Certification > weather : The cloud type most applicable to most of square 3b is . 337 ?
Question 141-1 : Sc cs as ns
For 1300 utc select a metar which you consider to be most appropriate to ?
Question 141-2 : 19010kt 6000 ra bkn016 ovc090 08/06 q1004= 24020kt 5000 ra bkn100 11/10 q1002= 18015kt 9999 sct020 03/01 q1000= 27030kt 8000 sct020 07/03 q1004=

The front labelled 'e' is a . 343 ?
Question 141-3 : Cold front warm front warm occlusion cold occlusion
The front located from 10°w to 10°e is most likely to be . 344 ?
Question 141-4 : A quasi stationary front an active warm front moving north an active occlusion moving south a cold front moving south

From indications shown on the chart when front 's' passes position 'v' the ?
Question 141-5 : Veer and remain more or less at the same speed veer and increase back and remain more or less at the same speed back and decrease

When front 'g' passes position 't' the surface wind should . 350 ?
Question 141-6 : Veer and increase veer and decrease back and increase back and decrease

What conditions are most likely to prevail at an aerodrome located in square 3b ?
Question 141-7 : 6 8 oktas sc and st visibility moderate to poor in drizzle broken cu base 2000 ft visibility more than 5 km occasional showers of rain or snow mainly overcast at 8000 ft visibility less than 5 km in continuous moderate rain intermittent thunderstorms otherwise generally clear skies with good visibility

For an aircraft at fl 80 ahead of the front in square 2d the expected flight ?
Question 141-8 : Below as type cloud generally smooth air with light precipitation overcast skies moderate to heavy turbulence with the possibility of thunderstorms imc in cumuliform cloud moderate turbulence with a risk of rime icing high ci and cs type cloud light turbulence and poor visibility

The air mass type indicated by arrow number 4 is designated . 352 ?
Question 141-9 : Maritime tropical continental polar maritime polar continental tropical

The weather most likely to be experienced at position a is . 353 ?
Question 141-10 : Mainly overcast with stratus or stratocumulus and drizzle medium to strong winds clear skies good visibility in light winds cumulus cumulonimbus clouds heavy rain or snow showers medium to strong winds radiation fog low stratus drizzle no medium or upper cloud light wind

The widest precipitation zone occurs usually ?
Question 141-11 : Ahead of a warm front ahead of a cold front in rear of a cold front in rear of a warm front

The slope and speed of a warm front compared to the slope and speed of a cold ?
Question 141-12 : Smaller and slower greater and faster greater and slower smaller and faster

The air mass affecting position 'a' is most likely to be . 354 ?
Question 141-13 : Maritime polar continental tropical continental polar maritime tropical

The air mass affecting position 'r' is most likely to be . 358 ?
Question 141-14 : Maritime polar continental tropical continental polar maritime tropical

The air mass affecting position 'c' is most likely to be . 359 ?
Question 141-15 : Maritime tropical continental tropical maritime polar continental polar

During the passage of a front in the northern hemisphere the wind veers this ?
Question 141-16 : True not true only true for the passage of a cold front only true for the passage of a warm front

In the northern hemisphere advection of warm air aloft indicates ?
Question 141-17 : The approach of a warm occlusion backing winds with increasing heights increasing probability for showers the formation of advection fog

An air mass is ?
Question 141-18 : An extensive body of air within which the temperature and humidity in horizontal planes are practically uniform a large body of air with temperature and humidity constant in the vertical a body of air with a volume of not more than thousand cubic kilometres a large body of air within which the temperature and humidity is uniform in horizontal and vertical planes

A stationary front is a front in which ?
Question 141-19 : There is no horizontal motion perpendicular to the front there is no difference in temperature between the two air masses there is no wind on both sides of the front there are never frontal clouds

An air mass acquires its basic properties ?
Question 141-20 : By stagnation of the air for a long period of time over areas having particular characteristics by the influence of jet streams by widespread thunderstorms in the westerlies of the mid latitudes

An occlusion is called a warm occlusion when the cold air ?
Question 141-21 : At the rear of the occlusion is less cold than the cold air ahead with the warm air at a higher altitude ahead of the surface position of the occlusion is only at a higher altitude at the rear of the occlusion is colder than the cold air ahead at the rear of the occlusion is colder than the cold air ahead with the warm air at a higher altitude

At a cold front ?
Question 141-22 : Warm air is lifted as cooler air pushes under it warm air is compressed as cold air rises over it temperature rises owing to increased pressure fog will form from the interaction of cold and warm air

At a station at the surface the significant weather with a warm front will come ?
Question 141-23 : Mostly before the front passes only at the same time as the front passes after the front has passed after the warm sector has passed

The diagram of the system represents a . 362 ?
Question 141-24 : Warm occlusion cold occlusion warm front cold front

The warm sector is indicated by number . 364 ?
Question 141-25 : 3 4 1 2

A convergence line is indicated by number . 364 ?
Question 141-26 : 1 2 3 4

In which air mass are extremely low temperatures encountered ?
Question 141-27 : Continental polar air maritime polar air continental tropical air maritime arctic air

At lyon lfly n4545 e00500 at 1200 utc the sky is overcast with stratocumulus ?
Question 141-28 : 2100 utc 1330 utc 0300 utc the following day 1215 utc

The following sequence of clouds is observed at an airport cirrus cirrostratus ?
Question 141-29 : The passage of a warm front the passage of a cold front anticyclonic weather the passage of a squall line

The average slope of a cold front is in the order of ?
Question 141-30 : Of 1 80 of 1 800 of 1 500 of 1 10

The average position of the polar front in the northern hemisphere is ?
Question 141-31 : More southerly during the winter than during the summer more southerly during the summer than during the winter located near 55°n during the whole year located near 65°n during the whole year

The arctic front is the boundary between ?
Question 141-32 : Polar air and arctic air polar air and tropical air cold polar air and less cold polar air arctic air and tropical air

Which of the following statements is correct ?
Question 141-33 : Normally atmospheric pressure stops falling rapidly behind a warm front the air temperature rises cumulus clouds and a good visibility are normally observed in a warm sector in autumn cumulus clouds and a good visibility are normally observed in a warm sector in winter at warm fronts thunderstorms are often observed

Which statement concerning the cold front and warm front of a frontal ?
Question 141-34 : The risk of fog is greater ahead of and behind the warm front than ahead of and behind the cold front the precipitation zone of the cold front is in general wider than the precipitation zone of the warm front while occluding the warm front always becomes a front aloft the wind backs more at the warm front than at the cold front

Frontal thunderstorms are mainly associated with ?
Question 141-35 : Cold fronts ridges of high pressure cols warm fronts

An air mass which originates over the north atlantic between 50 and 70 degrees ?
Question 141-36 : Maritime polar air continental arctic air maritime arctic air continental polar air

Which of the following statements is correct concerning the typical weather in ?
Question 141-37 : Generally moderate to good visibility haze sometimes few or scattered cumulus moderate to poor visibility fog or stratus stratocumulus and drizzle generally good visibility outside the frequent showers of cbs overcast by medium and high clouds stratus with drizzle poor visibility

The air mass affecting position 's' is most likely to be . 377 ?
Question 141-38 : Maritime tropical and stable continental tropical and unstable maritime polar and stable maritime polar and unstable

In a westerly situation the mean time interval between polar frontal waves in ?
Question 141-39 : One to two days three to four days six to twelve hours twelve to eighteen hours

What change in temperature will occur at point a during the next hour . 380 ?
Question 141-40 : A drop in temperature a rise in temperature irregular fluctuations approximately constant temperature

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