach pakistan in july .the areas of the northern and central indian subcontinent heats up considerably during the hot summers which causes a low pressure area over the northern and central indian subcontinent to fill this void the moisture laden winds the se trade winds from the indian ocean rush in to the subcontinent the wind veers it will be the south west monsoon . 592.thunderstorms and showers of heavy rain can be expected exemple 388 in june.in june.

The intertropical convergence zone itcz particularly affects ?

Question 144-38 : Western africa between 10°n and 20°n and the northern coasts of the arabian sea in july western africa at a latitude of 25°n in july the atlantic ocean between latitudes 10°n and 30°n depending on the time of year western africa where it is situated between the 10°n and 30°n parallels depending on the time of the year

. 557 exemple 392 western africa between 10°n and 20°n and the northern coasts of the arabian sea in july.western africa between 10°n and 20°n and the northern coasts of the arabian sea in july.

The chinook is a ?

Question 144-39 : Warm and dry wind that forms as air descends on the leeward side of the rocky mountains very cold wind with blowing snow downslope wind that occurs particularly at night as air cools along mountain slopes warm anabatic wind up the slopes of snowfields or glaciers

. 596a foehn wind is a warm dry wind on the lee side of a mountain range when the humid air goes over a mountain it loses its moisture and cools down a bit but when it descends down the slope the temperature rises because of the compression result is a strong warm and dry wind it develops all over the world such as the chinook rocky mountains over southern alberta in canada exemple 396 warm and dry wind that forms as air descends on the leeward side of the rocky mountains.warm and dry wind that forms as air descends on the leeward side of the rocky mountains.

A dry sand and dust laden north easterly wind that blows in winter over large ?

Question 144-40 : Harmattan scirocco pampero khamsin

exemple 400 harmattanharmattan


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