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The cloud type most applicable to most of square 3B is 337 ?

Certification > weather

exemple reponse 256
square 3b from surface to fl70 in this square you can not find any cirrostratus (cs high level cloud) or altostratus (as medium level cloud) you are in middle of warm sector in winter you will have stratus in summer cloud may lift to give stratoscumulus (sc low level cloud).

For 1300 UTC select a METAR which you consider to be most appropriate to position 'T' 341 ?

exemple reponse 257
For 1300 utc select a metar which you consider to be most appropriate to position 't' 341 9 kt 6 ra bkn 6 ovc 9 8/ 6 q 4=. lasanowc i don't understand why this answer as i can see wind which blows along isobars comes approximately from 240 the difference between ovc090 bkn100 neglibile (i think) it's a good investigation but from isobars wind comes from 220° in northern hemisphere at mid latitude over land wind speed in friction layer decrease 50% wind in friction layer blows across isobars towards low pressure angle between wind direction isobars changes 30° 220° 30° = 190° there would be low stratus (bkn016) moderate visibility with rain the inclined plane of a warm front 1/150 the cloud coverage very compact (ovc) warm front cross section.

The front labelled 'E' is a 343 ?

exemple reponse 258
The front labelled 'e' a 343 9 kt 6 ra bkn 6 ovc 9 8/ 6 q 4=. lasanowc i don't understand why this answer as i can see wind which blows along isobars comes approximately from 240 the difference between ovc090 bkn100 neglibile (i think) it's a good investigation but from isobars wind comes from 220° in northern hemisphere at mid latitude over land wind speed in friction layer decrease 50% wind in friction layer blows across isobars towards low pressure angle between wind direction isobars changes 30° 220° 30° = 190° there would be low stratus (bkn016) moderate visibility with rain the inclined plane of a warm front 1/150 the cloud coverage very compact (ovc) warm front cross section.

  • exemple reponse 259
    The front located from 10°w to 10°e most likely to be 344 A quasi stationary front. lasanowc i don't understand why this answer as i can see wind which blows along isobars comes approximately from 240 the difference between ovc090 bkn100 neglibile (i think) it's a good investigation but from isobars wind comes from 220° in northern hemisphere at mid latitude over land wind speed in friction layer decrease 50% wind in friction layer blows across isobars towards low pressure angle between wind direction isobars changes 30° 220° 30° = 190° there would be low stratus (bkn016) moderate visibility with rain the inclined plane of a warm front 1/150 the cloud coverage very compact (ovc) warm front cross section.

  • exemple reponse 260
    From indications shown on chart when front ' passes position 'v' surface wind should 348 Veer remain more or less at same speed. the isobars ahead of behind front are parallel almost straight the surface wind will not change significantly since isobars remain at same spacing in northern hemisphere on passage of a front wind will veer (change direction clockwise) .

  • exemple reponse 261
    When front 'g' passes position 't' surface wind should 350 Veer remain more or less at same speed. we know that wind turns counterclockwise around a low pressure but at position 't' surface wind veers (turn clockwise) increases because isobars after front g are very close together (means stronger wind).

  • exemple reponse 262
    What conditions are most likely to prevail at an aerodrome located in square 3b 351 6 8 oktas sc st visibility moderate to poor in drizzle. we know that wind turns counterclockwise around a low pressure but at position 't' surface wind veers (turn clockwise) increases because isobars after front g are very close together (means stronger wind).

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 8

    For an aircraft at fl 80 ahead of front in square 2d expected flight conditions are 351 Below as type cloud generally smooth air with light precipitation. you are below as type cloud there usually no thunderstorms ahead of a warm front but a possibility of light precipitation there might be light to moderate turbulence on front but not ahead of front the sky overcast.

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 9

    The air mass type indicated arrow number 4 designated 352 Below as type cloud generally smooth air with light precipitation. .

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 10

    The weather most likely to be experienced at position a 353 Mainly overcast with stratus or stratocumulus drizzle medium to strong winds. position a located between a warm front a cold front this the warm sector in summer we could expect scattered sc cu with good visibility in winter cloud base would remain low over land we could expect poor visibility in mist drizzle stratus and/or stratocumulus.

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 11

    The widest precipitation zone occurs usually Ahead of a warm front. the question not asking about strongest precipitation but only widest precipitation zone.

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 12

    The slope and speed of a warm front compared to slope and speed of a cold front in general Ahead of a warm front. .

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 13

    The air mass affecting position 'a' most likely to be 354 Ahead of a warm front. .

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 14

    The air mass affecting position 'r' most likely to be 358 Ahead of a warm front. a polar maritime air mass originates over northern part of north atlantic ocean it unstable (cool moist air) can produce anything from cumulus to cumulonimbus with showers sunny spells in between .

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 15

    The air mass affecting position 'c' most likely to be 359 Ahead of a warm front. a large body of air will have characteristics of its origin (the source region) particulary with regard to moisture temperature in that a mass of air can originate from tropical or polar regions (be warm or cold) or be maritime or polar (wet or dry).

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 16

    During passage of a front in northern hemisphere wind veers this statement Ahead of a warm front. ahead of a warm front in northern hemisphere as ahead of a cold front wind veers in friction layer veers above friction layer.

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 17

    In northern hemisphere advection of warm air aloft indicates The approach of a warm occlusion. with a warm occlusion cold front rides up over warm front advection = horizontal movement in a warm occlusion wedge of warm air from a warm sector depression pushed up the fast moving cold front carried along aloft as depression moves.

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 18

    An air mass An extensive body of air within which temperature humidity in horizontal planes are practically uniform. with a warm occlusion cold front rides up over warm front advection = horizontal movement in a warm occlusion wedge of warm air from a warm sector depression pushed up the fast moving cold front carried along aloft as depression moves.

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 19

    A stationary front a front in which There no horizontal motion perpendicular to front. with a warm occlusion cold front rides up over warm front advection = horizontal movement in a warm occlusion wedge of warm air from a warm sector depression pushed up the fast moving cold front carried along aloft as depression moves.

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 20

    An air mass acquires its basic properties By stagnation of air a long period of time over areas having particular characteristics. with a warm occlusion cold front rides up over warm front advection = horizontal movement in a warm occlusion wedge of warm air from a warm sector depression pushed up the fast moving cold front carried along aloft as depression moves.

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 21

    An occlusion called a warm occlusion when cold air At rear of occlusion less cold than cold air ahead with warm air at a higher altitude. with a warm occlusion cold front rides up over warm front we have cool air behind cold air ahead in a warm occlusion wedge of warm air from a warm sector depression pushed up the fast moving cold front carried along aloft as depression moves.

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 22

    At a cold front Warm air lifted as cooler air pushes under it. at a cold front cold air pushes warm air up (warm air lifted).

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 23

    At a station at surface significant weather with a warm front will come Mostly before front passes. the question asking about what happens at surface only the active weather (low cloud continuous rain) ahead of surface position of front the frontal rain stops when front passes through surface position.

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 24

    The diagram of system represents a 362 Mostly before front passes. if warm frontal surface contacts ground it's a warm occlusion .

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 25

    The warm sector indicated number 364 Mostly before front passes. if warm frontal surface contacts ground it's a warm occlusion .

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 26

    A convergence line indicated number 364 Mostly before front passes. if warm frontal surface contacts ground it's a warm occlusion .

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 27

    In which air mass are extremely low temperatures encountered Continental polar air. the lowest temperature found within continental polar region because russia (where continental polar region located) far way from any sea ocean this reason it very cold dry.

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 28

    At lyon lfly n4545 e00500 at 1200 utc sky overcast with stratocumulus and altostratus and it raining using swc in appendix valid at 1200 utc we can estimate a weather improvement lyon 369 Continental polar air. A cold front currently over lfly travelling at 10 kt (as indicated the arrow '10') we have to wait the aera behind this front to have a weather improvement it will take between 6h to 10 hours answer '2100 utc' sounds perfect.

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 29

    The following sequence of clouds observed at an airport cirrus cirrostratus altostratus nimbostratus this typical The passage of a warm front. A cold front currently over lfly travelling at 10 kt (as indicated the arrow '10') we have to wait the aera behind this front to have a weather improvement it will take between 6h to 10 hours answer '2100 utc' sounds perfect.

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 30

    The average slope of a cold front in order of The passage of a warm front. A cold front currently over lfly travelling at 10 kt (as indicated the arrow '10') we have to wait the aera behind this front to have a weather improvement it will take between 6h to 10 hours answer '2100 utc' sounds perfect.

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 31

    The average position of polar front in northern hemisphere More southerly during winter than during summer. The polar front the boundary between polar air tropical air during winter months (in northern hemisphere) polar front pushes farther southward because of greater density of polar air than during summer months in winter mean position of polar front extends from florida to sw england.

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 32

    The arctic front the boundary between Polar air arctic air. The polar front the boundary between polar air tropical air during winter months (in northern hemisphere) polar front pushes farther southward because of greater density of polar air than during summer months in winter mean position of polar front extends from florida to sw england.

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 33

    Which of following statements correct Normally atmospheric pressure stops falling rapidly behind a warm front air temperature rises. The polar front the boundary between polar air tropical air during winter months (in northern hemisphere) polar front pushes farther southward because of greater density of polar air than during summer months in winter mean position of polar front extends from florida to sw england.

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 34

    Which statement concerning cold front and warm front of a frontal depression in northern hemisphere correct The risk of fog greater ahead of behind warm front than ahead of behind cold front. ahead of behind warm front you have stratocumulus with rain stratus the risk of fog greater at warm front.

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 35

    Frontal thunderstorms are mainly associated with The risk of fog greater ahead of behind warm front than ahead of behind cold front. ahead of behind warm front you have stratocumulus with rain stratus the risk of fog greater at warm front.

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 36

    An air mass which originates over north atlantic between 50 and 70 degrees north and moving in over scandinavia called The risk of fog greater ahead of behind warm front than ahead of behind cold front. ahead of behind warm front you have stratocumulus with rain stratus the risk of fog greater at warm front.

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 37

    Which of following statements correct concerning typical weather in a warm sector in mid and high latitudes over continental areas during summer Generally moderate to good visibility haze sometimes few or scattered cumulus. ahead of behind warm front you have stratocumulus with rain stratus the risk of fog greater at warm front.

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 38

    The air mass affecting position ' most likely to be 377 Maritime tropical stable. .

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 39

    In a westerly situation mean time interval between polar frontal waves in western europe Maritime tropical stable. .

  • Question Air Masses and Fronts 141 Answer 40

    What change in temperature will occur at point a during next hour 380 A drop in temperature. a cold front passing over point a the air behind a cold front noticeably colder drier than air ahead of it.

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