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White or yellow crosses painted or located at the thresholds and on the runway indicate ?

Analysis > topography

exemple 118
This runway closed, landing prohibited, aircraft are required to land take off on this runway all other manoeuvres need to be confined to taxiways, this runway being used gliders that glider flights are being performed, special precautions must be observed due to bad state of this runway. icao annex 14 7.1 closed runways taxiways, or parts thereof 7.1.4 characteristics ... the marking shall be white when displayed on a runway shall be yellow when displayed on a taxiway. example mobile unit

Mandatory instructions signs on an aerodrome shall have the following colours ?

exemple 119
Mandatory instructions signs on an aerodrome shall have following colours White inscription on a red background, black inscriptions on a red background, yellow inscriptions on a black background, black inscriptions on a yellow background. icao annex 14 characteristics a mandatory instruction sign shall consist of an inscription in white on a red background. you may notice 'yellow on black backgroun markings on appendix 14 example, but text states application a mandatory instruction sign shall be provided to identify a location beyond which an aircraft taxiing or vehicle shall not proceed unless authorized the aerodrome control tower. mandatory instruction signs shall include runway designation signs, category i, ii or iii holding position signs, runway holding position signs, road holding position signs no entry signs. note see 5.4.7 specifications on road holding position signs. a pattern 'a' runway holding position marking shall be supplemented at a taxiway/runway intersection or a runway/runway intersection with a runway designation sign. a pattern 'b' runway holding position marking shall be supplemented with a category i, ii or iii holding position sign. a pattern 'a' runway holding position marking at a runway holding position established in accordance with 3.12.3 shall be supplemented with a runway holding position sign. note see 5.2.10 specifications on runway holding position marking..

A runway strip is ?

exemple 120
A runway strip An area intended to reduce risk of damage to aircraft running off a runway, a taxiway strip, a clearway, a defined area where aircraft can be held, or bypassed, to facilitate efficient surface movement. icao annex 14 1.1 defintions runway strip a defined area including runway stopway, if provided, intended a) to reduce risk of damage to aircraft running off a runway and b) to protect aircraft flying over it during take off or landing operations.

  • exemple 121
    What the name a taxiway connected to a runway at an acute angle designed to allow aeroplanes to turn off at higher speeds than are achieved on other exits thereby minimizing runway occupancy time Rapid exit taxiway, rapid turn off lane, high speed exit lane, acute angle exit. annex 14 aerodrome rapid exit taxiway

  • exemple 122
    Radio altimeter operating areaa radio altimeter operating area shall extend before threshold a distance of at least icao annex 14 aerodromes 3.8 radio altimeter operating area general 3.8.1 recommendation. a radio altimeter operating area should be established in pre threshold area of a precision approach runway. length of area 3.8.2 recommendation. a radio altimeter operating area should extend before threshold a distance of at least 300 m. width of area 3.8.3 recommendation. a radio altimeter operating area should extend laterally, on each side of extended centre line of runway, to a distance of 60 m, except that, when special circumstances so warrant, distance may be reduced to no less than 30 m if an aeronautical study indicates that such reduction would not affect safety of operations of aircraft. and 4.3 radio altimeter operating area in order to accommodate aeroplanes making auto coupled approaches automatic landings (irrespective of weather conditions) it desirable that slope changes be avoided or kept to a minimum, on a rectangular area at least 300 m long before threshold of a precision approach runway. the area should be symmetrical about extended centre line, 120 m wide. when special circumstances so warrant, width may be reduced to no less than 60 m if an aeronautical study indicates that such reduction would not affect safety of operations of aircraft. this desirable because these aeroplanes are equipped with a radio altimeter final height flare guidance, when aeroplane above terrain immediately prior to threshold, radio altimeter will begin to provide information to automatic pilot auto flare. where slope changes cannot be avoided, rate of change between two consecutive slopes should not exceed 2 per cent per 30 m.

  • exemple 123
    Approach lighting systems the length of a simple approach lighting system shall consist of a row of lights on extended centre line of runway extending over a distance of not less than icao annex 14 aerodromes simple approach lighting system location a simple approach lighting system shall consist of a row of lights on extended centre line of runway extending, whenever possible, over a distance of not less than 420 m from threshold with a row of lights forming a crossbar 18 m or 30 m in length at a distance of 300 m from threshold. the lights forming crossbar shall be as nearly as practicable in a horizontal straight line at right angles to, bisected by, line of centre line lights. the lights of crossbar shall be spaced so as to produce a linear effect, except that, when a crossbar of 30 m used, gaps may be left on each side of centre line. these gaps shall be kept to a minimum to meet local requirements each shall not exceed 6 m.

  • exemple 124
    The colour of a runway designation marking on a paved runway shall be White, blue, red, yellow. icao annex 14 aerodromes volume 1 chapter 5, visual aids for navigation 5.2 markings ... runway markings shall be white. taxiway markings, runway turn pad markings aircraft stand markings shall be yellow. apron safety lines shall be of a conspicuous colour which shall contrast with that used aircraft stand markings.

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 8

    Annex 14 to convention on international civil aviation contains standards and recommended practices sarps Aerodromes, security, search rescue, facilitation.

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 9

    A detailed description of visual ground aids can be found in icao Annex4, annex 3, annex3, annex7.

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 10

    Annex 14 rescue and fire fightingthe most important factors bearing on effective rescue in a survivable aircraft accident are The training received, effectiveness of equipment the speed with which personnel equipment designated rescue fire fighting purposes can be put into use, size of aircraft the number of fire extinguishers on board aircraft, effectiveness of equipments, time of day, weather, speed of impact the location of impact. Ecqb04, october 2017 annex 14 rescue fire fighting the most important factors bearing on effective rescue in a survivable aircraft accident are training received, effectiveness of equipment and speed with which personnel equipment designated rescue fire fighting purposes can be put into use.

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 11

    Annex 14 rescue and fire fightingthe principal objective of a rescue and firefighting service To save lives, to avoid accidents, to provide efficient training to flight crew, to extinguish fires. Ecqb04, october 2017 annex 14 rescue fire fighting the principal objective of a rff service to save lives in event of an aircraft accident or incident occurring at, or in immediate vicinity of, an airport. the rff service provided to create maintain survivable conditions, to provide egress routes occupants to initiate rescue of those occupants unable to make their escape without direct aid. 1.1.2 this service must assume at all times possibility of need extinguishing a fire which may a) exist at time an aircraft landing, taking off, taxiing, parked, etc. or b) occur immediately following an aircraft accident or incident or c) occur at any time during rescue operations.

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 12

    Annex 14 rescue and fire fightingwhat meant the term 'response time' response time considered to be time Between initial call to rff service the time when first responding vehicle(s) is(are) in position to apply foam, between initial call to rff service the time when first responding vehicle(s) is(are) leaving fire station, between first responding vehicle leaving fire station the time to secure impact area, taken the first responding vehicle to reach impact area. Ecqb04, october 2017 annex 14 rescue fire fighting the operational objective of rff service should be to achieve response times of two minutes not exceeding three minutes to end of each runway, as well as to any other part of movement area, in optimum conditions of visibility surface conditions. response time considered to be time between initial call to rff service the time when first responding vehicle(s) is(are) in position to apply foam at a rate of at least 50 per cent of discharge rate specified in table 2 3. determination of realistic response times should be made rff vehicles operating from their normal locations not from positions adopted solely test purposes.

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 13

    Annex 14 rescue and fire fightingthe operational objective of rescue and fire fighting service should be to achieve response times of Two minutes not exceeding three minutes to end of each runway, as well as to any other part of movement area, in optimum conditions of visibility surface conditions, three minutes not exceeding four minutes to end of each runway, as well as to any other part of movement area, in optimum conditions of visibility surface conditions, five minutes to end of each runway, as well as to any other part of movement area, in optimum conditions of visibility surface conditions, two minutes to end of each runway, as well as to any other part of movement area, in optimum conditions of visibility surface conditions. Ecqb04, october 2017 annex 14 rescue fire fighting the operational objective of rff service should be to achieve response times of two minutes not exceeding three minutes to end of each runway, as well as to any other part of movement area, in optimum conditions of visibility surface conditions. response time considered to be time between initial call to rff service the time when first responding vehicle(s) is(are) in position to apply foam at a rate of at least 50 per cent of discharge rate specified in table 2 3. determination of realistic response times should be made rff vehicles operating from their normal locations not from positions adopted solely test purposes.

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 14

    A no entry signal has to be established as follows On both sides at beginning of affected zone, on right side of taxiway, on left side of taxiway, on right side of taxiway, 5m before affected zone. icao annex 14 location a not entry sign shall be located at beginning of area to which entrance prohibited on each side of taxiway as viewed the pilot.

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 15

    Annex 14 aerodromes the height of signs near a runway or taxiway shall be sufficiently low to Preserve clearance propellers the engine pods of jet aircraft, provide best visibility pilots, preserve clearance wings, prevent damage to aircraft or vehicles.

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 16

    Annex 14 aerodromes the height of markers and elevated lights near a runway or taxiway shall be sufficiently low to Preserve clearance propellers the engine pods of jet aircraft, provide best visibility pilots, prevent damage to aircraft or vehicles, preserve clearance wings.

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 17

    If more than 25% of a runway covered 3mm of water runway considered to be Contaminated, wet, damp, flooded. Ecqb04, november 2017 air ops terminology ... (2) contaminated runway a runway considered to be contaminated when more than 25% of runway surface area (whether in isolated areas or not) within required length width being used covered the following (i) surface water more than 3 mm (0,125 in) deep, or slush, or loose snow, equivalent to more than 3 mm (0,125 in) of water (ii) snow which has been compressed into a solid mass which resists further compression will hold together or break into lumps if picked up (compacted snow) or (iii) ice, including wet ice. ... (10) wet runway a runway considered wet when runway surface covered with water, or equivalent, less than specified in sub paragraph(2) above or when there sufficient moisture on runway surface to cause it to appear reflective, but without significant areas of standing water.

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 18

    Declared distances tora take off r available The length of runway declared available suitable the ground run of an aeroplane taking off, the length of take off run available plus length of clearway, if provided, the length of take off run available plus length of stop way, if provided, the length of take off run available plus length of stop way clearway (if provided). icao annex 14 tora (take off run available) is the length of runway declared available suitable the ground run of an aeroplane taking off. toda (take off distance available) is the length of take off run available plus length of clearway, if provided. asda (acceleration stop distance available) is the length of take off run available plus length of stop way, if provided. lda (landing distance available) is the length of runway which declared available suitable the ground run of an aeroplane landing.

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 19

    The four declared distances tora toda asda lda are equal to length of runway if There no stopway or clearway, no displaced threshold, there no stopway or clearway, with a displaced threshold, stopway or clearway are equal, no displaced threshold, stopway or clearway are equal, with a displaced threshold. icao annex 14 where a runway not provided with a stopway or clearway the threshold located at extremity of runway, four declared distance should normally be equal to length of runway, as shown on example a.

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 20

    Declared distances the four main most important declared runway distances are Tora, toda, asda, lda, tora, toda, swy, cwy, alda, tada, sdas, gbas, rway, toda, cla, swy. icao annex 14 tora (take off run available) is the length of runway declared available suitable the ground run of an aeroplane taking off. toda (take off distance available) is the length of take off run available plus length of clearway, if provided. asda (acceleration stop distance available) is the length of take off run available plus length of stop way, if provided. lda (landing distance available) is the length of runway which declared available suitable the ground run of an aeroplane landing.

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 21

    Definitions aerodrome an area symmetrical about extended runway centre line and adjacent to end of strip primarily intended to reduce risk of damage to an aeroplane undershooting or overrunning runway called Runway end safety area (resa), safe land area (sla), stopway, clearway. icao annex 14 runway end safety area (resa) an area symmetrical about extended runway centre line adjacent to end of strip primarily intended to reduce risk of damage to an aeroplane undershooting or overrunning runway. (bresa) beach runway end safety aera at saint barthélémy (tffj)

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 22

    Definitions aerodrome a 'runway strip' a defined area including The runway stopway if provided, runway clearway if provided, stopway the runway end safety area (resa), clearway. icao annex 14 1.1 definitions a runway strip a defined area including runway stopway, if provided, intended a) to reduce risk of damage to an aircraft running off a runway and b) to protect aircraft flying over it during take off or landing operations.

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 23

    Guidance on calculation of declared distances given in Icao annex4, attachment a, icao annex , runway characteristics, part45 ad2 aerodrome data, eurocae doc 7runway data. Ecqb04, november 2017 guidance on calculation of declared distances given in icao annex 14, attachment a guidance material.

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 24

    Aerodromes general abbreviation resa means Runway end safety area, runway edge safety area, runway turn pad area, taxiway strip. icao annex 14 runway end safety area (resa) an area symmetrical about extended runway centre line adjacent to end of strip primarily intended to reduce risk of damage to an aeroplane undershooting or overrunning runway.

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 25

    A resa can be implemented at Both ends of runway strip, end of toda, end of tora, runway threshold. icao annex 14 runway end safety area (resa) an area symmetrical about extended runway centre line adjacent to end of strip primarily intended to reduce risk of damage to an aeroplane undershooting or overrunning runway.

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 26

    For transport of potentially disruptive passengers Some supplementary safeguards are to be observed, boarding will be at pilot in command discretion, boarding has to be done after all other passengers, boarding has to be done at state discretion.

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 27

    The documents entry and departure of aircraft Are accepted in hand written block lettering in ink, has to be typewritten or produced electronic data processing techniques, are accepted at contracting state discretion, has to be typewritten. icao annex 9 facilitation chapter 2 entry and departure of aircraft a. general ... b. documents requirements use ... 2.9 subject to technological capabilities of contracting state, documents the entry departure of aircraft shall be accepted when presented a) in electronic form, transmitted to an information system of public authorities b) in paper form, produced or transmitted electronically or c) in paper form, completed manually following formats depicted in this annex.

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 28

    The icao annex which deals with entry and departure of cargo and other articles on international flights Annex 9, annex5, annex 8, annex6. annex 9 facilitation entry departure passengers, bagage cargo.

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 29

    The icao annex which deals with entry and departure of persons and their baggage in international flights Annex 9, annex 8, annex 6, annex5. annex 9 facilitation entry departure passengers, bagage cargo.

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 30

    Unaccompanied baggage carried air shall be cleared under procedure applicable to Accompanied baggage or under another simplified customs procedure distinct from that normally applicable to other cargo, cargo is covered a traffic document, cargo but free from any kind of declaration forms, cargo but clearance documents provided airlines shall be completed the passenger prior to shipment. icao annex 9 facilitation unaccompanied baggage baggage that transported as cargo may or may not be carried on same aircraft with person to whom it belongs. chapter 4 entry and departure of cargo and other articles 4.26 consignments declared as personal effects transported as unaccompanied baggage shall be cleared under simplified arrangements.

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 31

    When a person found inadmissible and returned to operator transport away from territory of state operator Shall not be preclude from recovering from such person any transportation costs arising from his (her) inadmissibility, shall not recover from such person any transportation costs arising from his (her) inadmissibility, not responsible the person inadmissible entry in receiving state, the state of operator are both responsible the person inadmissible.

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 32

    In cases where a visitor travelling air holds a valid passport and no visa required of him contracting states Shall not require him to obtain any other identity document from their consulates or operators prior to initiate flight, in certain cases any other identity may be required, may require him to obtain any other identity document prior to commencement of his flight, may hold its passport at least two days.

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 33

    Except in special circumstances determined the public authorities concerned when a passenger passing through territory of a contracting state and has to stay in that contracting state until next flight lack of facilities or any other circumstances contracting state where international airport located shall permit such a passenger to remain within its territory without requiring visas prior to arrival when The passenger to leave that state within two (2) days from day of his (her) arrival, passenger to leave that state within two (2) weeks from day of his (her) arrival, passenger to leave that state within 72 (seventy two) hours from time of arrival of that passenger, passenger to leave that state within one ( ) day from day of his (her) arrival. Revised ecqb03, august 2016

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 34

    The crew member certificate cmc shall be accepted each contracting state identification purposes Together with a valid flight crew licence, together with a visa if required, together with a valid passport, together with a valid passport a visa. Revised ecqb03, august 2016. a contracting state shall accept in lieu of passport visa, temporary admission, a crew member's certificate.

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 35

    When can an icao contracting states ask its citizens an exit visa Contracting states shall not require exit visas from their own nationals wishing to tour abroad, if they want to visit a non contracting state, if they want to visit more than one non contracting state, contracting states shall not require exit visas from their own nationals wishing to visit a country with a visa waiver program. Ecqb03, august 2016. annex 9 e. exit visas 3.17 contracting states shall not require exit visas from their own nationals wishing to tour abroad nor from visitors at end of their stay. 3.18 recommended practice. contracting states should not require exit visas from their resident aliens wishing to tour abroad.

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 36

    Contracting states shall carry out handling forwarding and clearance of airmail and shall comply with documentary procedures as prescribed In acts in force of universal postal union, iata accepted icao, the regional postal office, iata accepted the contracting states. Revised ecqb03, august 2016. the regulations about handling mail are set the universal postal union icao requires contracting states to comply with these regulations.

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 37

    When an airline crew member in exercise of her/his duties travels to another contracting state as a passenger in order to join an aircraft she/he must carry identification purposes a Cmc, temporary admission certificate issued icao, cmc together with a valid passport visa if required, valid flight crew licence. Revised ecqb03, august 2016. a crew member certificate (cmc) issued to airline flight crew cabin crew members to facilitate their movement at icao member state airports. the cmc card replaces a passport or visa this purpose. however, card not mandatory. provisions on cmcs are contained in icao annex 9.

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 38

    A person who or will be refused admission to a state its authorities An inadmissible person, a deportee, a refugee, a refused passenger. Icao annex 9 facilitation definitions.

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 39

    The correct statement about obligation of a carrier to carry away any non admitted person from territory of a contracting state The obligation of operator shall terminate, when such a person has been legally admitted entry into a state, the operator has no obligation, the obligation of operator terminates as soon as person leaves aircraft, the obligation for contracting state of operator. icao annex 9 facilitation chapter 3 entry and departure of persons and their baggage ... k. entry procedures responsibilities 3.46 the responsibility of an aircraft operator custody care of passengers crew members shall terminate from moment such persons have been admitted into that state.

  • Question Facilitation 14 Answer 40

    Which one of statements correct Contracting states shall accept an oral declaration of baggage from passengers crew, contracting states shall accept an oral declaration of baggage only from crew, contracting states may not accept oral declaration of baggages, contracting states shall accept an oral declaration of baggage only from passengers. This question also exists at exam with following wording which of following applies to general declaration? right answer accepted orally crew or passenger baggage.

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