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The approximate inclined plane of a warm front is ?

Revision > flight

exemple reponse 254
the slope of a warm front (1/150) lower than one of cold front (1/50).

What type of low pressure area is associated with a surface front ?

exemple reponse 255
What type of low pressure area associated with a surface front an area of low pressure found together with a surface front a 'frontal depression' frontal depressions are mid latitude weather systems formed due to differences in temperature pressure of adjacent or converging air masses those frontal depression born on front between polar temperate air masses create a warm front where warmer air rises over colder one then trail a cold front behind it.

In which approximate direction does the centre of a non occluded frontal depression move ?

exemple reponse 256
In which approximate direction does centre of a non occluded frontal depression move In direction of warm sector isobars. a question uses following annex asks where will move frontal depression answer n°3 the isobars in warm sector tend to be parallel straight give an indication in direction of system until it occludes.

  • exemple reponse 257
    Where the coldest air to be found in an occlusion with cold front characteristics In direction of warm sector isobars. a question uses following annex asks where will move frontal depression answer n°3 the isobars in warm sector tend to be parallel straight give an indication in direction of system until it occludes.

  • exemple reponse 258
    What type of front / occlusion usually moves fastest In direction of warm sector isobars. .

  • exemple reponse 259
    What weather conditions are prevalent during summer over north sea approximately 300 km behind a quickly moving cold front Cloud cover mostly scattered isolated showers. .

  • exemple reponse 260
    What the surface visibility most likely to be in a warm sector of maritime tropical air during a summer afternoon in western europe Moderate (several km). the warm sector invariably tropical maritime air mass (warm moist stable) visibility generally not good but on a warm summer afternoon air becomes less stable relative humidity decreases visibility improves.

  • Question 139-8

    After passing at right angles through a very active cold front in direction towards cold air what will you encounter at fl 50 in northern hemisphere immediately after a marked change in temperature A veering in wind direction. in northern hemisphere air flows anti clockwise around a depression if you are flying through cold front from warm sector to cold sector at right angles wind which was previously from left of your nose becomes from right of your nose that means wind direction has increased in heading so that veering.

  • Question 139-9

    Which one of tracks dashed lines represented the cross section shown on left 258 A veering in wind direction. track d a corresponds to a warm occlusion with a warm occlusion cold front rides up over warm front if line of occlusion approximately along same line as warm front then we have a warm occlusion .

  • Question 139-10

    Which cross section of air mass and cloud presentation applicable to straight line a b 259 A veering in wind direction. n°1 (cold front) n°4 (warm front) are out line a b an occlusion n°3 a warm occlusion n°2 a cold occlusion cold front rides up over warm front if line of occlusion was approximately along same line as warm front then we have a warm occlusion (n°3).

  • Question 139-11

    Refer to diagram assuming usual direction of movement where will this polar frontal wave have moved 260 A veering in wind direction. the isobars in warm sector tend to be parallel straight give an indication in direction of system until it occludes.

  • Question 139-12

    What the classification of airmass affecting position 'q' at 0600 utc 261 A veering in wind direction. .

  • Question 139-13

    In which of following regions does maritime polar air originate A veering in wind direction. a polar maritime air mass originates over northern part of north atlantic ocean (east of greenland) it unstable (cool moist air) can produce anything from cumulus to cumulonimbus with showers sunny spells in between .

  • Question 139-14

    In which of following situations can freezing rain be encountered Ahead of a warm front in winter. freezing rain encountered ahead of a warm front in winter in summer (and sometimes behind a cold front).

  • Question 139-15

    How do air masses move at a warm front Warm air overrides a cold air mass. in a warm front warm air overrides a cold air mass.

  • Question 139-16

    What type of precipitation would you expect at an active unstable cold front Showers associated with thunderstorms. an air mass unstable when an ascending parcel of air continues to rise to a considerable height (eg cb) an unstable air mass will normally be characterised cumuliform cloud good visibility except in precipitation).

  • Question 139-17

    What the relative movement of two air masses along a cold front Cold air pushes under a warm air mass. along a cold front cold air pushes warm air up.

  • Question 139-18

    What cloud cover typical a wide warm sector of a polar front depression over central europe in summer Cold air pushes under a warm air mass. in a wide warm sector in summer over land you will have fair weather cumulus in winter you will have stratus mist drizzle .

  • Question 139-19

    Which of following describes a warm occlusion The coldest air mass ahead of original warm front. with a warm occlusion cold front rides up over warm front in a warm occlusion wedge of warm air from a warm sector depression pushed up the fast moving cold front carried along aloft as depression moves.

  • Question 139-20

    When do cold occlusions occur most frequently in europe The coldest air mass ahead of original warm front. over europe we get more warm occlusions in winter more cold occlusions in summer.

  • Question 139-21

    In which main direction does a polar front depression move Along front towards east. depressions affecting western europe develop over atlantic where cold polar air meets warm tropical air then moves east steered the strong winds aloft this boundary known as polar front as show in this picture .

  • Question 139-22

    What change in pressure will occur at point a during next hour 263 Along front towards east. as cold front moves away barometer starts rising.

  • Question 139-23

    What the most likely cause of a lack of clouds at higher levels in a stationary high Along front towards east. with convergence aloft divergence at surface sinking air will dissipate cloud.

  • Question 139-24

    The front labelled 'z' a 279 Along front towards east. with convergence aloft divergence at surface sinking air will dissipate cloud.

  • Question 139-25

    What the speed of front located over france 284 Along front towards east. .

  • Question 139-26

    How are air masses distributed in a cold occlusion The coldest air mass behind the less cold air in front of occlusion warm air mass above ground level. cold front 'lift warm front up over very cold air.

  • Question 139-27

    What characterizes a stationary front The surface wind usually has its direction parallel to front. a stationary front forms when a cold front or warm front stops moving this happens when two masses of air are pushing against each other but neither powerful enough to move other winds blowing parallel to front instead of perpendicular can help it stay in place a stationary front may stay put days if wind direction changes front will start moving again becoming either a cold or warm front or front may break apart the weather often cloudy along a stationary front rain or snow often falls especially if front in an area of low atmospheric pressure on a weather map a stationary front shown as alternating red semicircles blue triangles the blue triangles point in one direction the red semicircles point in opposite direction.

  • Question 139-28

    In an intense trough of low pressure over iceland during wintertime weather likely to be experienced Strong wind shear convection snow showers. with a trough of low pressure over iceland due to coriolis effect (a consequence of earth's rotation) this in turn gives rise to a strong flow of cold air from greenland which imply below normal temperatures in western greenland over iceland the weather likely to be experienced strong wind shear convection snow showers in winter.

  • Question 139-29

    Where are you likely to find strongest winds close to ground In transition zone between two air masses. at centre of a low pressure system (a low) or at centre of a high pressure system (a high) over area where there little pressure gradient (little variation in pressure over a large area) winds are very light on other hand in transition zone between two air masses (at a warm front or a cold front) you will find strong winds close to ground.

  • Question 139-30

    An aircraft flying in southern hemisphere at 2000 feet has to turn to right in order to allow drift in which direction relative to aircraft the centre of low pressure In transition zone between two air masses. if you need to turn right to counteract wind because you are drifting left wind coming from your right if you stand with your back to wind in northern hemisphere low pressure on your left (buys ballot's law) northern hemisphere so in southern hemisphere if you stand with your back to wind low pressure on right the wind coming from your right so centre of low pressure in front of aircraft.

  • Question 139-31

    Between which latitudes are you most likely to find subtropical high pressure belt In transition zone between two air masses. .

  • Question 139-32

    'after such a fine day ring around moon was a bad sign yesterday evening the weather today and sure enough it pouring down outside the clouds are making an oppressively low ceiling of uniform grey but at least it has become a little bit warmer' which of these weather phenomena being described In transition zone between two air masses. the ring around moon (halo) caused the cirrus of warm front.

  • Question 139-33

    What will be effect on reading of an altimeter of an aircraft parked on ground during period following passage of an active cold front It will have decreased. if example your altimeter was set to 1020 hpa indication was 500 ft after passage of cold front pressure will increase your altimeter remained at 1020 hpa now shows less than 500 ft.

  • Question 139-34

    What will be effect on reading of an altimeter of an aircraft parked on ground shortly before an active cold front passes It will be increasing. take an example parked on ground your altimeter subscale setting 1020 hpa indicated altitude 0 ft shortly before active cold front passes pressure will begin to fall for your altimeter it similar as a gain of alitude you will see an altitude increase .

  • Question 139-35

    What will be effect on reading of an altimeter of an aircraft parked on ground as an active cold front passing It will first increase then decrease. as active cold front passing pressure will reduced thus altimeter will show an increase in altitude after cold front surface pressure increases thus reading of altimeter will show a decrease.

  • Question 139-36

    Which of following best describes zone a 299 Trough of low pressure. .

  • Question 139-37

    Which of following best describes zone b 546 Trough of low pressure. .

  • Question 139-38

    Which of following best describes zone c 299 Ridge of high pressure. .

  • Question 139-39

    Which of following best describes zone d 299 Ridge of high pressure. .

  • Question 139-40

    At which airport the following weather development taking place taf 231200z 231322 24014g32kt 4000 +tsra sct005 bkn015 bkn020cb becmg 1416 29012kt 9999 bkn030tcu sct100 tempo 1619 8000 shra bkn025tcu becmg 1922 27012kt 9999 sct030 ovc220 = 302 Ridge of high pressure. the taf starts at 1300z with surface wind from south west 14 kt gusting 32 kt heavy thunderstorm rain typical of cold front conditions the change between 1400z 1600z indicates passage of cold front cold sector (polar maritime) conditions good visibility cumulus cloud the odd shower the chart shows situation at 1500z it has just gone through einn that's looking about right the stations in switzerland (lszh zurich airport) sweden (essa stockholm airport) are well clear of any frontal activity so it can't be any of them at 1300z fronts would be to west of scandinavian stations and from alignment of isobars we would expect surface wind to be southerly furthermore fronts won't hit essa until some time after 1500z so we can rule that one out ekch will go into warm sector conditions (tropical maritime poor visibility possible stratus) we are left with engm the surface wind directions in taf don't tie in with isobars.

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