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Certification > weather : The air mass type advected from a direction indicated by arrow number 6 is ?

Question 142-1 : Maritime polar maritime arctic continental arctic continental polar


What change in pressure will occur at point f during the next hour . 382 ?

Question 142-2 : A drop in pressure a rise in pressure constant pressure irregular fluctuations

.as the warm front approaches the pressure falls during the passage of the warm sector pressure is steady and after the cold front has passed pressure will rise exemple 246 a drop in pressure.a drop in pressure.

During the winter the air mass type advected from a direction indicated by ?

Question 142-3 : Maritime arctic maritime polar continental arctic continental polar

Ecair16 .what are the difference s between 'maritime polar' and 'maritime arctic'.. 623.polar air masses maritime artic air masses come from the polar cap maritime polar air masses are those which begin their life over cold polar seas exemple 250 maritime arctic.maritime arctic.

Which of the following front types is most known for gusty winds ?

Question 142-4 : Cold front warm front occluded front stationary front

exemple 254 cold front.cold front.

What average geographical latitude is assumed for the zone of the subtropical ?

Question 142-5 : 30°n 50°n 10°n 0° equator

exemple 258 30°n.30°n.

Which of these statements about air masses are correct or incorrect .1 the ?

Question 142-6 : 1 and 2 are correct 1 is correct and 2 is incorrect 1 is incorrect and 2 is correct 1 and 2 are incorrect

exemple 262 1 and 2 are correct.1 and 2 are correct.

Which of the following is correct regarding a cold high pressure area ?

Question 142-7 : It will decrease in intensity with increasing altitude apart from a surface inversion the temperature will increase with increasing altitude both temperature and pressure will remain constant with increasing altitude it will increase in intensity with increasing altitude

Easa 2014..a cold high pressure area is one in which the temperatures on the horizontal plane decrease toward the center .the pressure deceases rapidly with height exemple 266 it will decrease in intensity with increasing altitude.it will decrease in intensity with increasing altitude.

What change in temperature will occur at point b during the next hour. 391 ?

Question 142-8 : Approximately constant temperature a drop in temperature a rise in temperature irregular fluctuations

Easa 2014...without a scale we can't tell if the cold front will pass through this position during the next hour but the question statement is during the next hour not 'in one hour' .spacing of isobars at point b and in front of the cold front are the same therefore the temperature at point b should remain constant during the next hour because the pressure will not change .in about one and a half hours we can expect to see a drop in temperature when the cold front will pass above point b exemple 270 approximately constant temperature.approximately constant temperature.

What are the typical weather conditions in a warm anticyclone over land ?

Question 142-9 : Fine weather dominates in summer only short term weather improvements in the winter ground fog formation is not common strong westerly winds

.during summer in the centre of a warm anticyclone over land stationary high pressure zone = flat pressure pattern we have light or no wind . 492.weather is fine but you can get thunderstorms in the afternoon or evening due to convective activity the land warms causing convective lifting = cb exemple 274 fine weather dominates in summer.fine weather dominates in summer.

For this question use annex 050 061.the weather most likely to be experienced ?

Question 142-10 : Frequent heavy showers of rain or snow ovc bc morning fog lifting to low stratus little or no cloud hazy

Ecqb03 july 2016 exemple 278 frequent heavy showers of rain or snow.frequent heavy showers of rain or snow.

Regarding thermodynamic stability and ground visibility what are the difference ?

Question 142-11 : The cold air mass is unstable and the visibility is better in the warm air mass the cold air mass is stable and the visibility is better than in the warm air mass the warm air mass is stable and the visibility is better than in the cold air mass the cold air mass is unstable and the visibility is weaker in the warm air mass

Ecqb03 july 2016 exemple 282 the cold air mass is unstable and the visibility is better in the warm air mass.the cold air mass is unstable and the visibility is better in the warm air mass.

What change in the height of the cloud base will be observed when flying in vmc ?

Question 142-12 : The cloud base descends gradually the cloud base descends abruptly the cloud base ascends gradually the cloud base ascends abruptly

Ecqb03 july 2016 exemple 286 the cloud base descends gradually.the cloud base descends gradually.

What is the average width of the precipitation zone of a cold front ?

Question 142-13 : 50 100 km 500 1000 km 10 30 km 150 200 km

Ecqb03 july 2016 exemple 290 50 - 100 km50 - 100 km

Which part of a frontal system corresponds to the following description .wind ?

Question 142-14 : Weather behind the cold front the warm front the centre of the depression the cold front

Ecqb03 july 2016 exemple 294 weather behind the cold front.weather behind the cold front.

During summer in the centre of a warm anticyclone over land what are cloudiness ?

Question 142-15 : The sky is clear or with few clouds visibility is moderate to poor the sky is covered with extensive stratus visibility is very good the sky is covered with extensive stratus visibility is moderate to poor the sky is clear or with few clouds visibility is very good

Ecqb03 july 2016 exemple 298 the sky is clear or with few clouds, visibility is moderate to poor.the sky is clear or with few clouds, visibility is moderate to poor.

The first clouds are thin wispy cirrus followed by sheets of cirrus and ?

Question 142-16 : Warm front cold front sea breeze front trade wind front

Revised ecqb03 july 2016 exemple 302 warm front.warm front.

What average geographical latitude is assumed for the zone of the travelling ?

Question 142-17 : 60°n 10°n 30°n 80°n

Ecqb03 august 2016...an area of low pressure found together with a surface front is a 'frontal depression' .frontal depressions are mid latitude weather systems formed due to differences in temperature and pressure of adjacent or converging air masses those frontal depression born on the front between polar and temperate air masses create a warm front where the warmer air rises over the colder one then trail a cold front behind it exemple 306 60°n.60°n.

Which meteorological system causes a general collapse of the flight levels and ?

Question 142-18 : A cold air pool cold low a warm high a thermal high a thermal low

exemple 310 a cold air pool (cold low).a cold air pool (cold low).

Which thunderstorms generally develop in the afternoon in summer over land in ?

Question 142-19 : Airmass thunderstorms occlusion thunderstorms warm front thunderstorms cold mass thunderstorms

exemple 314 airmass thunderstorms.airmass thunderstorms.

Strong airmass thunderstorms most often occur during summertime in central ?

Question 142-20 : Maritime tropical air maritime polar air continental tropical air continental polar air

exemple 318 maritime tropical air.maritime tropical air.

Refer to the chart correct statement is . 412 ?

Question 142-21 : The front north of frankfurt is moving north east at about 5 kt there is no significant cloud above rome thunderstorms have formed on the iberian peninsula with a vertical extension up to around 25000 meters the jet stream over italy has a maximum speed of 120 km/h

exemple 322 the front, north of frankfurt, is moving north-east at about 5 kt.the front, north of frankfurt, is moving north-east at about 5 kt.

What are the meteorological prerequisites at low level for thunderstorms formed ?

Question 142-22 : High temperatures high humidity high air pressure > 1013 hpa high temperatures low temperatures low humidity subsidence inversion

exemple 326 high temperatures, high humidity.high temperatures, high humidity.

The air mass affecting position 'p' is most likely to be . 418 ?

Question 142-23 : Polar continental tropical maritime polar maritime tropical continental

. 623.the wind in northern hemisphere leaves the low pressures on its left from that we deduce a northeasterly wind .hence a continental polar air mass exemple 330 polar continental.polar continental.

Refer to annex 050 10872a .by the time the front 'z' has passed point 'q' the ?

Question 142-24 : Veered and increased veered and decreased turned counterclockwise and increased turned counterclockwise and decreased

Ecqb04 january 2018 exemple 334 veered and increased.veered and increased.

At what time of the year are the paths of north atlantic lows moving from west ?

Question 142-25 : Winter autumn summer spring

.in the winter the north atlantic lows moving from west to east are in their most southerly position having moved from florida to sw england exemple 338 winter.winter.

An aircraft is flying in the southern hemisphere at low altitude less than 2000 ?

Question 142-26 : From the left and slightly on the nose from the right and slightly on the nose from the right and slightly on the tail from the left and slightly on the tail

. 497.the wind in southern hemisphere rotates clockwise around a low at 2000 ft surface friction will cause the wind to veer and blow across the isobars if you go directly away from the centre the wind comes from the left and slightly on the nose exemple 342 from the left and slightly on the nose.from the left and slightly on the nose.

Which weather condition lowers true altitude as compared to pressure altitude ?

Question 142-27 : Cold low warm depression cold high warm high

.when the qnh is lower than 1013 25 hpa altitude is lower than pressure altitude based on the 1013 25 hpa datum.when the ambient temperature is less than isa the aircraft's true altitude is lower than the indicated altitude.the aircraft could be dangerously lower than its pressure altitude flight level in a cold depression exemple 346 cold low.cold low.

In the southern hemisphere what wind effect would you expect when flying from a ?

Question 142-28 : Wind from the right wind from the left tailwind with no drift headwind with no drift

.flying from a high pressure area towards a low pressure area at fl100 . 504.wind comes from the right exemple 350 wind from the right.wind from the right.

How do you recognize a cold air pool ?

Question 142-29 : As a low pressure area aloft e g on the 500 hpa chart as a high pressure area aloft e g on the 500 hpa chart a cold air pool may only be recognized on the surface chart as a low pressure area a cold air pool may only be recognized on the surface chart as a high pressure area

.a cold pool is a meteorologic term for a cold air block .the cold air pool synoptic situation can be identified in the synoptic charts because they show a low pressure area in the 500 hpa chart which is not obvious in the surface chart indicating a concentration of cold air exemple 354 as a low pressure area aloft (e.g. on the 500 hpa chart).as a low pressure area aloft (e.g. on the 500 hpa chart).

What type of air movement is associated with the centre line of a trough ?

Question 142-30 : Convergence with lifting divergence with descending air divergence with lifting convergence with descending air

.a pressure system in which the isobars around a low pressure become elongated such that the pressure is lower along the axes of the trough than on its two sides sometimes the isobars at a trough have a pronounced v shape active weather fronts always lie in troughs but not all troughs are frontal . 594.the air in the centre of a low pressure centre trough or heat trough is lifted by convergence and widespread ascent as is the air in the intertropical convergence zone exemple 358 convergence with lifting.convergence with lifting.

What is the correct term for the descending air flow in a large high pressure ?

Question 142-31 : Subsidence convergence advection convection

exemple 362 subsidence.subsidence.

What surface weather is associated with a stationary high pressure region over ?

Question 142-32 : A tendency for fog and low st thunderstorms ns with continuous rain the possibility of snow showers

.high pressure is associated with stable sinking air without convective or frontal lifting there will be little or no cloud and precipitation .any cloud formation in winter will be stratus rather than cumulus and the precipitation will be drizzle or granular snow rather than rain or snow exemple 366 a tendency for fog and low st.a tendency for fog and low st.

Where is the most dangerous zone in a tropical revolving storm ?

Question 142-33 : In the wall of clouds around the eye anywhere in the eye in the centre of the eye about 600 km away from the eye

exemple 370 in the wall of clouds around the eye.in the wall of clouds around the eye.

In the month of august you prepare a flight cruising level fl 370 from bombay ?

Question 142-34 : Headwinds light winds diagonal to the route tailwinds strong northerly winds

. 535.you will face the tropical easterly jet at fl370 exemple 374 headwinds.headwinds.

Tropical revolving storms do not occur in the southeast pacific and the south ?

Question 142-35 : Of the low water temperature there is no coriolis force present of the strong southeast wind the southeast trade winds cross over into the northern hemisphere

.by elimination .there is no coriolis force at the equator only the coriolis force varies with latitudes . 566.in the southeast pacific the wind comes from nw the 'westerlies' . 596.se trade winds cross over into the northern hemisphere only between dakar and indian ocean up to the philippines . 2537.in the end tropical revolving storms do not occur in the southeast pacific and the south atlantic mainly because of the low water temperature exemple 378 of the low water temperature.of the low water temperature.

What is the main energy source of a tropical revolving storm ?

Question 142-36 : Latent heat released from condensing water vapour temperature difference between equatorial low pressure trough and subtropical high pressure belt cold air advancing from temperate latitudes the equatorial jet stream

exemple 382 latent heat released from condensing water vapour.latent heat released from condensing water vapour.

During july flights from bangkok 13°n 100°e to karachi 25°n 67°e ?

Question 142-37 : The wind components correspond to the seasonal change of the regional wind system the flights during the summer encountered by chance very unusual favourable conditions the flights in january encountered by chance very unusual adverse wind conditions the flights happen to be in the area of the polar front jet stream

.in july the tropical easterly jet at fl370 will push you sw monsoon from bangkok to karachi in january you will face the subtropical jet during the winter months in the northern hemisphere the polar front pushes farther southward because of the greater density of the polar air than during the summer months exemple 386 the wind components correspond to the seasonal change of the regional wind system.the wind components correspond to the seasonal change of the regional wind system.

Which typical weather condition is shown by the design for the area of central ?

Question 142-38 : Westerly waves cutting wind easterly waves uniform pressure pattern

.a series of fronts or depressions one after the other is referred to as a westerly wave over central euopre .these systems move in the direction of the first two isobars in the warm sector which tend to be straight and parallel when the cold and warm fronts begin to occlude the direction of movement is increasingly towards the pole exemple 390 westerly waves.westerly waves.

Which typical weather condition is shown by the design for northern italy . 316 ?

Question 142-39 : High pressure warm southerly wind westerly wind easterly wind

.as we can see an anticyclone is located over italy exemple 394 high pressure.high pressure.

The attached chart shows the weather conditions on the ground at 1200 utc on ?

Question 142-40 : Taf lszh 101500z 1016/1101 vrb02kt 8000 nsc becmg 1016/1018 3500 mifg becmg 1018/1020 1500 bcfg becmg 1020/1022 0100 fg vv001= taf lszh 101500z 1016/1101 23012kt 6000 ra bkn012 ovc030 tempo 1020/1023 22025g40kt 1600 +snra bkn003 ovc015= taf lszh 101500z 1016/1101 32008kt 9999 sct030tcu tempo 1022/1101 32020g32kt 3000 tsra bkn020cb= taf lszh 101500z 1016/1101 05020g35kt 8000 bkn015 tempo 1017/1020 05018kt 0300 +shsn vv002=

.we have a large flat pressure pattern an area with light or no wind zurich has therefore the lowest probability of precipitation .radiation fog will occur at night .radiation fog is formed by the cooling of land after sunset by thermal radiation in calm conditions with clear sky.no change in wind condition is expected for the next hours since the isohypses are well spaced exemple 398 taf lszh 101500z 1016/1101 vrb02kt 8000 nsc becmg 1016/1018 3500 mifg becmg 1018/1020 1500 bcfg becmg 1020/1022 0100 fg vv001=taf lszh 101500z 1016/1101 vrb02kt 8000 nsc becmg 1016/1018 3500 mifg becmg 1018/1020 1500 bcfg becmg 1020/1022 0100 fg vv001=


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