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Certification > weather : Which of the following weather conditions would be expected at athens airport ?

Question 140-1 : 21002kt 6000 br sct040 29/16 q1026 nosig = 26014kt 8000 bkn090 17/12 q1009 becmg 4000 = 23018g35kt 9999 sct035 10/04 q0988 nosig = 16002kt 0200 r33l/0600n fg vv001 12/12 q1031 becmg 0800 =

.isobars are well spaced it means no or low wind this gives us two possible options .in may at athens in the afternoon temperature might easily rise up to more than 25°c we have anticyclonic conditions with stable air moderate visibility and heating will raise the cloud base and dissipate some of the cloud exemple 240 21002kt 6000 br sct040 29/16 q1026 nosig =21002kt 6000 br sct040 29/16 q1026 nosig =

This chart shows the weather conditions on the ground at 0600 utc on may 4 ?

Question 140-2 : Taf lsgg 040716 23016kt 8000 ra bkn030 ovc070 becmg 0810 5000 ra bkn020 ovc050 tempo 3000 +ra bkn010 ovc030 becmg 1215 25014kt 8000 sct030 bkn090 = taf lsgg 040716 vrb03kt 6000 br sct020 becmg 0811 23005kt 9999 sct025tcu prob 40 tempo 1216 34012g30kt 3000 tsra bkn020cb = taf lsgg 040716 05014kt 5000 ovc015 becmg 0810 8000 bkn018 becmg 1013 05015g30kt 9999 sct025 = taf lsgg 040716 26012kt 9999 sct030 bkn080 tempo 1013 25020g35kt 3000 tsra or +shra bkn030cb becmg 1316 vrb02kt 3000 bcfg sct100 =

.a warm front is approaching . 505.as the front is approaching the cloud base gets lower bkn030 ovc070 > bkn020 ovc050 > bkn010 ovc030 the visibility decreases 8000m > 5000m > 3000m and the rain increases ra ra +ra .after the warm front the wind turns slightly following the direction of the warm sector isobars visibility increases and the cloud breaks up exemple 244 taf lsgg 040716 23016kt 8000 -ra bkn030 ovc070 becmg 0810 5000 ra bkn020 ovc050 tempo 3000 +ra bkn010 ovc030 becmg 1215 25014kt 8000 sct030 bkn090 =taf lsgg 040716 23016kt 8000 -ra bkn030 ovc070 becmg 0810 5000 ra bkn020 ovc050 tempo 3000 +ra bkn010 ovc030 becmg 1215 25014kt 8000 sct030 bkn090 =

In zurich during a summer day the following weather observations were taken ?

Question 140-3 : A warm front passed the station early in the morning and a cold front during late afternoon a cold front passed the station early in the morning and a warm front during late afternoon a trough line passed the station early in the morning and a warm front during late afternoon storm clouds due to warm air came close to and grazed the station

exemple 248 a warm front passed the station early in the morning and a cold front during late afternoona warm front passed the station early in the morning and a cold front during late afternoon

On an aerodrome when a warm front is approaching ?

Question 140-4 : Qfe and qnh decrease qfe and qnh increase qfe increases and qnh decreases qfe decreases and qnh increases

.when a warm front is approaching the surface pressure decreases .if the qfe was 1000 hpa and qnh 1020 hpa they will become qfe 990 hpa and qnh 1010 hpa for example your altimeter will show an increase of the indicated altitude .after the warm front in the warm sector surface pressure will remain unchanged and when the cold front will be there surface pressure increase your altimeter will show a decrease of the indicated altitude exemple 252 qfe and qnh decrease.qfe and qnh decrease.

An observer on the northern hemisphere is under influence of the wind system of ?

Question 140-5 : Continuously backing continuously veering initially backing then veering initially veering then backing

.we are in the northern hemisphere around the depression low wind turns counterclockwise .the observer is north of the depression he sees the wind coming from the south to go north by passing east .the centre of the depression passes to the south of his position he sees the wind coming from east going to west by passing north for him the wind direction is continuously backing . 627 exemple 256 continuously backing.continuously backing.

In a warm front occlusion ?

Question 140-6 : The warm air is lifted the warm front overtakes the cold front the warm front becomes a front aloft the cold air is lifted

.with a warm occlusion cold front rides up and over the warm front the warm air is lifted . 512 exemple 260 the warm air is lifted.the warm air is lifted.

An air mass is unstable when ?

Question 140-7 : An ascending parcel of air continues to rise to a considerable height temperature and humidity are not constant pressure shows a marked variation over a given horizontal area temperature increases with height

exemple 264 an ascending parcel of air continues to rise to a considerable height.an ascending parcel of air continues to rise to a considerable height.

An air mass is stable when ?

Question 140-8 : Lifted air returns to its original level temperature in a given area drops off very rapidly with height pressure is constant the lapse rate is 1°c per 100 m

exemple 268 lifted air returns to its original level.lifted air returns to its original level.

The weather most likely to be experienced at position 'r' is . 326 ?

Question 140-9 : Fine and warm at first ac castellanus and cb in late afternoon with thunderstorms early morning fog lifting to low stratus increasing amounts of as and ns heavy rain overcast with drizzle and hill fog

.it's summer time over england few isobars and we are between low and high pressure.not much wind we do not expect any front over our position for the next hours most probably weather will be convective activity nice for the gliders this could produces ac castellanus and cb in late afternoon with thunderstorms exemple 272 fine and warm at first, ac castellanus and cb in late afternoon with thunderstorms.fine and warm at first, ac castellanus and cb in late afternoon with thunderstorms.

An occlusion has the characteristics of a warm front when ?

Question 140-10 : The cold air behind is warmer than the cold air ahead the cold air behind is colder than the cold air ahead the cold air behind is lifted by the warm air the cold air ahead is lifted

.you have cool air behind and cold air ahead . 512.with a warm occlusion cold front rides up and over the warm front the warm air is lifted exemple 276 the cold air behind is warmer than the cold air ahead.the cold air behind is warmer than the cold air ahead.

An unstable air mass will normally be characterised by ?

Question 140-11 : Cumuliform cloud and good visibility except in precipitation stratiform cloud continuous light rain from medium level layer cloud poor visibility due to haze at the lower levels

exemple 280 cumuliform cloud and good visibility except in precipitationcumuliform cloud and good visibility except in precipitation

Cold air pools ?

Question 140-12 : Are most evident in the temperature and wind fields of the upper levels can easily be recognized on synoptic surface charts only occur at mid latitudes only occur in winter

.a cold pool is a meteorologic term for a cold air block it is an area with light or no wind low temperature it is a place of instability and convective activity .a cold air pool can be best identified by means of the isohypses on an upper air chart.isohypses contour lines are drawn on a constant pressure chart therefore they indicate the true altitude of a pressure level on an upper air chart as it includes temperature and wind indications you can easily identify a cold air pool you will have an area with light or no wind low temperature exemple 284 are most evident in the temperature and wind fields of the upper levels.are most evident in the temperature and wind fields of the upper levels.

Considering the north atlantic between 30°n and 65°n the mean position of the ?

Question 140-13 : Florida to sw england newfoundland to iceland iceland to norway ne canada to portugal

.from summer to winter the polar front over the north atlantic moves towards the south . 585.between 30°n and 65°n in winter . low pressure systems centered over iceland / greenland . high pressure systems centered over azores siberia . the polar front extends from florida to sw england.between 30°n and 65°n in summer . low pressure systems centered over ne canada . high pressure systems centered over azores se usa sw europe . the polar front extends from newfoundland to n scotland exemple 288 florida to sw england.florida to sw england.

Considering the north atlantic region between 30°n and 65°n the mean position ?

Question 140-14 : Newfoundland to n scotland florida to sw england ne canada to iceland greenland to spain

.from winter to summer the polar front over the north atlantic moves towards the north . 598.between 30°n and 65°n in winter . low pressure systems centered over iceland / greenland . high pressure systems centered over azores siberia . the polar front extends from florida to sw england.between 30°n and 65°n in summer . low pressure systems centered over ne canada . high pressure systems centered over azores se usa sw europe . the polar front extends from newfoundland to n scotland exemple 292 newfoundland to n scotland.newfoundland to n scotland.

For an airfield located in the british isles the passage of a warm front will ?

Question 140-15 : Rise in temperature rise in dew point temperature wind veers and decreases a fall in temperature rise in dew point temperature wind backing and decreasing rapid improvement in visibility pressure falling rapidly wind veering and increasing rise in temperature rapid rise in pressure wind backs and becomes gusty

. 567.ahead of a warm front in northern hemisphere as ahead of a cold front the wind veers in the friction layer and veers above the friction layer .on the passage of a warm front the temperature and dew point will rise the wind will veer and decrease there will not be a rapid improvement in visibility or a rapid fall in pressure exemple 296 rise in temperature, rise in dew point temperature, wind veers and decreases.rise in temperature, rise in dew point temperature, wind veers and decreases.

In the weather pattern behind a cold front the visibility outside precipitation ?

Question 140-16 : Good and the precipitation is showers good and the precipitation is steady rain low and the precipitation is showers low and the precipitation is steady rain

. 614.in the weather pattern behind a cold front the visibility outside precipitation is good and the precipitation is showers exemple 300 good and the precipitation is showers.good and the precipitation is showers.

The passage of a warm front can be associated with areas of fog the types of ?

Question 140-17 : Frontal fog and advection fog advection fog and radiation fog arctic smoke and frontal fog advection fog and steaming fog

.radiation fog forms due to surface cooling at night in a light wind.steaming fog is the same as arctic smoke or sea smoke and is caused by cold air moving over a warm surface.advection fog forms when warm humid air flows over a cold surface.frontal fog is most likely to occur in advance of a warm front it is due to the rain falls from the warm air into the cold air exemple 304 frontal fog and advection fog.frontal fog and advection fog.

The pressure system indicated when in a vertical cross section the lower ?

Question 140-18 : Cold high pressure area cold low pressure area warm low pressure area warm high pressure area

.you have a high pressure at the surface and low temperatures in the air . 604 exemple 308 cold high pressure area.cold high pressure area.

The lowest cloud type observed is stratus fractus and there is moderate ?

Question 140-19 : The main body of the warm or cold front or of the occlusion behind the cold front the warm sector the high pressure area

. 622. 605 exemple 312 the main body of the warm or cold front, or of the occlusion.the main body of the warm or cold front, or of the occlusion.

What is signified if an occlusion is described as 'cold' ?

Question 140-20 : The air ahead of the associated warm front is less cold than the air behind the associated cold front it derives from a polar depression the air ahead of the associated warm front is colder than the air behind the associated cold front on meeting the warm front the cold front moves up the warm frontal surface

. 537.cold front 'lifts' the warm front up and over the very cold air exemple 316 the air ahead of the associated warm front is less cold than the air behind the associated cold front.the air ahead of the associated warm front is less cold than the air behind the associated cold front.

When a front has to cross a chain of mountains its activity ?

Question 140-21 : Strengthens 'upwind' of the mountains decreases when it reaches the mountains is not disturbed by the mountains ceases immediately

exemple 320 strengthens 'upwind' of the mountains.strengthens 'upwind' of the mountains.

When flying at 5000 ft in the northern hemisphere over plains with an ?

Question 140-22 : A head wind from the left from the right a tail wind

.if you stand with your back to the wind in the northern hemisphere low pressure is on your left buys ballot's law . 606.it means that an anticyclone is on your right and a depression is on your left.but if you turn yourself to have the anticyclone on your left and the depression on your right the wind will be a head wind . 607 exemple 324 a head wind.a head wind.

What type of weather can usually be expected in a polar maritime air mass over ?

Question 140-23 : Showers and good visibility continuous rain and poor visibility drizzle and low stratus sky clear

.a polar maritime air mass originates over the northern part of the north atlantic ocean it is unstable cool and moist air and can produce anything from cumulus to cumulonimbus with showers and sunny spells in between . 611 exemple 328 showers and good visibility.showers and good visibility.

Which statement is correct for a warm occlusion ?

Question 140-24 : The cold front becomes a front aloft the warm front overtakes the cold front the warm front becomes a front aloft both fronts become fronts aloft

. 628.with a warm occlusion the warmer of the cold air masses is doing the pushing from the back so it cannot 'burrow' under the colder air ahead and so it 'slides' up the warm front surface exemple 332 the cold front becomes a front aloft.the cold front becomes a front aloft.

The air mass in the warm sector of a polar front is ?

Question 140-25 : Tropical air polar air arctic air equatorial air

.the polar front is the boundary between polar air and tropical air . 481.warm sector is tropical air mass .air behind the polar front is cold this is the polar air mass exemple 336 tropical air.tropical air.

Which two air masses are most likely to govern weather in western europe ?

Question 140-26 : Maritime tropical warm and maritime polar cold continental tropical warm and continental polar cold maritime tropical warm and continental polar cold maritime polar warm and continental tropical warm

exemple 340 maritime tropical warm and maritime polar cold.maritime tropical warm and maritime polar cold.

The air masses that are observed most frequently over western europe are ?

Question 140-27 : Polar air and tropical air arctic air and polar air polar air and equatorial air arctic air and tropical air

exemple 344 polar air and tropical air.polar air and tropical air.

Which type of air mass never occurs over central europe ?

Question 140-28 : Equatorial air arctic air polar air tropical air

exemple 348 equatorial air.equatorial air.

The weather most likely to be experienced at position 'b' is . 327 ?

Question 140-29 : Frequent showers of rain or snow advection fog and drizzle poor visibility in anticyclonic circulation early morning fog lifting to low stratus later

.a cold front has passed over position 'b' few hours ago we are in the cold sector behind the cold front . 614.in the weather pattern behind a cold front the visibility outside precipitation is good and the precipitation is showers in march rain or snow exemple 352 frequent showers of rain or snow.frequent showers of rain or snow.

During summer the cloud type most applicable to square 2a is . 328 ?

Question 140-30 : Cb ac st cs

exemple 356 cbcb

The cloud type most applicable to square 2b is . 332 ?

Question 140-31 : Cb cs st sc

.square 2b is from fl70 to fl180 in this square you can not find any cirrostratus cs high level or stratus and stratoscumulus st and sc low level it remains cb and the cb would be just ahead of the cold front.the magic drawing . 622.each question asking for weather in square 2b have four different possible answers .in square 2b you can be in the cb or above the stratus in square 3b in clear and stable conditions .you will not have a question with the two answers available exemple 360 cb.cb.

The cloud type most applicable to square 2c is . 332 ?

Question 140-32 : As cs cb cu

exemple 364 asas

The cloud type most applicable to square 1e is . 332 ?

Question 140-33 : Cs cb ns sc

exemple 368 cs.cs.

The front at the bottom of the diagram south of position c is . 333 ?

Question 140-34 : An occlusion on the surface a warm front an occlusion above the surface a cold front

. 613 exemple 372 an occlusion on the surface.an occlusion on the surface.

The weather most likely to be experienced at position 'b' is . 334 ?

Question 140-35 : Frequent showers of rain or snow good visibility outside showers scattered stratocumulus with good visibility mainly overcast with stratus or stratocumulus drizzle clear skies moderate wind good visibility

.a cold front has passed over position 'b' few hours ago we are in the cold sector behind the cold front . 614.in the weather pattern behind a cold front the visibility outside precipitation is good and the precipitation is showers exemple 376 frequent showers of rain or snow, good visibility outside showersfrequent showers of rain or snow, good visibility outside showers

The air mass at position 'x' is most likely to be . 335 ?

Question 140-36 : Maritime tropical maritime polar continental polar continental tropical

.regarding the overall mass movement the air mass is coming from the ocean the isobars in the warm sector give an indication in the direction of the system until it occludes . 623.a large body of air will have the characteristics of its origin the source region particulary with regard to moisture and temperature in that a mass of air can originate from tropical or polar regions be warm or cold or be maritime or polar wet or dry exemple 380 maritime tropical.maritime tropical.

The weather most likely to be experienced near to position 'a' is . 336 ?

Question 140-37 : Frequent showers of rain and snow good visibility outside precipitation advection fog and drizzle overcast layer cloud rain later clear skies radiation fog at night

.a cold front has passed over position 'a' few hours ago we are in the cold sector behind the cold front . 614.in the weather pattern behind a cold front the visibility outside precipitation is good and the precipitation is showers exemple 384 frequent showers of rain and snow, good visibility outside precipitation.frequent showers of rain and snow, good visibility outside precipitation.

For an aircraft making an approach to an airfield located in square 3b away ?

Question 140-38 : Poor visibility in mist and drizzle scattered sc and cu good visibility generally overcast moderate continuous rain and risk of low level wind shear prolonged periods of heavy rain and hail

. 622.in summer we could expect scattered sc and cu with good visibility in winter the cloud base would remain low over the land we gonna have poor visibility in mist and drizzle exemple 388 poor visibility in mist and drizzle.poor visibility in mist and drizzle.

For an aircraft making an approach to an airfield located in square 3b the most ?

Question 140-39 : Low cloud mist moderate continuous rain showers of rain and hail scattered ac base 2000 ft good visibility

.this is the warm sector . 622.once the warm front passes your location you will notice an increase in temperature and air pressure as the warm sector moves into your location you will notice an increase in the humidity of the air exemple 392 low cloud, mist.low cloud, mist.

What flight conditions are most likely to be experienced in square 2b by an ?

Question 140-40 : Vmc above layers of st and sc generally stable conditions vmc below an overcast of as and cs generally smooth air imc in layers of as and isolated cb risk of severe turbulence and icing imc in ns with risk of light icing

.in the middle of the warm sector we would expect to experience typical tropical maritime conditions .low stratus poor visibility and drizzle at the surface but at fl120 without frontal lifting action the aircraft would be in clear stable air and above the cloud layers.the magic drawing . 622.each question asking for weather in square 2b offer four different possible answers .in square 2b you can be in the cb or above the stratus located in square 3b in clear and stable conditions .you will not have a question with the two answers available exemple 396 vmc above layers of st and sc, generally stable conditions.vmc above layers of st and sc, generally stable conditions.


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