Analysis > topography : White or yellow crosses painted or located at the thresholds and on the runway ?
Question 14-1 : This runway is closed landing is prohibited aircraft are required to land and take off on this runway and all other manoeuvres need to be confined to taxiways this runway is being used by gliders and that glider flights are being performed special precautions must be observed due to bad state of this runway

Mandatory instructions signs on an aerodrome shall have the following colours ?
Question 14-2 : White inscription on a red background black inscriptions on a red background yellow inscriptions on a black background black inscriptions on a yellow background

A runway strip is ?
Question 14-3 : An area intended to reduce the risk of damage to aircraft running off a runway a taxiway strip a clearway a defined area where aircraft can be held or bypassed to facilitate efficient surface movement

What is the name for a taxiway connected to a runway at an acute angle designed ?
Question 14-4 : Rapid exit taxiway rapid turn off lane high speed exit lane acute angle exit
Radio altimeter operating area..a radio altimeter operating area shall extend ?
Question 14-5 : 300 m 450 m 500 m 100 m

Approach lighting systems.the length of a simple approach lighting system shall ?
Question 14-6 : 420 m 300 m 150 m 600 m

The colour of a runway designation marking on a paved runway shall be ?
Question 14-7 : White blue red yellow

Annex 14 to the convention on international civil aviation contains standards ?
Question 14-8 : Aerodromes security search and rescue facilitation

A detailed description of the visual ground aids can be found in icao ?
Question 14-9 : Annex 14 annex 3 annex 13 annex 17

Annex 14 rescue and fire fighting..the most important factors bearing on ?
Question 14-10 : The training received the effectiveness of the equipment and the speed with which personnel and equipment designated for rescue and fire fighting purposes can be put into use the size of the aircraft and the number of fire extinguishers on board the aircraft the effectiveness of the equipments the time of the day the weather the speed of the impact and the location of the impact

Annex 14 rescue and fire fighting..the principal objective of a rescue and ?
Question 14-11 : To save lives to avoid accidents to provide efficient training to the flight crew to extinguish fires

Annex 14 rescue and fire fighting..what is meant by the term 'response time' ?
Question 14-12 : Between the initial call to the rff service and the time when the first responding vehicle s is are in position to apply foam between the initial call to the rff service and the time when the first responding vehicle s is are leaving the fire station between the first responding vehicle leaving the fire station and the time to secure the impact area taken by the first responding vehicle to reach the impact area

Annex 14 rescue and fire fighting..the operational objective of the rescue and ?
Question 14-13 : Two minutes and not exceeding three minutes to the end of each runway as well as to any other part of the movement area in optimum conditions of visibility and surface conditions three minutes and not exceeding four minutes to the end of each runway as well as to any other part of the movement area in optimum conditions of visibility and surface conditions five minutes to the end of each runway as well as to any other part of the movement area in optimum conditions of visibility and surface conditions two minutes to the end of each runway as well as to any other part of the movement area in optimum conditions of visibility and surface conditions

A no entry signal has to be established as follows ?
Question 14-14 : On both sides at the beginning of the affected zone on the right side of the taxiway on the left side of the taxiway on the right side of the taxiway 50 m before the affected zone

Annex 14 aerodromes.the height of signs near a runway or taxiway shall be ?
Question 14-15 : Preserve clearance for propellers and the engine pods of jet aircraft provide best visibility for pilots preserve clearance for wings prevent damage to aircraft or vehicles

Annex 14 aerodromes.the height of markers and elevated lights near a runway or ?
Question 14-16 : Preserve clearance for propellers and the engine pods of jet aircraft provide best visibility for pilots prevent damage to aircraft or vehicles preserve clearance for wings

If more than 25% of a runway is covered by 3mm of water the runway is ?
Question 14-17 : Contaminated wet damp flooded

Declared distances.tora take off run available is ?
Question 14-18 : The length of runway declared available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane taking off the length of the take off run available plus the length of the clearway if provided the length of the take off run available plus the length of stop way if provided the length of the take off run available plus the length of the stop way and clearway if provided
The four declared distances tora toda asda lda are equal to the length of the ?
Question 14-19 : There is no stopway or clearway and no displaced threshold there is no stopway or clearway with a displaced threshold stopway or clearway are equal and no displaced threshold stopway or clearway are equal with a displaced threshold

Declared distances the four main most important declared runway distances are ?
Question 14-20 : Tora toda asda lda tora toda swy cwy alda tada sdas gbas rway toda cla swy
Definitions area symmetrical about the extended runway centre ?
Question 14-21 : Runway end safety area resa safe land area sla stopway clearway

Definitions aerodrome.a 'runway strip' is a defined area including ?
Question 14-22 : The runway and stopway if provided the runway and clearway if provided the stopway and the runway end safety area resa the clearway

Guidance on calculation of declared distances is given in ?
Question 14-23 : Icao annex 14 attachment a icao annex 10 runway characteristics part 145 ad2 aerodrome data eurocae doc 7000 runway data

Aerodromes general.abbreviation resa means ?
Question 14-24 : Runway end safety area runway edge safety area runway turn pad area taxiway strip

A resa can be implemented at ?
Question 14-25 : Both ends of the runway strip the end of toda the end of tora runway threshold

For the transport of potentially disruptive passengers ?
Question 14-26 : Some supplementary safeguards are to be observed the boarding will be at the pilot in command discretion the boarding has to be done after all other passengers the boarding has to be done at the state discretion

The documents for entry and departure of aircraft ?
Question 14-27 : Are accepted in hand written block lettering in ink has to be typewritten or produced by electronic data processing techniques are accepted at the contracting state discretion has to be typewritten

The icao annex which deals with entry and departure of cargo and other articles ?
Question 14-28 : Annex 9 annex 15 annex 8 annex 16

The icao annex which deals with entry and departure of persons and their ?
Question 14-29 : Annex 9 annex 8 annex 6 annex 15

Unaccompanied baggage carried by air shall be cleared under the procedure ?
Question 14-30 : Accompanied baggage or under another simplified customs procedure distinct from that normally applicable to other cargo cargo and is covered by a traffic document cargo but is free from any kind of declaration forms cargo but clearance documents provided by airlines shall be completed by the passenger prior to shipment

When a person is found inadmissible and is returned to the operator for ?
Question 14-31 : Shall not be preclude from recovering from such person any transportation costs arising from his her inadmissibility shall not recover from such person any transportation costs arising from his her inadmissibility is not responsible for the person inadmissible for entry in the receiving state and the state of the operator are both responsible for the person inadmissible

In cases where a visitor travelling by air holds a valid passport and no visa ?
Question 14-32 : Shall not require him to obtain any other identity document from their consulates or operators prior to initiate the flight in certain cases any other identity may be required may require him to obtain any other identity document prior to the commencement of his flight may hold its passport for at least two days

Except in special circumstances determined by the public authorities concerned ?
Question 14-33 : The passenger is to leave that state within two 2 days from the day of his her arrival the passenger is to leave that state within two 2 weeks from the day of his her arrival the passenger is to leave that state within 72 seventy two hours from the time of arrival of that passenger the passenger is to leave that state within one 1 day from the day of his her arrival
The crew member certificate cmc shall be accepted by each contracting state for ?
Question 14-34 : Together with a valid flight crew licence together with a visa if required together with a valid passport together with a valid passport and a visa

When can an icao contracting states ask its citizens for an exit visa ?
Question 14-35 : Contracting states shall not require exit visas from their own nationals wishing to tour abroad if they want to visit a non contracting state if they want to visit more than one non contracting state contracting states shall not require exit visas from their own nationals wishing to visit a country with a visa waiver program

Contracting states shall carry out the handling forwarding and clearance of ?
Question 14-36 : In the acts in force of the universal postal union by iata and accepted by icao by the regional postal office by iata and accepted by the contracting states

When an airline crew member in the exercise of her/his duties travels to ?
Question 14-37 : Cmc temporary admission certificate issued by icao cmc together with a valid passport and visa if required valid flight crew licence

A person who is or will be refused admission to a state by its authorities is ?
Question 14-38 : An inadmissible person a deportee a refugee a refused passenger

The correct statement about the obligation of a carrier to carry away any non ?
Question 14-39 : The obligation of the operator shall terminate when such a person has been legally admitted for entry into a state the operator has no obligation the obligation of the operator terminates as soon as the person leaves the aircraft the obligation is for the contracting state of the operator

Which one of the statements is correct ?
Question 14-40 : Contracting states shall accept an oral declaration of baggage from passengers and crew contracting states shall accept an oral declaration of baggage only from crew contracting states may not accept oral declaration of baggages contracting states shall accept an oral declaration of baggage only from passengers

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