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Revision > flight : Which of the following causes echoes on meteorological radar screens ?

Question 138-1 : Hail water vapour fog any cloud

exemple 238 hail.hail.

Which of the following phenomena should be described as precipitation at the ?

Question 138-2 : Sn bcfg hz fzfg

Only sn snow is a precipitation .hz haze.bcfg fog patches .fzfg freezing fog

Which of the following meteorological phenomena can rapidly change the braking ?

Question 138-3 : +fzra mifg fg hz

exemple 246 +fzra+fzra

Which of the following phenomena can produce a risk of aquaplaning ?

Question 138-4 : +ra fg bcfg sa

.only ra rain is a precipitation which produce a risk of aquaplaning '+ra' means 'heavy rain' .fg fog .bcfg fog patches .sa sand exemple 250 +ra+ra

Which of these four metar reports suggests that rain is most likely in the next ?

Question 138-5 : 23015kt 8000 bkn030 ovc070 17/14 q1009 becmg 4000 = 16002kt 0100 fg sct300 06/06 q1022 becmg 1000 = 05016g33kt 8000 ovc015 08/06 q1028 nosig = 34004kt 9999 sct040 sct100 m05/m08 q1014 nosig =

. 23015kt 8000 bkn030 ovc070 17/14 q1009 becmg 4000 = .cloud base is low visibility will reduced and temperature and dew point are close we have a high relative humidity rain can occur. 16002kt 0100 fg sct300 06/06 q1022 becmg 1000 = .wind 2kt no clouds fog it will not lead rain. 05016g33kt 8000 ovc015 08/06 q1028 nosig = .too much wind visibility remains good. 34004kt 9999 sct040 sct100 m05/m08 q1014 nosig = .too cold not enough clouds good visibility and no wind exemple 254 23015kt 8000 bkn030 ovc070 17/14 q1009 becmg 4000 =23015kt 8000 bkn030 ovc070 17/14 q1009 becmg 4000 =

Precipitation in the form of showers occurs from ?

Question 138-6 : Convective clouds stratified clouds cirro type clouds clouds containing only ice crystals

exemple 258 convective cloudsconvective clouds

A super cooled droplet is ?

Question 138-7 : A droplet still in liquid state at a temperature below 0°c a water droplet that is mainly frozen a small particle of water at a temperature below 50°c a water droplet that has been frozen during its descent

exemple 262 a droplet still in liquid state at a temperature below 0°c.a droplet still in liquid state at a temperature below 0°c.

Steady precipitation in contrast to showery precipitation falls from ?

Question 138-8 : Stratiform clouds with little or no turbulence convective clouds with little or no turbulence stratiform clouds with severe turbulence convective clouds with moderate turbulence

exemple 266 stratiform clouds with little or no turbulencestratiform clouds with little or no turbulence

Supercooled droplets can occur in ?

Question 138-9 : Clouds fog and precipitation clouds but not in precipitation precipitation but not in clouds clouds but not in fog

exemple 270 clouds, fog and precipitationclouds, fog and precipitation

Supercooled droplets are always ?

Question 138-10 : At a temperature below freezing small and at a temperature below freezing large and at a temperature below freezing at a temperature below 60°c

exemple 274 at a temperature below freezingat a temperature below freezing

The following statements deal with precipitation turbulence and icing select ?

Question 138-11 : Precipitation may be snow sleet or rain icing is probable and may range between light and severe turbulence is rarely more than moderate precipitation may be snow sleet or rain icing and turbulence are frequently severe precipitation is frequently in the form of hail icing and turbulence are frequently severe precipitation and icing are usually nil turbulence is rarely more than moderate

exemple 278 precipitation may be snow, sleet or rain. icing is probable and may range between light and severe. turbulence is rarely more than moderate.precipitation may be snow, sleet or rain. icing is probable and may range between light and severe. turbulence is rarely more than moderate.

From what type of cloud does drizzle fall ?

Question 138-12 : Stratus altostratus cumulus cirrostratus

.stratus does not usually produce precipitation but when it does occur it is in the form of minute particles such as drizzle ice crystals or snow grains exemple 282 stratus.stratus.

What type of clouds are associated with rain showers ?

Question 138-13 : Towering cumulus and cumulonimbus towering cumulus and altostratus altostratus and stratus nimbostratus

.shower rain/snow towering cumulus cumulus and cumulonimbus.continuous rain/snow nimbostratus.shower rain short duration rain exemple 286 towering cumulus and cumulonimbus.towering cumulus and cumulonimbus.

What type of clouds are associated with snow showers ?

Question 138-14 : Cumulus and cumulonimbus cumulus and altostratus altostratus and stratus nimbostratus

.shower rain/snow towering cumulus cumulus and cumulonimbus.continuous rain/snow nimbostratus.shower rain short duration rain exemple 290 cumulus and cumulonimbus.cumulus and cumulonimbus.

Which of the following phenomena should be described as precipitation at the ?

Question 138-15 : Dz sa ts sq

exemple 294 dzdz

Which of the following phenomena should be described as precipitation at the ?

Question 138-16 : Shsn va mifg br

.shsn snow shower .va volcanic ash .br mist .mifg shallow fog exemple 298 shsnshsn

Solid precipitation which is transparent or translucent and has a diameter of ?

Question 138-17 : Ice pellets hail snow grains small hail

exemple 302 ice pellets.ice pellets.

During flight in clouds which of the following means is the best one to ?

Question 138-18 : Weather radar significant weather chart aircraft observations the pilot requests the position of the cbs from the atc controller

exemple 306 weather radar.weather radar.

Which of the following statements concerning airborne weather radar is correct ?

Question 138-19 : It shows on a plan position indicator the areas of precipitation of rain snow and/or hail it can also be used for proximity warning and anti collision protection the indication on the plan position indicator represents the amount mm/h of water vapour within clouds it shows the areas which are dangerous for aircraft icing the intensity levels for aircraft icing as defined by icao are indicated by contour lines

Cqb15 august 2011 exemple 310 it shows on a plan position indicator the areas of precipitation of rain, snow and/or hail.it shows on a plan position indicator the areas of precipitation of rain, snow and/or hail.

Snow grains ?

Question 138-20 : Fall from stratus or supercooled fog are normally transparent are mainly formed inside altostratus and nimbostratus are typically formed inside a cb where they are being tossed up and down while growing to such size that they could no longer be supported in the updraught

Stratus does not usually produce precipitation but when it does occur it is in the form of minute particles such as drizzle ice crystals or snow grains exemple 314 fall from stratus or supercooled fog.fall from stratus or supercooled fog.

Which of the following statements is true concerning the bergeron findeisen ?

Question 138-21 : It only takes place in clouds with supercooled water droplets and ice crystals it only occurs in the mid latitudes it takes place in clouds which are composed only of ice crystals it does not occur in the tropics

The bergeron findeisen process can be summarized as such the air reaches saturation and some of the resulting droplets will come in contact with freezing nuclei assuming they have reached the activation temperature we will now have a combination of ice crystals and supercooled water droplets from the perspective of the supercooled droplets the air is in equilibrium at saturation but from the perspective of the ice crystals the air is supersaturated therefore water vapor will sublimate on the ice crystals since the amount of water vapor in the air has decreased and from the perspective of the supercooled water droplet the air is subsaturated the supercooled water will evaporate until the air once again reaches saturation the process then continues in short summary the ice crystal grows through sublimation at the expense of the supercooled water droplet exemple 318 it only takes place in clouds with supercooled water droplets and ice crystals.it only takes place in clouds with supercooled water droplets and ice crystals.

Which of the following statements is true concerning the coalescence process ?

Question 138-22 : In the mid latitudes this process produces only drizzle or very light rain it only occurs in the tropics it only takes place in convective clouds it only occurs in the mid latitudes

.cloud droplets are carried by air currents within the cloud if they bump into each other it is called a collision however if they collide then stick together that is called coalescence .this process is important especially in the tropics and in increasing the size of raindrops it falls short of being the primary mechanism for the formation of raindrops.the collision coalescence process is of relatively little importance in middle and high latitudes where even in the summer precipitation begins high in the clouds where temperatures are well below freezing and the dominant precipitation producing mechanism is the so called ice crystal or bergeron process exemple 322 in the mid-latitudes this process produces only drizzle or very light rain.in the mid-latitudes this process produces only drizzle or very light rain.

The processes and/or effects which cause clouds to release precipitation are ?

Question 138-23 : Coalescence process and bergeron findeisen process bergeron findeisen process and convection effect convection effect and advection effect advection effect and coalescence process

Quick overview of precipitation formation processes .click here to open the video in a new window exemple 326 coalescence process and bergeron-findeisen process.coalescence process and bergeron-findeisen process.

State the code used to indicate moderate precipitation in the form of snow ?

Question 138-24 : Shsn sn +so ra+

Ecqb03 july 2016 exemple 330 shsnshsn

The size of a drizzle droplet ?

Question 138-25 : Less than 0 5 mm less than 0 5 cm equal or more than 0 5 mm equal or more than 0 5 cm

Ecqb03 july 2016..drizzle is a slowly falling precipitation in the form of tiny water droplets with diameters less than 0 5 millimeters it falls from stratus clouds and is often associated with low visibility and fog stratus does not usually produce precipitation but when it does occur it is in the form of minute particles such as drizzle ice crystals or snow grains exemple 334 less than 0.5 mm.less than 0.5 mm.

The presence of ice pellets at a height of 8000 ft indicates ?

Question 138-26 : Freezing rain at heights above 8000 ft freezing rain at heights below 8000 ft snow at heights above 8000 ft hail at heights below 8000 ft

Ecqb03 july 2016 exemple 338 freezing rain at heights above 8000 ft.freezing rain at heights above 8000 ft.

The weather most likely to be experienced at position 'q' is . 414 ?

Question 138-27 : Showery with generally good visibility mainly clear skies with fog developing overnight mainly overcast skies with poor visibility thundery showers particularly at night

exemple 342 showery with generally good visibility.showery with generally good visibility.

Which statement best describes coalescence ?

Question 138-28 : Droplets velocity increases with their radius those who have grown faster will fall faster than others and will sweep smaller droplets droplets velocity changes with their radius smallest droplets will fall faster than others its the process in which a material changes from a frozen solid to a gas without passing through the intermediate liquid state its the process by which water vapor in the air is changed into liquid water

exemple 346 droplets velocity increases with their radius, those who have grown faster will fall faster than others and will sweep smaller droplets.droplets velocity increases with their radius, those who have grown faster will fall faster than others and will sweep smaller droplets.

Which of the following is typical for the passage of an active cold front in ?

Question 138-29 : Mainly towering clouds mainly layered clouds rapid drop in pressure once the front has passed rapid increase in temperature once the front has passed

.an active cold front is pushing warm moist air up from underneath producing some layered cloud but almost always cumulus cloud and turbulent weather . 639.when the front has passed through the air is now cold and therefore more dense and dense air is higher pressure exemple 350 mainly towering clouds.mainly towering clouds.

Examining the pictures on which one of the tracks dashed lines is this cross ?

Question 138-30 : Track b d track b c track a d track a e

.only one dashed line crosses two fronts a cold front and a warm front exemple 354 track b-d.track b-d.

Frontal depressions can be assumed to move in the direction of the 2000 feet ?

Question 138-31 : In the warm sector in front of the warm front behind the cold front at the apex of the wave

. 508.the isobars in the warm sector tend to be parallel and straight and give an indication in the direction of the system until it occludes .isobars indicate the direction of the wind at least at 2000 ft above the surface the free stream unaffected by surface friction exemple 358 in the warm sector.in the warm sector.

What types of cloud will you meet flying towards a warm front ?

Question 138-32 : At some 800 km cs later as and at some 300 km ns until the front extensive areas of fog at some 100 km from the front ns begin at some 500 km as later cs and at some 80 km before the front cb at some 500 km from the front groups of cb later at some 250 km thickening as

. 505.when approaching an active warm front at medium to low level you can expect a low cloud base poor visibility and rain exemple 362 at some 800 km cs, later as, and at some 300 km ns until the front.at some 800 km cs, later as, and at some 300 km ns until the front.

The polar front is ?

Question 138-33 : The boundary between polar and tropical air masses the boundary between arctic and tropical air masses the boundary between arctic and polar air masses the constant frontal activity situated at about 80 degrees north and south

.the polar front is the boundary between polar air and tropical air . 595 exemple 366 the boundary between polar and tropical air masses.the boundary between polar and tropical air masses.

What are the typical differences with regard to the temperature and humidity ?

Question 138-34 : The air of the azores is warmer and more humid than the north russian air the north russian air is colder and more humid than the air of the azores the air of the azores is warmer and dryer than the north russian air the north russian air is warmer and dryer than the air of the azores

exemple 370 the air of the azores is warmer and more humid than the north-russian air.the air of the azores is warmer and more humid than the north-russian air.

Where is the source of continental tropical air that affects europe in summer ?

Question 138-35 : The southern balkan region and the near east southern italy southern france the azores region

exemple 374 the southern balkan region and the near east.the southern balkan region and the near east.

Where does polar continental air originate ?

Question 138-36 : Siberian landmass polar ice cap the region of the azores the region of the british isles

exemple 378 siberian landmass.siberian landmass.

What type of fronts are most likely to be present during the winter in central ?

Question 138-37 : Warm fronts warm occlusions cold occlusions high level cold fronts cold fronts

.freezing rain is associated with warm fronts and warm occlusions in a warm front the freezing level is lower than behind in the warm sector and the slope means that freezing rain will be falling on anything underneath so if you are flying towards a warm front or warm occlusion watch out supercooled water droplets from above will freeze onto your cold airframe once you see ice pellets expect freezing rain next . 505 exemple 382 warm fronts, warm occlusions.warm fronts, warm occlusions.

Which of the following conditions are you most likely to encounter when ?

Question 138-38 : Low cloud base and poor visibility severe thunderstorms at low altitude extreme turbulence and severe lightning striking the ground high cloud base good surface visibility and isolated thunderstorms

. 505.when approaching an active warm front at medium to low level you can expect a low cloud base poor visibility and rain exemple 386 low cloud base and poor visibility.low cloud base and poor visibility.

During a cross country flight at fl 50 you observe the following sequence of ?

Question 138-39 : Decreasing temperatures a strong downdraught increasing temperatures strong gusty winds

.the cloud types described will be found in a warm front . 506.you are flying from the warm sector through the warm front in direction of the cold sector the outside temperature will be decreasing exemple 390 decreasing temperatures.decreasing temperatures.

What cloud formation is most likely to occur at low levels when a warm air mass ?

Question 138-40 : Nimbostratus cumulus altostratus cumulonimbus

. a warm air mass overrides a cold air mass this is a warm front . 505.at low levels you will have stratus and nimbostratus exemple 394 nimbostratus.nimbostratus.


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